“I…think that could work. And that could also allow Eury’s friends to visit him.” Until he managed to establish himself in the Aerie, at least. He’s mindful of what she said at the start, how things could just suddenly shift and render this portals useless. “I will have to tell dad, but I think that if we have an emergency and are at the Aerie, your parents could help. If we are here and in a public or reachable enough place, my parents will. For the most part, I think the four of us are capable of dealing with what the wind throws our way.” Gently, he reaches to push some tendrils of hair out of her face.
“I know you are a creature of the Aerie, and you miss it. Same with Rhys, probably. We will find a way, you will return home, train with your father, find a job there –perhaps that’s the problem, you are meant to work there and not here.”
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“I definitely still need to digest everything, talk to my family. But…I am not losing you either, not again. I prefer to leave earth than your side. Guess that’s love, right? And I love you. Been loving you for so long, I’ll be dammed if I let something like this get in our way.”
“I can’t explain how the Aerie feels for me; for the chance to train alongside my father,” she laughs a little, and tries to fix her hair that has been falling out of the braid as they talk. “Maybe it’s because I’m old enough enough now to where - if I was home - there’d be a large ceremony and I’d get to pick where I wanted to work, where I felt drawn to and it’s so different there now. My mother has her riders, but my father would let me learn from him, alongside him.” She places her chin in her hand, her eyes wistful. It’s a different world; limiting and freeing in different ways. 
“I don’t want to take you away from what you want to do. I know that Fang is working on a way to help us. He says he needs a place with water on both worlds to make the gate and that’d be pure science. No magic involved to drain it.” 
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“But I want you to talk to your family about this. All of them, if you want. I love you, but I don’t want you to give up everything for me. I want to make the Aerie home for you, like it’s for me, but I don’t want to lock you there, so until we can figure things out - I don’t know. I’m not going to take you from your job. Fang from his studies. Eury from his friends.” 
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“You won’t lose me,” is the first thing he promises, pulling her close so he can kiss her forehead. “I don’t want to spend the next years of my life, my future, without you.” Which is why he listens to all she has to say, her options and suggestions. The months he’s watched her try and figure herself out, what she wants and need, what to do with her life. He had encouraged to figure it out, to find what she wanted – and it seemed she had found the answer.
Her situation was not like that of his father, who had been exiled. Even Coln had not gone back to his world out of necessity. And both Teagan and Rhys has spent far too long in a place that wasn’t in their blood. “I love my staff,” he begins, because introspection won’t help make a conversation. “And I have a good position. I wanted to become Head of the Hospital, at some point. Moving to London, I suppose it would have taken me longer, but it was still achievable. At the Aerie…I am bound to work for the people, where a doctor is needed, if I can, I shall attend. But it’s…” he tries to find the right words, all while reaching to hold her hand so she knows he’s there, with her, still willing to figure it out.
“I would need…the Aerie would need a good hospital. A place to take their sick, a proper place. Medicines, too. Not just the natural kind, but lab-made, fitting for their genetic material. I work neonatal, not adults. I just can’t stop working. And how much will I gain? I’ve never lacked money, and I wouldn’t want to live at your expenses. Would they accept me treating their newborns?” With his free hand, he rubs his face. He had visited their aunt’s place enough that he somewhat knew it, but that might not be enough. “I still need to help at mom’s House and School. And Avir.
If Avir needs me, I can’t be months or years late. I would need to be able to come to him. And the rest of my siblings. And mom and dad.”
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@loyalcollective I answered in the wrong stupid blog 🙄
She knows that her partner, and her brother’s partner, both have lives that surround the world that they are in now. Tiberius is a successful, respected doctor with a staff that cares for him, in a place that does so much good. His family lean on him; Pippy adores him; his twin tells him things that he hasn’t told others - she knows this, as she knows that Fang,  for all of his quiet devotion to his partner, had a family of his own that he looked after as much as they looked after him and had his own program to finish and work that he wanted to do. While she and her brother missed their home, there would have to be a way to make things work. 
So she holds his hand, and they talk. 
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“I know - there’s a lot that we have to figure out. I can talk to Dhalion and see if he could help. Parker, she’s a witch that runs the tea shop in London, her store is connected to three other places. They both know ways, but I don’t know if Dhalion’s is magic or science, and I know her’s is magic.” 
“If we can manage to get Dhalion and Parker to help - if we get an apartment in Italy, a house in London and a home in the Aerie and connect all three - ? You wouldn’t have to leave the hospital and Fang could continue his studies. The problem is that your father wouldn’t be able to shadow jump to you in an emergency and how to make the house in London and the apartment in Italy secure since they’d be stop points but -...” it’s an imperfect solution to a problem that comes with having four people who need to be in three different parts of the world(s). “It’s an idea.” 
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That was a sort of relief. He had nothing against his uncle and aunt, but living with his parent’s in-law didn’t exactly sound like the most ideal situation. “What about work, though? What we, my family, used to visit The Keep, and your family my parent’s house, could we use something similar for work? Rhys, Fang and I.
I am not discarding the idea, just trying to see how it would work out. My medicine is meant for humans, and Fang loves what he does. I can move places as long as I can still work.”
Communication, the kind that leaves you bear and vulnerable, has never been her strong suit, and this conversation is hard because she knows that she’s asking for Tiberius to do something difficult. More than just living with her, and her brother, and his partner - but to move what would effectively be worlds, and she wants to - desperately - pretend that she’s never asked because she knows that while they have the ability to do what he asks - for a door or some magic to get both from one to the other - she also knows that the Aerie is changing, and she doesn’t know how long it’d be effective. 
But not communicating is what caused them to separate before and so - she continues: 
“I want to go home, but I don’t want to lose you.” 
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There, she’s said it. It’s selfish, but it’s true. “I miss -- everything. I miss the colors, and I miss the food, and I miss... being able to go out and train with my father. I’ve always wanted to be just like him, and I can’t do that here. I can’t -- ...” and she sighs. She’s asking for something she doesn’t have the words for. “I don’t know how long we could have a gate like that open. They used to open it to let people in or out and close it again. What was months for you could be years for us and ...” she’s wringing her hands together. “We need doctors. And teachers. We’ve never... you said that your medicine is meant for humans but we’ve bred with humans now for so long and.... I could talk to Dhalion and see if he could help. A door that isn’t a door. A gateway that opens from here to there that doesn’t siphon power. I could see - what he says? And then we could talk again.” 
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The first question that comes to mind is: what about work? His, Rhys’ and Fang’s –could they get something, like a door or, something, that would allow them to still go to their regular jobs?
Then he thinks of something much more important:
“Like, with your mom and dad?”
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She has an idea; one that she hasn’t really spoken about to anyone, but that comes after the question that Tiberius asks. 
“No, I mean - The Aerie is more than the keep. It’s the entire...” she doesn’t know how to explain it. What are the right words? “Kingdom,” she decides on finally. “The continent? The... land.” She gives him a few words hoping that he’ll understand. “We’d still have our own house. They’d still have to ask before coming over. They’re the leaders - but they have to respect the privacy of everyone.”  
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“You know, pet, that’s not exactly the best way not to make me nervous.”
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“I know but I want to be honest when I start a discussion knowing that the discussion - like all of our recent ones - involve a lot of ... thought.” 
Still, she gets right to it.
“Would you consider moving to the Aerie?” 
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“Oh good, you’re here. I ... have a question, one that you may -- need time before you answer.” 
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sean renard + being adorable
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To that, Libi simple grasps his head between her palms and kisses his forehead. She didn’t blame people for not adopting, but she hoped Avir wouldn’t learn the hard way just how difficult adoption process could be. Each Government had their own rules, and if or when they realized Avir’s purchasing power, she hopes they wouldn’t try to scam or make the process even more difficult for him. “So you’ll be making her your own. Well then, love, can’t say I’m not proud of you. I trust you know what you’ll doing, and that dad and I are here if you ever need anything. I’m looking forward to when I finally meet her.” 
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“I said that I didn’t need yours and dad’s money,” he says gently, knowing that when his mother offers money, she’s really wanting a chance to help - to give her children an easier time than what she had. “I’d still like you to go with China with me - to meet her, to sit through the proceedings. You’re better than I am with the legal paperwork.” Avir has learned over the years how to best work with people - his mother included - without putting his desires or needs over their own and instead trying to find a way for a situation to work out for all parties. “Would you be able to come with me?”
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When Avir shows her the picture she takes the phone and gasps his name. “Oh, that poor little darling. Where did you take her to? I suppose no one has shown interest in adopting her yet?” Of course her son wouldn’t have just left the baby, and of course he would want to go back and check on her. Avir knows the House for children she has, along with the school, and how even the healthiest of kids would often remain unwanted. “Are you planning on paying for the surgery? If you need a loan, your dad and I will cooperate. I’m not sure that’ll make someone adopting her faster, but at least she’ll have a chance at living longer.”
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“Right to a hospital. There was no where else I could take her. I’m trying to make it clear that she’s got someone looking out for her so that she’s not forgotten, but no - there’s so many healthy babies that need homes, and you can’t blame people for not wanting or being able to take on a child with that level of medical need.” 
He shakes his head. He appreciates the offer to help, but he has the money. He wouldn’t have considered it unless he was fully capable of taking care of her. “You’ll have all the time to spoil her when I bring her home, as she’s recuperating and for decades afterwards.”  
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“I trust Tib is doing what he thinks best. And I know you would tell me.” Maybe now she would be getting more grandchildren. “Oh, you know how much I hate being in the left in the dark! Is there something I could help you with, to make sure it goes somewhere? Even if you don’t tell me what it is. You rarely ask for things, so please, feel free. Are you going solo or with partners? Do you know them well? You need someone to do background checks on them.”
He quiets when she asks what he’s going to go back to China for. Instead, he closes his computer and pulls his phone out of his pocket. He looks down at it before he unlocks it and scrolls through the pictures he doesn’t normally shares; the ones that he takes for a boy who had died too early and hadn’t been able to have the adventures and see the things that he always wanted to. He finds the picture he’s looking for and hands the phone to his mother. “I don’t think she has a background to be checked.”
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“I found her in a box a couple months ago, and I know that sounds bad, and I’d phrase it differently if I could... I thought that she’d be adopted quickly but she has a congenital heart defect. It’s fixable, but it’s a cost that most people, apparently, don’t want to undertake.” What he hasn’t said is that he plans on going to adopt her, but while Tib needs him - he needs Tib. His brother is searching for a house and Avir needs one as well. A place for a child. All the things that a child needs. References to be asked for. A home visit to be planned, but he needs to see her again.
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Libi sits down next to him, one hand gently petting his head as he shows her picture after picture. While she wishes he would just stay home, or at least a little closer, Libi wouldn’t ask him to stop traveling unless his life was at risk. Not like she thinks he would listen. “Fine, I just wait until he tells your dad. I do trust he is happy, and that said happiness will last. I don’t meddle in because the gossip, darling, I just look after all of you. But yes, I know, the four of you are adults.” 
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“What are you planning on going or going after your stay here? What new place will you visit?”
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“I’d tell you if I thought it wasn’t healthy but,” he shrugs, “from what I’ve heard, it’s Teagan and Rhys. Rhys has always been the more... grounded of the twins,” he assures her. He’d never stop traveling. Ever since he put his feet to the road, he’s been lost to the world, exploring. “I think I’m going to go back to China. I’ve got something in the works there. I’ll tell you if it goes anywhere.” 
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They definitely don’t. Avir was the sweetest of her children, and Libi treated him in kind. “Always all good. Oh darling, I don’t know if you’re lying, but I’m glad. Do you need something from your bag or should we give it to the maid?” So she could usher him into the living room, where she would demand to be shown all of the pictures he had taken during his last trips. “Your brother is house-hunting? For what? Do you know if his girlfriend is also house hunting?” If that was the case, they were moving fast. Libi would need to call in Teagan so they could discuss about retaking the wedding plans. “And what parts where not as wonderful, baby? Tell me those so we can later concentrate only on the good.
How long will you be staying, by the way? Hopefully all week, if there are not Valentine’s plans?”
“I promise, if it was anything life threatening, I would have called.” After it happened, but he would have. Or at least told Tiberius so that he knew. If things had gone very badly, he would have called Diana, who he knows kept tabs on him, illegally, but ARENA operates in the grey area. He lets the maid take his bag with his thanks, and he walks with his mother into the living room. He’s kept his laptop, a resilient thing despite all that he’s put it through, to show her pictures. 
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“You know I won’t tell you what Tib told me in confidence. i don’t know if he’s ready to tell you what he’s doing.” He’s fiercely loyal to his twin. “He’s happy though.” 
He won’t tell her of the bad things he saw. Maybe one day, but not when he’s just gotten home, so he shows her the mountain he’s hiked, the places he’s seen. “The week, save if Tib needs me.” 
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“My little lovebug,” she coos once her arms finally wrap around her son, squeezing him as tight as she physically can. Libi has asked of him to please visit around the holidays, all and any of then, just so she could they could spend a little time and his parents could know he was keeping safe and healthy. Lying over a phone was too easy. “Look at you, baby mine. Do you keep getting taller or do I keep losing inches? Have you even eaten anything in the past few weeks? Have you been wearing sunscreen? Oh, I’ve have them made so much food for you. Any new injuries I should know off?
I missed you, sweetie.”
He wonders if all of his siblings get greetings like this - though his mother sees them more often then him so maybe they don’t? Stil, he’s not complaining as he greets his mother warmly as he drops his bag by the front door. He only ever brings one with him. The next time he’ll visit won’t be until after summer. “I’m good; I’m good,” he promises her. Though he won’t admit that he never wears sunscreen and sometimes he forgets to eat. At least this time he remembered to shave the bear. “No new injuries; no old ones acting up. I came home because Tib said that he needed some house-hunting advice.” He steps away from his mother and looks down at her. “Really, I promise. Everything is good. Things were good and wonderful for the most part.”  
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“I haven’t lived with a non human that isn’t an alien, either.” He was used to the pecualirities that came with people not raised on earth, but aside from few friends like Ovid, Tib didn’t know what it would be to a share a home with one on the long term. “I like the kitchen, I think. That’s where the coffee is at. You should probably know…oh, well, I’m looking for ways to permanently move here. I refuse to live in a house without a big garden and I love dares. The bigger the better. I also like fighting, but I’ve had to stop, to avoid injuring my hands or sight. I also have never had more than one romantic partner at a time. Have you? Should we keep separate fridges for what you’ll need to eat and what we’ll need to eat?”
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“Definitely not an alien. Wolf shifter though,” he admits, as if it had been hard to tell what he was on first glance. “I can’t cook very well, but I’m better where it’s quiet. I don’t like being locked into places.” A shrug and he continues, “I haven’t had a romantic partner at all. It’s never been something I’ve thought of until Rhys, and now - you and Teagan because you come with Rhys.” He quiets for a moment. “I know it’ll be different. For all of us. For me, but we’ll go day to day for a while until things make sense.” 
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Errai can’t figure out why he decided on this guy. Seriously. 
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“Well, at least all of our parents have strange naming ideas,” none if them had a conventional name, at least for the general public’s standards. As Fang answers to everything he asked, Tiberius keep busy by finishing one burger after the other, minding to drink some soda to wash it all down. “Yeah, we’ll probably be living all together sooner rather than later, but I like knowing some basics. And the allergies was a necessary question, so when I bring in food next time, I don’t accidentally bring something you can’t eat. And the color is to keep in mind for the gift-giving holidays.  
Is there anything you want to know about me? Or want to figure things out along the way?”
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He isn’t sure what to ask Tiberius. “I haven’t lived with a human before,” he admits. He’s been with the two vampires for years now. “What should I know about you? I know that you have parents, a number of siblings, your mother has a school as well. And you’re a doctor that takes care of very small children. What area of the house is your favorite? I like any place that’s warm.” Conversations aren’t his strong suit. He’s normally quiet unless he’s teaching or having to answer questions in class at the university.  
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Tib actually waits a moment in silence to see if Fang was joking about his name. “Your name is London…Buchanan.” No, Tiberius was not going to laugh. “Yeah, how did you go from that to Fang? Is it because, you know,” he motions towards the man’s mouth. “Nice to finally meet you, though. It isn’t full house unless it’s four.” Tiberius unwraps his burgers are he speaks, lining them all up and then spreading his fries in front, dividing them according to each burger. “So, what do you do for a living? Hobbies? Allergies? Stuff? Siblings? Favorite color?”
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“My parents had a sense of humor. They named me London after the writer. Fang came from one of his best known books, White Fang.” He’s grown used to the way that people respond to his first name. “Buchanan is the last name of the vampire that took me in after I learned to change from wolf to human. “ 
He digs into his fries, eating slowly but with no sign of slowing down. “I teach at Troy and Ovid’s school, I’m working on getting my Ph.D. I’m mostly with Rhys when I’m not in class or helping Troy. No allergies. No siblings. I like purple,” he lists off, “but I don’t think that’s what they meant by getting to know one another. I guess I’ll be seeing you a lot, in a lot of different ways, in the coming years.” 
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