I could still hear Ursula and Cruella. There tones were too loud to get out of my head, within just an hour of parting. But who can blame those southern women. Although loud to hear, they’re truly loyal to one another.I could only imagine Cruella surrounded by fuzzy dogs, drenched in hair, finding sight, through those shaggy hair draping about them. Never would I have sighted dogs feeding on rampions before. If only they knew that they were from my garden. Then I bet they would be questioning their very existence before having tasted them.
But as I could hear my thoughts run wild, there was a louder sound that went on in my garden. More like a 911 call. For just by the sound I could tell, trouble awaited me. I threw myself out of my bed, and found myself leaning across my balcony. A young man had managed to sneak into my garden, and held the rampion in his hands. If it weren’t today, I would probably have traded those rampions for a couple hundred  rupee notes (I desperately needed change for my two thousand). But those rampions were probably drooling with the hair manipulation potion by now. I could see a lady by the gate, on the other side of the fence. I was pretty sure that the lady had already devoured a couple petals from the rampions, for I could see the edges bare. And it struck me at that instant. Why didn’t I have cameras in my hand? (I could definitely beat ‘em Rukes or ‘em Kardashians for that matter). But anyway, at this minute of crisis it took me a second to realise that the lady was pregnant. The rampion’s powers had been devoured by the child! I rushed down the stairs to warn them. But on my way down, I found myself yelling at them. But then again, the child once born, would be in danger. Ursula’s potion was going to have who-knew-what effects on a human. I couldn’t help but demand that child from the couple as I confronted them. They’d detest their kid had they known she was now entrapped by the spell that was cast for the aid of dog-lady! But knowing just then; there was no way they were giving me their child voluntarily.
I couldn’t sleep. It wasn’t right. Parting a child from its parents. But then again, it’s just for a couple months. Then the couple could have their child. But in any case there was no way I was justifying taking away the child. I couldn’t tell them about the potion, or Hogwarts, or the broom in my backyard that used to fly (It’s an old model now. I need a double broom power model, with brass rings). Then slowly my thoughts shifted back to the child. And the thoughts of the potion, and fluffy brows changed into, whether it was going to be a boy or a girl. I hoped it was a girl. I never liked boys. Their facial hair! Gross. And the same old question they asked themselves every morning, “Jeans or Shorts?” and every once in a while that is followed by, “Checks or plain?”. But the days of romance are different. Then it becomes, “Zac Efron or Tom Cruise?”. Anyhow, it’s the same odour of sweat drowned in a profusion of deodorant. And they might just kill you if their Nikes’ are replaced by Adidas.
‘Cause darling, that was just not acceptable!
Ironically-and-yet-not-really, their child was something that I now looked forward to. But now the one thing I wished for the most, was my two thousand rupee change! Diapers weren’t going to be cheap. Hogwarts had exhausted most of my loans. Because let me tell you, Dumbledore runs an expensive school there. Or at least, ran. May his soul rest in peace. :’(
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As I laid still in my bed last night, I couldn’t quite contemplate kidnapping Rapunzel. With glazed eyes and my face devoid of emotions, I think it is what I would call her now. A beautiful name, isn’t it? She has the beauty of all rampions in one. Her skin, fair as the orchids that bloomed in that rampion-less corner of my garden. Her eyes, bright as the chandeliers of Hogwarts. Also, she was now mine to hold and caress. And when she’d cry, I would wipe the tears off of her cheeks. I couldn’t bear the pain of separating her from her parents by sneaking into the couple’s house. So I used Ursula’s potion to call them to have them give me Rapunzel by themselves. They weren’t a hundred percent conscious. But I couldn’t afford to have that happen. ‘Cause freakin’ Muggles! Had a brain no one could ever, I mean, EVER comprehend. No spell can hurt her, I would keep her safe, I swear on Dumbeldore. She is now MY family. I would leave this village. I’d walk the flames of Tartarus just to keep her safe. I would take her away from anything that may bring tears to her eyes or hurt her.
I have seen a tower, deep in the forest. Don’t ask why, I just happen to find solace in the depths of such places.  
I had to buy diapers yesterday. I met the lookalike of Moaning Myrtle at the doorsteps of the shop. She seemed to have been loaded with tissue papers and I conveyed to her my condolences (for her name). But anyhow, I waited for the sun to set. Then, Rapunzel and I, we could both escape into the forest, safe from anyone in this village. I could paint her room pink, or could just ask Ursula to do that for me (that would be much more convenient). But then again, I didn’t want her to be like the other girls. She must be brave (somewhat like Rachel McAdams in Mean Girls but not exactly. That would have been stealing away Cruella’s identity). I wouldn’t want her to spend her life awaiting the prince of her dreams, but must have the courage to live her life her way. She already has extra ordinarily long and shiny hair. The shine such, that I might even escape the oiling bit. Besides, conditioners were too expensive a cut to fit into the budget. Ursula would probably have cleared the dust in the tower, before I reached. Cruella, lost in the forest in search of wolves. I hear they’re in fashion. Awaiting her to gift me a few!
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The tower has slowly become a home to me and Rapunzel. She cries all the time. Although, midnight 2-3 is her jam. Ursula and Cruella drop in every now and then. They run around the tiny rooms, bickering about how pink and ‘baby blue’ suited dogs better.  They had their moments of absolute silence, once Rapunzel began crying. But I bet, Rapunzel’s ears remembered their voices once they had left too. There isn’t enough room to invite old buddy Baz and Simon, but they send me their pictures with their owls every now and then. I would have detested them for their dead-hot gorgeous looks had it not been for their homosexuality. ‘Cause men. Ugh.
I manage to travel through the woods when the men in the village are asleep, and pluck berries from the depths of the jungle. It took me a while, but Cruella taught me to skim a squirrel. I taught Rapunzel to cook, but she often fails to tell salt from sugar. I don’t tell her though. She is easily taken by emotions, but is consistent. She happens to be very adamant on arguing with me.Then again, ‘It’s both a blessing and a curse, to feel everything so deeply.’ She hides herself in her fort (It’s 100% cushion) when she’s upset, just as she did when she was little. I never want her to grow up. I was supposed to return her to her parents years ago. But she was my daughter now! She was my family! I had fallen in love once. He betrayed me. He betrayed me for another woman. I should have known right at the moment he walked in that he was trouble.’Cause men, Ugh. I couldn’t bear losing Rapunzel though. She was dead to her parents anyway. I should have looked into that matter actually, but not that I cared about those idiots. Could have at least asked me whether or not the rampions were edible before stealing them! I would have sent the parents some concession cash, if it were a couple years ago, but by now, everyone practically played with monopoly notes. But mind it, they have nano chips hidden in them ;)
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I was strolling through the woods on my way back to the tower, wondering how muggles called such a day as a “perfect day”.  A clear sky, birds chirping, trees gently swaying, sun smiling down at me, making me scowl back at it. I mean, perfect. Totally. My nyctophilia would have made me swallow that vicious fireball whole, had it not been for Rapunzel’s love for bright days. I could hear the silent breeze, the cicadas chirping amongst the bushes, the horse neighing as the sound of its grooves hitting the ground echoed through—Wait what? I had no horses in and about anywhere in at least a ten miles radius! In less than an instant the sound grew fainter and fainter, and then vanished, leaving no trace of its existence. It might have been my nausea on such bright days making me hear such weird sounds. I shrugged it off and hurried back to the tower and screamt with all my heart, which made me sound like an angry crippling eighty year old human, but hey! it was just my voice which unfortunately no potion could change.
“Rapunzel, Rapunzel! Let down your hair!” I shouted. Oh, how I loved saying that her name.  As a golden-yellow river flew out of the window and hit the ground with a soft thud, I smiled my gentlest smile like always. But apparently it had always seemed to scare Rappu away and probably also made her cringe inwardly.  Kids these days, never understood good intentions! I clambered up her hair and into the window of her tiny room, which had been the only clean and neat room in the tower despite its size, and hence it was my claim that the room be for Rappu. As I climbed into the room from the window sill, I saw Rapunzel smiling, her eyes glazed, looking at me but not actually at the same time. That once-in-a-green-moon priceless smile had caught me off guard.  Must be the effects of the “beautiful” day on her. Oh the irony! Look at what contrasting effects bright days could have. That hormonal enchanted teenager! I was just about to go to the kitchenette, listing all the recipes of different stews I could make from today’s gathers in  my mind, when Rapunzel said something that made me stumble and trip onto my face (Thank the Phoenix! She had not seen me. It would have been a Sirius matter of my reputation if she had.)
“Why are you so much heavier than him?” said Rapunzel  absent mindedly, as her fingers interlocked into the strands of her million-dollar hair. My protectiveness towards her kicked in, instantly making me frown at her at the mention of a ‘him’. Males, oh freaking males, they were a total pain in the butt.
“Him who?” I asked instinctively, my motherly affection double kicking in.
“He who ain’t you!” said she. [Zoya, could we please add “Kim jong Uuuu

.?(pronounced as a nasal ‘u’) XD]”
“Him who?” said I.
“Your going-to-be son-in-loo!” said she.
“HIM WHOOO?” said I.
And that too had been added to lighten up my already bright day! I smiled away to glory as my brain gave away to fainting at this disaster.
After what felt like half a minute, I woke up and screamt “Gaahhhhh you freaking stupid hormonal pale blonde enchanted teenager!” with all the strength I could mustard (pun intended) and gave back into fainting.
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I heard her weeping through the door all day that evening.She wouldn’t stop taking  the Prince’s name. I knew he’d come back with his shiny sword, on his horse, preparing to ‘rescue’ his beloved. Oh but little did he know!
Oh but I couldn’t let her go!
She had to know that I loved her, perhaps much more than the Prince did. Ursula had told me about the consequences of Rapunzel falling in love. But how could I stop it? She couldn’t leave me here for a Prince who might not even oil her hair.
I had her sit by my side when the day has passed. “I love him” she says, still weeping. “I know you do darling. But there’s things that you don’t know about”. I could see her hair drape all over the house, and out the window. And slowly, I could sense someone tug on it. I threw myself across the balcony, just as I did, when the couple had snuck into my garden that night which had changed my life, that going back was as impossible as Slytherin and Gryffindor getting along well. (darn it the rupee 2000 change) And as I looked down, I could see the prince on the other end, climbing  the tower. “He shouldn’t touch hair all in all ”. “If a human touches your hair so often, you might just get cursed! Pull  you hair back up! Would you let all my efforts go in vain! I can’t see my daughter suffer!”.
But she didn’t pull her hair back. So could I let her do as she liked? Could I let her suffer through the rest of her life? She was my only family now, and I couldn’t afford to lose her! Motherhood is a treacherous world of strenuousness. At every turn faced by a hundred hurdles, hatred and detest. But it was all I wanted. So I couldn't bare looking at Rapunzel give away her life as if it were some Cadbury of her possession.
So I did what seemed right at that instant. I drew a pair of scissors from the drawer that lay beside me, and skimmed the pair of scissors right through a silky golden-yellow river (keeping in mind the length needed for bangs).
Anyway, the point was, she was in love with the prince and I was in love with her (love triangle? Maybe not.) So I chose to have what she loved and I let me keep mine. The prince and I had to argue some of the ground rules around her, but I think we could work things out. And for some reason, The magic within my Rapunzel remains alive, somewhere deep down. And I can see its flames in the love share.
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