theflashof1098-blog · 7 years
“attempting to flirt with the enemy is forbidden” [while nodding my head] what i’m gettin from this is i gotta flirt with the enemy and SUCCEED to do so. go big or go home. i get it. that’s a nice thing to encourage. i can do that
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theflashof1098-blog · 7 years
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“And I fell in love instantly.”
“It’s probably nothing.“ 
“It becomes perfect when you learn to accept it for what it is.“ 
“If you see something, say nothing and drink to forget.“ 
“And you may find, as time passes, that you remember it less and less.“ 
“Look, I’ve probably said too much.“ 
“If you don’t hear from me again, it has truly been a pleasure.“ 
“We are not history yet.“ 
“You are safe now.“ 
“You can let go now.“ 
“We have nothing to speak about. There never was." 
"I have chosen to not be certain of anything at all." 
"There are many things I wish I could remember." 
"I do not live but I exist." 
"I don’t know if he listens to me sometimes." 
"We can do this together, you and I." 
"You don’t know what to say." 
"I know what I saw." 
"Regrets just bear us down." 
"You are all to me." 
"Think nothing of it; it’s forgotten." 
"There—now you know. Has that filled an emptiness for you? Are you any happier now?" 
"I have something of urgent importance to tell you." 
"And for now, existence is enough." 
"No, not you! Not you!" 
"Please, stay safe inside." 
"I just don’t believe violence is ever the answer—it is a question. The real answer is far more terrifying." 
"We can get along." 
"I’m coming in there." 
"There must be something beyond this something." 
"I will try not to be long." 
"I don’t know where I am." 
"I told you I would be back." 
"I let that woeful beast live." 
"We have each other." 
"As with life, and as with all things, it will pass." 
"Am I in Hell?”
“I am certain that there must be more to us than just us." 
"Let’s not dwell on our corpse strewn past; let’s celebrate our corpse strewn future." 
"I probably won’t miss you." 
"Well, let’s just find out together, shall we?" 
"And it’s just no good anymore. We can’t carry on like this." 
"Nothing is real, I don’t think. Whatever; who cares?" 
"When I die, I want to have earned it." 
"The present tense of regret is indecision." 
"The future tense of fear is either comedy or tragedy." 
"I can disappear if I want to." 
"And what if the void is not as void as we thought?" 
"Time is weird; so is space. I hope ours match again someday." 
"We should all be so lucky to set our own futures." 
"I fear for what we know." 
"I fear for what we don’t know." 
"We have nothing to fear and never did." 
"It is likely I will learn nothing from this." 
"After everything that happened, I just wanted to see you." 
"It is too late for us." 
"But maybe you shouldn’t sleep in your home anymore. Just in case." 
"Your sadness will know no bounds." 
"Nothing will be the same." 
"Nothing has ever been the same." 
"When something is this weird, one shouldn’t assume to understand anything specific about it at all." 
"Ignorance may not actually be bliss, but it certainly is less work." 
"No one has ever known anything—not really." 
"I don’t know much about anything at all, honestly." 
"Everything is some level of probably, nothing is a promise." 
"You don’t know, and so it might very well." 
"Nothing ever really happens to me." 
"Thanks, that means lot. Not to me, but your words hold a lot of meaning intrinsically." 
"So it’s best just to stay away." 
"It cannot give you what you need." 
"Oh, you don’t even want to know." 
"But it wasn’t what I thought it would be." 
"I’ll be back as soon as I can." 
"You have no idea how often it is just you and me." 
"There always seems to be something upsetting you." 
"It’s not that there’s nothing coming to get you; there’s everything coming to get you. But relax anyway." 
"Don’t worry. All is as it was meant to be." 
"It was meant to be lonely and terrifying and unfair and fleeting, don’t worry." 
"This is because I am also slightly malicious. Sorry about that." 
"Thinking about it now, nothing seems good, let alone perfect." 
"And those imperfections in our reality are the seams and the cracks into which our outsized love can seep and pool." 
"And sometimes we’re annoyed. And disappointed. And that, too, is a part of how love works." 
"I just thought it was time for us to make a home together.”
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theflashof1098-blog · 7 years
<--- this blog wouldn’t mind some curious anons
Ask about anything!
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theflashof1098-blog · 7 years
A snort, followed by a skeptical glance. Not quite sure whether to be offended or amused. “Seriously? ‘Not being of this universe?’ Hate to break it to you, but I’ve been here my whole life. Or is this just your way of saying I’m weird or some shit? You better not be knocking my style.” Arms crossed, her expression unsure. What the hell is this guy going on about?
“I take it you’re not entirely familiar with the concept of alternate realities then...” He sounded more dejected than anything. His suit said she wasn’t from this Earth, and she wasn’t an alien. Meaning she had to be from some other reality. Though which one, he couldn’t know. “Though if you say you’re not, then I suppose you don’t realize it... Unless there is some other reason one might possess matter that is being flagged as otherworldly by my suit.” Really, it was a thing he had added to be able to detect alien technology or influence, but he had expanded it around the time that worlds began getting into contact with other another. Really, who wanted to have to deal with people trying to conquer other realities? 
“Still, it might just be that what you have was from some other reality and you have it now; I can’t determine when something appeared here from somewhere else, only that it has.” 
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theflashof1098-blog · 7 years
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                                    ʸᵒᵘ ᵍᵒ ғᴀsᴛ ᶦ ᵍᵒ ˢˡᵒʷ             ᵐᵉᵉᵗ ʸᵒᵘ ᶦⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ᵐᶦᵈᵈˡᵉ ʲᵘˢᵗ ᵗᵒ ˡᵉᵗ ʸᵒᵘ ᵏⁿᵒʷ ᶦᵗ'ˢ ᵍᵒⁿⁿᵃ ᵇᵉ ᴀʟʀɪɢʜᴛ
                          ––– indie ᴊᴇssᴇ ǫᴜɪᴄᴋ // written by ᴊᴜsᴛʏɴᴀ
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theflashof1098-blog · 7 years
“Oh... Oh wow! You’re Killer Frost! Like, the Killer Frost... Can I have your autograph?” In an blur, in an instant, he had vanished and returned, pen and paper in hand. Oh man, he was totally going to have his collection complete again in no time at this rate. Yeah, she looked a little different, but that wasn’t too big a deal. I mean, he looked different than most Flashes on this earth. Clearly looks didn’t mean too much. 
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theflashof1098-blog · 7 years
Angry flash noises that a certain flash in another universe also built himself a suit and it’s not nearly as cool as his. I mean, really. There’s only room for one robo flash around here. 
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theflashof1098-blog · 7 years
“What? No, I mean, I’m pretty sure you’re me. I mean, I’m Johnny Quick, the Flash. And based on my suit’s analysis, you’re also a quick, which means you’re probably me from another universe, maybe this universe.” 
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theflashof1098-blog · 7 years
“So... if you’re the Deathstroke... can I have your autograph? You’re a legend!” Don’t mind this robot flash guy. He’s so... shiny! 
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theflashof1098-blog · 7 years
“Just ‘cause I’m not as popular as Superman don’t mean I don’t belong here.” Nothing new here. It’s Icon people always recognize, not her. Which is fine with her, really! But it does get a bit annoying in situations like this one.  “The name’s Rocket. Who are you supposed to be? ‘The-Flash-meets-Seven-of-Nine’?”
“That’s not what I mean. I mean, you don’t strike me as being of this universe. Like, nothing about your style strikes me as being alike to this dimension. Then again, maybe my suit is just giving me weird readings, given I’m not from this dimension.” 
“Though I like the Star Trek reference. Honestly, I never thought of being that way though. I mean, people usually compare me to Gundam or if they’re more western, something like Iron Man or something from the comics.” 
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theflashof1098-blog · 7 years
                     SHE  DIDN’T  mind  his  rambling  but,  if  she  were  being  honest  with  herself,  it  was  a  struggle  to  try  and  absorb  all  of  the  information  …  given  the  rate  it  was  being  fired  in  her  direction.  ❛  that’s  sort  of  what  i  do,  i  mean,  leverage  fame  for  a  cause,  but  i  couldn’t  imagine  batman  coming  out  and  saying  he’s …  ❜  eyes  widened,  her  brows  quirking  with  a  question  that  she  quickly  voiced.  ❛  do  you  know  who  batman  is  ?  ❜  
the  inquiry  was  given  as  she  admired  his  suit,  the  workmanship  and  the  effort  that  needed  to  go  into  the  project.  ❛  you’re  some  sort  of  genius,  right ?  you’d  have  to  be  with  a  suit  like  that  …  ❜
“I do not, know. Batgirl in my time was perhaps one of the rare people to maintain a real secret identity, unlike Supergirl. But then, I understand things aren’t the same here. For all I know, Bruce Wayne could be this Batman, but I doubt it if he’s anything like the one on my world. All he did there was wine and dine and bankroll Batgirl for the greater good. He didn’t seem like a fighter.” 
“As for the suit, I don’t know if I’m a genius. I mean, there’s that saying about a thousand monkeys and typewriters with infinite time, right? I move much faster than everyone else, and I think far quicker. Before, when I was trying to invent my perpetual motion machine, maybe that idea was accurate, but once I became the Flash, I think a lot of it comes down to being able to do more in a few minutes than most people can do in weeks.” 
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theflashof1098-blog · 7 years
❛  EVERYONE  IS  a  hero  in  their  own  way.  just  because  there  are  four  of  you  doesn’t  me  that  you  can’t  be  a  hero  too.  ❜  zatanna  gave  a  reassuring  smile,  listening  to  his  explanation  with  excited  nods  ;  it  seemed  that  he  truly  was  for  the  cause,  was  invested  in  making  the  best  of  his  situation.  it  was  admirable,  and  zatanna  realized  there  were  not  enough  of  him.  
“Well, it’s a bit awkward is all. I mean, they all have their way of doing things, and honestly, I have mine. Also, they’re all scientists and I’m an engineer... we don’t really mesh well. It’s like, people have an expectation of what it means to be the Flash on this Earth, and there being so many of us? Well it’s sort of... difficult to try and fit in when everyone expects you to be that way.” 
“Besides, heroics on this Earth aren’t like they are on my Earth. On my Earth, heroes were public figures; seeing superheroes attend charity events or things like that wasn’t just normal, it was expected. I mean, heroes would sign autographs for a few dollars, and then use that money for charity and the like. I know I record all my crime fighting exploits, put them online. I mean, advertisers get the videos a few hundred dollars, but that goes a long way for some people.” 
“Besides, most of my heroics are made possible by this suit. Designed it myself. See, every time I had a problem or saw something someone did well, I added it to the suit. Climate control keeps gases and the like from bothering me, but I can also survive in space or under water or in deep pressure, unlike them. The suit gives me more durability, as well as a bit more strength, which helps. Because it’s computerized and powered by motion, I can calculate solutions and probabilities as fast as I can run, not to mention I can do things like pull up floor plans or city maps and the like in nanoseconds. It’s as fast as I am, because I based it on the perpetual motion machine I was trying to build that gave me my powers... and then there are little things like when I added small taser like shocks to incapacitate villains without needing to beat them up.” 
Clearly, this guy was a builder at heart. “Ah, sorry. I tend to ramble if people don’t cut me off...” 
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theflashof1098-blog · 7 years
❛  I  HAVE  an  agent,  but  that’s  a  different  story.  ❜  said  midst  a  laugh  in  the  wake  of  his  reaction,  a  wholesome  moment  that  seemed  to  take  her  aback  ;  she  wondered  what  kind  of  impact  she  might  have  had  on  him  in  his  universe.  ❛  did  you  want  to  tell  me  more  sometime  ?  i  could  have  you  over  for  dinner.  ❜
“Oh, I could tell you as much as you’d like. Though I can’t say I’m a hero in this universe. I mean, I could be, but there are already four other Flashes here, and some I hear are from other dimensions too. So I figure I’d be better off doing something else. So I’ve taken up construction... I was a mechanical engineer before I became the Flash, so I figure with all the metahuman activity, people need things rebuilt quickly... And I can rebuild a house in a few minutes. I figure that’s a good way to help.” 
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theflashof1098-blog · 7 years
Bluebird smiled and shrugged lightly. “They recharge in about ten seconds though that all depends on how long you taze them too. Usually at the end of the fight I need to repair the battery, but that’s mostly cause it was a hasty build.”
“I could show you how to build a better one. I’ve actually rigged something similar up with this suit... I got the idea from this electric villain called Stungun. Terrible name, really, but the idea was pretty good. Of course, you’d need a way to recharge it, since I recharge mine via movement...” And then there’s a blur. And another one! And suddenly he’s drawing diagrams on a giant piece of paper he’s taped to the wall. 
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theflashof1098-blog · 7 years
           ❛  BIT  OF  a  change  here.  ❜  although,  in  terms  of  fame,  she  wouldn’t  place  those  two  about  their  fatherly  figures  ;  although  assets  in  their  own  right,  the  justice  league  was  often  heralded  as  being  the  faces  of  the  hero  movement.  zatanna  signed  the  paper  with  flourish,  quick  strokes  to  an  adept  hand  before  giving  him  back  the  pen  and  her  signed  note.  ❛  superman  and  batman  are  the  versions  here  for  the  most  part.  ❜
Once she handed him the signature, he almost squealed with delight, but held it in. Then, he vanished in a blur, before reappearing again. Had to keep that safe! 
“They didn’t exist on my world. Of course, on my world, Batgirl was publicly subsidized by Bruce Wayne and Supergirl’s agent was Lex Luthor. So I suppose I won’t need an agent here myself, if people don’t use them.” 
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theflashof1098-blog · 7 years
“I don’t think so. Most of the female heroes were big time, bigger than me. Heroes were celebrities on my Earth; everyone did things publicly and the like. Not like here.” Really, though, he looked up to them. “On my earth, Supergirl and Batgirl were the biggest heroes on Earth. Beloved by everyone really.” 
“I’m Johnny Quick. The Flash. Well, the Flash of a different world that was destroyed about two multiversal apocalypses ago.” So shiny. So much chrome. He looked like a robotic flash shining like that. “Sorry, I’m a huge fan of heroes. I used to have all their autographs, but then the world ended and I lost them.” 
              ❛  THE  MULTI-VERSE  ?  ❜  she  was  well-versed  in  the  idea  of  alternate  worlds,  the  realities  that  she  had  been  aware  of  her  vast  but,  regardless  of  this,  it  did  not  temper  the  sadness  over  his  loss.     ❛  i’m  sorry  …  were  we  friends  at  least  ?  ❜
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theflashof1098-blog · 7 years
“Why do I get the feeling you’re not from here either?” He was, after all, almost an encyclopedia on heroes and villains. More fanboy, but still! He tried to keep them all straight. This one he didn’t know. Not too many references to her either. Google image search wasn’t helping. Hm. 
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