thegothicrebel ¡ 3 years
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I have no words
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thegothicrebel ¡ 3 years
Anime is great. Anime will be like “this is my character of ambiguous western descent. Their name is the most incomprehensible combination of made up sounds. And if not that, it is a name that has not appeared on a single birth certificate since 1773.
Code Geass went and said “most of these character hail from Future Sort-of-Britain, including our main character, who will be named Lelouch just like every single British person isn’t.” Then they decided to distract you from this by naming his love interest Shirley, cornering the market of 80+ year old grandmothers clutching their 3 bowls of strawberry sucker candy in delight. Code Geass didn’t even call it a day here they had one more trick up their sleeve and it was to name the third character in the group Rivalz, a name and a character which appeal to exactly no one.
Tiger and Bunny said “What should our western young-20′s heartthrob successful pretty-boy deuteragonist be named? What screams ‘young’ and ‘trendy’ and ‘brilliant’ and ‘sexy’? Barnaby. Barnaby Brooks. This is our Sex Symbol Barnaby.” I bet a bunch of ghosts from the 17th century were stoked about that one. I bet Barnaby walks into gift shops asking if they have any of the travel keychains in his name and he gets laughed out of the store. I bet Barnaby’s parents didn’t die, they just faked their deaths to get away from him seeing as they hated him enough to name him Barnaby.
I haven’t followed Attack on Titan in 7 years but yall have a character named Pieck Finger. That’s it that’s my roast.
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thegothicrebel ¡ 3 years
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unicorn out of captivity, 2022
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thegothicrebel ¡ 3 years
thinking about how they built sonic's cave and how they built sonic's quill and how they built sonic rolled up as a ball and how they built robotnik's fucking hovership and actually wrecked tom's car and shot the tower with a drone and how they fucking made a gun helicopter and got real wolves in the real snow and got a bazillion cop cars for the chase scene and despite the fact that their main character and now two more are fully cgi they use as much practical effects as possible, even if only sonic is in the scene they built the set and swing the tire around for him to be on it and they even talked about the possibility of building robotnik's machines. they only used green screen when absolutely necessary and even built parts of the mushroom planet for jim carrey to interact with. the animation is beautiful and that's partly because practical effects do half the things that other directors would have made the cgi people do because i'd be easier on them and also set/makeup/prop people have unions. in the director's commentary jeff fowler says that jurassic park and movies of that time are what got him into cgi and the medium and that makes complete sence because jurassic park was a masterful mix of cgi and practical effects, straight up building an entire t-rex robot, that kind of mixing magic that jurassic world didn't even want to do. the movie looks so real and that's partly because it is real. so much of that is real.
meanwhile marvel is cging in brie larson's hair in their billion dollar movie
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thegothicrebel ¡ 3 years
hello male writer. before you is a typewriter. you have one day to write a novella with a woman as the protagonist without describing her breasts. the timer begins now
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thegothicrebel ¡ 3 years
Newly leaked DARPA document basically confirms all covid 19 conspiracy theories. From American funded and made in China to Ivermectin is effective every step of the way in treatment. 
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Probably most gratifying is that, if justice were real, Fauci would be in jail for straight up lying to Congress.
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thegothicrebel ¡ 3 years
thinking about how they built sonic's cave and how they built sonic's quill and how they built sonic rolled up as a ball and how they built robotnik's fucking hovership and actually wrecked tom's car and shot the tower with a drone and how they fucking made a gun helicopter and got real wolves in the real snow and got a bazillion cop cars for the chase scene and despite the fact that their main character and now two more are fully cgi they use as much practical effects as possible, even if only sonic is in the scene they built the set and swing the tire around for him to be on it and they even talked about the possibility of building robotnik's machines. they only used green screen when absolutely necessary and even built parts of the mushroom planet for jim carrey to interact with. the animation is beautiful and that's partly because practical effects do half the things that other directors would have made the cgi people do because i'd be easier on them and also set/makeup/prop people have unions. in the director's commentary jeff fowler says that jurassic park and movies of that time are what got him into cgi and the medium and that makes complete sence because jurassic park was a masterful mix of cgi and practical effects, straight up building an entire t-rex robot, that kind of mixing magic that jurassic world didn't even want to do. the movie looks so real and that's partly because it is real. so much of that is real.
meanwhile marvel is cging in brie larson's hair in their billion dollar movie
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thegothicrebel ¡ 3 years
I’m writing my novel in fifth person, so every sentence starts with “I heard from this guy who told somebody...”
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thegothicrebel ¡ 3 years
Even if the vaccine cured COVID forever it would still be immoral for the government to force people to take it. Bodily autonomy and private property are two bedrocks of a free society. Any government that tries to do away with either is evil.
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thegothicrebel ¡ 3 years
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thegothicrebel ¡ 3 years
An ode to the best walk cycles in fighting games
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thegothicrebel ¡ 3 years
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    ‘I am in fact a Hobbit in all but size.’
Happy Birthday J.R.R. Tolkien!
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thegothicrebel ¡ 3 years
“If you don’t want to be bullied then don’t be weird.” 
Okay, so the flaw with that logic is that it not only implies the victim is deserving of being bullied for some “weird” trait and that kids actually have some type of set standard for “weird” because like… 
They don’t. 
Growing up people just said “stop being weird” if I wanted my peers to stop bullying me. I started following the advice so…
I started failing tests and not turning in homework because I was bullied for being smart. 
I started acting out in class and getting in trouble with the teachers because I was bullied for being “the good student”. 
I stopped reading because I was bullied for reading all the time. 
I stopped drawing because I got bullied for my drawings not looking as pretty as the other girls’. 
I got bullied for wearing pants to school all the time, so I started trying to wearing skirts, shorts and dresses more. 
I got bullied for having crooked teeth so, I stopped talking as much and covered my mouth anytime I opened it. 
I got bullied for having a mole on my face (and my appearance in general) so I started trying to cover it with my hair because my granny didn’t let me wear makeup.
I got bullied for being a bit pudgy, so I stopped eating as much. 
I got bullied for trying to sit with the other students, so I started sitting by myself. 
Whenever I changed one thing, they just moved to something else. When you tell kids “Just stop being weird” as if that is going to make them liked by their peers, you’re basically telling them that whenever someone “criticizes you” (because in their mind, I guess bullying just = criticism you don’t like?) over something and you don’t like it, the people “criticizing you” are right and that you should change it. 
Kids and teenagers don’t have a “measurement” or “scale” of a universal weird and even bully someone over a contradictory thing. I.e they’ll bully someone for being too fat while also bullying the person for being thin. There is rarely any logic, rhyme, or reason behind why or when they bully someone other than the fact that somehow the person is “different” or it’s just because it’s what their other peers are doing.
and I’m wary of any adult who actually thinks shit like reading, liking certain cartoons, wearing certain clothes, etc. is in any form a justifiable reason for a child to be bullied by their peers and that the solution to stop bullying is for a kid to just “stop being weird” as opposed to figuring out how to actually create a safe learning environment.
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thegothicrebel ¡ 3 years
There’re MLMs in literally every industry. Be careful when you’re buying things as to not accidentally support these predatory “businesses”.
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thegothicrebel ¡ 3 years
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thegothicrebel ¡ 3 years
There's drama in the vintage community about people buying rare and expensive pieces on eBay and Etsy, and then taking them to their local Goodwill and filming it so that they can act like they found it in the wild for old people clout.
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thegothicrebel ¡ 3 years
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