thefutureisbrightrp · 10 years
A. Thenardier, master innkeeper, greatest guy you'll ever meet in Paris.
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thefutureisbrightrp · 10 years
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thefutureisbrightrp · 10 years
Bossuet.. Blog Under Construction. Mun and Muse are 21+
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thefutureisbrightrp · 10 years
Would Grantaire's sister be a playable character? She is canon in the brick, just never named.
While that's true, we would prefer having the already established, named characters filled up first! Javert, Gavroche, P-M, etc, etc, are still available and off reserve!
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thefutureisbrightrp · 10 years
Les Amis Meeting 28.09.14
Enjolras comes in and lays on the Musain floor it's been so long.
Combeferre is right behind him and he'll just step over him
Joly: *tacklehugs everyone as well*
Marius: How strange, this feeling that his life's begun (again) at last.
Courf: *keeps texting*
Joly: I've been so lonely.
Marius: Can Marius just -- g e n t l y place his head on Courfeyrac's shoulder.
Jehan Percival Sinclair Beauregard takes his place at one of the tables
Joly: Joly will probably tear up if Marius does but it would be so sweet.
Bahorel: "Same" joins Jehan's cuddles
Combeferre is bribing enjolras to move to a table by offering him a cupcake
Joly: wants cuddles
Marius: "--................ Hello."
Joly: *needs cuddles*
Joly: Hi.
Courf: "Hey buddy."
Marius: "I haven't seen you in like, two days."
Bahorel: *pulls Joly into cuddles*
Marius: "Or two weeks. I forget."
Enjolras will move to a table and get out the meeting notes.
Courf: "Two months?? Feels like two years."
Jehan: "Two /thousand/ years"
Bahorel: "Two bazillion years"
Jehan: "Far too long."
Joly: A lot longer than that.
Jehan: "Far TWO long"
Marius: Marius quietly wonders where Cosette is. :|
Bahorel: "Haha punny Jehan"
Enjolras: Enjolras doesn't know where Cosette is.
Enjolras: #bestbrother
Marius: #bestboyfriend
Courf: Wonders where Valjean is.
Enjolras: [STARES]
Jehan wonders where GRANTAIRE is
Jean Valjean joined the chat
Jean Valjean checking what his son's up to
Enjolras looks @ Courf.
Enjolras shakes head.
Joly: Joly cries because he misses Bossuet.
Enjolras: "We need to start our meeting."
Courf: "Right!"
Jehan bonjour second daddy
Joly: misses his dad too tbh
Marius: Marius RAISES his HAND.
Enjolras: "Yes, Marius."
Marius: "I have an order of business."
Enjolras: "And that would be--"
Enjolras: "Hopefully relevant to Les Amis--"
Marius: "I think we should purchase custom-made aprons."
Joly: waves at jvj
Marius: "For Les Amis."
Courf: "Should I be taking notes?--"
Combeferre: "What does that have to do with anything?"
Joly: "For soup kitchens, maybe?"
Marius: ".............. Yes. Exactly."
Jehan: "Then when we volunteer we can get our names out?"
Joly: "That kind of does make sense."
Jean Valjean: waves at Joly
Enjolras: "Marius is there an ulterior motive for the aprons."
Marius: "Well, I was--" i s t h a t vl aje an
Joly: "How is...Enj, what ulterior motives do aprons have?"
Marius: ab ort a boRT AB ORT
Marius: "Nevermind."
Jehan: "No no, it could be nice."
Jehan: "We can make a cute logo!"
Joly: "That could be fun."
Courf: "Question, could the aprons have code names?"
Combeferre: "No"
Jehan: "Yes!"
Marius: Looks At Valjean With Questionable Intent.
Joly: "Why would aprons have code names?"
Courf: Looks at Marius looking at Valjean, does Marius have a secret dad thing??
Jean Valjean: doesn't understand why pontmercy is staring at him.
Courf: "Well why the hell wouldn't they?"
Combeferre: "Wouldn't that just confuse people if you're wearing them to go volunteer at places?"
Joly: "You just like code names."
Courf: "Guilty on that one."
Jehan: "I can be Eagle One. Eponine could be Been there Done That. Grantaire can be Currently Doing That. Marius is It Happened Once in a Dream. Courf is If I Had to Pick a Priss. Enj is Eagle two."
Combeferre: relieved that he was left out
Joly: *chokes*
Jehan bows
Courf: "Priss? ExcUSE ME." #offended
Jehan: "<3"
Enjolras: "....We should move on to actual, relevant topics."
Jean Valjean: chuckling in amusement
Jehan: "Can do, Eagle Two."
Enjolras: "."
Joly: "I find this topic incredibly relevant."
Marius: ...
Enjolras: "Halloween is coming up, and that presents a lot of volunteer opportunities."
Joly: "That does sound like fun."
Marius: Raises hand again.
Enjolras: "Yes, Marius."
Marius: "I was thinking we could all dress as the same person and then do a flash mob."
Marius: "For charity."
Joly: "Thriller? Can we do Thriller?"
Combeferre: "How will that help charity? Are you planning to have people there panning for money during it?"
Joly: "Put out donation buckets? It works for street performers."
Joly: (joly just wants a thriller flash mob okay)
Marius: "It was just an idea, forget it."
Joly: "It was a good idea, though."
Combeferre: "It is, I just don't think we would get enough money out of it for the amount of work it would take."
Jean Valjean joined the chat
Enjolras: "I was thinking more of the lines of throwing a Halloween party for less fortunate kids, or working with a shelter to help black cats that tend to get killed around that time."
Joly <still wants a hug>​
Jehan: "cATS
Joly: CATS
Joly: CATS
Joly: CATS
Marius: Marius is going to move a little Closer to Cosette's Dad.
Joly has a need for another cat
Joly: We could adopt black cats!
Jehan marius has a death wish i see
Jehan: "What if they hurt Percival Sinclair Beauregard?"
Jehan holds said rodent to chest protectively
Combeferre: "I think both of those are great ideas. And Jehan I think Percival is safe."
Jean Valjean: He's going to watch Marius out of the corner of his eye
Jehan said rodent proceed to climb over to combeferre's shoulder
Joly: I'm gonna call him Blackjack.
Marius: Marius is going to casually whisper to Valjean -- "Hi."
Combeferre: he'll glance at it before turning his attention back tot he meeting, petting him softly
Jean Valjean: "...hello. How are you Marius?"
Joly: If you get a kitten, they can be trained not to bother Percival Sinclair Beauregard
Marius: "I'm alive. How are you, Cosette's Dad?"
Jehan: "Oo, you did want another pet, Ferre!"
Combeferre: "I was thinking of getting one."
Jean Valjean: "I'm well.... You know you may use my name?"
Joly: Hippocrates is gonna kill me if I bring home another cat, but he's getting older and I really think it'd be nice to transition a new kitty or two into the place.
Enjolras: "We can do both. The first one is more active while the second is more of an awareness campaign."
Joly: "We can do a party for the kids and let them play with the cats to see they're not scary!"
Marius: "Okay, Cosette's Dad."
Courf: Side eyes Marius.
Jean Valjean: "Fauchelevent. Or Jean. Call me one of those, please."
Joly: "Plus it'd be nice to, you know, show kids how to gently treat animals. And socialize the cats. I think everyone wins."
Combeferre: "That might have issues-- if one of the cats gets upset or isn't used to people they might bite, in which case we or the shelter would be held accountable by an angry parent."
Marius: "Alright, 'bro' Fauchey." Winks.
Jean Valjean: "....No."
Joly: "Well, we'd have to figure out the temperament of the cats of course. And the kids."
Joly really wants another cat now
Joly or three
Marius: N ervous laughter.
Marius: Inches away slowly. Back to Courf he goes, indeed.
Courf: "Maybe two separate events though? Kids plus cats seems like a disaster waiting to happen."
Joly: "Okay, maybe not together, ultimately. But we should totally do both, it'll be fun."
Combeferre: "Two seperate events would be best. If we plan we might be able to get the shelter to come to the school's campus with some cats."
Enjolras: "Especially if the parent organization gives us an older age group to work with."
Jean Valjean: watches him go
Joly: "The campus would be great, because a lot of students would love to adopt pets but find getting to the shelter an issue."
Courf joined the chat
Marius: ....
Marius: The distant tune of 'he could die tonight' plays in the background.
Courf: Looks at Marius. "You ok bud?"
Jean Valjean: he's not even trying to be scary honestly pontmercy
Marius: Marius is just going to -- pick up Courfeyrac's arm and hide beneath it.
Jean Valjean: h o n e s t l y
Jehan: "Papa Jean how was your day <3"
Jehan see he's Approachable
Jean Valjean: that's how it's done pontmercy.
Marius: Fauchey.
Joly scoots closer to papa jen
Jean Valjean: "You're... Jehan? Correct?" Politely smiling as he turns towards them to chat
Joly: jean
Joly scoots a little closer when he sees jehan interacting
Jehan wow rude
Jehan im bffs with ur sON FOR YEARS
Enjolras: [why is everyone after my dad]
Jehan i need a strong male figure in my life (ass)
Jehan im sorry
Jehan: "Yes, Jehan!"
Courf: Pats Marius on the back.
Jean Valjean: "They both have so many friends I don't want to get any of confused. My day was very well. How have you been?"
Joly is now sitting on the other side of jehan
Jehan hi joly
Marius: "Anyway."
Enjolras: "Well since everyone seems to be on board with those ideas, I'll go finalize them and bring the information to the next meeting."
Joly: "So what are our Halloween plans, then? I mean, the day itself."
Enjolras: "The cause, Joly."
Jean Valjean: "Why don't you have a party at the house Julian?"
Marius: "........"
Enjolras: "...We were going to be volunteering."
Joly: "The cause is literally your plan every day, Enj."
Jehan: "We need something fun too!"
Jehan: "A party would be wonderful!"
Courf: "Party??"
Joly: "Parties are good."
Jean Valjean: "A costume party," he clarified.
Joly: "Even better."
Marius: Marius is excited to show up as Napoleon.
Enjolras stares, Dad why are you doing this.
Jean Valjean because i'm a cool dad that's why
Courf: Is definitely going to go as Harry Styles.
Joly is already planning his costume
Marius: Marius wonders what COSETTE WILL WEAR.
Jean Valjean: *dad senses tingle... eyes narrow at Marius*
Marius: H o w d o es he k nwo
Joly: "Enj, this could be a lot of...dare I say it...fun."
Joly is a costume nerd
Enjolras: "It's not that I'm opposed to a party, it's just we were supposed to be hosting a volunteer event."
Enjolras: "On halloween."
Jehan: "Why not both?"
Enjolras: "I'm not banning everyone from dressing up."
Joly: "You can do both, it's a Friday."
Jean Valjean: "What time would the event end?"
Jehan: "We can do an event the morning and afternoon of, then party all night long@"
Enjolras groans loudly.
Joly: "We'll do the event with the kids on Friday, they'll then go trick or treating and we can have a party."
Enjolras: "Let's wait until I get everything settled before we make plans, okay?"
Courf: Nudges Enj. "come on mr. grumpy gills"
Marius: "Could we charge people to get into the party?"
Marius: "I could be the bouncer."
Joly: "I have a really cool Spiderman costume that's a little tall for me if one of you wants it."
Jehan fmarusig
Jean Valjean: "There will be no charging to get into a party at my house."
Joly: marius why
Joly: "I'm guessing that was a suggestion for...charity?"
Enjolras: "No party planning until I get the Les Amis things scheduled."
Jean Valjean: "I have two college students living in my house, I know none of you have money. If you want to raise money for charity ask for donations."
Marius: Cosette lives there.
Jehan hey marius
Jehan cosette BATHES there
Enjolras also bathes there.
Jehan hot
Jean Valjean also bathes there
Enjolras: .
Enjolras: "So, since we agreed on what to do, I believe we can wrap up here?"
Jehan i bet courf finds that hot
Jehan: "Do we have to leave"
Marius: .
Enjolras: "No, but you can if you want to."
Enjolras: "And no talking about a party."
Jehan: "Ferre! We should bake for the party"
Enjolras: "I just said--"
Jehan: "B)"
Combeferre: "We should!"
Enjolras: "Ferre--"
Jean Valjean: "Relax Julian. Let them have a party."
Jehan: "Oui, Julian <3"
Joly: "It's gonna be fun."
Enjolras: "I'm just saying we can talk about it next week where we can avoid scheduling issues."
Jehan: "D'accordddd"
Jehan totally gonna talk about it
Jehan holy shit where did Percival Sinclair Beauregard end up
Combeferre he's still on ferre's shoulder
Combeferre offers enjolras a cookie from his bag to make him happy
Jehan scoops up the degu and places him in his rightful home, their bag
Enjolras: [compliant friends would make Enjolras happy.]
Combeferre: u sure a cookie wouldn't do that too
Jehan joined the chat
Marius: Marius finds it unclear as to whether he is invited to the party.
Enjolras sighs.
Combeferre: take the cookie enjolras
Courf: Already has so many ideas for decor.
Enjolras: I can't believe my two best friends have betrayed me.
Jehan et tu courf
Joly: "You'll live, Enj. And you might even enjoy it."
Courf: "Enj quick question whats our balloon budget?"
Joly: "I have a million balloons, I'll donate them!"
Enjolras: "You would have to ask Feuilly."
Courf: "A friend of a friend is a club promoter. I'll hit him up now."
Enjolras: "Courf-- I just said no planning until next week."
Marius: "This is going well."
Joly wonders what planet marius lives on
Enjolras: "...Though I guess I'll do my best to get everything organized by Tuesday, if that would make everyone happy."
Joly: "Tuesday is good."
Jehan: swaggy
Courf: "OK OK Just one more question.... whats our flavour palette a potential signature cocktail?"
Courf: *for
Jehan: "Orange and black for halloween!"
Enjolras feels his headache growing.
Enjolras: "I trust your instincts, Courf."
Marius: "Listen, it has been fun, but I really need to go study."
Marius: Who is he kidding - he got all of his studying done yesterday.
Enjolras: "I should get going to organize everything." He quickly glances at Valjean. "And finish my homework."
Jean Valjean gives him a thumbs up
Jehan like a Cool Dad
Enjolras: "I'll email everyone on tuesday."
Marius: "I'll see you guys later. Except for Fauchey-- crap."
Jean Valjean eyebrow raise
Marius: Heelies the FUCK out of there
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thefutureisbrightrp · 10 years
Then I shall put Bossuet on reserve! Please and thanks, mods.
Bossuet is reserved until September 30th!
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thefutureisbrightrp · 10 years
Can I please reserve Feuilly?
Unfortunately we're already reviewing applications for Feuilly, so putting him on reserve would be unfair, but you're welcome to submit an app between now and September 30th to be considered!
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thefutureisbrightrp · 10 years
may i reserve montparnasse?
Montparnasse is reserved until September 30th!
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thefutureisbrightrp · 10 years
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                      Do you love Les Misérables? Do you love to RP?                                                                    Join us in                                          The Future is Bright                                                   A Modern AU Les Mis RPG
       Currently, the RP Ring is in serious need of a some characters… namely, FEUILLY, BOSSUET, MONTPARNASSE & PM, JAVERT, GAVROCHE, + more! 
REASONS YOU SHOULD JOIN: We have weekly Amis meetings (Sundays @ 10 PM EST), and monthly events!        & Marius sprayed Cosette with pepper spray.       & Courfeyrac was Eponine’s fake boyfriend       & Mme. Thenardier flirted with Javert       & Grantaire called Enjolras a peacock                      + much more
                          HOME | CAST | RULES | APPLY | MODS
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thefutureisbrightrp · 10 years
is the cast list updated?
Yes! The cast list is updated!
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thefutureisbrightrp · 10 years
are there any characters on haitus?
There are no characters on hiatus at the moment.
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thefutureisbrightrp · 10 years
Hi! So, how active is this rp, and when are your acceptance dates?
We expect our members to be on at least once or twice a week. As it's the school year and a lot of our members are in college, we're rather lenient on this, but we decided once a week is do-able! Also participating in events is of utmost importance. 
We don't really have acceptance dates, though you should hear back from us in 1-3 days after you submit your application as to whether or not you've been accepted. 
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thefutureisbrightrp · 10 years
We're sorry to announce the following members are no longer with us: 
Also, take a moment to go over and review our rules!
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thefutureisbrightrp · 10 years
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thefutureisbrightrp · 10 years
Maybe you can come up with convincing lies to get out of homework?
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thefutureisbrightrp · 10 years
Hello everyone! Mods are currently shaping things up to make adjustments for the school year. We understand a lot of our members are in college, and are doing our best to find solutions around that. 
First of all: quick activity check! Please drop us a message just letting us know if you’re still with us! Anyone who doesn’t respond by Monday, September 14th, 12 pm ESTwill be booted from the ring and the character spot will be open. 
Second: Friday nights are super busy for everyone, mods have briefly discussed moving those weekly Les Amis meetings to the weekend. Please let us know if Saturday or Sunday evenings would work best for you! Majority will rule. 
That’s all for now! Hope everyone is having a great school year so far!
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thefutureisbrightrp · 10 years
Hello everyone! Mods are currently shaping things up to make adjustments for the school year. We understand a lot of our members are in college, and are doing our best to find solutions around that. 
First of all: quick activity check! Please drop us a message just letting us know if you're still with us! Anyone who doesn't respond by Monday, September 14th, 12 pm EST will be booted from the ring and the character spot will be open. 
Second: Friday nights are super busy for everyone, mods have briefly discussed moving those weekly Les Amis meetings to the weekend. Please let us know if Saturday or Sunday evenings would work best for you! Majority will rule. 
That's all for now! Hope everyone is having a great school year so far!
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