thehackingsaint · 1 year
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I have no intentions of ever coming back on this blog, but I have recently added roleplaying channels to my Discord server so yall can drop in and try RPing if yall are interested into Discord chat-based roleplay.
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thehackingsaint · 1 year
Kinzie Kensington from Saints Row Icons
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Hey yall! Here are 191 icons I made for Kinzie Kensington from Saints Row series.
These were originally made by me to be used for this blog, but since I retired from RPing here, why let these icons go to waste when I can give it to people that might actually be interested in roleplaying as Kinzie?
They come in 300x300px and 100x100px, depending on your formatting preferences.
Reblog if using. ⚜
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thehackingsaint · 4 years
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I’m not even sure where this blog is at so I think the hiatus I’m taking will be PERMANENT. With the release of Gat Out of Hell I’ve had less and less will to deal with the mess they turned Kinzie into, with AOM literally killing any wish to acknowledge Kinzie as a valid character and anything other than an overglorified Mary Sue.
I’ll always cherish the years I’ve spent exploring and writing Kinzie. It’s some of the best years of my life and some of my best and most creative writing (as well as inspiration and energy) came from this blog, but Volition has ruined this character completely for me by making her the center of the world where I literally don’t even know what she is. Is she socially awkward? Is she angry? Is she fun having? Depends on the game you’re playing I guess!
They turned this amazing, completely original character of a socially awkward computer nerd that’s a girl, with absolute lack of self-care over how big of a nerd she is into a complete joke and mess of a character. “Ha Ha, sexy latex suit lady go ‘grrr’”, I mean have some respect for your fans integrity, ya know?
On the end note, I wanna say one last thing. I don’t know if I’ll be back, I might be, I might not, but in case I never do come back, I want to tell you all thank you. Thank you to all my followers, all my mutuals, all the people I ever interacted with (despite the constant borderline sexual harassment, this is the people you’re pandering to, Volition!). Thank you for all the wonderful times we created together, thank you for your patience with my replies, and thank you for giving me a chance to explore this wonderful character. I know most of y’all aren’t even active anymore, but in case you ever come back, I do want so give you all a huge thank you for all the times we spent together. You are all truly amazing people. Love you all, wish you all the best!
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thehackingsaint · 7 years
“I figured you had a flair for the dramatic.”
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“God, please, just don’t...”
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thehackingsaint · 7 years
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“You roll with people long enough and  pretty soon you start thinkin’ like ‘em..”
❥ Independent Saints Row RP blog for Troy Bradshaw. ❥ Open to RP with anyone. ❥ Many years of Roleplaying Experience. ❥ Multiverse and Multiship. ❥ Both Mun and Muse are of age. ❥ RPing all timelines.
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thehackingsaint · 7 years
“Well, at least you’re honest.”
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“I honestly see no point in lying about anything.”
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thehackingsaint · 7 years
“You sure this isn’t a set-up?”
“We’re three minutes behind schedule, we need to move.”
“You’re a real people person, aren’t you?”
“What’s past is past. We’re working together now, let’s focus on the job.”
“Now, now. Not so fast.”
“I’m going to have fun breaking you.”
“Couldn’t leave well enough alone, could ya?”
“Fighting back is pointless, my friend.”
“You will be able to get me out of here, right?”
“On my list of priorities, that doesn’t even make my top five hundred.”
“If I was wearing that, I’d ask you to shoot me in the head.”
“What can I say? I’m good at my job.”
“Oh, is something the matter?”
“Oh, fuck you.”
“It wasn’t your fault.”
“Thank you. I mean it.”
“You’re not wearing pants.”
“Look, I’m just saying don’t get your hopes up.”
“Well, this has been a productive day.”
“I can kill a lot of people with a computer.”
“Oh, ___. We’re gonna get along famously.”
“You’re really making a big deal out of nothing.”
“If your aim was any worse, you’d be shooting yourself.”
“Look at us, killing everything in sight. Is this what being a sociopath feels like?”
“You’re remarkably calm right now.”
“Hey, sometimes your exes try to kill you, you know? What can you do?”
“Wanna party?”
“You’re lame now. You used to have fun.”
“You’re a terrible person.”
“You don’t have to convince me. Just yourself.”
“We’re talking about this later.”
“Nobody tells me anything!”
“You ready to get outta here?”
“Hey baby, I could show you a good time.”
“No one loses to me.”
“That’s far enough.”
“You know me too well.”
“Don’t you dare confuse duty with self righteousness!”
“Oooh. Sounds serious.”
“Let’s do this without drawing attention, yeah?”
“So an evil version of me is your worst nightmare?”
“_____. I thought you knew me better than that.”
“Why would I hide when I can kill your friends in front of you?”
“I’m not gonna give you the satisfaction.”
“Oooh, I love it when you talk tough.”
“Focus. On. The job.”
“Don’t like talking about your past?”
“Yeah, we should probably get out of here.”
“I have a feeling we’re about to disagree.”
“I can forgive a few punches.”
“You are really starting to piss me off.”
“______, what the hell happened?”
“It would seem your reputation doesn’t do you justice.”
“Can we just get to murdering already?”
“Whatever the plan was, it went out the fucking window. We need to focus on surviving.”
“Quit fucking around and get in here!”
“We had a deal, my friend.”
“Now what am I supposed to do with a naughty little boy/girl like you?”
“I’m trying to save your life!”
“I’m giving you a choice.”
“Get away from me!”
“Quite the entrance.”
“I figured you had a flair for the dramatic.”
“I’m really gonna miss these bonding sessions when I kill you.”
“Well, at least you’re honest.”
“This ain’t pride. This is wrath.”
“Hey _____, you wanna fuck?”
“You have to wait until I want it.”
“Been a hell of a ride, hasn’t it?”
“You’ve changed so much.”
“You’re not very convincing, you know.”
“Glad you didn’t find it awkward, but not really in the mood right now.”
“I really thought I lost you.”
“Look, I gotta tell you something.”
“Just shut up, I have to tell you something.”
“Nothing ever made me feel alive like you did.”
“I’ve been cooped up for way too long.”
“I need to stretch my legs and kill some things.”
“What’s on your mind?”
“Despite everything I’ve done with my life, apparently that’s what I’m known for.”
“I’ve done the planning part in the past and it’s boring. I rather just get in there and get shit done.”
“Look, I’m sorry you had to go through that, but I’m here now. Alive and kicking! That counts for something, right?”
“We’ve had some good times together, haven’t we?”
“You still wanna have a go?”
“Can I help you?”
“____, I respect you too much to bullshit you.”
“You don’t respect me.”
“What do you want?”
“I’m willing to forgive and forget if you are.”
“You ain’t getting close enough to shank me.”
“Give us a minute to recover from last time, yeah?”
“I don’t want things to change between us.”
“You never know if you can have something unless you ask for it.”
“It’s okay, say what’s on your mind.”
“I know you want to, but I don’t.”
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thehackingsaint · 7 years
God, last RP interaction was from 2 years ago
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thehackingsaint · 7 years
Hey guys, so I made a Saints Row Discord server, so feel free to join it if ya wanna chat it up :D
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thehackingsaint · 7 years
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thehackingsaint · 7 years
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this only explain half of why your driving is the way it is 
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thehackingsaint · 8 years
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thehackingsaint · 8 years
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Kinzie Kensington (from Saints Row) is sapphic
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thehackingsaint · 8 years
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thehackingsaint · 8 years
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thehackingsaint · 8 years
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Kinzie Kensington ⚜ Aesthetic 
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thehackingsaint · 8 years
Bosses are Love
Everyone in Saints Row fandom has one thing of their own. The game doesn’t really relies much on choice, yet out of all those choice there’s that one small choice that makes the game all unique for yourself and it can hardly be duplicated.
I’m talking about our custom characters; our Bosses. Few other choices are actually in the game, but this one is what makes each one of our saves unique. Even if its your original character, remake of another character, self insert, or anything else, it makes your game YOUR game. A lot of things define those Bosses, from unique appearances, to their voices and all the way to their uniquely written personalities.
Which is why I invite Saints Row fans, each one of you, to help me make a tribute to the characters that were with us thought our adventures in Stilwater and Steelport.
All you gotta do is submit a picture of your Boss, a photo or a drawing, in my submit box and allow me to use it for graphic that will express our collective love for our Bosses (I would prefer of their headshot, but any could be useful).
To the Boss, the Hero that held with us for so long, unchanged and always unique and great.
Sidenote; if not enough people submit this won’t be happening.
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