thefleshmustgrow · 4 hours
I really dont know what to do at this point with the donations posts stalling out. I'm scrambling to cover multiple bills including that i need to get screened for cancer, trying to get my money back from some places on some bad items. To get everything straight for this month we need about $2200. Again we're two disabled trans women and a cute cat @rickybabyboy , please consider helping us out for pride
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Cashapp: $cmder
Venmo: AGIEF
$1810/$2200 raised
Thanks to many generous donations things are more under control now, internet and power is paid, Ricky has a couple weeks more food, some medical needs are covered, let's please keep this up so I can get my hrt, get a checkup, see a specialist for my disability issues etc etc etc
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thefleshmustgrow · 7 hours
Dear Reader,
I am Dr. Mohammed Aldeeb, a dedicated medical professional specializing in emergency care, hailing from the Gaza Strip. For years, I poured my heart and soul into my work at Al-Shifa Hospital, tending to the wounded and the ailing with compassion and skill.
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However, the ravages of war tore through our lives, forcing me to abandon my cherished home and the familiar walls of the hospital where I once found solace.
Leaving behind the echoes of laughter and camaraderie, I embarked on a painful journey southward, bidding farewell to the streets where I grew up, the corners where I sought refuge, and the colleagues who felt like family. Memories of my formative years and the countless lives I touched during my tenure at Al-Shifa and other medical facilities flooded my mind, as I struggled to come to terms with the sudden upheaval.
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Despite the adversities that besieged me, I persevered in my pursuit of healing. My determination led me to Al-Azhar University, where I embraced the role of a teaching assistant, imparting knowledge to aspiring medical students with unwavering dedication. Dreams of specializing in internal medicine beckoned me back to Al-Shifa Hospital, but alas, the brutal onslaught of war reduced it to rubble, shattering my aspirations in its wake.
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In the chaos and carnage of conflict, I sustained injuries, and the sanctuary of my home was obliterated, leaving my family and me destitute and displaced. Yet, amid the ruins, a flicker of hope persists. At Al-Aqsa Hospital, I continue to extend a helping hand to those in need, drawing strength from the resilience instilled in me through years of education and service.
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Today, we find ourselves sheltering in a humble tent, stripped of our possessions and livelihoods. The loss of my job, my home, and the comforting presence of my loved ones weighs heavily on my heart. Nevertheless, I refuse to surrender to despair, clinging to the belief that brighter days lie ahead.
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It is with a heavy heart that I reach out to you, dear reader, seeking assistance in securing safe passage for myself and my family from the turmoil of Gaza. With your kindness and generosity, I hope to reclaim the path to realizing my medical vocation, enabling me to provide for my loved ones and contribute to the healing of our wounded world.
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Your compassionate aid would mean the world to me and my family.
With gratitude and hope,
Dr. Mohammed Aldeeb
Gaza Strip
WhatsApp: 00972599095244
I hope this version captures the depth of your story and resonates with your audience. Let me know if you need further adjustments!
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thefleshmustgrow · 7 hours
anyone else feel insane for being uncomfortable with traditional nuclear family humor because everyone else seems to act like it's no big deal? by 'nuclear family humor' I mean parents sexualizing their kids under the guise of just joking when it's actually creepy as fuck and if anyone who isn't family made a joke implying a little girl should be "locked up" because men want to fuck her so bad it would be viewed quite differently. and i've seen SO many kids casually mention "I hate when my mom/dad touches me in xyz way as a joke" but feel the need to rationalize it as innocent fun since family is involved. you don't have to defend these behaviors, you're not a bad person for wanting boundaries at any age.
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thefleshmustgrow · 7 hours
Hello there, Disney executives and CEO
Before you is everything you need to make a show on multiple complex topics, along with the living quarters a typical employee in your company will have for each of you. The show must have a queer protagonist that has a complex character and is not boiled down to "the queer rep." You must write this entire show in the same amount of time that you give your writers in the same conditions, along with voice acting and animating.
This show must also not be canceled and last for at least 3 seasons with well-written queer rep.
You will also receive the same salary as your writers and animators and voice actors instead of your normal salary.
If you do not complete this task, the explosives in this building will go off.
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thefleshmustgrow · 7 hours
My cat just climbed up onto the bed next to me, sneezed directly into my ear, swatted me on the forehead, and left with the satisfaction of someone who just crossed the last thing off a to-do list.
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thefleshmustgrow · 7 hours
why do i keep seeing whole videos on advice for artfight from “veterans” or whatever. here’s all the advice you need:
you don’t need to draw every day
you don’t need to fully render every drawing, sketches still count and the person receiving it will still love it
you don’t need a fully polished ref sheet for every single character, having a basic one or even just a colour palette along with whatever other art you’ve done works fine in most cases
you don’t need to draw a fully rendered piece every single day do not burn yourself out or injure yourself for funny little internet points good lord
boom done there’s your 15 minute video
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thefleshmustgrow · 7 hours
Peace be upon you. Can you help in spreading the link? I want to escape to safety with my childrenHello dear, I hope you receive the message and you are well. In good shape. I wanted to reach out and participate in a donation campaign aimed at saving my children and family who are facing very difficult circumstances. You can contribute and learn more through the link https://gofund.me/2672b1c8 Thank you very much for your support and participation in this important cause.
this is a verified fundraiser, please help how you can, donate or share
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thefleshmustgrow · 7 hours
it’s so nutty watching urself develop like catching urself react differently than u previously would’ve and be like woah.. cunts maturing? go on then
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thefleshmustgrow · 7 hours
go into another room and pick up a random object and look at it!!
like really look at it!!!
SOMEONE designed that!!
a real life living person set time aside to design that
you will probably never know their name but you should thank them and all the other designers who make the mundane things in your life because otherwise life would be boring with out them
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thefleshmustgrow · 7 hours
"transfer fee" "starting fee" "convenience fee" "late fee" okay what if i beat you to a red pulp with a hammer what about that
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thefleshmustgrow · 7 hours
hi my name is rot and i currently have no job yet. i have zero income other than comms. my queue is posted on @rottingroyalty. btw i am currently offering unlimited slots for animated pfps! i also write and have a writing alt @rotfics
any help at all would be incredibly appreciated. thank you if you consider me for either!
my v*nmo, c*shapp and p*ypal are all rottingroyalty, but v*nmo and p*ypal are currently preferred as i have a hold on my main debit card and i can only use my v*nmo or p*ypal cards.
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thefleshmustgrow · 19 hours
What's some advice you wish you received much earlier
"When people come to you to establish a boundary or a need or to express hurt feelings, that's a compliment, not an attack. That is them wanting to develop the relationship and trusting you to listen and care to do better. And no matter how sad you are about accidentally hurting them, it's a GOOD thing that they cared to have a hard conversation with you"
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thefleshmustgrow · 19 hours
HAPPY EID from Gaza! No matter how brutally they strip away our lives!! We're as RESSILIANT as they come !! And more RESSILIANT than they could ever understand! EVEN OUR KIDS ARE !
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My family Thanks you all so much for your support and love !💖🙏 I wish I can mention every single person of you ! And one day I can repay you all for your boundless generosity and support ! The time, effort, stress you go through while .. helping us. sharing , talking about us donating from your own money to help us! We are beyond Grateful !
Thank you for giving us HOPE when many denied us ! Happy EID to All of you , no matter how brutal it gets our kids will laugh and we bring them Eid! just a makeshift swing made all the kids laugh and play 💖 Hopefully this war Ends and we celebrate all together and thank you all properly if that can be possible If you can donate and share please
Verified by @el-shab-hussein Here
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thefleshmustgrow · 19 hours
June 13th update. Please don't skip.I don't want to lose my sister to the foster care system. share please. (Black lives matter)
I am taking care of my 7 year old sister. I don't want to lose her again in the foster system. Due to her parents being in jail and doing drugs. I really need help keeping her housed and making I have transportation for her. I have the rest of this month to come up with the rent out I will be kicked out. I need help getting car parts as well. please if you have anything to spare please donate. please do it for my little sister. I'm mentally drained by how stress I am. I'm not sure if i can throw her a birthday party this month due to everything being so high in prices. Thank you to those who have donated. we are almost to the goal. keep sharing!!!
Venmo Queenloki89
Cash app $Queenloki89
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thefleshmustgrow · 19 hours
The thing I somehow tend to forget about Garak is that he is absolutely bone-chillingly terrifying, and in any other show he would be a villain. For some reason the writers of DS9 decided to make all of the horror that is Garak into a big joke and the next thing you know I’m giggling like a schoolgirl and saying, “Oh, you rascal!” while Garak snaps Quark’s neck from behind.
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thefleshmustgrow · 20 hours
you motherfuckers better be lifting with your legs and not your back
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thefleshmustgrow · 20 hours
well.. my boyfriend didnt tell me that 3 months of employment was *required* for this apartment, and i didnt get the application until after i moved in so... i might be fucked? i dont even know if i should ask for donations at this point, id need a miracle, id need like, a few people donating their entire paychecks or something. i might just genuinely be fucked at this point. thank you to everyone that helped me, if i get kicked out and end up being homeless, then im sorry that help went to waste. im not sure what to do at this point. if i leave my boyfriend here and try to get my own apartment, i doubt ill be able to make rent on my own, and he'll be stuck here until the end of the lease or until he gets evicted.
id appreciate.. advice, or something, i guess? we're going to call up the front office soon and ask if they can make an exception for me but... i doubt it. i dont know what to do. im terrified.
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