thegryffindorreylo · 4 years
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Rey Niima’s life turns upside down when the paparazzi take pictures of Ben Solo walking her home one night. Within the span of just a few hours, the whole world is led to believe that they’re dating. Unfortunately, there is only one thing they can do. Play along.
❀ Fake dating A/B/O ❀  Rated E ❀ Chapter 1/? ❀
Read here! 🍑
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thegryffindorreylo · 4 years
This is how a modern au Kylo Ren looks like
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Adam Driver behind the scenes of Marriage Story (2019)
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thegryffindorreylo · 4 years
hey! any reylo fic set in the 50s or 60s ? or just a good tros rewriting ?
Hey!! I haven’t read that many 50s/60s AUs, but here’s one that I know of.
- 50s/60s AU - 
Next Door on Sunset Street by Mallie3 (E, WIP) - For some strange reason, Rey’s husband, Hux, is always absent, so one night she decides to visit a local bar. There, she meets a tall, handsome youth named Ben Solo. 
- TROS Fix-It Fics -  
i kill giants by diasterisms (E, WIP) - This fic takes place a few months after Exegol. Ben Solo is miraculously alive, and together he and Rey work together to take down a threat to the galaxy -- one even bigger than Palpatine’s return. Thea is one of my favorite authors on AO3, and all her works are incredibly fascinating. 
you’ve got to hide your love away by SpaceWaffleHouseTM (E, 40k) - After returning from Exegol, Ben and Rey realize that he isn’t exactly welcomed by the Resistance in spite of his turn for the light and what he nearly sacrificed for her. Together, they decide it’s best to keep their relationship a secret. Absolutely beautifully written besotted Reylo!!! I love this fic.
The Lost Prince of Aldernaan by fettuccine_alfreylo (E, WIP) - TROS...but if Rey Palpatine killed her grandfather, seizing her place in the throne and raising a second Galactic empire. I really like this fic because it puts an interpretation on what I’ve always wondered if Rey struck down Palpatine. Oh, and Dark!Rey is always *chef’s kiss*.
Cosmic Love by starwarringavengers (E, 74k) - I got hooked onto reading this fic once it said that Rey wasn’t related to Palpatine, as she shouldn’t. This fic features Empress and Emperor Reylo, one of my favorite tropes ever. It ignores TROS completely, and starts by Rey taking Ben’s hand in the throne room. 
Love Like Ghosts by yours_truly_commander_shepard - This follows the end of the movie, where Rey is on Tatooine. Ben finds her, just like he always does, but this time as a force ghost. This fic made me cry.
second time’s the charm by Space_Samurai (T, WIP) - This fic is defintely one of my favorite TROS fix-it fics, because the plot is so different than any other I’ve read. Ben travels back in time from Exegol to TFA Jakku -- to find Rey.
As The Force Wills It by kira_khaleesi (M, WIP) - Follows exactly how I thought TROS was going to go before Palpatine was revealed to return -- Hux is unhappy with the Supreme Leader’s leadership and is quietly planning a coup. Meanwhile, Rey struggles to balance her *conflicted* feelings for Kylo Ren and her newfound family in the Resistance.
I want to get a little cheesy here first and say that the fic writers are the backbone of this fandom. They’re the ones who picked up the pieces after TROS shattered our hearts, the ones who took it to themselves to give Ben and Rey the happy ending they deserved. So to all the fic writers: thank you.
And as always, don’t forget to leave a kudos and comment if you read these fics :)
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thegryffindorreylo · 4 years
Hi! I always love the fics that you suggest, so I was wondering if you could tell me which are your favorite Reylo fics, since I'm bored to death in quarantine :) They can be about anything and any rating. Thanks
I made a post a while ago with some of my favourites, but it’s a little outdated. I guess it’s time for a new one?
Embers (E, 34K, Modern) This is one of the most gorgeous stories I’ve ever read. It’s so emotionally charged and so beautifully written. Ben & Rey are exes seeing each other for the first time after a long time. It will break your heart before putting it back together in the loveliest way.
Janus (M, 48K, Modern) I feel like I talk about this fic once a week (with good reason). In short - they’re neighbours and Ben has more issues than Vogue. It’s a punch in the gut and a warm hug all at once. It’s a really lovely story about grappling with your demons and stepping out into the proverbial sunlight. It’s about hope and friendship and love and it’s incredible.
we could plan a house, we could build a tree (E, 142K, Modern) An absolute classic. It’s about growing pains and growing feelings - the transition from childhood into adulthood and all the messy bits in between. God, it will hurt you. Badly. But it’ll be so, so worth it.
For Now (E, 8K, Modern) A recent fave, but one that completely stole my heart. They’re soulmates, but they don’t know it. (How many times did I cry? More than I care to admit).
Mitan, Midi (E, 83K, Modern) Rey is going through a very rough patch when she discovers that she’s been left some property in France by an estranged aunt. She moves there… and meets Ben. Look, here’s the thing about this one it deals with depression. I relate to Rey on so many levels, it was actually quite therapeutic. It’s also funny and charming and lovely. I’ll never forget it.
the heartbreak prince (E, WIP) It combines three of my favourite things in life: Reylo, HP and diasterisms’ wonderful writing. It’s the Harry Potter AU JK Rowling wishes she could have writen. It’s perfection.
the way you make me feel (is kinda annoying actually) (T, 6K) Soft, jelly-legged TA Ben and feral, prickly Rey in the most charming University AU of all time. Perfection.
Gonna Get Myself Connected (E, 40K) Coworkers + enemies to lovers + ABO = the most fun office romance AU you will ever read, featuring an utterly unforgettable elevator scene *fire emoji*
The Food of Love (E, 60K) This one’s got it all: the inital antagonism, the passion, the lust… and the cello. Trust me, you won’t be looking at them the same way ever again. Reylo as musicians, basically.
a sky full of stars (E, 23K) Rey is the astronaut stuck in space; Ben is the professor down on earth. They fall in love across the stars *clutches chest* beautiful.
Canonverse/Canon Divergent
Sword of the Jedi (T, M, +100K) This series is everything canon should have been. The author knows Star Wars. It’s rich in lore and steeped in emotion and it gives us a truly inspired alternative to canon. I will never, ever forget it.
landscape with a blur of conquerors (E, 362k) God-tier, galaxy brained masterpiece. It’s by the same hands that penned the series above and it is just as spectacular. It picks up after TFA and it gives us such a wonderfully rich alternative to the story you will be left weak, sobbing, breathless & speechless. Featuring a very, very creative use of the EU, arranged marriages, royal court shenanigans and our favourite emotionally constipated idiots.
Yes (E, 4K) Wherein Rey accepts Ben’s proposal. Amazing fluff and gourmet smut. Sometimes that’s all you need.
The Way to Tomorrow (M, 42K) An absolutely gorgeous story about life post-TLJ wherein Ben is exiled and Rey keeps tabs on him via the bond. I’ll never ever forget this story or its very realistic take on life post-war. A tough read because of the subject matter, but so, so incredible.
i’m always in this twilight (in the shadow of your heart) (M, 7K) ( Post-TLJ. Rey chases Ben across the galaxy. Beautiful and poetic. Sometimes a fic sticks with you in ways that are hard to explain.
find a thread to pull, and we can watch it unravel (E, 17K) During a Resistance celebration, Rey and a redeemed Ben leave the party to have a conversation. It’s just the most beautiful take on post-war Reylo: Ben in this… gosh, every bit of my heart aches.
The Writings of Ben Solo (E, 39K) Ben Solo jotting down his innermost thoughts all over the sacred Jedi texts and Rey finding said texts, years later, is one of my favourite concepts of all time. This story more than delivers.
Through the sorrow, all through our splendor (E, 7K) Possibly my favourite TROS fix-it fic. It healed my wounds and soothed my hurts.
The Road of Excess (E, 1K) Deliciously dark & twisty dark!Rey & Kylo. It’s short but it packs such a punch.
More favourites, WIP edition:
love it when you call me a lover (E) Rey wants casual and Ben wants Rey. This is my taste in everything.
The Lost Prince of Alderaan (E) Wherein Empress Rey wants Tatooine moisture farmer Ben to be her consort. The characterization in this… god, it’s excellent. I’m literally obsessed.
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thegryffindorreylo · 4 years
Hey you! I didn't see a category for this on your masterlist---but how about your favorite Ben as Lawyer fics? Thaks!
Left Handed Kisses (E, 18K) is one of my favourite stories and also what I consider to be the blueprint of Laywer AUs. Sexy and funny and wonderful. They’re both laywers, but Rey works in the DA’s office and Ben is a criminal defense lawyer. You’ll love it.
dandelion (E, 45K) is about ex-con Rey and lawyer Ben and it’s really, really good. It’s also technically a coffeeshop AU, which counts as a major bonus in my book.
Tits vs Porny (E, 5K) is a hilarious story about a lawsuit involving an author of ABO fic. It’s delightful.
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thegryffindorreylo · 4 years
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FLUFF FRIDAY! Your weekly dose of low-angst, soft, devoted Reylo. Because sometimes we just need a little sweetness in our lives (especially after TROS!).
This week’s theme is MUTUAL PINING: that sweet longing when they settle for being “just friends,” because they think that’s all they can ever hope for… When everyone around them can see they’re both head over heels in love with each other, except for them… Until one day they figure it out!
Happy to Help by @suchaprettypoison Rated E | 28,905 words
“Babe?” She called his attention back to her, and his eyes snapped to hers instantly. He must look feral. He feels feral. “Let’s go home. I’ve had a long day, and want nothing more than a bath and pizza. And a back rub.” OR: Sometimes you just need your neighbor to pretend to be in a relationship with you. Repeatedly.
(From Nancy: This is grade A clueless pining. Also neighbors, meet-cute, and fake relationship. Plus cute kitties! It’s just a trope-fest and so much fun.)
a sky full of stars by @kylotrashforever Rated E | 23,100 words
In which Ben and Rey find love across the stars.
(From Nancy: Rey is up on the International Space Station; Ben starts working with her from the ground after her mentor, Luke, falls ill. Cue pining across the stars! Bonus: glasses-wearing Professor Ben Solo, and one of my favorite characterizations of Luke.)
the universe was made to be seen by your eyes by @galacticidiots Rated T | 5598 words
“Tell me a truth.” “I wasn’t supposed to be in that Intro to Philosophy class, but I stayed because you were there.” He pauses. “Tell me a lie.” “I didn’t call in a favor with the TA to let you stay even though the class was full.”
OR: the one where the only thing Ben Solo studies harder than his Physics book, is Rey Johnson.
A rec from Kennedy on FB, thank you so much! (From Nancy: This story from “fluff sommelier” Fran is a lovely, lyrical, perfectly-structured oneshot with an astronomy theme, complete with bad astronomy jokes from Hux.)
Paid in Full by Celia_and Rated M | 3812 words (really more, if you count the text messages)
The next morning, she Googles “Ben Solo.” And when she clicks on the link to the First Order Law website and sees his photo, she realizes her “no sex” rule may have been the biggest mistake of her life. OR: Rey might be the first person in the history of ever to end up in the friend zone with her sugar daddy.
(From Nancy: The sweetest little “sugar daddy” story you could ever imagine! Based on this prompt: “I don’t want a sugar daddy but maybe like a sugar buddy. I just hit him up like ‘Hey how are you today?’ and he replies ‘Doing great thanks for asking here’s $7,000.’”)
Find more Fluff Friday here! -
Very First Edition
May 1, 2020: Pets - Part 1
May 4, 2020: Special Canonverse Edition
May 8, 2020: Quarantine/Medical Edition
May 15, 2020: Neighbors Edition
Originally posted May 22, 2020 on the Facebook Reylo Fic Recs group.
Next week: Pets part 2 - CATS!
@sofondabooks @lostinqueue-ffa @tazwren @my-jedi-life @semperfidani
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thegryffindorreylo · 4 years
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i’ve recently binge read all chapters of the heartbreak prince by @kylorenvevo and i’m LOOKING 👁️ 👁️
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thegryffindorreylo · 4 years
Coming soon to a Google Drive link that's yours for the asking...
Reylo - A Star Wars Story!
A fan edit of the entire Sequel Trilogy that trims away all the unnecessary bits, re-orders some scenes, and tells the entire A Plotline in one film that will take you to the galaxy far far away for a full 4hours and 21-very-satisfying-minutes!
Reblog and/or comment/PM me for a link when it becomes available!
(Yes, everyone who comments or reblogs with a comment will be getting a DM about the link when it's ready and available for consumption.)
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thegryffindorreylo · 4 years
„Hello. I’m Rey. I’m 19. And I’ve never fucking learned how to read.“
Silly question but I see a look of fics and stuff giving Rey the name Kira? Is this name related to the ST or is it from Qi'ra?
It was actually Rey’s name, before she was Rey. JJ decided to change it when principal photography was already underway in Abu Dhabi.
We know this because Daisy said it herself during that epic interview where she and Adam interviewed each other, Driving Miss Daisy
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thegryffindorreylo · 4 years
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Solo Love Letters Fic Exchange
The Girl, The Cereal Bar and the Printer Closet - by @reylolujah (Daisyflo)
A fantastic gift fic by the wonderful Daisyflo as part of the Pink Ladies Solo Love Letters Fic Exchange written just for me!!!  Thank you Daisyflo for this adorable and fun story! 💗💗💗💗
A stain. It’s all it takes him to realize how deeply, utterly in love he is with Rey.
Read now on Ao3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/22704652/chapters/54263827
@nancylovesreylo @sofondabooks
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thegryffindorreylo · 4 years
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All I Want For Christmas
The first chapter was for the Secret Santa thing last year, this year, I wrote a new chapter and continuation. 
All fluff and only Christmas-y happiness…go read, it’s my warm blanket for you before the holidays.
Chapter One: In which Rey and Ben are stuck at an airport together on Christmas and Rey gives herself the gift of Ben Solo.
Chapter Two: One year after meeting Rey for the first time, Ben has a question and Rey has a surprise.
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thegryffindorreylo · 4 years
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So excited to share this gorgeous art for my story, Broken Things.
Commissioned by one of the most wonderful people I know, @rebelrebelreylo and done by one of my favorite artists, @assortedfruitsnacks212! A million thanks to both of you! <3
When I first saw it, I was honestly speechless. It’s so perfect for Broken Things and beyond gorgeous and I couldn’t love it more!
For anyone wanted to check out my fic, here it is:
Broken Things
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed
Modern AU. Rey loves everything about her new apartment; everything except for her neighbor who keeps her awake at night with his nightmares, lonely and plagued by his demons. She knows she doesn’t have room in her life to fix another broken thing, but how can she resist? Especially when there’s an undeniable tension between them, something neither of them ever expected.
Broken Things was the first Reylo fic I ever wrote and it will forever be my favorite. It’s so special to me and brought so many amazing people into my life and I couldn’t be more thankful for all of the people who supported me <3
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thegryffindorreylo · 4 years
Hi! I (and probably everyone else in the fandom) am currently reading the heartbreak prince (so good omg!!) and was wondering if you’ve read any other reylo Harry Potter AUs? I ❤️ your recs!
Ugh, THP.Am I living for it? Am I dying over it? Yes and Yes. As someone who started their fandom career writing fluffy HP fic at age 12, seeing Reylo and HP verse woven together so seamlessly is quite possibly one of my favourite things in this cruel, dark world. And yes, I have recs!
This Thing is Gonna Kill You (T, 6K) The one where Ben is an Unspeakable and Rey is an Auror and they run into each other at St Mungos a lot. They’re idiots, your honor.
Felix Felixis (T, 3K) Cuteness overload. That’s it, that’s the fic.
Fidelius (E, 11K) The one where they’re both aurors and they find out they have the same Patronus. Gooooosh. There’s a bit in there that had me clutching my heart.
To: Professor Rey Niima’s Husband (T, 1K) The one where they’re both professors at Hogwarts and their students ship them. Just cuteness.
Nocturnal Studies and Other Peculiar Magic (E, 37K) Quality enemies-to-lovers tea complete with a sequel and a sweet HEA that involves baaaaabies.
Nominis (E, 26K) An occlumency lesson gone wrong bridges Ben & Rey’s minds together. It’s a magical Force bond, y’aaaaaallllll
Sixth Year (M, 35K) The one where Ravenclaw Rey gets paired with Slytherin Ben in Potions and ohmygod he’s hot now
And I’ll add the heartbreak prince here in case any of you (doubtful, but possible!) haven’t read it yet. Get on it.
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thegryffindorreylo · 4 years
This made me cry... it’s just too beautiful
Ok but think about..
TROS Scene of Rey returning to the resistance, in background we hear Leia and Luke's voice united reciting:
"There is emotion;
there is peace."
Camera focuses on the people celebrating
"There is passion;
There is serenity."
Scene of destroyed Exegol, there's no one.
"There is no death; there is only the Force"
Shift to a forest planet, a tall clothed figure arrives carrying wood.
"A power over life itself. Unseen for generations."
Rey senses something in the force and goes visit the place where Leia disappeared.
"A power over..."
The voice changes, it's Ben's now.
"... life itself."
The camera turns around the figure and shows his face. He is in peace, half-smiles and breathes in the air like he is breathing their bond.
Camera focuses on Ben's eyes
"Two that are.."
Focus on Rey's teary eyes, she speaks:
"... one."
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thegryffindorreylo · 4 years
Francesca, please, I’m in desperate need of snowed in/trapped fics! It’s an emergency!
Well, if it’s an emergency…
a place to go (E, 54K) THE most emotionally compromising ‘there’s only one bed’ snowed in AU. Feelings will be felt in great abundance. I love it more than hot chocolate on a cold winter day. 
Asleep now, and silent (E, 16K) Han and Leia invite Rey to spend winter hols with them in their cabin. They fail to mention that Ben is coming along. I just love the way the initial snarky banter and pigtail pulling turns soft. Plus, the romance novel bits are UH-mazing.
Bad Neighbors (E, 92K) Not gonna lie, this is fithly… but we’re into that, aren’t we fam? We sinning good with this one. Basically, they’re neighbours and they hate each other. And yes, they’re snowed in for about a week. Also, bonus ABO.
the man, the stallion and the wind (E, 17K) The one where Rey picks up a hitchiker (three guesses on who it is?) Some beautiful writing to feed your soul.
So long, my adversary (E, 9K) They’re co-workers and they hate each other. Naturally, smut (the really good kind).
The Art of Getting Off (E, 11K) Mandatory Ski AU, because obvs.
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thegryffindorreylo · 4 years
100% agreed
it’s Adam Driver’s world and we’re just living in it
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thegryffindorreylo · 4 years
Please help! Im having trouble finding this hilarious one shot where famous actor Ben accidentally implies in an interview that his cardio routine is limited to sex with his girlfriend Rey. I thought it was called Wet? Sound familiar at all?
Lmao I know exactly which one you mean. It’s literally called 💦💦💦💦
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