thehaleymitchell · 10 years
Am I missing something?
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I’m not loving this whole deliver me from evil thing to be honest.
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thehaleymitchell · 10 years
Huh, you'd think things would be much more interesting in San Francisco. Maybe we should all just go off to New York and then everyday would be interesting. You must meet a ton of strange, yet entertaining people at a bar. I haven't been to one since I turned 21.
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It’s nice to meet you, Haley. I’m Kane, and as far as I know, no one has died, and no one has been arrested, so I think we’re good. I’m not a reliable source though, I work at a bar. 
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thehaleymitchell · 10 years
You make an excellent point. Someone might have gotten arrested though; that's always kind of interesting. That or someone died, which is pretty sad. I'm Haley, by the way.
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Oh, well, at least it’s over. And don’t worry, I highly doubt you’ve missed anything. What kind of things are there to miss around here?
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thehaleymitchell · 10 years
It was just a cold and now it is over. But, I've been out for a few days and I feel like I've missed things.
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Man, that sucks. What’s wrong? Just a cold or…
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thehaleymitchell · 10 years
Oh, God, I hate being sick.
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thehaleymitchell · 10 years
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01. When you’re at home alone, would you rather cook for yourself or order take out? 
Order take out. I'm lazy.
02. What’s your biggest pet peeve?
People who underestimate others.
03. If you could have anything in the world, what would it be?
Probably unlimited creativity.
04. If the person you like was about to die, what would you say to them?
Thank you so much.
05. Are your parents married? Were they matched?
...No and yes.
06. What type of person do you think you are? (Use 5 words to describe yourself).
Nervous, self-sufficient, playful, scared, and honest
07. When do you wake up? Morning, early afternoon, late afternoon, evening?
Early afternoon or late afternoonish, it depends on the day and what classes I have.
08. If you were a Youtuber, which one would you be most similar with?
I would like to compliment myself and say I'd be the female version of Dan Howell or Danisnotonfire, but I only know like three YouTubers and he is one of them.
09. What is your favorite movie? TV Show?
My favorite movie of all time has to be the live action Peter Pan and I will never not be over the fact that The Office has ended.
10. If you were a sim, what would your 5 traits be?
Artistic, athletic, childish, easily impressed, and commitment issues
11. Would you like kids one day?
I don't...know, really. I mean, I do want kids but I don't think I could let them...Can we move on?
12. Do you have siblings? Relatives close to that?
Nope! I'm really close to my mom, if that counts.
13. How old are you? What age do you think you mentally are?
I'm 21 and I believe I am 13 mentally.
14. Do you do drugs? What type of drugs? Do you like it, regret it?
I tried cocaine once. Never again.
15. Favorite extra curricular activity in high school? (Art, P.E., Band, Languages)
I played soccer in high school, but my heart wasn't really in it. It was all for scholarships. I loved the girls, though. So it was either soccer or art.
16. If you haven’t met your match yet, do you want to?
Not applicable.
17. If you haven’t met your match yet, how long do you think it’ll take?
Not applicable.
18. Favorite ice cream flavor and why?
Strawberry ice cream because before everything happened my parents and I would all get ice cream together every Friday night and I'd always get strawberry.
19. What would you prefer to eat when upset?
...Strawberry ice cream.
20. Do you live alone? If not, do you like having a room mate?
Yep! But I often go home to take care of my mom and make sure everything is good with her.
21. Favorite song? Singer/Band?
My favorite band is The Hush Sound and my favorite song is a tie between We Intertwined by The Hush Sound and Always by Panic! At The Disco
22. If you were to tell one of your parents that you went to jail, who would you tell first— mom or dad? Who would be most forgiving?
I'd go to my mom, definitely. She'd just laugh.
23. Have you ever thought of your potential match?
Every fu-freaking day.
24. What’s your favorite flavor milk? (Chocolate, strawberry, vanilla, plain)
Gonna' be boring and say strawberry again!
25. Do you read books? Last book you read?
Hah, no. Some book for college, I guess. I don't know.
26. Do you watch reality shows? Who is your favorite celebrity?
Not really, unless I'm super bored. Is Audrey Hepburn still a celebrity?
27. Do you like San Francisco? What’s the worst thing about it?
It's alright, I guess. I don't like the drivers here.
28. Are you the type to wear shorts in the winter or jackets during the summer?
Without question.
29. Flip flops? Or sandals?
Flip flops if I'm hanging around the house, sandals everywhere else.
30. Which genre of music do you prefer?
Indie all the way.
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thehaleymitchell · 10 years
Listen to some music, walk around the mall aimlessly, do something you love, watch a movie...Any of those sound good?
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I’ve spent far too many hours, today, playing with some stupid bouncy ball and I think I need to do something not dumb as fuck.
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thehaleymitchell · 10 years
Exactly! You were being a good person. If you don't mind me asking, what exactly did you do?
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That does sound better. We’ll go with that. Maybe if I do “come back,” they’ll lay off.
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thehaleymitchell · 10 years
Sounds like a tough university. You always have next semester, at least. Maybe your classes will be better spaced then! But, that sounds like a strict college.
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I feel like if I asked, they’d kick me out of all of them.
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thehaleymitchell · 10 years
Oh, so you're not royalty but you demand something of me? I sense a hole in your story, Van der Vene. Wait, idea, how about we embarrass humanity in a mall? We'd probably find some sweet shades and would be killing two birds with one stone. My dance moves? Mama told me not to dance in front of random boys. The Latina in me shows.
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It does sound like the better bargain. Hey, if you find some rad raybans I demand that you let me know. I’ve been looking for good ones lately. Since I already owe you food, how about you show me your dance moves first?
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thehaleymitchell · 10 years
Then perhaps a movie would be best? Or watch some educational show.
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But if I watch one, I’ll have to watch them all.
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thehaleymitchell · 10 years
I'm not very good of a liar, I will admit. But, perhaps if we had a good story...Could we say you moved to Africa to help out the children? At least then you seem like a halfway decent guy.
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It depends on what kind of story you’d be willing to lie about.
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thehaleymitchell · 10 years
I'm sorry, but I have no clue what Oki Electronics is. But, good for you for taking up the family business! It sounds like a lot of math and so bless your soul for that.
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No, not annoying.
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My dad’s the CEO of Oki Electronics. And I’m studying Business and Management to take his place in the future. 
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thehaleymitchell · 10 years
I know have two more questions to ask you! Please tell me if I'm being annoying. The first is what does your father do and the second is what are you studying?
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Yeah! It’s a pretty good deal; I get pretty new things and he gets to brag to his co-workers about my schooling. 
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thehaleymitchell · 10 years
That's so kind of him. Especially if you're a college student, because college is crazy expensive these days. It's like you don't have any money for anything that is not for learning
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Olive is so cute! It's a pleasure to meet you.
My daddy pays for me as long as I keep my grades up.
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I’m Olivia, but you can call me Olive. 
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thehaleymitchell · 10 years
You're very welcome! I love TopShop! I can't go in there anymore or else I'll run my bank account dry. I'm Haley, by the way.
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I got it when I went on this huge shopping spree at TopShop.
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thehaleymitchell · 10 years
Well, embarrassing humanity with a partner sounds much more fun than embarrassing random individuals alone. I'll have to find some chill sunglasses and some shady alley, then we can make the deal properly. Now, how can I get you to show me these dance skills?
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Really? Just like that? I guess I have to start my list off too. Drug dealer style… that’s a little sneaky but I like it. I’ll even buy a baggy jacket for the event. I might…? I won’t say I don’t. I’ve got pretty good dance skills.
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