theflashiestbastard · 6 months
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april foolsssssss
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theflashiestbastard · 7 months
Aziraphale is literally such a good character. The more I think about him the more I go completely feral. He was specifically created as a warrior to fight and protect. He’s soft and camp and likes feather boas. He’s spent 6000 years acting like he’s the most kind and polite perfect little angel but he’ll fucking destroy you with a single glare. He’s an absolute bitch. His face lights up with the smile of a thousand suns. He’ll kill someone for crêpes with his boyfriend. He lies to God. He needs the biggest hug in the whole world. His standards will NEVER be met. He has travel sweets. He painted his bookshop the colour of his soulmate’s eyes. He’s one bad day away from having a mental breakdown so intense it would explode half the planet. He loves humans so much but if any of them so much as speak to him he’ll require three business days to recuperate. He is THE Southern Pansy. He declared war on Hell because they interrupted the Jane Austen ball he meticulously planned just to dance with his boyfriend. He is so so traumatised and hasn’t experienced a straightforward emotion in his life. He WOULD bite people if he was given the opportunity. He is the most annoying bastard you’ve ever met (affectionate). He can’t speak French.
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Criminally underrated screenshot from good omens 2
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can’t believe aziraphale left to help with the second coming and crowley didn’t even get his first coming
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aziraphale’s bookshop being a maximalist dream full of personality vs heaven being a minimalistic dream devoid of any personality and crowley’s flat being the most personalized minimalistic shit i’ve ever seen vs hell somehow being full of stuff while completely void of personality is something that can be so personal actually
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I cant understand people who are like "why is everyone in aziraphale's neighbourhood gay" like my brother in christ he lives in soho
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I N E F F A B L E ♡ L U S T
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Have seen a few people wondering why the angels didn’t recognise the Metatron in human form but Crowley did and I have a theory!
Perhaps the Metatron has literally never been to Earth before (at the very least, not that the angels know of). We haven’t even actually seen him “in person” in Heaven either on the show, only as a giant floating head.
So if the angels have thousands of years of precedent, knowing that the Metatron doesn’t use a corporeal form, then the idea that this guy walking into the bookshop could be the Metatron might just roll down their backs like water off a… something or other. Crowley, on the other hand, doesn’t have this context and is thus much better positioned to recognise the face he saw a few minutes ago.
This would also make the Metatron’s trip down to Earth a Very Big Deal, which frames the way he makes his offer to Aziraphale in a different light. Gabriel might pop down to get in a light jog and talk strategy with an agent, but the Metatron’s visit is NOT casual or even really conceivable.
I think this lends extra credence to a theory I’ve seen floating around and can 100% get behind: something is UP with that coffee. The Metatron could have told Aziraphale about his offer as a floating head, but could not have given him a coffee.
The Pushing Daisies fans in the room will note that almond flavoured coffee cream creamer (or syrup, as the case may be) is suspicious because cyanide tastes like almonds. We saw earlier in the season how human poisons are behaviour-altering drugs for demons, and by extension it would follow that they’re similar for angels. And a lot of emphasis was put on the coffee. There was a whole scene where he bought the coffee, and the dialogue made a connection between coffee and death. The fact that it has almond flavor was mentioned twice. The Metatron made absolutely sure that Aziraphale actually drank the coffee. This is what the film nerds call “Chekhov’s Coffee.”
A drug in the coffee could help the Metatron dig into Aziraphale’s pre-existing tendency to want heaven to be good, despite all the evidence to the contrary. And the Metatron needs that ace in the hole because clearly when the ineffable husbands work together, they are wielding some serious power!
Very interested to see how this all plays out in season 3! (Please please PLEASE let us get a season 3 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀)
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In all seriousness, the non binary representation in this season is probably the best nonbinary representation I have ever seen in media.
Starting from Aziraphale not assuming Muriels pronouns and referring to them with they/them like it's the most normal thing in the world.
To Crowley (and Shax) using Beelzebubs pronouns so so so effortlessly.
No major talks like "What do you mean they?""I'm not a he/she I'm a they.""Huh? A what?" "Mom, dad *major inhale with tears streaming down their face* I'm non binary"
No "I'm non binary and it is so so so difficult whatever will I do with my life."
Beelzebub not needing to correct or remind anyone of their pronouns.
Misgendering being completely defenestrated
Non binary people being in the background and also being in the spotlight
Non binary people actually having personalities, feelings, thoughts and their own problems and not just being there for the character progression of cis people. (Or as a cash grab)
Just non binary people naturally existing. It's beautiful.
Edit: ALSO one of the two main characters (the two BOTH being actually non binary, like dafuq? You don't have that ANYWHERE else) outwardly stating they're non binary in a very casual and not at all heavy way
And the different types of non binary being recognised. He/him Crowley and Aziraphale, they/them Beels, Saraqael and the magic shopkeepers' spouse (both of whom are polyamorous!), she/they God, he/they Satan etc.
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He's very easily peer pressured
(Edit: I meant by the goats)
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Bonded Pair, Donut Separate!
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The Best Things From Good Omens 2
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Aziraphale and Crowley dancing. That’s it.
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David’s walk and little jump
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Aziraphale driving Crowley’s (yellow) Bentley
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Normalizing choosing not to drink for a completely simple and valid reason
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Whatever the fuck Aziraphale was insinuating here
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Aziraphale and Crowley thinking they’re the smoothest motherfuckers in the whole world and then actually rolling a nat 1 on the stealth check
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Aziraphale gazing like this at anybody who’s in love
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Maggie doing this
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This line. That’s it
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This one needs no explanation
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So, for those of you who (like me) have been leaving the show playing in the background to cope boost the views, I eagerly invite you to get interactive and start looking at the little bits of random trivia, or watching the bonus content! For no other reason that they're interesting, charming, and funny. It'll make your rewatches more fun, and you can get a bit of joy out of reading them!
Here's just a few trivia bits I've found:
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You can find them by going to x-ray, and then you can find the trivia either in a list per episode (where you can jump to the scene they're talking about) or just check for trivia as the episode plays out.
You can also go to "bonus content" and find 5 minute videos for BTS of each episode.
I'm pretty sure doing this will also help in terms of getting good omens boosted from Primes POV so do give it a go if you're getting bored of playing the episodes over and over!
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So this was the unanswered messages in my ask box a couple of days ago:
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and this is the unanswered messages in my ask box today,
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and I'm incredibly grateful to everyone who has said such nice things about the season, and I'm sorry to everyone who had emotions they weren't expecting, and I'm impressed that so many of you have theories and don't plan to answer, validate or really even comment on any of them, but mostly I'm just sorry because I probably won't read whatever you've sent, not because I don't want to but because if I was doing nothing but reading Tumblr asks as a full time job I still wouldn't catch up with the thousands of asks coming in.
I'm glad you care.
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Casting a spell of Pay Your Actors And Writers And Give Us Season Three, likes to charge reblogs to cast
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Just realised the parallel of Aziraphale giving Crowley the holy water with Beelzebub giving Gabriel the fly.
It’s such a deeply personal thing for both of them. Aziraphale is a holy being and he gives the water to Crowley in a tartan thermos that’s so very, very Zira. Beelzebub is lord of the goddamn flies and is essentially giving Gabriel a piece of themself.
And then the way that both of the gifts are protection from the side the recipient is supposed to be on. But also terribly dangerous to the recipient. The holy water can kill Crowley, and Aziraphale worries that he might use it on himself in desperation. When Gabriel uses the fly, he DOES lose himself. It was ultimately temporary but still hugely dangerous.
In the end though, Aziraphale & Beelzebub were right to trust their partners to use their gifts wisely, keep themselves safe, and come back to them in the end.
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theflashiestbastard · 2 years
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okay but how could anyone resist this very casually thrown prompt ???
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this too
(no, I'm not sure how all of them can coexist)
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