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Black girls deserve to learn free from bias and stereotypes.
Most black girls experience this hatred at schools. And classmates are not the only problem, there is no support from teachers, too. That’s why they get so affected by their school experiences. Black kids deserve to be treated just like everybody else, they want to study, they want to learn something ,too. However due to prejudice they are 5 times more likely to be suspended than their white peers and it can ruin their lives forever.  National Women’s Law Center created this video to change the situation. Join the movement to help black girls feel normal and get the same opportunities everybody else has.
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I wasn’t asked to a single dance in high school and didn’t have a serious romantic relationship until I was 22. And like, yeah that shit hurt when I was younger. I had a lot of fears that I was unlovable and that I didn’t deserve to be happy. And every time I would try to talk to anyone about it, the conversation became, “you’ll find someone”, when it should have been, “you don’t need a relationship or a date, you’re lovable & complete & beautiful on your own”.
So yeah, please normalize young people not dating, and please stop shaming them for it. There’s more to life than romance, despite what the media wants us to think.
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I keep seeing this fucking argument about trans people using bathrooms like “Well if that had been an option for me back in the day I totally would’ve signed up as a ‘trans-whatever’ to get into the girls’ locker room back in high school”  (Yeah, the fuckwit on FB I saw earlier actually said ‘trans-whatever’).
Like, you really, genuinely think that you, as a 16 year old presumably straight teenage boy would have changed your name, requested everyone you know call you by different pronouns, changed your entire wardrobe and look, went to school presenting yourself as a girl, dealt with the bullshit you would likely have gotten from your parents, family, friends, classmates, teachers, doctors, neighbors, people on the street, and rearranged your entire life…
Because you maybe, might have possibly caught a glimpse of a titty in the locker room?
Yeah, it’s clearly the trans people we should be worried about.
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And no matter how things will evolve between us, I will forever be grateful for the magic I experienced with you.
(via anna-learns-to-love-herself)
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all my grief says the same thing:this isn’t how it’s supposed to be. this isn’t how it’s supposed to be. and the world laughs. holds my hope by the throat. says:but this is how it is
Fortesa Latifi (via madgirlf)
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fat girl: wow it sucks that everyone looks down on my body type :/ loser ass dude: thats not true…i would use you for sex
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Losing weight does not cure negative body image.
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Wooooooooo chile!
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don’t feel like you have to hide these things. 🌸
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My boyfriend broke up with me and my 80 year old, 5 foot tall, Indian grandmother told me that “there are lots of men…”
I thought she was then going to say “…in the sea” but she said “…they’re like flies” and made a disgusted face.
She hates flies.
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Day 29
Haven't been posting lately. Still doing good, over 11 pounds down. Had a bad weekend, with bbqs and eating lots of food. Back on track today. Ate salsa chicken, with beans, and cauliflower rice. Around 450 calories
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I wish I knew how to love myself.
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