thefcdproject · 29 days
hi the link d-i goes to the a-c page.
Sorry about that, should be fixed!
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thefcdproject · 1 month
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The first major update to the Faceclaim Directory Project is now live! There are now over 7000 entries in the directory! Due to the expanding size of the html documents, unfortunately I've had to split the directory into six pages instead of four. Knowing that this will only continue as I update everything, I am currently looking into a space where I can host the directory in its entirety for free. So far every avenue has been unable to work, but I remain positive that I'll be able to find something so I can link the entire directory to the main pinned post! As always, thank you so much to everyone who has sent kind messages and corrections. I always take corrections and try to get things fixed when I can. The next big update will focus on adding being able to filter entries by career (eg. actor, musician, model, etc). The ask box is always open for questions & corrections!
Click here to view the updated directory!
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thefcdproject · 2 months
hello to the team behind this account! // i wanted to drop by, give you a hug & thank you for this massive directory <3. i've used different ones for fc search over the years, but yours presented me with a great mix of popular & underused faces + those i hadn't seen before. // i also noticed that ethnicity info is often missing (which i know you're aware of ofc) ... ethnicelebs(.)com is one of the best websites to fill these gaps + should help you out a lot :).
Thank you so much for your kindness! Ethniccelebs is actually one of the resources I rely on the most, but unfortunately (and understandably) they focus on celebrities who are more popular and known to the general public. If the celebrity had an ethniccelebs page when I was searching for their ethnicity, there's about a 99% change that it's the information I used! Most of the face claims that have an entry don't have an ethniccelebs page, unfortunately, and I've had to look elsewhere to try and find information. In general, most entries have the most detailed information I can find. Even ethniccelebs does not always have super detailed information. However, it's been some time since I've done some of the entries, so if anyone sees any entries that can be updated with more accurate information, please let me know! I'm sure some of the people now have pages that didn't when I was gathering information.
Right now I'm working on the first big update with a ton of new FCs to add, but I'm still more than happy to update current entries!
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thefcdproject · 10 months
I cant see the far right column... there is no scroll bar to go horizontal either
Sorry about that, the issue should be fixed!
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thefcdproject · 1 year
Hello! Thanks for the directory. Maybe you could include a filter for their "occupation"? For example: Actors, models, musicians etc. since a lot of people don't like to interact with non-actors.
Hey there! I do hope to implement this feature at some point! I ran a poll a few months back to see what people would prefer - more face claims or more information about current face claims, and more face claims won so that has been my priority. However, I'll try to work on at least that one part of information.
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thefcdproject · 1 year
hi there !! friendly anon here, i just wanted to say that you should consider changing your directories from 'women' and 'trans women' to 'cis women' and 'trans women', as the former kind of implies that trans women do not fall under the category of 'women'.
Hi! I’m answering this publicly instead of amending my changes post, thank you for your message because I completely agree! Both cis women and trans women have been included in the ‘women’ category, which is why I didn’t include ‘cis’ :). If someone is trans, I’ve noted such on their personal entry so if people are looking for cis people only they could simply ignore that faceclaim haha. Otherwise I saw no real reason to make a category specifically for cis people. Hopefully this makes sense! Because of this, if anyone sees a trans faceclaim that ISN'T in the broader women/men category PLEASE let me know, they do have two separate tags so it’s possible I accidentally forgot to put both tags on their entry which certainly wasn’t intentional. If anyone sees a trans fc’s entry that hasn’t noted that they are trans, please let me know as well. Again, thank you for your message and I hope you have a lovely day!
Admin Ever <3
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thefcdproject · 1 year
A Small Note
I will always do my best to remove any faceclaims that have passed away as fast as I can once I receive the news. While many FCs I will hear about due to making headlines, there are others that I likely will not hear about since I can't keep tabs on everyone. Please never feel you are bothering me if you send me a message to let me know if I need to take someone down to respect them and their families!
I'm so happy everyone is enjoying the directory so far, and a huge thanks to anyone who has sent me messages about corrections!
Admin Ever <3
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thefcdproject · 2 years
i know this would take a lot of work and time but i would love to be able to filter by eye color on fcs!
Hey there! I actually thought about this along with hair color, but unfortunately it's unlikely I'll do either of them. Even disregarding work and time, eye color can be difficult to discern from photos. Different lighting can cause colors to appear differently, and even one color in a single photo can be subjective to different people. Same goes for hair color being subjective at times, not to mention a lot of people have multiple hair colors and can change them at any time. Thank you for the suggestion!
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thefcdproject · 2 years
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thefcdproject · 2 years
Recent Corrections
Instead of answering every individual ask I receive, I thought it would be best to compile recent fixes here so those who have been kind enough to send me a message can check if I have seen it! Thank you so much to those who have sent me messages in order to make sure the directory is as up-to-date and correct as possible, I greatly appreciate it. - Ever
Corrections (Last updated 7/15/24):
No recent corrections - currently working on our first big update!
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thefcdproject · 2 years
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Welcome to the Faceclaim Directory Project! The FCD project has been a massive project undertaken by myself in an attempt to create one large database of all varieties of faceclaims for writers of all kinds to use. This project has been in the works for well over a year and a half now, and it’s finally ready to be available to the world! This is something that is an eternal WIP. What I have available is the culmination of over 7000 faceclaims, and there is so much more I hope to add in the future. I have put countless hours into this project. I’m well aware it’s not perfect, and due to the sheer size alone I have no doubt there are errors that I was unable to catch. Please feel free to submit any and all errors you find! You can click anywhere in this sentence to be directed to my FAQ page in order to answer questions I anticipated people asking. Due to tumblr’s size limit on html documents, I’ve had to split up the directory into six different pages.
Click here to view the directory!
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