someone take me back to bio class i can't do this shit
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Me vc: hey um isn't it weird to say that someone committing a violent crime may have schizophrenia since from a statistical standpoint schizophrenic ppl are much more likely to be the victim rather than the perpetrator. Furthermore don't their hallucinations make it more likely to harm themselves rather than others?
This bitch: well Actually it depends on what type of schizophrenia you have and if you're on meds or not. Actually speaking about hallucinations did you know that there is something called dissociative identity disorder (previously called multiple personality disorder) where you could hear voices and end up harming yourself since you're switching between multiple personalities and you may not even remember your trauma since—
no but seriously our fucking school is so (derogatory). you know there's something wrong when your PSYCHOLOGY TEACHER can't even use the fucking correct terminology when talking about a specific disorder.
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no but seriously our fucking school is so (derogatory). you know there's something wrong when your PSYCHOLOGY TEACHER can't even use the fucking correct terminology when talking about a specific disorder.
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pls it's so fucking funny to me that the longer and longer i like. exist. the more and more similar to my source character i become
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The amount of times we learn information about a character that is actually very important to understanding them as a person that was left out of the translation is. Interesting
man sometimes with how much Japanese media we consume it feels as if learning Japanese in order to understand the original intentions of the media we consume would be a good idea.
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man sometimes with how much Japanese media we consume it feels as if learning Japanese in order to understand the original intentions of the media we consume would be a good idea.
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oh i found like an hour long goro akechi analysis video from a cultural Japanese perspective I'm about to be so enriched
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Know and now are literally the same word to me
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Parents are like. 'do you want to deal with your mental illnesses or double it and pass it on to your kids' and they go double it and their children end up with so much more mental illnesses than them
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i don't know how to properly explain it but now that i'm actually properly thinking about it it feels like our brain auto skims words (even words that we type) unless we choose to specifically go letter by letter when reading words. Tbh we always thought that our inattentiveness when it came to this shit was due to a constant state of dissociation, but I think the explanation of "we can't fucking read properly" makes more sense
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me when i (the friend who so notably can't spell that one of our first — if not our first — boundaries ever established in our current friend group was don't mock our typos) likely has dyslexia
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i don't think we'll ever manage to beat the dyslexia accusations at all
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Top ten letters Cosmo struggles with: i and l, p and q, b and d, s. like any vowels put together without a consonant to seperate them
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reading is so confusing for me because i adore reading but in actuality i am not good at it. i feel like most of the times i am just looking and understanding a word without actually *looking* at it if that makes sense.
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the dyslexia crisis is going great as you can probably tell
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