theeyes11111-blog · 5 years
Final Blog😂
yes this is the last one
hmm i had fun doing this
somehow making a blog relieves stress
lmao this is the 6th time this day that tumblr miserably failed me
this bih keeps saying "tumblr hit a snag" or sum other crap
anyways lets get started
ahh this week was nice to me
no problems
no issues
and just plain old fun
my tarantula slings arrived on monday, they were so cute and tiny but apparently the seller forgot my free lats roaches. he told me that i could pick it up on thursday
thank god he was a student at lpu. such a relief knowing that i wont commute to pick it up and i could just ride my bike to pick it up
on tle class we baked sum cookies
the cookies were absolutely deliciousSoSss
even though they weren't hard it was still delicious. its like eating pancakes that taste like cookies
after school i biked as quickly as i can on the narrow road (suntrust road) heading to the outside of gov hills. its was narrow like i couldn't fit with my bike if a car decides to drive past me
so i pedaled as hard as i could luckily there were no cars around so i arrived at lpu safely
the seller told me thet he yeeted the bottle on the grassy field. the roaches were in the bottle so i searched for it. after i find it i quickly rode back to cafe bake to hangout with my friends
ah the last day
friday was nothing special
just normal classes and activities and the zumba for pe
foxtrot uniform charlie kilo i guess
this the last post on this blog
somehow i enjoyed doing this
sadly all things most come to and end
this is
6 weeks of zaph
signing of
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theeyes11111-blog · 5 years
Yare Yare
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theeyes11111-blog · 5 years
Now, this one is gonna be AMAZING.... Because each day, nothing happened.... Nah, Just Kidding, i got sick for like what 4 days (its both the best and yet the worst experience of my life) im so sick infact, that im practically heating up, i've been sleeping for like 5 to 20 hours (thats an exaggeration, dont take it srsly) but this has been, both the worst and best week ever
Worst because i got sick
Best because i got sick
Let me explain, im super sick, or was super sick. Im all Nausea and things like that, but whats amazing is that i didnt go to school, i miss some SW but still no school. First thing, i would like to mention, is that when im sick, im quite and when im quiet... I dont send memes. I didn't go check my phone, im that sick, (first day of my sickness atleast) anyway, im in a good mood today, life is great, rainbow and butterflies.... Usually, im gonna end it here, but considering this is my last blog... Imma spew out my entire feelings. Now to those who think this is cringey, dont worry, when im old or becoming an adult, i'll look back into this moments and i will think to my self
"how the f*ck am i still here?"
Now, we did zumba, it's all good and sh1t. But i didnt do anything (still sick, recovering) and that's yesterday... Today, i danced... But its a sh1tty dance and i didnt have any form of clothes
Now, to the person who choose my blog... I just wanna tell you
But rlly though to whoever chose to read and react to this
Live well. Be happy. Choose your decisions wisely
Oh and also... If u have a stupid memory, dont regret it and keep it in your head... It'll be treasure sooner or later. And also, if you miss something
"Don't be sad that it ended, be happy that it happened"
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theeyes11111-blog · 5 years
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As a student, we tend to be pressured on school works Why? Is it because of your dreams ? Is it because of you persuing a successful life? Is it about your parents standards or is it about your relatives expectations ? Or all of the above .
It's hard to be that kind of person who keeps on climbing . The person who work and work until the end of time . The person who always aims to have a compliment . The person who wants to always exceeds others expectations .
It's hard to be the person whom you always think that is happy going . The person who you think who's always smiling . The person you think who's always fine .
Because of their expectations you do your very best at everything. Thinking it's not enough that you need to strive more . Thinking you'll always be greater than that . Pushing your limits .
Thinking that you are not worth it . Having the mindset of letting them down . Being a failure , being a dissapointment and especially being scared by their judgements . Saying that you never did your best , saying that NO she didn't did her best .
And then suddenly after working hard you didn't expect that things would end up bad . That you did was not enough . At the end, of the day everything's gone . Every piece of you is missing because you give and give without asking for something . You didn't think of yourself because you are not selfish . You love others than yourself . Being selfless is hard .
But I realized , that you just need a break from everything. Take a deep breathe and everything's gonna be alright .You just need to look on the brighter side of things .Everyday's a brand new day , a chance to change , a chance to regain and rise up again . Prioritize yourself than thinking of others . It's not bad to think for yourself because no one will love you as much as you can give to yourself . Life is like a wheel you go up then eventually you'll get down because nothing'a permanent . That's how life works it's a cycle . It is a mission for you to succeed . It is okay for you to stop but giving up should never be an option . Life is short , you must spend your life to the fullest of things and don't let anyone ruin you and bring you down . Always love yourself first before letting other people in your life ♥️.
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theeyes11111-blog · 5 years
It's funny waking up one day . Knowing they're not there already . It's hard for me to just adjust that easily . Sometimes it hurts me alot not being with them .There the most unexpected people that I would be missing . I just realized that everything's a blessing. When i see them it just make me wonder do we all deserve second chances? Are all of us capable of forgiving ? Are we worthy of being forgiven ? If all of us has countless sins why did God even forgave us . Despite everything we've done he accepted us . Are we that selfish ? Thinking that a God forgave a Human why can't just we forgive people . No matter how small or big he/she commited . It's normal to make mistakes because we are only human . We are not perfect . We are incredibly one by one. We are just people . We don't have the right to just not forgive other people . We don't need to keep bad experiences . We make better ones and we don't need keep it the same . You just need to open your heart . Everything's gonna be okay in the end .
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theeyes11111-blog · 5 years
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Everyday you feel like it's constant . You never imagined just one scenario can suddenly cause everything to change .
Change? Change is a constant happening in life . I'm not saying change is bad . Sometimes change is for the better . Nothing's permanent . You're not just gonna be stuck in one place . Don't stop . You grow along the way . You fall sometimes but indeed you need to rise up . Nothing is worth the stay . You gain yourself up because that's your only choice . The best way is to pick yourself up and start again.
You stand and make the best of the moment . Don't settle for less . Instead of stopping you proceed with it . Don't stay in a bad chapter but you make it better. Be the best version of yourself and move on .
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theeyes11111-blog · 5 years
Owsiii week (09.16 - 09.20)
On Monday, it’s boring at school. The classes were suspended from 12 noon. Everyone was happy beacause of the suspension. My friends went to our house to eat noodles and watch movie. We watched “Ma". “Ma" is so weird and confusing. I don’t really recommend it but it’s kinda interesting. I don’t remember the rest of the day.
On Tuesday, the classes were suspended. I was inside the bathroom taking a bath when they announced the suspension. Our dinner was KFC. We had a KFC dinner because my mother had extra points. I didn’t do much so nothing’s interesting this day.
On Wednesday, it was not suspended. We had a whole day at school. There was a homework in Physics that I ended up during our MAPEH time. I did two ways for the solution and both ended almost same answers. We were supposed to have a quiz in Filipino but our teacher said it will be for the next day because she haven’t discussed something. I ended up falling asleep during her discussion. In English class, two of our classmates were told to discussed about figures of speech. I think it’s little interesting.
On Thursday, the classes were suspended again. I were dressing up when the suspension was announced. After dressing up that time, I slept almost all day. I guess there is no interesting stuff.
On Friday, the classes were suspended AGAIN. I woke up late that day because the suspension was announced the night before. I woke up feeling sick. I checked my temperature and I think I was like 37.8°C. I drank paracetamol to lower my temperature. My mother told me not to take a bath so I were feeling down for the rest of the day. I ended up sleeping almost the whole day. I slept early that day so I didn’t post this blog on the same day.
Now, I am writing this blog that you are probably reading right now.(Second to the last blog that you will see this shit.)
+ On Saturday, i played bowling with my brother and brought a new printer after the bowling game.
Stay healthy. Many people are getting sick including me.
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theeyes11111-blog · 5 years
fourth nibba
i cant recall what happened on monday but i think its just school and studying
its my baby bro's birthday. none of his classmates could come so i invited my classmates we had fun. haha we were noisy and screamed alot and one friend even cried a lot
we cooked pasta at tle class
nah just school but lots of free time
good day studying and learning
english class was cool and funny
no classes, watched anime and played ml all day long
went with my mother to buy groceries
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theeyes11111-blog · 5 years
Fifth blog
This is probably the last blog
This week, there hasnt been that much happening (probably because there's less school days) we do have school days but its just 1/2 or 1/4 the day This whole week felt like a vacation or summer vacation, we dont have school in monday. I have nothing to talk too, except maybe... I got in a line paying some water bills... Then i took my things from the new school cause we gonna head out to the old school. Overall, this is probably the last blog... Throughout the week, its a ok... Most of the time, im just in the bedroom, looking at memes (speaking of which, the raid happened but its disapointing) no one really run, it felt more like a comic con type thing guess Thanos is right all along. I got my braces tighten (here's a warning, if your just gonna have a brace... It hurts). I just realize, camping is near, im gonna become a leader... Why am i saying this (even though its in the 2nd quarter) because, im just scared at becoming a leader. If there's a good thing happened to me this week (there is). One thing for sure, i accepted the fact that i cannot talk to her and that she already have someone (but im happy that she found someone). Two there's no school. And Three, this whole week felt like summer.
Anyway thats all at this blog
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theeyes11111-blog · 5 years
Fourth Blog
So... This week has been a lot of twist (i mean only one but it feels like a dozen).... Never mind. Friday we dont have classes and Thursday is the best day ever, we did Zumba (also probably the less sweatiest Zumba) but still... After that we have some fun.... Also this Saturday we watched IT Chapter 2 (all i gotta say, not scary, fake looking CGI, felt more of a Comedy in a bad way). Its been fun, TLE is amazing (if you're not in a group that is cooking) because i had some good times there...
Anyway thats all for this Fourth Blog... Wew
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theeyes11111-blog · 5 years
Let go kona
Lahat ng feelings ko
Mamaya yata or next year pa
Ewan ko
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theeyes11111-blog · 5 years
This is an interesting week but I'm to lazy to write now so I'll speed this up.
Let's skip Monday because I didn't do anything that day just like tuesday we didn't do much work except for physic. Wednesday, we just do our project at arts and after our classes we go to alfamart to buy some food and we just hangout at my friend house. Let's skip thursday because I don't remember what happen in that day so friday, we do our activity at mapeh which is zumba and I think that's it.
Sry sa grammar
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theeyes11111-blog · 5 years
Ah the third one
so this is the third blog😂
hm we are nearing the end
(not gonna write much cus im not in the mood and tumblr keeps failing on me)
Monday its your typical monday studying, seatworks, assignment nothing really cool happens on mondays
tuesday is also the same but with lots of hanging out
wednesday is also fun just talking with friends and messing around. and discovering new issues
thursday thus day is fun becus of zumba on mapeh class and we finished the movie called dead poets society 10/10 would watch again
friday is the same as thursday another zumba session and we hanged out on cafe bake
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theeyes11111-blog · 5 years
Third blog cause I'm crazy for myself. Everyday I feel like "I just wanna go home because I'm crazy for myself" and now its Friday and now lets celebrate *insert bass boosted music*
Monday, This is clearly the worst day ever to be honest xD. The anime movie called "Weathering with you" has been released in the cinema and my broke self can't go since Home and I are meant to be with each other because with him imma feel rich xD. In English we watched this movie called Dead poets society. One of my friends, lets call him 'Jin' because of his privacy and I don't want to reveal real names here....anyways he gave me a spoiler in Weathering with you because he had watched it and I can't be in peace anymore. Then I gave 'Jin' a spoiler from Two Heroes, the best parts😂😂😂. Well he sent me a voice mail that said "I'm sorry" Now when you give me a spoiler I spoil you back xD #PleaseComfort'Jin'XD
Tuesday, I honestly don't remember what happened in that time because time flies really fast like him leaving me alone so quickly xD. So I'll just punch here my thoughts. Wait I remembered xD, so we were told to print pictures that we like and represent as us for a side silhouette of us to collage it. Basically my pics are mostly anime, webtoon and apps because I am afraid of putting the pics of my biases in the kpop world xD.
Wednesday, When I got home from school I felt like a weak pancake. I felt really bad at that time. Sorry if this paragraph is short since I don't remember what happened.
Thursday, It was really fun yesterday since in Mapeh time we were doing zumba xD. I was sweaty that time and I didn't get to bring an extra T-shirt. We continued watching Dead poets society and halfway to the movie someone committed suicide which made everyone devastated since they liked the guy *I can't remember his name don't come after me xD* Well time to put this 'When your favorite character dies' some of our classmates are crying I didn't cry, I understand their pain. I remembered last summer vacation where me and my friend were watching a traditional kdrama and this scene were my fav character got stabbed because he saved his friend from getting stabbed from his brother. You did not know I cried that much #ThinkHappyThoughts. My fav scene from dead poets society is that where the students say "O captain my captain" and they all stand up from the table.
Friday, We were having much fun in that time because some of my classmates and I are talking about love shit like that xD. Then later on the talk continued till English where we study about poetry. At the end of the discussion since its dismissal we all stand up from the table xD
I hope I don't get spoilers like 'Jin' gave me since he is a freaking baka and didn't know how I will feel. But hey even if he did that I still love that friend....special mention yieee.
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theeyes11111-blog · 5 years
Third Blog
This is one interesting week
Anyway im not in the mood to write right now so i'll speed this up
Everything is fine and school's been Amazing... A better experience than my past Grades... During English, we watched a movie called Dead Poet Society (watch that movie, the ending is just sad and yet inspiring). There's not much happen in this week, i got some exemptions (skl) and also we did Zumba for Mapeh, i forgot my xtra clothes yesterday, so im just sweaty af and got sad a bit... No... I became sad too much i got outside and thinked about it (congrats to those who knew the reason why)
Anyway thats all, im not in the mood to write, im kinda lazy today so... Time to watch somethings
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theeyes11111-blog · 5 years
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ʙʟᴏɢ #𝟸: sᴇᴄᴏɴᴅ ᴡᴇᴇᴋ
August 30, 2019
Second week was interesting, A lot different than my daily life and so much week highlights as well. Anyways, something happened. Tuesday was suspended by our Gov and my flight back to Philippines is Wednesday morning so that was really lucky or else I will have to go a day off at school (which is bad because there are points for a complete attendance in Science).
Monday: Wre went to Taipei, Taiwan! 🇹🇼 This day literally went amazing. Before monday,(Saturday) we arrived at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport at 3:30pm. We used an MRT station to get to our Airbnb and a few hours later (8:30pm), we went to Shillin District for a tour around the Night Market. We ate a ton of delicious food including Xiao Long Bao 🥟 (taiwan’s popular street food), Liu Yu Zai Fried Taro Ball, Sweet Potato 🥔 Balls, Milk Tea (Boba) and more. We also went to a Modern Toilet Theme Restaurant💩. The next day, we went to Yehliu, Jiufen, Shifen Tour and saw the Memorial Place, Geopark and Sky Lanterns. Lastly, we went to Leofoo Village Theme Park (the actual day this blog should be about 😂) as we ridden roller coasters and 5D ride animations.
Tuesday: After Leofoo Village Theme Park, we went to Beitou Thermal Valley Museum. This place is where Taiwanese people go when they want to relax or where they use their spare time (late 1960’s) but this was turned into a museum to preserve history. After that, we went back to the apartment to pack all of our bags and leave for the last day which we all felt really sad about.
Wednesday: Our class resumed after 1 day of suspension. Honestly, this day is not even interesting. Just another boring day at school full of seatworks & assignments. After school, I finish our take home quiz for Social Studies.
Thursday: The whole class watched a movie called “Happy Death Day” which is about how The Asian Guy passsed Collegian Tree Gelbman (the white girl) the curse who wakes up in horror to learn that she's stuck in a parallel universe. Her boyfriend Carter is now with someone else, and her friends and fellow students seem to be completely different surrounding her. After watching the movie, It was our activity for Filipino. I joined “pagsasalin” where we tranate an english song to filipino language. Lastly, can you guess it? That’s right we have another recitation in Englis again. This time, the topic is about Haiku’s and the theme is nature.
Friday: Buwan ng Wika Celebration! 🎉🎁🎊Except, we studied still, so yay? Anyways, I had a stressful morning but it was worth it since I got to eat a lot of filipino food. From Pancit Malabon 🥘, Lumpiang Shanghai, Lechong Manok, Lenchon Kawali, Barbeque🍢, and Mango Sago. Everything was insanely delicious when you skip breakfast and dinner the day before. We had a lot of selfies and pictures for future purposes. Anyways, The day ended with a poem reading/recitation from Sr. Yngwie.
Okay. So I was progressing with my work, when I notice something 😂. I really like writing because of how much words I am typing. Now I see why other people enjoys blogging.
Lesson learned: “Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create.”
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theeyes11111-blog · 5 years
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ʙʟᴏɢ #𝟸: sᴇᴄᴏɴᴅ ᴡᴇᴇᴋ
August 30, 2019
Second week was interesting, A lot different than my daily life and so much week highlights as well. Anyways, something happened. Tuesday was suspended by our Gov and my flight back to Philippines is Wednesday morning so that was really lucky or else I will have to go a day off at school (which is bad because there are points for a complete attendance in Science).
Monday: Wre went to Taipei, Taiwan! 🇹🇼 This day literally went amazing. Before monday,(Saturday) we arrived at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport at 3:30pm. We used an MRT station to get to our Airbnb and a few hours later (8:30pm), we went to Shillin District for a tour around the Night Market. We ate a ton of delicious food including Xiao Long Bao 🥟 (taiwan’s popular street food), Liu Yu Zai Fried Taro Ball, Sweet Potato 🥔 Balls, Milk Tea (Boba) and more. We also went to a Modern Toilet Theme Restaurant💩. The next day, we went to Yehliu, Jiufen, Shifen Tour and saw the Memorial Place, Geopark and Sky Lanterns. Lastly, we went to Leofoo Village Theme Park (the actual day this blog should be about 😂) as we ridden roller coasters and 5D ride animations.
Tuesday: After Leofoo Village Theme Park, we went to Beitou Thermal Valley Museum. This place is where Taiwanese people go when they want to relax or where they use their spare time (late 1960’s) but this was turned into a museum to preserve history. After that, we went back to the apartment to pack all of our bags and leave for the last day which we all felt really sad about.
Wednesday: Our class resumed after 1 day of suspension. Honestly, this day is not even interesting. Just another boring day at school full of seatworks & assignments. After school, I finish our take home quiz for Social Studies.
Thursday: The whole class watched a movie called “Happy Death Day” which is about how The Asian Guy passsed Collegian Tree Gelbman (the white girl) the curse who wakes up in horror to learn that she's stuck in a parallel universe. Her boyfriend Carter is now with someone else, and her friends and fellow students seem to be completely different surrounding her. After watching the movie, It was our activity for Filipino. I joined “pagsasalin” where we tranate an english song to filipino language. Lastly, can you guess it? That’s right we have another recitation in Englis again. This time, the topic is about Haiku’s and the theme is nature.
Friday: Buwan ng Wika Celebration! 🎉🎁🎊Except, we studied still, so yay? Anyways, I had a stressful morning but it was worth it since I got to eat a lot of filipino food. From Pancit Malabon 🥘, Lumpiang Shanghai, Lechong Manok, Lenchon Kawali, Barbeque🍢, and Mango Sago. Everything was insanely delicious when you skip breakfast and dinner the day before. We had a lot of selfies and pictures for future purposes. Anyways, The day ended with a poem reading/recitation from Sr. Yngwie.
Okay. So I was progressing with my work, when I notice something 😂. I really like writing because of how much words I am typing. Now I see why other people enjoys blogging.
Lesson learned: “Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create.”
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