thegirlnamedgia · 6 years
We talked about things like Hamilton and Blackkklansman.
I’m glad you’re settled into the city then. 
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There is a great movement in the performing arts world, it seems, concerning many important topics these days. It’s nice to see that the creativity in the world is approaching what they do in an outlet that’s so unique, I think it’s incredible.
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Yes, me too. For a moment I was worried it was going to be strange, however it’s like I never really left which is wonderful.
Bay & Gia
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thegirlnamedgia · 6 years
Oh god. I’d get so fat. I’m suppose to be watching what I eat. 
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I do have to admit that it’s entirely unhealthy, so I tend to try and find other ways but I sometimes slip up. It’s at the risk of a pound or two, that’s for sure.
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Lucas & Gia
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thegirlnamedgia · 6 years
Aww, Gia! That’s wonderful to hear. I bet they just adore him. Have you taken him to Griffith Park and the observatory? The Getty is a bit of a drive, but it’s beautiful. You know me though, I’m a beach girl. I’ll always recommend Santa Monica and the pier, Venice and the canals, or a drive up the PCH. Where all have you two ventured so far?
Marcus suggested that we go there so it is on my list! There is a movie that I would like to take him to see before we explore, so we will be going soon. You know me as well, too, all of the beach things are already on there as we are both fond of the place.
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Mostly we have just chosen a street a day and ventured down it to see what was interesting. I haven’t brought him anywhere specific.
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thegirlnamedgia · 6 years
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September 21st, 2018 ; Georgianna Leib
Upon returning to Los Angeles, Gia was thankful for all of the things that were returning to normal. She had gotten herself and her father moved into her old apartment, found homes for all of the things that they brought back together, and then she was ready to face what her life was at that point. She needed a job, and while ideally she would have liked to focus on her independent career, she couldn’t be too particular about what it was she was going to do. That was why a majority of the time she had was spent looking over anything she could get her hands on, because while the Institute was always an option she didn’t want to just waltz back in after having decided to leave. One could say it was her own stubbornness, the fact that she didn’t want to admit the failure she faced, but she also knew that the last thing she could do was focus on teaching potential artists of the future.
That was until she was given a gift. It was something her father had been holding onto, apparently, and had been waiting to give her. It seemed like whatever sense he had, had alerted him of the hopelessness Gia found herself taking a moment to wallow in. He always did have it, she remembered that much, but it had been a long time since she saw it in action. That was why when he had slid a box towards her silently one morning and stepped out for a coffee, she was unprepared. What was even more jarring was the contents of the box, the beautifully designed and hand printed letters addressed to her in her mother’s writing.
It was the little push she needed to allow herself the time she didn’t get to spend with her mother before she was gone. It had all happened so fast and she was so unaware of what was happening that she didn’t have the opportunity to say the things she wanted to. What she got, however, was what it was that her mother wanted to say to her, and it was devastating. All of the things she had missed out on while she was away, the things that her mother experienced but didn’t have the moment to share with, they were all in her hands and she couldn’t believe she didn’t get to be there to see it all herself. Then, on the other hand, it was cathartic to know that she had the pieces of her mother’s life towards the end. These letters allowed her to hold onto her mother’s memories and make them her own to remember, and while it was sad Gia couldn’t help but feel the relief she was seeking for months.
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thegirlnamedgia · 6 years
The Griffith Observatory.
Added! My father has always been curious about and fascinated by the aurora borealis, so perhaps taking him to a showing of Light of the Valkyries would be a perfect way to spend an afternoon.
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Thank you, Marcus! Would you like to join us?
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thegirlnamedgia · 6 years
You can always visit me at some point while I’m here. I’ll be here for quite a while. There’s always an opportunity to see the city over here. It’s always lovely here to me, I’m biased in my opinion, however. 
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You make it sound as if I had not already been planning on it. I love London, I will take every opportunity I can to be there to see and relish in it.
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thegirlnamedgia · 6 years
It has been a long and lonely week. Is anyone free and would like to have dinner tonight? I could use some company and good wine. 
If the offer is still open for today, it would be so nice to catch up. The wine, of course, would be a bonus and something I could offer. I hope I could make your week at least a little better.
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thegirlnamedgia · 6 years
Hey good people of The Network. My hooman and I would like to bless you with his adorable face. I’d like to personally introduce myself. I am Banjo. I’m the fluffy adorable one. My man friend, Oliver is the not so fluffy one. He’s very kind and welcoming of new people so that’s enough from me. We love people and can’t wait to see you!
What a sweetheart Banjo is! And it’s wonderful to meet him and you as well, Oliver! I’m Gia, and it’s a pleasure.
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thegirlnamedgia · 6 years
Hello from England. It feels as though it’s been ages since I’ve said hello to everyone from another country, but here it is. I’ve been very glad to be back near home again, and things are gearing up for filming soon. How are things in Los Angeles? I know I’ve only been gone for a short while, but I know how things can change quickly in a short amount of time.
Simply jealous of where it is you are currently, that’s what happening on my end. Is it as lovely as ever there?
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thegirlnamedgia · 6 years
Was part of a discussion panel of the developing relevance of hidden political meaning in film and theatre as compared to the modern day world. Safe to say it got very intense at times and very silly at others.
Did anyone else do something interesting this week?
That sounds so informative! What kinds of things were being discussed?
As for myself I didn’t do too much this week, but it was nice. I mostly finished off unpacking what it was that my father and I brought back, and made ourselves as comfortable as possible. It was a very relaxing week on my end.
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thegirlnamedgia · 6 years
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Mario and I are taking the evening to celebrate the good news. We have found a surrogate that we think is a wonderful match for our family. I think my worrying is now behind me and I can move on to excitement again. 
Congratulations, that is absolutely wonderful news! If I may ask and you don’t mind sharing, what was it that you were looking for?
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thegirlnamedgia · 6 years
Senior year is already kicking my ass as well as hearing some other not so nice things. Guess I’m just gonna have to roll with it again. Gotta say going to the gym is helping with stress relief.
Whats everyone elses go to stress relief?
Baking. It sounds nice and pleasant because you’re surrounded by food, however someone has to eat the food and it ends up being mostly yourself. You’re then surrounded by a large amount of food with a stomach that may be hurting, and you used all of your groceries. It’s incredibly problematic now that I say it out loud.
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thegirlnamedgia · 6 years
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It has been incredibly amazing to be back in LA with everyone, and I want to thank all of you for making the transition so simple. It was as if I had never truly been gone, so it’s been wonderful to have something that feels so constant.
It has been a few weeks now, and I’m happy to say that my father is fitting in like he’s been in Los Angeles his entire life. He already has a special coffee place where they know his order as soon as they see him, and considering the population and the amount of people they see in the run of a day I would say that’s quite impressive. 
What are some places that people like to go? I’d like to show him some highlights of the city!
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thegirlnamedgia · 6 years
You’ll have to ask the people that came to the shows. 
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Well my senior year has started. I’ll hopefully be graduating this academic year if I keep up with my studies.
That’s right! I seemed to have forgotten you were also studying with everything that has been happening for you. I imagine you must be excited?
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thegirlnamedgia · 6 years
I mean I will never say no to incredible snacks. 
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I picked up some version of Spanakopita at a cafe nearby, and am happy to share the cookies I baked last night which may or may not be absolutely terrible for you but are delicious beyond belief.
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thegirlnamedgia · 6 years
Have you thought about how you want to ease him into the city life that is Los Angeles? Maybe one of the less crowded beaches, or one of the museums?
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I could say the same for you, Gia! All of that makes sense, don’t overwhelm yourself too quickly. You’ve made a lot of big life changes lately! 
I think I would like to take him to the beach. My love of them came from him, after all, and he’s been staring at the same coast for so long that I’d like for him to experience something different.
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This is true, though I just feel like I’ve been waiting for this moment for so long that I’ve lost the ability to be patient. I wish it could all come together at once, you know?
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thegirlnamedgia · 6 years
What does this mean for us? 
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I understand.
It’s not a mistake that can’t be rectified. Nothing’s been broken beyond repair, at least not between us, I don’t think. Now, how I am might be a different story entirely, but that’s not your fault. 
For me it means you are still the person I want by my side through everything. That didn’t ever change, I assure you.
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What can I do? For you, I mean. I don’t want to overstep or make you feel as though you’ve been backed into a corner, but I want to help. We can work through this, I know that, but I want to do what I can for you.
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