theglichdemon · 2 years
Speaking of antis patient, now it was starting to run thin, he wasn't getting it was he? He still thought this was all a costume, Oh well he had won the game of ticking bombs watching the man explode threaten to drag anti down into the alley.
Soon himself he was set off, his patience gone, anti started to glitch again, "I'd I'd watch that mouth of yours, i don't wanna get messy but oh i will." Anti spat out, " are you fucking stupid or blind?" He asked, he just glitched behind him, " i just wanted to talk to you, as i knew you you seemed interesting, i tried to even play along with your silly excuse!" He stated.
This was great two very aggressive people pissed off. "Now now I'm sure that we can start talk this through, i do still think your work is pretty good but i had to knock you down abit because of everything."
Ah the season of fall, the leafs was chnaging colors and falling to the ground, with it being fall that means Halloween approaching. The stores stocked with candy, costumes and stupid Halloween decorations. It was horrible, there was nothing scary about Halloween anymore, it was all cute and innocent, abunch of little screaming brat's wanting candy.
Luckily a demon was finally free from the chains that held him because someone had to make a Halloween themed video, he had to thank him really. Now he was set on making Halloween feared again, the glich demon was lanky, his skin had a paleish green color to it, to go with the pale green of his skin, he had neon green hair to go with it, a large cut on his neck a mix of dry blood stained on him with a mix fresh blood from it, along with him a green and red glich would follow him around.
It would be some work to get Halloween feared again but he'd figure his way out even if he had to get bloody. It would be easier if he had someone to help strike fear but who in their mind would help a pure glitch demon hunt people?
Halloween is one of the few holidays that he can be a little less careful in his work. Carrying around stained boxes for delivery, and it’s easier to convince his targets to come along with him when they’re drunk with whatever Halloween specialty the bars have on.
Right now, he’s working on a few targets, and planning on making his own skeletons for decoration. He’s trailed them for five blocks, with no one noticing . He’s dressed dark enough to blend in with the decor. The faint jingle of metal from his knives is constant, and ignored
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theglichdemon · 2 years
I really wanna have a anti and dark thing but I'd feel bad and aaaaah
Don't let anti see that dark exist here - Pluto from the glitch demon account(sorry lmao love anti and dark 😥🖤)
This blog is multiversal, so Dark and Anti can be a whole other verse
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theglichdemon · 2 years
Anti's smirk had yet to fade off his face, so talking him down made that time tick down more, good to know and anti thought he was easy to tick off, well for anti he didn't care what people thought of him as long as he knew he was feared. What pissed anti off was people wasting his time as he had limited of it and he wasn't a patient demon in general.
Truth was anti had no clue who he was, at the same time if it didn't effect him negatively or positively, he didn't really care, "no i don't think i do and honestly don't care either." He repiled to his question venom still in his voice.
It seemed anti got a introduction anyways, he tried not to laugh at the name, it was silly to him, "uhuh well knowing you my full name won't make sense sooo you can just call me anti." His name full antisepticeye didn't make sense to alot unless they knew where he came from which some did some didn't.
Ah the season of fall, the leafs was chnaging colors and falling to the ground, with it being fall that means Halloween approaching. The stores stocked with candy, costumes and stupid Halloween decorations. It was horrible, there was nothing scary about Halloween anymore, it was all cute and innocent, abunch of little screaming brat's wanting candy.
Luckily a demon was finally free from the chains that held him because someone had to make a Halloween themed video, he had to thank him really. Now he was set on making Halloween feared again, the glich demon was lanky, his skin had a paleish green color to it, to go with the pale green of his skin, he had neon green hair to go with it, a large cut on his neck a mix of dry blood stained on him with a mix fresh blood from it, along with him a green and red glich would follow him around.
It would be some work to get Halloween feared again but he'd figure his way out even if he had to get bloody. It would be easier if he had someone to help strike fear but who in their mind would help a pure glitch demon hunt people?
Halloween is one of the few holidays that he can be a little less careful in his work. Carrying around stained boxes for delivery, and it’s easier to convince his targets to come along with him when they’re drunk with whatever Halloween specialty the bars have on.
Right now, he’s working on a few targets, and planning on making his own skeletons for decoration. He’s trailed them for five blocks, with no one noticing . He’s dressed dark enough to blend in with the decor. The faint jingle of metal from his knives is constant, and ignored
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theglichdemon · 2 years
Welcome back folks your lovely mod pluto here!
On this episode of pluto rants and rambles, Here we have my brain working against me.
🧠: heeeey you know what would be cool?
Oh god what now?
🧠:*throws random roleplay ideas*
Sigh. Brain we been over this we can't use every idea, we don't have anyone to do it with.
🧠: start a new thread with someone you already have then!
Brain. No, i don't wanna wanna do that.
0 notes
theglichdemon · 2 years
He watched the dead body just get kicked away without any phase at all, Anti remained calm and keeping the anger burst of glitches in even tho it was difficult, he didn't appreciate being threatened at all. he'd play along, let the man find out himself just that exactly he was dealing with, let him think it was all just a silly Halloween costume, he just had to not lose his cool and keep every urge to attack and the glitches away, he didn't wanna ruin the fun, it can't be that hard.
"I do have to admit it was entertaining to watch but the threats aren't as much." Luckily with anti not glitching his voice sounded normal, like a actual human person, "i don't really take orders as well, it really isn't my thing." It was just all a game to anti now, a game of a ticking bomb, how long till the bomb had enough and exploded? Who knows, that was the fun of the game after all.
a devilish grin just on his face, trying to think of ways to just set him off, "i do have to say tho as good as it was, i have seen better before~" was he lying, who knows, nobody knew what the demon has seen before besides other demons, he made sure his voice was laced with that sweet sweet venom tone. He was counting seconds in his head for this, he was and wasn't taking this seriously at the same time.
Ah the season of fall, the leafs was chnaging colors and falling to the ground, with it being fall that means Halloween approaching. The stores stocked with candy, costumes and stupid Halloween decorations. It was horrible, there was nothing scary about Halloween anymore, it was all cute and innocent, abunch of little screaming brat's wanting candy.
Luckily a demon was finally free from the chains that held him because someone had to make a Halloween themed video, he had to thank him really. Now he was set on making Halloween feared again, the glich demon was lanky, his skin had a paleish green color to it, to go with the pale green of his skin, he had neon green hair to go with it, a large cut on his neck a mix of dry blood stained on him with a mix fresh blood from it, along with him a green and red glich would follow him around.
It would be some work to get Halloween feared again but he'd figure his way out even if he had to get bloody. It would be easier if he had someone to help strike fear but who in their mind would help a pure glitch demon hunt people?
Halloween is one of the few holidays that he can be a little less careful in his work. Carrying around stained boxes for delivery, and it’s easier to convince his targets to come along with him when they’re drunk with whatever Halloween specialty the bars have on.
Right now, he’s working on a few targets, and planning on making his own skeletons for decoration. He’s trailed them for five blocks, with no one noticing . He’s dressed dark enough to blend in with the decor. The faint jingle of metal from his knives is constant, and ignored
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theglichdemon · 2 years
Anti enjoyed the reaction from him, he hasn't even gotten into the main parts of it yet and it would only get worse, so far he wasn't regretting following him home seeing how esay it is to get his feed of fear off him. He wouldn't go back to his chains when Halloween was fully over fearless that's for sure, that was the one thing that made his blood boil, when he couldn't get any fear before he was sent and had to wait till next Halloween to be released again, there had to be some way to break free besides Halloween, he'd figure that out later back to scaring.
Anti looked at the radio, planning what to do with it, he could glich out the song or make it stop completely, why not both. With that he was able to cause the song to bug out here and there before it eventually stopped completely in its playing, "can't have that playing now can we?" He asked letting the soft glitch of his voice echo now instead of the sound of his loud cackle.
"Poor poor you, today just isn't your day." He stated with a cruel tone, "but lucky to me it is my day."
He’s not made for Halloween. Not anymore. Each year, it gets more and more gruesome, and he shuts himself away each year. 
The only reason he’s even out tonight is to satisfy his sweet tooth. Just buy whatever candy is left and make his way home as fast as possible. The longer he stays out, the more likely he’ll see something that sends him into a spiral.
It’s already turning dark as he walks back, shaking as he feels the chill of the air. Why didn’t he bring a coat? Silly, silly Eric. 
Ah Halloween the holiday of costumes and candy, kids cheering and screaming going out trick or treating he HATED it. Halloween was meant to be scary not all cute and Fun, it disgusted him. Lucky for him, jack just had to make a Halloween video freeing anti from his chains of hell, he was going to set things right, everyone will fear this holiday again even if he has to get messy which he dosen't care to at all, he didn't leave without his kitchen knife for nothing.
The demon walked the streets of the place, nobody able to see him, he hasn't been walking long but he was already losing patience, that was until the demons eyes landed on someone, oh this is to easy, he cackled to himself, before glitching over to the other. a perfect target, this was going to be fun, he'd keep it to where he couldn't be seen and follow him home, after that he'd look around and see what he had to work with to scare his target.
He could really do anything to scare him but he wanted to enjoy the scares after being locked away since last Halloween, craving the sweet sweet freedom.
I mean who dosen't enjoy the great season of Halloween?:)
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theglichdemon · 2 years
Anti watched the killer try to cover up what he was doing as part of a tour as well thinking anti was just apart of it, he knew if it wasn't him here the stupid people would believe it, as nobody feared Halloween and everything was played off as a joke. anti wasn't very amused by the name lovely, what was with humans and horrible
Nicknames like that, He crossed his arms abit.
He was trying to get rid of anti, well to bad anti was stubborn, he followed theses two all the way here, he was staying for at least awhile if the other liked it or not, anyways nobody told anti what to do.
"Ah well i do enjoy the fresh sounds of a scream of fear but not from all the fake shit of so called haunted houses or tours i go for fresh real screams" he uncrossed his arms from his chest.
"also i hope you aren't expecting me to scream when you said that as you'd be disappointed for the outcome." Anti stated coldy, he was interested on what the other was planning to do now thet he figured out someone was following him, it was fun to watch the him quickly try and cover his tracks with some lame excuse.
Ah the season of fall, the leafs was chnaging colors and falling to the ground, with it being fall that means Halloween approaching. The stores stocked with candy, costumes and stupid Halloween decorations. It was horrible, there was nothing scary about Halloween anymore, it was all cute and innocent, abunch of little screaming brat's wanting candy.
Luckily a demon was finally free from the chains that held him because someone had to make a Halloween themed video, he had to thank him really. Now he was set on making Halloween feared again, the glich demon was lanky, his skin had a paleish green color to it, to go with the pale green of his skin, he had neon green hair to go with it, a large cut on his neck a mix of dry blood stained on him with a mix fresh blood from it, along with him a green and red glich would follow him around.
It would be some work to get Halloween feared again but he'd figure his way out even if he had to get bloody. It would be easier if he had someone to help strike fear but who in their mind would help a pure glitch demon hunt people?
Halloween is one of the few holidays that he can be a little less careful in his work. Carrying around stained boxes for delivery, and it’s easier to convince his targets to come along with him when they’re drunk with whatever Halloween specialty the bars have on.
Right now, he’s working on a few targets, and planning on making his own skeletons for decoration. He’s trailed them for five blocks, with no one noticing . He’s dressed dark enough to blend in with the decor. The faint jingle of metal from his knives is constant, and ignored
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theglichdemon · 2 years
After awhile anti finshed exploring the house, back to watch his scare victim, he teleported into the room he was in and was met with music, he was making it easier for anti then it already was. He stayed floating, his glitches getting more aggressive with excitment to scare him.
After just staying there he felt like he waited enough, it was time to shine, anti let a very small glichy cackle ring in the room to start things off simple and work his way through his plans. He let the echo get just abit louder around the room. His next plan was the lights then the music seeing that it helped calm the other down and he couldn't have anything to calm down his victim, nothing was going to get in the way of this NOTHING at all.
He walked over to the light switch, sending a small glitch to it causing the lights to flicker off and on abit, it was all perfect, everything was planned. as all that started he just leaned on the wall, he had alot to do before showing his appearance to him, he wanted him to question his sanity and fear, he wanted him to wonder if this was all his imagination. His twisted excitement growing more and more, his reaction was going to be good, he could feel it.
He’s not made for Halloween. Not anymore. Each year, it gets more and more gruesome, and he shuts himself away each year. 
The only reason he’s even out tonight is to satisfy his sweet tooth. Just buy whatever candy is left and make his way home as fast as possible. The longer he stays out, the more likely he’ll see something that sends him into a spiral.
It’s already turning dark as he walks back, shaking as he feels the chill of the air. Why didn’t he bring a coat? Silly, silly Eric. 
Ah Halloween the holiday of costumes and candy, kids cheering and screaming going out trick or treating he HATED it. Halloween was meant to be scary not all cute and Fun, it disgusted him. Lucky for him, jack just had to make a Halloween video freeing anti from his chains of hell, he was going to set things right, everyone will fear this holiday again even if he has to get messy which he dosen't care to at all, he didn't leave without his kitchen knife for nothing.
The demon walked the streets of the place, nobody able to see him, he hasn't been walking long but he was already losing patience, that was until the demons eyes landed on someone, oh this is to easy, he cackled to himself, before glitching over to the other. a perfect target, this was going to be fun, he'd keep it to where he couldn't be seen and follow him home, after that he'd look around and see what he had to work with to scare his target.
He could really do anything to scare him but he wanted to enjoy the scares after being locked away since last Halloween, craving the sweet sweet freedom.
I mean who dosen't enjoy the great season of Halloween?:)
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theglichdemon · 2 years
Anti was getting impatient himself, his whole body more aggressively glitching faster because of it, he was just about to teleport off to find someone else when the short cut happened, he stopped himself mid teleport and continued to follow them through.
He crossed his arms and watched the mess of the kill go down, he was right! He knew something was off, a twisted smile just formed on his face, he could stop himself letting the glichy cackle escape him, he was so glad that he followed him, he would have missed all of this, "That that was good aaand here i thought this was a huge waste of time." He'd reveal himself shortly, he wanted to see the others reaction to just his voice alone.
"I usually just go for the fresh screams but you go for way way more" he let the faint image of himself show through along with the glitching just to show that he wasn't human to the other.
Ah the season of fall, the leafs was chnaging colors and falling to the ground, with it being fall that means Halloween approaching. The stores stocked with candy, costumes and stupid Halloween decorations. It was horrible, there was nothing scary about Halloween anymore, it was all cute and innocent, abunch of little screaming brat's wanting candy.
Luckily a demon was finally free from the chains that held him because someone had to make a Halloween themed video, he had to thank him really. Now he was set on making Halloween feared again, the glich demon was lanky, his skin had a paleish green color to it, to go with the pale green of his skin, he had neon green hair to go with it, a large cut on his neck a mix of dry blood stained on him with a mix fresh blood from it, along with him a green and red glich would follow him around.
It would be some work to get Halloween feared again but he'd figure his way out even if he had to get bloody. It would be easier if he had someone to help strike fear but who in their mind would help a pure glitch demon hunt people?
Halloween is one of the few holidays that he can be a little less careful in his work. Carrying around stained boxes for delivery, and it’s easier to convince his targets to come along with him when they’re drunk with whatever Halloween specialty the bars have on.
Right now, he’s working on a few targets, and planning on making his own skeletons for decoration. He’s trailed them for five blocks, with no one noticing . He’s dressed dark enough to blend in with the decor. The faint jingle of metal from his knives is constant, and ignored
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theglichdemon · 2 years
Anti contained to stalk the male, the sickening twisted smirk on his face as the other started to move faster, this was going to be fun, he could already hear the screams of terror ringing through his ears, best part was high chance of nobody believing him about what would happen to him, who would believe him about a glitch demon going after him? They'd have to be insane to believe something like that would happen.
Once he stopped anti stopped as well, he just stayed glitching floating there, yeah he could probably teleport easily inside but he wanted to watch the other attempt to unlock the door. finally he had gotten it open. anti just walked himself in, He'd let the other be alone for abit as he'd go through the place to make sure he'd use what he had to his best powers, after he got himself familiar with everything and continued to watch for abit then he'd start the fun.
He kept himself still unable to be seen as he walked through the rooms of the home, paying attention to every small thing, he never usally did this but he wanted his first scare of the season to be good.
He’s not made for Halloween. Not anymore. Each year, it gets more and more gruesome, and he shuts himself away each year. 
The only reason he’s even out tonight is to satisfy his sweet tooth. Just buy whatever candy is left and make his way home as fast as possible. The longer he stays out, the more likely he’ll see something that sends him into a spiral.
It’s already turning dark as he walks back, shaking as he feels the chill of the air. Why didn’t he bring a coat? Silly, silly Eric. 
Ah Halloween the holiday of costumes and candy, kids cheering and screaming going out trick or treating he HATED it. Halloween was meant to be scary not all cute and Fun, it disgusted him. Lucky for him, jack just had to make a Halloween video freeing anti from his chains of hell, he was going to set things right, everyone will fear this holiday again even if he has to get messy which he dosen't care to at all, he didn't leave without his kitchen knife for nothing.
The demon walked the streets of the place, nobody able to see him, he hasn't been walking long but he was already losing patience, that was until the demons eyes landed on someone, oh this is to easy, he cackled to himself, before glitching over to the other. a perfect target, this was going to be fun, he'd keep it to where he couldn't be seen and follow him home, after that he'd look around and see what he had to work with to scare his target.
He could really do anything to scare him but he wanted to enjoy the scares after being locked away since last Halloween, craving the sweet sweet freedom.
I mean who dosen't enjoy the great season of Halloween?:)
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theglichdemon · 2 years
Anti floated around the place, looking for anyone to scare or something, nobody was able to see him unless he allowed them, it was one of the many sides of being a glitch along with being able to shapeshift any part of his self he wanted, hand, face, any part, it helped with scaring people, he loved the fear of people being terrified of a demon with huge claws and more, it basically felt like it gave him life as a demon.
He couldn't help but notice a difference looking person, the male was dressed and darker clothes, he had to admit, he looked cool. he could feel something was different, he didn't know if he could scare the other but he was way to curious to just leave. He floated beside the other, taking a better look at his appearance, either he was wrong and the guy really liked dressing up or he was right and there was something deeper to him, only one way to find out.
He just hope he wasn't wasting his time, if so the next person anti landed on would get more then just a scare, good thing he did bring his kitchen knife, same knife he used to crave the cut into his neck.
Ah the season of fall, the leafs was chnaging colors and falling to the ground, with it being fall that means Halloween approaching. The stores stocked with candy, costumes and stupid Halloween decorations. It was horrible, there was nothing scary about Halloween anymore, it was all cute and innocent, abunch of little screaming brat's wanting candy.
Luckily a demon was finally free from the chains that held him because someone had to make a Halloween themed video, he had to thank him really. Now he was set on making Halloween feared again, the glich demon was lanky, his skin had a paleish green color to it, to go with the pale green of his skin, he had neon green hair to go with it, a large cut on his neck a mix of dry blood stained on him with a mix fresh blood from it, along with him a green and red glich would follow him around.
It would be some work to get Halloween feared again but he'd figure his way out even if he had to get bloody. It would be easier if he had someone to help strike fear but who in their mind would help a pure glitch demon hunt people?
Halloween is one of the few holidays that he can be a little less careful in his work. Carrying around stained boxes for delivery, and it’s easier to convince his targets to come along with him when they’re drunk with whatever Halloween specialty the bars have on.
Right now, he’s working on a few targets, and planning on making his own skeletons for decoration. He’s trailed them for five blocks, with no one noticing . He’s dressed dark enough to blend in with the decor. The faint jingle of metal from his knives is constant, and ignored
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theglichdemon · 2 years
He’s not made for Halloween. Not anymore. Each year, it gets more and more gruesome, and he shuts himself away each year. 
The only reason he’s even out tonight is to satisfy his sweet tooth. Just buy whatever candy is left and make his way home as fast as possible. The longer he stays out, the more likely he’ll see something that sends him into a spiral.
It’s already turning dark as he walks back, shaking as he feels the chill of the air. Why didn’t he bring a coat? Silly, silly Eric. 
Ah Halloween the holiday of costumes and candy, kids cheering and screaming going out trick or treating he HATED it. Halloween was meant to be scary not all cute and Fun, it disgusted him. Lucky for him, jack just had to make a Halloween video freeing anti from his chains of hell, he was going to set things right, everyone will fear this holiday again even if he has to get messy which he dosen't care to at all, he didn't leave without his kitchen knife for nothing.
The demon walked the streets of the place, nobody able to see him, he hasn't been walking long but he was already losing patience, that was until the demons eyes landed on someone, oh this is to easy, he cackled to himself, before glitching over to the other. a perfect target, this was going to be fun, he'd keep it to where he couldn't be seen and follow him home, after that he'd look around and see what he had to work with to scare his target.
He could really do anything to scare him but he wanted to enjoy the scares after being locked away since last Halloween, craving the sweet sweet freedom.
I mean who dosen't enjoy the great season of Halloween?:)
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theglichdemon · 2 years
Anxiety is a bitch, i wanna interact with more roleplay accounts but every time i go to i get nervous and coward out.
Like what if they don't like how i write or something?, anxiety is a big big bitch
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theglichdemon · 2 years
anti headcanos part one
Anti is aroace.
Being a glich demon anti can posses any electronics, tvs, phones, pcs/laptops.
Any time jack makes a Halloween video near Halloween that's when anti has free roam everywhere, jack can't do anything about till after Halloween is over thats when anti is returned back.
Anti can make it to where nobody can see him unless he allows him, he uses this to follow and scare people.
Anti can shape shift any parts of his body he wants, he need large claw like hands? He can glich his hands into claws.
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theglichdemon · 2 years
A green haired figure glitched through the streets of the place, he had made himself to where nobody could see him unless he allowed them to. If only someone didn't have to make a Halloween video, nobody would have to suffer through the demons hell again, it was like he just forgot thats what freeded anti, he wasn't going to complain his creator making a video unleashed him from the chains. it wasn't fair that he got all the attention while anti was locked away, he'd make sure at least one person wouldn't forget him.
The demons eyes landed on a interesting person to say at least, the other had just left the store, a perfect opportunity. Anti glitched next to wilford not yet allowing himself to be seen as where is the fun in showing himself right away? He had been locked away since last Halloween, he was enjoy this Halloween time, he followed him just floating next to him.
Curiosity got the better of him, where did a person like wilford live, hopefully soon his curiosity would be cured. anti wasn't a very patient demon when it was to following people around.
((Fuck it what could go wrong, sending the starter in anon form sorry for sucky writing))
Halloween was creeping around the corner quickly then people thought. People out buying costumes and decorations, only thing was when Halloween was arriving quick, the demons would also get out to play but nobody belived in demons right? It was all just spooky demon costumes and in movies, nobody thought Halloween was scary anymore, it was all about fun and candy. People used to be afraid before it was cute and stuff.
This could be fixed simply now that a certain someone was set free without being able to be stopped by his creator.
After all EVERYONE loves Halloween right? :)
Ah, Halloween, arguably one of the best holidays, and definitely one of Wilfords favorites! He loved the atmosphere, all the young ones running about collecting candy in their bags, the well made displays on front lawns, the wonderfully crafted costumes, he loved it all! And it was the one day of the year where he could go out in public and buy absurd amounts of candy without looking like he had a problem!
That was what he did right now, walking out of the grocery store with a cart full of nothing but various candies and sweets for him to enjoy. What could possibly go wrong?
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theglichdemon · 2 years
Did you Really think you could get rid of ME. After all everyone loves Halloween :)
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Welcome to the account.
Admin info.
Just call me pluto, I'm genderfluid he/him or they/them. Masculine terms for me only.
Rules and boundaries.
I wanna get one thing stated.
This will not be a light account, i go for canon anti, cruel and mean. If gore or anything like that bothers you then this isn't the account for you, i apologize i just like canon more then fanon.
The chances of ships happening on here is very low here.
No NSFW, keep it to yourself please, Nsfw anti content makes me very uncomfortable.
Main tags: anti strikes(roleplay) plutos random hcs(headcanons) plutos rants and rambles(me ranting and stuff) talk with the glich(ask)
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