theforceismybitch · 1 month
dude, it takes place 100 years before. you are literally just wrong
The most ridiculous shit imo is how the star wars bros were so eager to point out all the canonically mistakes in the acloyte, and yet rejoiced at the sight of Yoda.
Yoda says in New Hope that he's been teaching Jedi for the past 800 years. The acloyte takes place 1000 years before Phantom menace (which took place 40ish years before New Hope that's. Rough estimate). There is no reason in HELL that Yoda should be a master at this point in the timeline. Hell, I'd argue he's not even supposed to BE there but whatever rot in hell slsks
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theforceismybitch · 2 months
oh she is one of the most compassionate, understanding, hard working jedi there are. that was a complete 180 for her character
Okay, after watching the end of The Acolyte, I have to ask something to anyone who knows about the High Republic....is Vernestra better in the books than in the show?
The Acolyte, and you don't have to agree with this; it's totally fine, was bad. The finale didn't help either, and unfortunately, it has left a bad impression on me on the High Republic jedi. Now, I know there are books and other source material on this era, and I haven't checked it out. I don't know if I ever will check out the High Republic books. But, Vernestra has to be at least better in those books than in the show right?
Cause Vernestra in the finale framed Sol and threw him under the bus to the Senate council. She framed him as the one who killed the other three jedi and the main cause of what happened in Brendok. And for what? To keep the jedi order around? Wasn't lying the reason why everything happened in this show? I liked Sol, and I'll admit, he made mistakes, but even he didn't deserve this.
I hated her for that. I was pissed. But, I know that Vernestra was originally from the books, so I gotta know if this is how she'd be in the books or if she was much better.
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theforceismybitch · 2 months
FIRST OF ALL, little miss vernestra rwoh who showed up to elzar's office and said "sit your ass down and confront what you did" would NEVER put all the blame on sol, her friend, for something that a previous apprentice of hers did!!!!!!!!! leslye i hope you can fucking fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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theforceismybitch · 2 months
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Not yet seen on screen, the costume was one of Bryan’s favorites to design, with a weighted cloak fashioned from fabric the designer acquired in Spain. “It is a very luxurious wool, and it has a basket weave with gold and silver threads,” Bryan notes. It’s also quite heavy, which helped inform the design choice of a wide band across the front to distribute the weight. Perhaps it’s also a subconscious nod to the character’s journey this season. “Unconsciously, she has a lot of weight on her shoulders,” Bryan notes. “She has a lot to carry. She knows things. She knows that there's a lot of — the word I would use is a lot of duplicity — in what the Jedi did in the name of protecting the Force. She's basically trying to manage and do damage control with the Senate.” Accentuating the garment, Bryan added the symbols of the Jedi Order in the High Republic. Even among politicians, it’s clear where Vernestra’s allegiance lies. ”It's kind of a feminine throwback to a Jedi's leather belt that has the symbol.”
Dressing The Acolyte: The Stranger and an Assassin Hunt the Jedi of the High Republic — Updated
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theforceismybitch · 2 months
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Spreading the buff Avar agenda
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theforceismybitch · 2 months
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theforceismybitch · 2 months
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theforceismybitch · 3 months
So the plot twist was that literally everyone but Master Indara, Kelnacca and Mother Aniseya were idiots.
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theforceismybitch · 3 months
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theforceismybitch · 3 months
really not in character for her though. she gave elzar so much shit from hiding his sins from the council.
Ok, I’m giving into the theory that Qimir’s scar was caused by Vernestra’s lightsaber whip. But I think Osha hasn’t heard of him because it was covered up. Vernestra clearly knows better than to make herself look bad by reporting her padawan fell to the dark side. Better to kill him (or she thinks she has) and then report, say… a terrible accident. Osha hearing that some padawan dying in an accident on a failed mission would stand out less in her memory than scary tales of the padawan who went bad. After all, V’s refusing to report to the council right now about Indara, Torbin, or Kelnacca, and is more worried about the jedi’s political situation. It seems like she might be willing to blame Sol for all the deaths on Khofar. How far will she stoop by the end of the season?
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theforceismybitch · 3 months
she sees dead people. kind of
why does vernestra find hyperspace unsettling i haven’t made it that far into the high republic stuff btw
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theforceismybitch · 3 months
the neurons are firing right now. toss your dirty sith in my washing machine heart
So y'all think they were laughing at us
Y'all think they saw how we were losing our collective shit over Arms and they were just sitting back and giggling about what was coming next
Because literally the second he started undressing my brain started making a noise like when you put a couple of shoes in a washing machine
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theforceismybitch · 3 months
the acolyte is slutting manny out in ways that i didn’t realize star wars was still capable of oh my god
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theforceismybitch · 3 months
no, dont
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theforceismybitch · 3 months
i think that their philosophy and culture is completely good. but their organization has been shaped by conflict and generational trauma. i mean, look at what happened to the jedi in the high republic books, the galaxy just kept beating them down. of course the order is going to end up a bit jaded. i actually find this narrative way more interesting than the jedi order did nothing wrong. it’s like Good people were doomed by the narrative. things kind of just fell apart, and they had to be the glue for the whole galaxy.
You know what this is going to get me some shit, but this is coming from the person who said it’s good tech stayed dead so you come to expect it.
I don’t think the acolyte is as negative as some people paint it toward the Jedi. So far.
I also don’t think the Jedi should be above being bashed every once in a while.
Again like hello they literally send children to go fight in wars. I don’t care if they are magical space children. That shit is fucked and they deserve to be bashed for that.
However that doesn’t mean the Jedi are the bad guys. No one is perfect and organizations are no exception. Power corrupts absolutely.
This may age like milk but if the very light criticism of the Jedi this show has continues I will be fine with it.
There are no organizations which are paragons in real life and I don’t want Star Wars to have that either. Literally every organization should be questioned.
I think the next two episodes are make it or break it in the regards to is it Jedi critical or just Jedi bashing.
Again the Jedi are the undisputed good guys of Star Wars. But that does not mean everything they touch turns to gold.
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theforceismybitch · 3 months
US politics is a fucking sitcom.
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theforceismybitch · 3 months
I know lots of people are going to die in the final phase of THR, but I swear, if Avar and Elzar don’t get some sort of happy ending after they gave us a beautiful love story I’m gonna hdidnsbzickfd.
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