theforgottenrp · 1 year
We have received JavaScript permission from Tumblr and the Taken-pages are now fully functional and up to date!
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theforgottenrp · 2 years
Just a quick note regarding the Taken-pages — they will not be updated to reflect the changes to the character roster as yet because of Tumblr needing to give permission for us to use JavaScript in them. Right now the Taken Men-page is not functional, and the Taken Women-page is not up to date. I’ll post another note if or when that changes, otherwise I’ll need to redo them.
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theforgottenrp · 2 years
Daphne Rollins
Markus Shepherd
Sissy Creane
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theforgottenrp · 3 years
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theforgottenrp · 3 years
[ JULY ]
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theforgottenrp · 3 years
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     “This was the history of the world. Recovery and collapse, despair and relief. The dialectic of clean and dirty. Every time is worse than the time before.      The bad thing comes, days and nights and days and nights get so unbelievably fucked up, unbelievably fast, but in the end — if there is an end — everybody’s best self just slogs forward, one stagger, one fall, one day, one What the fuck just happened? moment of oblivion and soul-broken joy at a time.      All we have to do is not die.”
I’m honestly at a loss for words. Ten years ago, all the way back in 2012, this role-play opened, and we’ve been going and going and going ever since. A decade is a very long time, and instead of trying to fit all of that into some kind of soliloquy, what I most want to express is how grateful I am. To every member we’ve had, and every member we have: thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for ten years of writing, of building this universe and our characters together, of friendship and laughter and love. You all have helped me grow, you have grown yourselves, and our characters have; we did that, together — and I’m proud of us.
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theforgottenrp · 3 years
Charlotte Warner
Loralie Pierce
Meral “Bambi” Caymaz
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theforgottenrp · 3 years
[ JUNE ]
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theforgottenrp · 3 years
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theforgottenrp · 3 years
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Player’s Name: Chris Player’s Age: 29 Player’s Pronouns: She/her Player’s Timezone: MST Other Characters: mmmmmmmm
Age: 27 Pronouns & Gender: Cisgender, she/her Sexuality: Homosexual Alignment: Rebellion Member Group: Civilian Occupation: Simulation designer Faceclaim: Zoë Kravitz
Bio: While Vaughn Mallick had what most would call a normal childhood, like many, her family toed the edge of the laws, or abandoned them altogether. Both of her parents worked within the Resistance, so Vaughn spent much of her younger years moving around, until eventually they settled in the city, though her parent’s work never stopped. Sometimes one of them was gone for weeks, others, both, and in between V built a world for herself that had some stability. She’d make dinner, alone, sketching characters or playing video games to give her a sense of community; characters where she didn’t have to hide what her parents did for a living and where she didn’t have to worry about when the Government might come crashing through their door. Sure, there were other kids like her, and she had friends, but the dreams she had of a picture perfect family never entirely faded.
Not until she got older. Eventually, those dreams faded to be replaced with real prospects. She didn’t need to be a part of the Resistance like her parents. She didn’t need to risk her life for the greater good. She could do what she did for herself as a child: she could help create a place where everything could be exactly what you dreamt. She could be a part of something that brought joy and gave people a sliver of time where they weren’t reminded of the oppression around every corner.
Vaughn attended college to bolster the skills she’d learned on her own, from people her parents worked with, and even though the education was commanded by the system she hated, it was far more useful than not and she took it all to create a domain where she could thrive.  
She got a job with one of the most established gaming clubs in the city — the Vortex — assisting with user experience rather than creating the games herself, which she didn’t mind, since it wasn’t her specialty nor where her real talents lied. Vaughn excelled as a guide, at tweaking details to make the client’s experience more realistic, better, special. And that’s where she’s remained ever since.
On occasion, if need be, Vaughn won’t ignore any help the Resistance requires from her; her family ties making her feel almost endowed, and she’s got connections with a few of them, though she tries to keep her distance. Warfare is the last kind of work Vaughn is equipped for and she has no interest getting involved.
Personality: Imaginative, patient, self-indulgent, irresponsible, philosophical
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theforgottenrp · 3 years
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theforgottenrp · 3 years
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Player’s Name: Chris Player’s Age: 29 Player’s Pronouns: She/her Player’s Timezone: MST Other Characters: NOOOOOOO OKAY ITS SO MANY NOOOOOOOOO
Age: 23 Pronouns & Gender: Cisgender, he/him Sexuality: Bisexual Alignment: Rebellion Member Group: Civilian Occupation: Unemployed/scavenger Faceclaim: Evan Mock
Bio: Neo Drake grew up in an underground colony home to a group called Binary; a society that disassociated themselves from the rest on the basis of an entirely different belief system. One that didn’t adhere or follow the standards of “normal culture.” As such, Neo grew up a part of something. Every action and every possession was given toward a greater whole: a future where the true, superior species could prevail. A life of servitude. Community.
Scavenging was always his way of life. What they weren’t able to grow or provide for themselves, they stole — and as a member of the younger generation, that was Neo’s primary job. Each day he woke up and journeyed into the desert, the city, trawling his environment for anything of use. Parts. Money. People. In the midst of his more important tasks, he’d be given locations to tag, his family’s way of spreading their message to the masses. Every day, the same chores. Every night, he gave it all up; everything he’d collected, nothing of his own.
Not even his face; because no member was ever allowed to reveal theirs unless they were in a private space. A bedroom. A bathroom. Anywhere else, they donned a mask — designed with unique details to allow people their individualism — that covered their entire face, primarily made up of a screen to mimic that of a machine. Neo’s choice? A spiked lower half that covered his mouth and sensors that transformed his eyes into symbols based on his movements. A common choice among the younger Binary generation, metallic and neon installments giving them the appearance of any other tech head and allowing them to remain under the radar in public.
There’s the occasional whispers about the group, their graffiti hidden on corners in alleyways, and while they have always been home to Neo, the older he gets and the more he explores, the more unsure he becomes about the doctrine he’s been fed his entire life.
Personality: Amenable, dexterous, suspicious, indifferent, observant
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theforgottenrp · 3 years
[ MAY ]
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theforgottenrp · 3 years
Hi everyone! Just a quick update regarding the TF timeline and how it’s structured. Writing isn’t easy to stay on top of always, real life gets in the way, and if a day in the roleplay was a day in real life, time would pass way too quickly for our characters.
So! With that in mind, I’d like to make an official statement that two years in real time is one year in Battery City, starting this past New Year’s Eve. The current year is always listed at the top of our sidebar, and now the current month is also listed — in the info box at the bottom of the sidebar.
Happy writing!
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theforgottenrp · 3 years
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theforgottenrp · 3 years
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Player's Name: Alice Player's Age: 34 Player's Pronouns: She/Her Player's Timezone: CST Other Characters: Sissy Creane, Daphne Rollins
Age: 33 Pronouns & Gender: He/Him / Cis-Male Sexuality: Heterosexual Alignment: Rebellion Member Group: The Resistance Occupation: Landscaper Faceclaim: Drew Roy
Markus was twelve years old when his parents died. The cause? A fire. No one really understood what happened but Markus had an idea. His parents had found out things on the Government that of course they didn't want coming out in the open; and since it was the Government it was easier to kill the people holding secrets than to blackmail them even though the Shepherd family had been blackmailed several times due to what they knew, but eventually the Government had had enough and they took care of their problem. What they hadn't realized was that the youngest child had escaped. Markus had escaped through a small crawl space under the living room and ran into the woods. Either the Government assumed Markus had died because they never came after him nor did they try to. Markus kept his name not getting rid of it because in reality no one ever asked him about his name, the Shepherd family were just lower members of society and eventually their named died with them. Markus wound up with the Lost Boys just a year after escaping the inferno that was his former home, and stayed there until he was well of age. When he aged out he didn't go where most gang kids went he kind of just went on with his own life figuring the gang life was not what he was destined to do. In reality Markus wanted revenge on his family but didn't even know what he could possibly do, he had no clue who had killed them so it just festers there. As he kept going in his life he got word of The Resistance and he knew then that was where he needed to be; he had felt so helpless the night is family died, and he would never make another person feel that helpless again. This was his calling and he was going to make sure the Government would pay for that they did to him and what they did to others.
Personality: confident, reliable, reserved, assertive, active
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theforgottenrp · 3 years
Birdie Alver
Maxwell Billings
Sabina “Bina” Flores
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