thegayestlanga · 2 years
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is this how this meme works
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thegayestlanga · 2 years
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this meme is so good i just had to do one for arataki numero uno itto 🙈
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thegayestlanga · 2 years
oblivious idiots in love
“ you really don’t see it, do you? “
“ if there’s nothing going on between the two of you, you don’t mind if i ask her out on a date, do you? “
“ you flat out just admitted that you have feelings for me. “
“ i think i’m falling in love with you. “
“ is that really all she is to you? “
“ she's just a friend? “
“ you’re so full of shit. “
“ come on, you’re in love with her. “
“ doesn’t take an idiot to figure it out. “
“ i wanted to kiss you. “
“ i’ve been wanting to kiss you for quite a while. “
“ it’s not like i’ve fantasized about you or anything… “
“ friends don’t talk about each other that way. “
“ you said i had nice lips. who says that? “
“ it’s just an innocent kiss. “
“ friends kiss each other all the time, right? “
“ it’s easy to confuse feelings for something they aren’t, especially when eye-contact is involved. “
“ you’re still hung up on derek. “ “ derek? my asshole ex? “
“ if you refuse to make a move, i will. “
“ man, fuck that guy. go show her what she’s missing. “
“ just put us all out of our misery and admit it already. “
“ you were practically made for each other. “
“ she shut me down last time, remember? “
“ you’re in denial. “ “ i am not in denial! “
“ look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t feel something for mw. “
“ do you have a crush on me, or something? “
“ are you asking me out? “ “ no. i mean... yes, maybe, as… friends? “
“ don’t let this one go. he’s perfect for you. “
“ do you think that this, us… do you think it could ever… be something more? “
“ she's everything i ever wanted, but i don’t want to risk losing her as a friend. “
“ i’m worried, that if we go there…. things might never be the same. “
“ you know that’s not the case. she adores you. “
“ you’re more than just friends. i mean, it’s obvious. “
“ of course i love him, we’ve been friends for ages. “
“ grow some balls and be honest with her. “
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thegayestlanga · 3 years
reading/writing fanfiction about your otp be like:
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thegayestlanga · 3 years
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thegayestlanga · 3 years
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this is my design
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thegayestlanga · 3 years
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thegayestlanga · 3 years
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please leave out some cookies and poutine for the hardworking boys
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thegayestlanga · 3 years
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thegayestlanga · 3 years
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thegayestlanga · 3 years
please write what you want. please pick the tiniest detail of a character and exaggerate it into a 50k fic. please don’t let canon hold you back. please write whatever you want however you want. please.
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thegayestlanga · 3 years
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sapphic cindereki  ❄️🌺
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thegayestlanga · 3 years
The concept of being seen is so integral to Reki and Langa's relationship.
Reki is used to people looking past him because they perceive him as nothing special. We see this constantly, not only through the negative way Reki speaks about himself, but also through reinforcement from everyone else in the main cast (except Langa) as well as the general disregard he receives from the public of S.
It's not really clear which came first, Reki's low self esteem or people's blatant disinterest of him. We know Reki's friend who showed him how to skate must have been supportive at least while he was teaching him, but Reki never reveals why they stopped being friends, just that his friend quit skating following his injury.
Did his friend want Reki to quit, too? Did Reki think it was because his friend didn't believe in him anymore, didn't think he was a talented enough skater to continue?
Despite these pitfalls, Reki still clearly loves skating, even though it doesn't seem to interest anyone else. He had to learn to be that person for himself, because he's never had someone continuously support his hobbies, and it's something he doesn't realize he's missing.
Until he meets Langa.
Langa is used to people looking at him and filling the gaps with predetermined expectations. This manifests superficially through his classmates' immediate intrigue when he's introduced because of his appearance, and also on a more dangerous level with Adam’s immediate infatuation with him. He is clearly still grieving the loss of his father and at a certain point after meeting Reki, conflates the adrenaline associated with battling against Adam to the positive attributes of being seen by the right person.
When they see each other for the first time, both Reki and Langa do not react the same way everyone else does.
In Reki's case, he's not paying attention to class and instead working on a doodle in his notebook (which he offered to show his fellow classmates, who dismissively declined) when Langa is introduced to the class. He seems curious about Langa, which is shown through Reki talking about him to Oka, saying he wonders what’s up with the new guy.
Langa, however, doesn't notice Reki in class. He doesn't notice anyone. Before Langa meets Reki, he appears deep in the throes of depression; going through the motions, genuinely disinterested in life, and completely unsuspecting that anything or anyone will impact these feelings.
When they meet, Reki literally has to scream at Langa to get his attention. Suddenly, there's this boy in front of him, and Langa's holding his skateboard in his hands. Someone who is undeniably visible to him, breaking through the fog of melancholy, confronting him with something new and exciting and so divorced from Langa's regular routine of survival.
Then, Reki does something no one else thinks to do— he asks Langa if he wants to try it.
What does Langa have to lose? And what, exactly, does Reki have to gain?
Langa falls. He isn't immediately good at it.
And what does Reki do? He laughs at him. Teases him. Asks him if he did it on purpose. Maybe everything doesn't have to be so serious all the time.
Then, Reki shows him how talented he is at skating by jumping over Langa on his board. Langa is instantly awestruck:
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While Reki’s probably wondering if anyone’s ever looked at him like that.
When Reki's back on the ground, he offers to make get Langa a board from the shop he works at. He's taken an interest in Langa not because he expects pure talent from him, but because Reki himself loves skating and desperately wants to bond with someone over it, someone he can show this vast world to.
When Langa turns out to be a skating prodigy, Reki's overjoyed at first. But there's always a lingering sense of protection, something he might be beginning to understand about his friend who quit skating— you never want to be the person who shows someone how to do something that's dangerous for them. That could potentially hurt them.
When Langa first starts skateboarding, Reki expresses his fear for Langa's safety when he accepts beefs against professionally trained skaters, but he doesn't seem to have an actual issue, until suddenly, Reki is in the shadow of Langa's spotlight.
Still visible, still disregarded, still unimportant in the grand scheme of things.
He figures Langa must see him that way, too. But in reality, Langa sees him for someone he truly is— a talented skater, an incredible artist, an inventor. Someone he wants to be the best for, not because it's expected of him, but because Reki is the one who showed him how to skate.
Langa's father was the one who showed him how to snowboard, and without him, snowboarding was meaningless. Without Reki, who saw Langa the moment he stepped foot on a skateboard, who watched him and taught him and cheered him on up until their fight, skateboarding is meaningless.
Without Langa, everything Reki told himself he didn't need support for is pointless, because he knows there’s someone still out there who believes in him who is no longer there to encourage him. He doesn’t want to go back to enjoying his hobbies if he doesn’t have Langa beside him.
Langa is always expected at his best. Reki is always expected to disappoint.
Not to each other, though. Reki is so scared Langa will get hurt, because he knows Langa's only human, even if he's wickedly talented at skating, to the point where he has nightmares about it. He convinces himself that he's jealous of Langa, but the truth is, he's just terrified that Langa's best won't be good enough. And Reki knows there’s nothing he can really do to protect him.
In Langa's case, Reki could never disappoint him, at least when it comes to what he's passionate about. There are countless examples of Reki entrancing Langa with his hobbies, especially building skateboards. Reki will always be someone Langa looks up to in terms of skating, even if he’s long surpassed Reki’s skill level, because without Reki, Langa never would have tried skateboarding.
They see each other for who they really are, and that’s why it’s so devastating for one to be without the other.
[ID: Two screencaps of Langa from SK8 the Infinity. The first is a closeup of Langa lying on the ground with his face on the concrete. He stares up at Reki, who is doing a jump over him. He seems perplexed and shocked.
The second is Langa sitting up directly after Reki’s jump. He looks at Reki with total amazement. End ID]
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thegayestlanga · 3 years
writing prompts masterlist
— dialogue
characters going to sleep and waking up together
angsty found family sentence starters
injury reveal + sentence starters
reassurance starters
romantic starters (that aren't really romantic)
broken promises
hurt/comfort prompts
a character dying and saying goodbye to their lover prompts
one night stand + meeting at the club prompts (suggestive)
best friends in denial starters
caring for a sick character prompts
sacred romantic moments + sentence starters
first kiss + sentence starters
exes to lovers prompts
enemies to lovers but one of them is injured + sentence starters
— scenarios
a shit ton of angsty prompts
a shit ton of enemies to lovers prompts
only one bed + writing prompts
location prompts
prompts for when you need to kill a character
friends to lovers prompts [master]
relationship prompts — famous actor edition
a shit ton of kisses + writing prompts
fake dating prompts
fluffy prompts that make me feel things
writing prompts for characters going to sleep together
ways for your characters to meet (meet cute/ugly)
intimate prompts for slow burn relationships
even more ways for your characters to meet
things fictional couples do that make me lose my mind
small details for fictional kisses
things enemies to lovers do that make me believe in love + writing prompts
fictional things that deserve more love + writing prompts
a writing guide to rivals (or enemies) to lovers + writing prompts
falling out of love prompts
kissing details — prompts
soft things fictional couples do when going to sleep
prompts for characters who don’t want to admit they’re in love
only one couch prompts
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thegayestlanga · 3 years
So… I found this and now it keeps coming to mind. You hear about “life-changing writing advice” all the time and usually its really not—but honestly this is it man.
I’m going to try it.
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thegayestlanga · 3 years
3 Tips for Fast Drafting Your Novel In Record Time
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Every year, we’re lucky to have great sponsors for our nonprofit events. Writing Mastery Academy, a 2021 NaNo sponsor, was founded by Jessica Brody, author of the bestselling plotting guide Save the Cat! Writes a Novel. In this post, Jessica shares her tips for getting words down on the page quickly, aka Fast Drafting:
As an author who writes on more than 350,000 words per year, I like to joke that every month is a NaNoWriMo for me. So with the real NaNoWriMo approaching, I thought I’d share my top 3 tips for writing quickly and efficiently, which you can use to easily smash through that 50k mark this November! 
1. You Don’t Need an Outline. You Only Need 5 Things.
As the author of Save the Cat! Writes a Novel, I’m used to talking about plot. But as any happy “pantser” will tell you, you don’t have to start a novel with a full plot outline (although you certainly can!). 
No matter if you’re a die hard plotter, pantser or somewhere in between, I urge you to, at the very least, sit down and brainstorm 5 things about your main character, your plot, and your world before you begin writing. 
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thegayestlanga · 3 years
why am i so socially anxious i literally just want to make some online friends that i can chill and talk about mutual interests with but no, god forbid i start a fucking conversation with somebody
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