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These are just the couple of props that I have took pictures of that will be included into the show.
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These images are to show that we have to have a certain colour shoe, either black, white or black and white. 
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These are some images of the costumes that will be used in the show, they all go with one of he dances that will be in the performance.
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These images are more examples of contact work, this dance piece is about celebrity's going to rehab, on the left is one celebrity that is being helped to have no drugs in her body and one the right is being helped to become the next top star.
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These images are an example of what the contact work will be like in the performance, this section of the performance is telling a story of an photographer and the star, we got the idea from the video of Matthew Bourne's Dorian Grey.
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These images are some examples of the poses that are included into the performance.
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Here are some images from the Matthew Bourne, Dorian Grey.
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Here are some images from the video of Madonna vogue.
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Dorian grey- Matthew Bourne.
Dorian Gray is a contemporary dance adaptation of Oscar wilder's novel, The picture of Dorian grey. The story Bourne sets with this performance is in the modern fashion industry , love hate relationship between the model and the photographer. The video is filmed in a studio of some sort, which included a setup of a photo-shoot; there was a screen which was projecting different images and a video of the people that are dancing. The dancers had different clothing on, one had all white clothing on and one had all black clothing, which shows that one could be in control. There were different props that were involved. There was one bright colour used for the lighting. The song that the dancers dance to is a slow tempo song, it has parts were the music combines with sounds of camera clicks, to show the dancer wearing black(photographer) is taking them images and in power. There are parts in the song that link to the style of the dance and the storyline of the dance. There are two male dancers, one in all black clothing and one all in white clothing. They are showing the movements through a story, through the music and through the style of dance. In the video the movements were shown with confidence, some moves were sharp, slow, and powerful and it flows. They used different levels, there were lifts, and there were parts that were fast and slow.There was many different gestures going on, they used different parts of their body’s including arms, head, hands and legs. The video showed that there was a strong atmosphere between the dancers. The set of the video worked well with the style of the whole performance. They used the whole space o the studio, there was a set which had loads of props being used, they were traveling across the room, they were using unison and they had formations they had to stick to. The two dancers were staying in contact for most of the routine, it looked like there was a lot of trust between them. There contact work, worked well with the music and the set, they connected in a strong way. The devices that was in the video was unison, canon and there was a motif. They were all strong throughout the performance. There were parts that were slow and there were a part that was fast. The movements were sharp, strong and powerful throughout the video. 
 I think overall the video had a powerful meaning story behind it. There were certain movement that was shown within the storyline. I also thought the clothing that the dancers were wearing was the most important thing because it looked powerful together with the performance.
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Vogue- Madonna.
The song is about enjoying oneself on the dance floor no matter who one is, and it contains a theme of escapism.
Vogue magazine
The video was filmed at a stadium at some sort, which included a stage looking like a runway; there was a screen which was projecting different colours, different images and a video of Madonna. Madonna and the dancers had different clothing on; they all had clothing that represented who they actually are. There were different props that were involved. There was one bright colour used for the lighting. Vogue is an upbeat dance-pop and house song and set the trends of dance music in the 1990s. However, it has strong influences of 1970s disco within its composition. The song also contains a spoken section, in which the singer name-checks various golden-era Hollywood celebrities. Madonna and her dancers can be seen voguing to different choreographed moves, there was no gender specific dancers. In the video the movement was shown with confidence, some moves were sharp and sassy, everybody was in time with each other and they all looked powerful. They used different levels, and there was a motif. Throughout the performance everybody had the energy and stamina. There was many different gestures going on, they used different parts of their body’s including arms, head, hands and legs. The video showed that there was a strong atmosphere between the dancers and Madonna. The set of the video worked well with the style of the whole performance. They started off up the stage and then made their way down the stage to the middle of the stage, the used the space by showing that it represents the catwalk. They were traveling with levels, unison and different formations. There wasn’t a lot of contact work but when there was it looked like everyone trust everyone. There contact looked sassy and sharp, it went well with the style of performance. The devices that was in the video was unison, canon, repetition and there was a motif. They were all strong throughout the performance. There were parts that were slow and there were parts that was fast. The movements were sharp, strong and powerful.
I think overall the performance has a strong storyline, there was sassy and sharp movements which represented that story, I also thought the clothing that the dancers were wearing was the most important thing because it looked powerful together with the performance.
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The media:
Unfortunately nothing can be done to monitor who does or doesn't become famous as the power in is in the hands of the media. They are able to control what the children see. Unfortunately sex, drugs, rock and roll and any form of controversy is where the money lies.
Media machine- advertising, celebrity magazines, celebrity sites and tabloids. Driven by constant publicity and exposure in magazines, newspaper and television, fame is an essential prerequisite for celebrity status, though the principal reason for such fame is often minor.
there has been an increased focus on celebrity by the entertainment industry, including the growth of reality television and talent shows. Gossip-oriented magazines such as Heat and OK and television channels E and VH1 focus almost entirely on promoting the cult of celebrity.
Consider the mechanisms at work in the creation and maintenance of celebrity status.
Celebrity news is a staple of the tabloids, and sources for this information are everywhere. Each tabloid writer maintains an army of sources, including security guards, hair stylists, personal drivers and even police officers who will call the writer whenever they have new information on a celebrity. These informants are paid various amounts for their information, depending on the quality of the news and which celebrity it involves. Information about a minor TV actor might be worth a few hundred dollars, while a major scoop about will smith and his kids could be worth thousands.
A large proportion of tabloid celebrity news comes from celebrities themselves, often by way of their publicists. Some stars build a working relationship with a tabloid, offering inside stories in exchange for free publicity. At other times, the tabloid will accept inside stories while agreeing to avoid running harsh or negative stories about a certain star. The studios even leak information about upcoming movies or the scripts for the new season of a TV shows to get publicity for the show.
These are examples of who can be celebrity's:
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This video includes a rehearsal of a dance that shows what we think that an a list party will look like, some of the class mates are acting like the are on drugs or very drunk. At the beginning we are separated across the room and then we come to together and dance altogether. We included movements that represent the drugs and alcohol we have taken, the movements are every wild, weird and powerful. We made the sure that the movements link with the atmosphere, to show what we all think the celebrities act like at a party.
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The A list life:
A-list is a term that alludes to major movie stars, or the most bankable in the Hollywood film industry or to major recording artists, major international sports stars or other occupations such as the most successful film directors, certain high-profile media and entertainment moguls and the most notable international TV broadcasters.
we think that a lists life include:
red carpets
role model
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paparazzi experiment:
This video includes a couple of my class mates, showing how the paparazzi can act around an celebrity. We experimented different ways of travelling around like one of the paparazzi's, they changed to different poses, they used levels to go across the room and they made sure they looked like there were holding an camera.
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                                               What is Paparazzi?
Paparazzi tend to be independent contractors, unaffiliated with mainstream media organizations, and photos taken are usually done so by taking advantage of opportunities when they have sightings of high-profile people they are tracking. Some experts have described the behaviour of paparazzi as synonymous with stalking, and anti-stalking bills in many countries address the issue by reducing harassment of public figures and celebrities, especially with their minor children. Some public figures and celebrities have expressed concern at the extent to which paparazzi go to invade their personal space.
They make the existence of a normal life virtually impossible for actors, singers and reality television stars: the infamous paparazzi are always buzzing around celebrities, ready to capture the next newsworthy moment an share it with the world. Although on the one hand, paparazzi help keep celebrities in the media, there's no doubt that most celebrities can grow impatient- and even angry- at the nonstop attention from paparazzi cameras and celebrity gossip reporters. It's no wonder: there have been many highly publicized cases were celebrities (and even their fans) have been mobbed, attacked and trampled by the paparazzi.
Since paparazzi attention can lead to very dangerous situations, some celebrities are calling for stricter restrictions and laws in order to limit the danger that they are put in whenever they step foot outside.
For example on this website http://www.therichest.com/expensive-lifestyle/lifestyle/14-of-the-worst-paparazzi-vs-celeb-incidents/ they told a story from 2012 when Will Smith was at the premiere of men in black 3 in Moscow and he got mobbed by the crazed reporter, who reportedly tried to kiss him on the lips. Will slapped him and he was pulled away by security. Will was clearly in shock by the incident, which was caught on tape, but the actor continued to greet fans and other reporters at he event. The reporter was non other than Vitalii Sediuk, who also attacked Leonardo Dicaprio and Kim Kardashian this year.
Here is the link to he video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgP_v_8SrjA
Another example from the same website was were they told another story how Leonardo Dicaprio earlier this year at the Santa Barbara international film festival got tackled by two reporters. The man nuzzled his face against Leonardo nether region for several minutes before being hauled away by security. Leonardo handled the bizarre incident like a pro: he managed to smile during the incident an afterwards continued with his business as normal.
Here are some other videos of famous people getting attacked by the paparazzi on YouTube
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This is a brainstorm of what I think fame is all about, I have included positive and negative things.
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