Maybe Someone Needs This?
I needed to get this out after another fight. Writing helps with the angry I feel and even though I have a long way to go before making things better for myself, maybe someone needs this right now to help them.
When you tell someone their shit enough times guess what they start to feel like. When you tell them their worthless and everything they do is either not enough or crap guess don’t be surprised when its reflected in their work. When everything you say to them is a put down do you think they would magical become that perfect person you're looking for? They start to believe their shit and worthless. They start to think why should they try hard when it doesn’t matter what they do because you’ll still see them as crap. Every put down you have every said to them is right there influencing everything move they make. Anyone can feel this way when their told enough times that this is what they are.
You are nothing more than an asshole and a bully.
They become isolated by your words. The love they had for you is gone, how could they love you when they don't even love themselves. Then you want to become angry because they don’t want you touching them, you blame them for even that. Not seeing how your words have done all this damage and they have half a heart left. What little affection they have left is given to the children that you hide away from. Even that doesn’t save them from your wrath.
You call them horrible names and scream at them right in front of the kids, coldheartedly making threats. Yes, go ahead and tell them again why they are a horrible parent and how you’re done with it all. Blame them for things that happened while on your watch. Demand they come home from one of the few and very far between outings they get because you can’t take anymore of offspring you help create.
This is emotional, mental and verbal abuse, but you don’t see it that way. In the hole you’ve created for them they can’t see it, not yet. There are those that only sink more into the darkness. A few will keep the light in their sight but never truly giving up hope that things will get better. Even less will reach for it and pull themselves up to make it out leaving you behind.
Do you know what path they will choose? Are you worried your punching bag will walk away? You should be.
Forgive any errors. It was written in a not so sound state of mind. Also I’m not much of a writer to begin with.
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