thefatesproject-blog · 11 years
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The Fates // we heart these visitors !!
Last night was our second last of the secret site visits at EDGELEY....we'll be there for the last time later this evening.
We have loved so much the magical moments with passers by who have noticed us behind the window. Rosa almost turned our window installation into a kind of photo booth session last night.... Just look at these gorgeous people! 
Thank you for letting us capture your night time visit to the GSPF for our documentation and blog.
Did you capture us with your camera too?
We would love to see your photos! Or hear your comments, feedback or questions or for you to just say BOO!! 
You can email us at [email protected]
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thefatesproject-blog · 11 years
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The Fates // secret site visits // by chance performances On Saturday passed as The Fates we made our first of four secret visits to the Edgeley boutique to experiment with subtle shifts to our object based light work.  Over a period of 4 hours we moved by hand the collection of paper spools within our work to create movements in the window space. While some passers-by missed the work, the reaction of those who noticed still fills us with warm delight. The mixture of shock and curiosity was so wonderful to take in from behind the window space. We enjoyed so many moments of playful interaction, eye contact and fleeting smiles. 
I think one of our most favourite moments was with two gorgeous 3 or 4 year old girls and their Mum……
Seeing us in the window moving the spools they were astonished and came close to see WHAT IS THIS - To their Mum "Mummy are they real?"
To us through the glass "Are you real?" …. we nodded  "Are you reeeaaallly real?" …. more nods and smiles from us now bewildered they asked "But HOW can you hear us?"
Thank you to everyone who stopped at the window on Saturday July 20th. And for reading this far we’ll let you in on a secret! The Fates can be seen through the Edgeley window again on the following dates….. (times undetermined)
Thursday July 25th Friday July 26th Saturday July 27th 
Yes, we ARE real, come closer ......
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thefatesproject-blog · 11 years
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The Gertrude Street Projection Festival continues this week with the opportunity to enjoy light, video, shadow and night-time wonderment every evening up to and including Sunday July 28th, from 6pm to midnight. Alongside the presentation of projection and light works the festival also includes an excellent program of arts related events. On Sunday night I walked the festival sites with a friend and we enjoyed the amazing array of creative projects. The night was made even more special when we encountered two singing groups. The first group was The Breathing Space Women's Choir who were gathered in the laneway beside the beautiful projection work, Blue Hole by Ben Taranto. I was SO!! excited and captivated when they sang an acapella rendition of Lay Down by Melanie Safka, one of my favourite teen music obsessions.
In the later part of our walking adventure we were stopped in our tracks by the ethereal sound of a 9 piece male singing ensemble called Gorani. This magical group of voices  specialise in performing traditional songs from Bulgaria and Georgia. 
These by chance encounters make a visit to the festival such a unique winter night time experience, and also worth doing more than just once...... when you do visit The Fates recommend you should grab some fresh warm popcorn generously offered for FREE! from Ladro... which right next door to us! 
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thefatesproject-blog · 11 years
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The Fates Project // supported by Hygrade Water Jet Profiling Pty Ltd In developing The Fates project the generous assistance of a number of small local businesses has us feeling very grateful.
The project in it's current outcome consists of several key elements, one of which is a collection of patterned cut paper 'spools'. The making of these intricate objects was realised with the patient and generous help of Hygrade Water Jet Profiling Pty Ltd. Both Kevin Corcoran and Matt Coombs have been very supportive with their time and resources. Thank you!! As manufacturers working with artists they have a great understanding of how to actualize creative cutting ideas. Hygrade Water Jet Profiling Pty Ltd 6 Commercial Drive Thomastown Victoria, 3074 Phone: 03 9465 3330 
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thefatesproject-blog · 11 years
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The Fates Project // supported by World of Thought Pty Ltd
In developing our work for The Gertrude Street Projection Festival we have been extremely lucky to receive support from a fantastic Melbourne LED lighting company .... with an even more fantastic name  ..... World of Thought.
World of Thought (WOT) have worked their lighting magic in many of Melbourne's much loved spaces, including The Forum Theatre, The Princess Theatre and the ever tempting Hopetoun Tea Rooms. For our small project we feel extremely fortunate to be receiving such expert work. Ervin Kos, Director of WOT has been a great supporter by providing all of our lighting requirements as well as his technical work without charge.... WOT a great supporter of the arts!!! 
If you wander down Carsons Lane just off Little Collins Street in the center of the city you will discover World of Thought's show room. Ervin can advise you on any kind of LED lighting solution that you might think of, and most likely others that you might not have even thought to be possible!
World of Thought Pty Ltd Showroom & Sales Shop 3 1 Carson Place Melbourne Victoria, 3000
Director: Ervin Kos Phone: 03 9639 7320  www.worldofthought.com.au
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thefatesproject-blog · 11 years
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When invited to propose a site specific work for The Gertrude Street Projection Festival we instantaneously declared we wanted to make work for the shop "EDGELEY" !!! If you know of this beautiful boutique you will understand why. Edgeley is the shop and studio of Alice Edgeley. Alice is truly a creative talent with a shop full of gorgeous garments and accessories and a sweet dog named Rupert.
We are a little beside ourselves to have Alice crafting two gorgeous velvet turbans that we will wear during our performances for The Fates project. We are approaching the performances in an intuitive way without a definitive plan so we are in some ways stepping into the unknown….. but what we DO know is that atop our heads will be fabulous! Thank you Alice!! xx In need your own bit of fabulousness? Yes please!!!! Edgeley is hosting a sale night this Thursday and your invited…….find out more HERE !!
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thefatesproject-blog · 11 years
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A productive weekend of fabrication // Some of the ups  ^ Painting in beautiful metallic hues ^ A visit & helping hands from Rebecca ^ Delicious bowls of warm spiced edamame ^ Aerosol fume laughter with Caddie on the curbside at midnight  ^ Sneaky materials scavenge with bountiful rewards 
Of course we have to take the good with a tiny bit of bad ^ Mashing my hand with a hammer ^ The weekend ending too quickly 
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thefatesproject-blog · 11 years
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process // patterns  // cutting // peeling // drying
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thefatesproject-blog · 11 years
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spinning // spools // thread // rack
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thefatesproject-blog · 11 years
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The Triumph of Death, or The Three Fates Flemish Tapestry (probably Brussels, ca. 1510-1520) Victoria and Albert Museum, London, England
The three fates, Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos, who spin, draw out and cut the thread of Life, represent Death in this tapestry, as they triumph over the fallen body of Chastity. This is the third subject in Petrarch's poem The Triumphs. First, Love triumphs; then Love is overcome by Chastity, Chastity by Death, Death by Fame, Fame by Time and Time by Eternity. 
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thefatesproject-blog · 11 years
The Fates // Debuts at GSPF 2013
The Gertrude Street Projection Festival (GSPF) is one of Melbourne’s most visible and accessible free winter arts festivals. It manifests in a magical night time array of moving image and light based artworks that are mapped, projected and integrated with the urban landscape of Gertrude Street Fitzroy.
Visitors to the festival can seek out works in shop front windows, on side alley walls, on architectural facades, on entire buildings, even on the trees that line the street.
From 6pm to midnight every evening from July 19th to July 28th the GSPF invites you to experience an illuminated experience of night time art as well as a program that includes music performances, workshops, master classes and forums. As part of the curated GSPF program Melbourne based artists Kasia Lynch and Rosa Tato have been invited to produce a site responsive work for the window space of Gertrude Street boutique Edgeley at 220 Gertrude Street Fitzroy.  
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thefatesproject-blog · 11 years
Ambient sounds from Tycho, this track, 'A Walk' might be a fitting aural accompaniment for a night time walk of Gertrude Street during the festival. 
We will be updating this blog to share snippets of our research and inspiration for The Fates collaboration over the coming weeks......
Kasia // The sounds of San Franciso artist and producer Scott Hanson [ Tycho ] have been keeping me in a broad peaceful mind space for intuitive creativity and flow lately..... I've been listening to Tycho's album DIVE, full of twirling melodies and triumphant arcs while working on The Fates project. I love these beautiful sonic landscapes for abating the winter blues.
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