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He’s the Prince of all Mustardbloods
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it’s him
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it’s him
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Hi! I just read what you wrote about people with inactive urls and lots of side blogs being banned/suspended? I need you to please share more about this and what is happening, if you would be so kind? I am one of Tumblr's many roleplayers, our community has a lot of blogs and side blogs and urls per person, sometimes one blog or sideblog for each muse we RP and this is very concerning news for us.
@stupidsexygiskard AKA Glumshoe had about 12 blogs of varying acitivty levels- from some that only had drafts saved to their main with +30K followers, and yesterday all but a few of thier blogs were shut down and deleted with no warning, and they have been unable to contact @staff about getting any of them restored.
My guess is that this is related to the Woody’s Roundup communtiy anti-trolling effort last year where people would sieze and hoard the URLs of the nastier blogs on this site in an effort to bully them off. Recently another very popular blog- the Aquafresh parody blog and one of the lead members of the Woody’s Roundup group- was booted off the site with a similar lack of warning and has not been able to restore their blog either.
This could also be an anti-bot measure gone sideways, but the inability to use the Support email system has been very disturbing.  Right now, I’d advise saving as much of your data as possible and consider moving your RPs to different sites like Discord.  Remember to continue to regularly back up your data! 
I am disabled and use the audience I’ve built storytelling on this site as my primary means of income since I can’t work conventional jobs.   If something were to happen to my main, I’d be up shit creek, so I am extremely not thrilled with this turn of events.
Other places to find me if things get wierd:
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/gallusrostromegalus
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CryptidChicken
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gallusrostromegalus/?hl=en (it’s mostly food ngl, I’m gonna work on that)
Pillowfort: https://www.pillowfort.social/Gallusrostromegalus
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Konyyl: Babe I want to try out something different tonight.
Azdaja: What is it?
Konyyl: It's gonna be rough.
Azdaja: I'm down babe lets try it!
Konyyl: *Hands him boxing gloves* Square up.
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Azdaja: Thick thighs really do save lives!
Konyyl: Thank you! You’re still sleeping on the couch tonight.
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Just do what makes you happy
That’d be great if I knew what’d make me happy. I’m really indecisive right now :/
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Should this blog come back from the dead and become an ask blog.
I honestly don’t know. I changed my url because I wasn’t really a “Whatblog” anymore and haven’t been for a long time, but. Idk. I have a Galekh blog that doesn’t see the most action, and uh. Yeah. Should I change? You tell me.
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||| F to all Lanque blogs. |||
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Posted this on the rest of my social medias but never here! Have the rest of the golds. Goldbloods are the best caste, you can’t change my mind.
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사랑의 힘을 보여조 ㅇ0ㅇ!!!!!!!!!!!
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Honestly I’ve never been super into psionics, that is until I became friends with this fucker amiright?
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when will the government stop my sinful hand
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More memes: Strong girl special.
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