"Darling, please don't be shocked."
"What is there to be shocked about, princess?" She cackled. "Nah, I'm kidding. You look great." Eris began to pick at her nails. "So, did you ask Dusk to help you yet or...?"
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"Celestia? Be my favorite? PUH-LEASE. I'd rather be imprisoned in stone again than call her great...I mean, she's a laugh and a half to tease but hey, she's too...sunny." Eris shrugged her shoulders playfully. "...You're almost making me want to meet your realm's Celestia." It was just like Eris to say something like that. Teasing whomever she could, picking on whomever could be bugged easiest. Those who want her gone are just funner to her. Yes, she told herself she changed. Yes, she even told other people. But nice isn't fun. And Eris looooooves fun.
"Well, bleh to you then." Eris stuck out her tongue and chuckled. "Amazed? Hey, sweetie. You're amazed that someone will put up with this?" She began gesturing to her whole body. "As far as the company over pranks goes...Yeeeeah, I don't know about that. You see. Pranks have always been my thing and I just didn't get the chance to pull a few in his presence. I told myself I wouldn't. But, hey I didn't promise myself. And besides, I think he has a 'thing' for that Twilight chick anyway. Don't blame him, she's a babe." Eris blurted sarcastically. "Either way, if he does or does not doesn't matter right now. I'm fine being free. As a matter of fact. I think I just have a thing for blondes. I mean, a blonde I met not long ago? Meeeeeeeow."
“She’s still mad at me? Bahaha. That just lightened my night!” Due to her mischievous power, the tip of her index finger lit up a little flame, like a candle. She let it flicker for a few seconds before pursing her lips and blowing it out. “And far as distinguishing you from your sister. Luna, sweetie, honey, darling. You’ve always been my favorite of the two! And it’s not gonna change now. Since Miss. Sunshine is still angry with me.”
Eris’s fang bit down on her lip until it bled mildly. She lifted her left arm and wiped it away with her gloved hand. “My life? Well, how to put this…I…Did something really stupid.” She held in her loud chuckle. This was going to be amusing, what with Luna’s possible reaction and all. “I was…Might still be…engaged to your sister’s nephew. But that’s not the stupid thing.” Eris playfully braided her hair as she spoke. “I, accidentally,” Insert quotation marks here. “ended up stranded on an island I made. All on my own. Hard work it was!” She wiped the non-existent sweat from her forehead. “…Nah. I wasn’t stranded. I told everyone that, to escape all the drama and people wanting to harm me. Boohoo for me. But I’m back and didn’t hear from Blueblood since then. So. I don’t know what’s up with him.”
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Lagoona by *Nina-D-Lux
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223K notes · View notes
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Reblog this if you like Avengers, Pokemon, Doctor Who, Sherlock, old cartoons, Zelda, Mario, Sonic, pretty much anything Nintendo, Mean Girls, Full Metal Alchemest or any crap like that
I will follow all of you
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3K notes · View notes
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38K notes · View notes
UNF, my dear.
If we kissed:
[] Quickie
[x] Tongue
[x] Softly Bite Your Lip
[] Umm We Wouldn’t
[x] Long & Meaningful
[x] Lets Hit Up The Bedroom. "Haha."
[] Awkward ..
[] but we wont cuz you have a girlfriend/boyfriend.
If you tried to hold my hand..
[x] lock hands with you
[] hold your hand
[] rejected you
[] would become awkward
Would I go out with you ?
[] Yes Definitely .
[] No . Wtf 
[] Maybe
[] Nah, You’re Like Family .
[] You’re Cute But Not My Type .
[] Just Simply Not My Type
[] If I Knew You Better
[x] Already Did 
[] I Don’t know 
[] Were Too Close
If we got married :
[] I’d Divorce You
[] Have Kids
[] Take Your Money And Bounce
[] Smash Everyday
[] I Would Cheat On You .
[x] Be Faithful .
[] Kill You In Your Sleep
[] Think How In Hell I Got You
[] naaaahh we wouldnt ..
You + Me + Room =
[x] Cuddle.
[] Hang Out.
[x] Kiss.
[] Play Games.
[x] Smash ! 
[] Wouldn’t Let You In My Room.
[] Pillow Fight !
[] Stay Up All Night.
[] listen To Music.
[x] Sleep With My Arm Around You.
[x] Hold You Tight Against Me.
0 notes
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9K notes · View notes
"UNF. Returning the favour, dear Eris."
If we kissed:
[x] Quickie
[] Tongue
[x] Softly Bite Your Lip "Wink wink."
[] Umm We Wouldn’t
[] Long & Meaningful
[] Lets Hit Up The Bedroom.
[x] Awkward ..
[] but we wont cuz you have a girlfriend/boyfriend.
If you tried to hold my hand..
[] lock hands with you
[x] hold your hand
[] rejected you
[] would become awkward
Would I go out with you ?
[x] Yes Definitely .
[] No . Wtf 
[] Maybe
[] Nah, You’re Like Family .
[] You’re Cute But Not My Type .
[] Just Simply Not My Type
[] If I Knew You Better
[] Already Did 
[] I Don’t know 
[] Were Too Close
If we got married :
[] I’d Divorce You
[] Have Kids
[] Take Your Money And Bounce
[] Smash Everyday
[] I Would Cheat On You .
[] Be Faithful .
[] Kill You In Your Sleep
[] Think How In Hell I Got You
[x] naaaahh we wouldnt ..
You + Me + Room =
[] Cuddle.
[x] Hang Out.
[] Kiss.
[x] Play Games.
[] Smash ! 
[] Wouldn’t Let You In My Room.
[x] Pillow Fight !
[x] Stay Up All Night.
[x] listen To Music.
[] Sleep With My Arm Around You.
[] Hold You Tight Against Me.
1 note · View note
"Yes. I only cause actual chaos with the royalty. Seeing they're so fun to tease!"
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“I guess it is. Pleasure to meet you as well. You know, I’m worshiped in Equestria…As the goddess of chaos.”
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2 notes · View notes
"She's still mad at me? Bahaha. That just lightened my night!" Due to her mischievous power, the tip of her index finger lit up a little flame, like a candle. She let it flicker for a few seconds before pursing her lips and blowing it out. "And far as distinguishing you from your sister. Luna, sweetie, honey, darling. You've always been my favorite of the two! And it's not gonna change now. Since Miss. Sunshine is still angry with me."
Eris's fang bit down on her lip until it bled mildly. She lifted her left arm and wiped it away with her gloved hand. "My life? Well, how to put this...I...Did something really stupid." She held in her loud chuckle. This was going to be amusing, what with Luna's possible reaction and all. "I was...Might still be...engaged to your sister's nephew. But that's not the stupid thing." Eris playfully braided her hair as she spoke. "I, accidentally," Insert quotation marks here. "ended up stranded on an island I made. All on my own. Hard work it was!" She wiped the non-existent sweat from her forehead. "...Nah. I wasn't stranded. I told everyone that, to escape all the drama and people wanting to harm me. Boohoo for me. But I'm back and didn't hear from Blueblood since then. So. I don't know what's up with him."
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thegoddess-of-chaos started following you
Luna raised an eyebrow, watching the woman with mild suspicion, though a smirk teased her lips. “Discord.” She inclined her head in greeting. “It has been a while.”
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when you find homestucks in your school
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26K notes · View notes
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Wow, would you look at that.  It’s a family watching a nice movie.  Nothing weird about that, right?
The Williamson family wanted to take a picture of themselves enjoying their new TV.  Turned out this photo of them would be the last one ever taken.  The entire family was found dead the next morning.  Don’t believe me?  Look in the upper-left corner of the photo.  Do you see it?  That’s the thing that murdered the Williamson family.
It tore off the skin of each of its victims and left a trumpet in their hands.  When their bodies were found by the police the next morning, the words “doot doot” were found scrawled in blood on the TV and all over the walls.
Tonight this menace will come for you too unless you reblog this within the next ten minutes. 
THIS IS NOT FAKE!!!  Reblog this.  Stay safe.  And if you hear a faint “doot doot”, there’s no point in running.   Because there’s nothing you can do to escape it.
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[[Oh! Should I call her Eris rather than Discord then? I can edit the post~ ]]
((Nah, it's okay. Eris will make a little joke out of it, of course. Hehe.))
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