thegreyhelene · 3 years
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Relius’ study
I imagined it as a modest suite, with room for shelves around the perimeter, a large work table in the middle, and not much else. The vantage point in this is probably from the back corner of the room. There’s a window in the wall to the right, and an angled drafting table as an alternative workspace. The open door goes out to the rest of the palace. To the left is the door to his bedroom. 
Actually, I imagine his study to be stone, like a turret in a castle with large stones and a curved wall, but that doesn’t seem to fit the aesthetic of Attolia’s palace. 
Progress pictures for interest. 
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thegreyhelene · 4 years
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Pheris’ lemon tree.
In book 6, he hides behind a lemon tree. I did not actually reference a lemon tree to draw this. But I would assume it would have to be a bit fluffy, otherwise it would not have been very good camouflage. With scenes of Attolian landscapes painted on the wall. Hm, this was a good start but I think I can do a better job.
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thegreyhelene · 4 years
YOOOOO so honored to be on this list! 
I also get good info and read good discussions on sounis.livejournal.com
tqt fandom is so tinyyyy idk whom to follow! i wanna participate so bad but i have absolutely nothing to say besides dhdjwnndbdbdbdhs both abt the books & ur art (ur irene is the irene in my mind!!!!)
aaah feel free to participate though!! just post screenshots and yell about them like i do when im rereading books hahah
i dont know many blogs either unfortunately but here’re some blogs that you can follow if you arent already: 
@storylinecaroline  @emilybeemartin @artfrostedleaf @blurb-brain @fuckyeahqueensthief @goatfoot-of-attolia @sarahluann @queensthiefdaily @queensandkingsofattolia @shaelit and of course megan : @meganwhalenturner
 I know im forgetting some, sorry! And im not particularly active in the fandom lately so i forget who i follow OTL
And thank you so much!!
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thegreyhelene · 4 years
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I don’t know who these fellows are but they look like they’d be fun to hang around with.
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thegreyhelene · 4 years
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The dress that made Eddis feel like a puffed up peahen that pinched awkwardly under the arms.
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thegreyhelene · 4 years
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The Attolian High Priestess to Hephaestia.
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thegreyhelene · 5 years
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Ambiades and an embarrasing cloak.
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thegreyhelene · 5 years
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The look that would boil lead. She is NOT a young lad.
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thegreyhelene · 5 years
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“Welcome to Eddis.”
At the end of Book 1, where they cross the river and the guards are there, wrap Gen in a blanket (?), and welcome the others. Not pictured: the blanket or the guards, but he’s getting carried to a carriage to head to meet the Queen.
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thegreyhelene · 5 years
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#inktober2019 theme: textures and details of the Queen’s thief series
Day 31 - Ripe - “I am Sounis.”
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thegreyhelene · 5 years
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#inktober2019 theme: textures and details of the Queen’s thief series
Day 30 - Catch - catching a sword by the blade, mid-swing. Note the manicured nails because he probably would do that.
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thegreyhelene · 5 years
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#inktober2019 theme: textures and details of the Queen’s Thief series
Day 29 - Injured - Ambiades and his pride. any resemblance his old fashioned cloak bears to hobbits is purely coincidental ... 
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thegreyhelene · 5 years
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#inktober2019 theme: textures and details of the Queen’s Thief series
Day 28 - Ride - Attolis’s men ride to aid Sounis, bearing a flag with their emblem, the sun
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thegreyhelene · 5 years
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#inktober2019 theme: textures and details of the Queen’s thief series
Day 27 - Coat - If this is The Coat from the climax of Book 4, frog fastenings would be really impractical ....
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thegreyhelene · 5 years
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#inktober2019 theme: textures and details of the Queen’s Thief series
Day 26 - Dark - Relius, lying awake at night, wondering if Attolis will visit.
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thegreyhelene · 5 years
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#inktober2019 theme: textures and details of the Queen’s thief series
Day 25 - Tasty - Gen’s first real meal out of prison - porridge and bread but the best thing he’s ever tasted.
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thegreyhelene · 5 years
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#inktober2019 theme - textures and details of the Queen’s Thief series
Day 24 - Dizzy - Attolia lends her support as Sounis’ depature suddenly overcomes Eddis.
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