thegarrettalcott · 7 years
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Logan took a deep breath, comforted by the other man’s kindness. He nodded, taking the moment as an opportunity to very briefly clear his mind, which was becoming more jumbled by the second. “He’s, um, he’s six. But tall for his age, like this high, I think.” Logan held his hand out around his waist. “He’s got brown hair, and he just got a haircut, so it’s that weird like long on the top short on the sides shit? I dunno, his uh, friends all got it so he wanted the same thing. I think he was wearing his blue jacket, maybe jeans, or sweatpants- Shit, I can’t remember what he was wearing.” Logan shook his head and took another deep breath - he wasn’t gonna freak out again, he silently swore to himself. “The Catasteroidphe. Shit. You’re right. That fuckin’ sucks.” 
“Thank you, seriously, I don’t know what to do ‘cause I’ve never lost him and my phone’s dea-” Suddenly, Logan genuinely gasped, the realization of who he was talking to hitting him hard. “Holy shit, I just realized who you are. You’re Garrett Alcott, the football player! That’s fuckin’ ridiculous. Of course the fuckin’ world ends and I lose my brother and then, only then, do I meet a pro. Fuckin’ course. That’s- Shit, sorry, fifteen seconds ago I was like ‘Hey, Logan, dude, don’t freak out, this total stranger is gonna think you’re insane.’ And then what do I do? I realize you’re Garrett Alcott and the world didn’t end and Liam’s fuckin’ missing and I’ve got the world’s fuckin’ biggest headache and- And I’m freakin’ out, and- Well, and, I- Shit, sorry, I’m gonna- I’ll- Sorry.”
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Six, tall, enough of clothing description to go off of; Garrett starts scanning the area -- Berry’s a confusing town, but this might prove to work in their favor, he thinks; this means his little brother is surely wandering around the town still, and hasn’t found his way beyond city limits. 
Before he can comment any further, the kid is suddenly rambling about who Garrett is -- and, as he usually does when someone recognizes him with a positive reaction, he rubs the back of his neck sheepishly and feels his face burn red. “Uhm--” he chuckles brokenly. “Yeah, man, that’s me. Nice to meet you, Logan,” he replies carefully, gathering that’s his name from the way he mimicked talking to himself. “No need to apologize so much, alright? Fuck it, it’s the end of the world, ramble away,” he shrugs easily. “Besides, this is a much better reaction than, ‘fuck you, you Patriot scum’, and those have come and gone very frequently.” He grins. “Anyway, from now on, I only want to hear you apologize to me if you’ve actually done something to hurt me, like -- I don’t fucking know, break my arm or something.” His grin widens, then falters slightly. “Ah, but your brother --- you remember where was the last time you saw him?”
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thegarrettalcott · 7 years
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“Oh- Yeah, okay. Makes sense. Havin’ words after- Yeah, y’know.” Logan nodded at the man’s response about his own missing person, blinking a few times to focus again on his face. He clearly was still kinda out of it. Everyone must’ve been missing at least one person in this, well, this was post-apocalyptic, wasn’t it? Damn. “Yeah, it’s my little brother, he’s- Yeah! I’ve got, hold on, on my- my phone!” Logan grabbed his phone from his pocket, pressing the home button only to be received with a flashing red battery. “Shit. The battery’s- shit!” Logan angrily shoved the phone back in his pocket, before letting out a small laugh. “Sorry, I look insane, and you’ve got your own shit to do. Just a quick question, is this, y’know, post-apocalyptic? Is that what this is considered? ‘Cause, y’know, the world didn’t really end, but sure feels like it still ended.”
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Garrett’s much taller than almost anyone he’s ever met, so having to crouch down in order to look someone in the eye isn’t foreign to him -- so it’s what he does, gently reaching a hand out and squeezing the kid’s shoulder. He looks desperate, confused -- he reminds him of Vincent for a second, which is most likely why he stays here, trying to calm him. “It’s fine, you can describe him to me,” he suggests. “I’m very good with descriptions.” He takes his hand back and looks around as the other man asks him a question. “I -- guess it’s debatable, isn’t it? I’m sure the newspapers will find the perfect term for the fuckery that’s happened. Ten bucks they call it ‘The Catasteroidphe’.” He turns back. “I’ll help you look for your brother, if you’d like. A kid wandering out alone has much less of a chance than an adult.”
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thegarrettalcott · 7 years
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Garrett’s sat his ass on a sidewalk, tired of walking around yelling Vincent’s name — he’s found out that there are three other Vincents in this town he never knew about, and none of those three are his brother, and his brother might have very well ran away from home like Garrett did when he was five and mad at Heath.
But then he thinks, maybe not, maybe he just needs space, and so Garrett sat his ass on a sidewalk, catching his breath, watching people run and walk and sprint by, in the order.
He only looks up when he hears someone mutter to themselves closely. Blinking, he raises both eyebrows at the woman standing, looking at a broken shop window solemnly. Garrett glances at the window, then at her, then lowers only one eyebrow. “I can’t believe you were raising twelve puppies before,” he jokes, smile playing at his lips. “I’ve got three myself, and they’re enough of a handful.” He pauses, then laughs awkwardly. “You weren’t talking to me. Sorry, I apparently left all my tact at, uhm. Yesterday, probably.”
The world had always been strange, but always in a beautiful, fascinating way. Even when people did horrible things, and tragedy struck and everything was awful, she could always marvel at how poetic it all seemed to be. People who only knew her in passing saw her through the window of her tiny toy shop, dancing and laughing, and assumed she was ignorant of the reality of the harsh world, like the kids she devoted her life to making happy. But they were wrong.
She wandered the streets of her beloved town now, and marvelled as always at how quickly things could change, and wondering what blank slate this would bring, or whether the slate was too broken to draw on. She shook her head at the broken window of her beautiful toy shop.
“I can’t believe I have to raise twelve puppies in a world like this…”
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thegarrettalcott · 7 years
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The first guy he found was, okay, holy shit, kind of huge and terrifying, Logan blinked several times as the other guy looked him over and answered him, trying to decide if maybe he was in purgatory, and this was the first beefcake angel you had to fight before crawling your way into heaven. Or whatever. Upon further inspection, Logan thought he recognized him - no, he was sure he recognized him, but that was a question for another time when he wasn’t positive he was going insane and when he wasn’t in the middle of talking to the dude. 
“Fuck, shit, fuuuuck.” Not that Logan expected the first person he saw to know where his brother was, but c’mon, give a kid a break. He rubbed his temple while Beefcake kept talking, half-listening to what he was saying. After a second of silence when the other guy finished, Logan shook his head, “Shit, sorry- you, uh, what, missing someone too?” 
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Call him sympathetic -- or perhaps an idiot, under the circumstances -- but the kid looks like he’s desperate and extremely confused, so it’s with only slight reluctance that Garrett tilts his head and asks, “You’re missing a kid?” He raises an eyebrow and shakes his head once. “I guess not technically. It was his choice not to meet up, but I’d like to have a word with him.” He hesitates for only a second, thinking about Mia, thinking about what he would have done if his niece had managed to get lost in the chaos, when she was younger and bouncing and unable to sit still. “You need any help?” he offers. “Got a picture or something on your phone?”
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thegarrettalcott · 7 years
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The good news is: the world didn’t end, officially.
The bad news is: he still has no clue where Vincent is.
Although his brother shouldn’t count himself so lucky if he did survive the false alarm -- Garrett’s sure to kill him himself for making them worry so much, anyway. He was about ready to go find him out in the chaos, hours before the asteroid was meant to hit, but his mother decided it’d be best if he stayed in; said she was sure Vincent had a reason for not reconvening with the rest of the family. Garrett told her that he was sure he did, too,  but that didn’t mean he got a pass.
(Mostly, Garrett’s worried, though. Incredibly. But he’s masking it with anger for now, just to get through this search without officially losing his mind.)
He’s making his way through an eerily quiet neighborhood -- quite loudly, if you ask him -- when he feels a hand on his arm, turning him around. He blinks down at a young man, frantically asking about a child -- and isn’t that just both ironic and unfortunate?
“Uh,” Garrett shakes his head, subsiding his anger before he finds it misplaced on this kid. “No, sorry, no little boy. Seen a grown-ass man with blue eyes and brown hair and -- he’s probably wearing clothes, maybe, I don’t know.”
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Logan woke up for the second time that day with a pounding headache. He had returned home from finding himself asleep on some random lawn (oops), and immediately fell back asleep on his couch. Now awake again, he rubbed his eyes and took a moment to adjust to the brightness of the day, yawning some. Suddenly, everything from the past view days returned to his mind, and Logan was literally jolted to his feet from the force of remembering. 
Two things stuck out: One: The Earth was supposed to explode yesterday. Or cave in? Or catch on fire? He didn’t really know what was supposed to happen when an asteroid hits, but him waking up cozy on his couch definitely wasn’t on the list. Two: Liam wasn’t here. His little brother was missing, and he fell asleep instead of looking for him. 
And so, Logan threw on some shoes and ran out the door, looking for any sign of human life. The second he saw another person, he grabbed them, not even stopping to chat before getting right into it. “Hey! You- You seen, um, a little kid- Sorry, little boy, like this tall, brown hair, running around? He’s wearing- Shit, I dunno, probably a blue jacket?”
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thegarrettalcott · 7 years
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[GARRETT ALCOTT] {CHRIS HEMSWORTH} is a [33] year old [CISMALE]. [HE] used to be a [PROFESSIONAL QUARTERBACK IN THE NFL] before The End. [HE] was [WARM] but [SELF-CRITICAL], and when [HE] thought the world was ending, [HE CONFESSED TO HIS BEST FRIEND HE’S GAY AND IN LOVE WITH HIM]. Oops. Now [GARRETT] belongs to the [FOLLOWERS].
HELLOOOOO BABES i’m cacee and i haven’t rp’d in over a year now, maybe a year & a half, so i’m a little rusty forgive me. i love you already and you can talk to me through this chat system anytime, ok? my favorite color is blue and i cry every time i watch meet the robinsons.
onwards to garrett:
he is gay, but also very much closeted and has been for a very, very long time. since he was, like, sixteen. he’s thirty-three now, so you can do the math, because i -- mostly i don’t really want to do it myself because i hate math
he’s only come out to two people in his life: one of his very best friends, pop star sensation valletta whom he was almost set up with by their publicists, but he gets super nervous around women so he kinda just -- blurted it out. they’ve been ridiculously close ever since. he loves her with all of his heart and will fight you if you even think about hurting her.
the second person he’s come out to is his best friend, which -- was kind of really awkward, because he also confessed to him he’s been in love with him for, like, years and years and years, because he thought it’d be his last chance to ever do so, but then it wasn’t, so now things are -- you know. they are.
he’s been a professional nfl player since he’s been out of college; he started off with the eagles, then signed onto the new england patriots, his family’s team through and through. that’s, uhm, kind of arbitrary now, he guesses, but football was always the one thing that made him the happiest, and made him forget about all the thoughts and things about himself he tried so very hard to silence on a normal day.
other things that make him happy: his family. he has three brothers, both of his parents and a niece and he loves all of them to death. he’d both die and kill for them, probably. then there is, of course, his best friends, and -- well, anyone he cares about makes him happy. he’s a happy dude, generally, if he’s not thinking of the things that might make him different.
he loves dogs. he has three -- clark, lois and bruce -- a golden retriever, a border collie and a black lab, respectively -- and he kept them all close to him before the end of the world because he refused to die without them. they’re his babies.
he’s loud and extroverted and funny. he’s the type of guy who tries to lift your spirits when he sees you’re having a tough time, no matter who you are. it’s what made him a great team captain when he played football with the nfl -- he’s just the kind of guy you trust automatically, the kind of guy you want to listen to, and the kind of guy who, when someone tries to talk over you, will pointedly continue to look at you until you’re fucking finished, ok.
he’s part of the followers mostly because -- he just kind of wants to be able to play football again, and he thinks that can’t be done unless everything goes back to the way it was. there’s nothing deeper than that. he misses the sport that allowed him not to overthink things, as he usually does.
come plot with him and love him and i will love you ok??? ok cool ily
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thegarrettalcott · 8 years
Belle and Sebastian - There’s Too Much Love
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thegarrettalcott · 8 years
pick it up, pick it all up
and start again
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thegarrettalcott · 8 years
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thegarrettalcott · 8 years
i’m only honest when it rains, an open book with a torn out page, and my ink’s run out.
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thegarrettalcott · 8 years
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thegarrettalcott · 8 years
The Irrepressibles - In This Shirt
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thegarrettalcott · 9 years
Young Blood - The Naked And Famous
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