thehawkdussyloverorg · 4 months
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"take a scene from miraculous ladybug but switch the costumes to emphasize the irony" except the most cursed version possible
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thehawkdussyloverorg · 4 months
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thehawkdussyloverorg · 6 months
Every time I see someone say that Nathalie feels nothing but hate for Gabriel in season 5, I remember all those scenes when she genuinely worries for him or is sad when he is in pain. Human emotions are very complicated, and Nathalie is a very complicated person.
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thehawkdussyloverorg · 8 months
when i first saw that musical number gabriel improvised in. uh. one of the recent episodes i forget the name, i wondered if that is what he used to be like all the time before he lost emilie, and i grieved for the happier, dorkier father adrien used to have
now i'm thinking about how it adds a whole new flavour to harriel
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thehawkdussyloverorg · 8 months
When Gabe and Harry start dating again, Adrien is estatic because he has more freedom. Gabe tells him no but Harry convinces him to change his mind. 
Harry is the best clown-dad ever. 
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thehawkdussyloverorg · 8 months
Gabriel Agreste: People always ask me how I spell my name, Gabriel or Gabi. Gabriel Agreste: I always tell them the same thing. Gabriel Agreste: “How dare you speak to me.”
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Yeah, I watch maze runner for the plot
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Whats THE Gabriel Agreste doing in a show called superkitties
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This scene will always be my favourite.
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We're Both Clowns Here
(and so am i because this is self indulgent pls dont pay this any mind)
Basked in the warmth of the air around him, he relaxed under the tree he sat. With his pencil and sketchpad in his hands, he figured he wouldn't be able to draw anything with the shadow, but he wasn't willing enough to leave his place. Although he really should be doing something relevant now, he stays there, lazed under the tree. Just a few more seconds, he thought.
"Gaby! There you are!"
There goes all peace and quiet.
"What do you want." Gabriel Agreste asked, though he wasn't really interested in whatever he has to say. How dare he disrupt the peace.
"Nothing! Absolutely nothing at all," the class clown cheerfully replied.
So why is he sitting next to him right now?
"If you have no business with me, then leave."
"Awww don't be like that, Gaby! Can't I just keep you company?"
"I don't need company," Gabriel said, making sure to sound clearly displeased with the interruption.
"Then..can I stay if I do have a business with you?"
As if this jester would be able to come up with something within 5 seconds.
"Speak then," he challenged.
There was silence.
"As expected, you couldn't possibly be serio–" "Can you design a costume for me?"
"Oh sorry, haha," the joker said while rubbing the back of his head, embarrassed. "I have a dream, you see. To put on a show. A show that will make people feel emotions!"
Wow, how creative.
"Specifically joy. I would like to spread lots of happiness one day. You know, with my skits and all. So, I'd like to start with something simple. Like Super Fry! Who's Super Fry, you ask? Well—"
He was still talking but Gabriel was only really half-listening. This fool expects him to design a costume? For a french fry?
How dare he, the Agreste thought. How dare he. How could he even–
"Why are you asking me to work on this...design?" he asked, interrupting the jester's ramblings.
"Oh, well. It's because you draw, right?"
He flinched.
He wasn't supposed to know that.
How did he even know that?
As if reading his mind, the jester went on. "You always have your notebook with you, and I always see you on this same spot sometimes, drawing. I don't really understand why you would do that when the tree blocks the light, though."
He was bewildered. This little—
"You were stalking me?"
"No! Of course not, not like that," the clown immediately protested, but it was said with a smile on his face so who knows if he meant it. "You're just a very interesting fellow, you know? Looking 'professional' and all that. I started to think I could never see you unless I make an appointment."
"That should be the way it is."
"But it isn't, and I'm kind of relieved that you do things other than studying!" the jester had said with a giggle.
Gabriel looked at the class clown with a deadpan look on his face. It wasn't that he was trying to keep this hobby of his a secret. He just likes keeping things to himself, that's all!
Really, that's all there is to it...
"So whaddaya say, Gaby? Can you design a superhero costume for me?"
If this was meant to be a challenge, he would accept it no doubt. But it wasn't and it frustrates him, because the dumb offer was very tempting. Why was it tempting?
Is it because this hobby of his was acknowledged by someone other than himself?
"..What is your name, again?"
The comedian seemed shocked for a moment, but quickly regained his composure as he responded with a small grin on his face. "Harry. Harry Clown!" He squeezed his nose while making a..what was that noise, whatever.
"Then, Harry Clown, I will design this costume. But once that is done, you shall never come speak to me again nor see me again. Understood?"
The fool, Harry, was smiling wide now.
"Of course, Gaby."
"I thought we agreed to never talk about it again," he said. The comedian had waltz into his home, littered around the mansion with the 'script' for his next movie, and now he gives him a reminder of one of the biggest mistakes he has ever made.
Of course, this clown would come and see him as soon as he became a fashion designer. And to think he dared to ask for the costume to actually be made? Expecting he'd leave for good this time, he made it but what does he get?
The same clown, under his roof, pitching his movie. He couldn't care less, but he has to admit that this could be of use to him later.
"A comedy movie with superheroes?"
The clown made a face he couldn't quite read. "Well, it's quite the opposite, Gaby."
Is that what he is expecting?
The clown spoke a lot more, along with his lame impersonation of ShadowMoth (how dare he), and finally he was finished. But Gabriel would have to pretend to be interested in order for this to work.
"I would have to approve the script if the show were to happen."
"Of course, Gaby," the clown bowed.
"And I would also like you to destroy every existing image of that fry costume." Immediately, he wanted to add.
"No worries, sweetie," he said and did that gimmick of his. A cue for the audience to laugh, he once explained.
Really, this little—
Soon enough, the comedian was running out towards the door, papers falling from his grasp and screaming in glee.
Gabriel watched from afar.
"No one will ever take this clown seriously," Gabriel said.
Even so, he couldn't deny to himself that the fact he believed that Harry Clown would leave him alone that easily was pathetic.
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They aren't just friends, your honor. I'd like to present my evidence.
The nicknames.
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Harry literally calls Gabriel "Sweetie" and "Gaby." That's... that's just... YA KNOW?
Also, not only does Harry call Gabriel such endearing nicknames, but Gabriel let's him without even a word of acknowledgement or distaste. We all know that he probably wouldn't even let Adrien, his own damn son, be so casual with him so the fact that he just let's Harry say these things as if they're just normal immediately says a lot about their prior relationship.
The costume.
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Harry Clown mentions that this was his first costume for his shows, and based on how popular he seems to be now and that he's released at least one movie / recorded special before, Gabriel had to have designed this several years ago. This means that they've been good enough of friends for not only Harry to ask Gabriel about it but also for Gabriel to do it. Also, Gabriel seems to be so ashamed of having ever created the costume even though his Akuma outfits are usually far uglier than this French fry so the fact that he did just for Harry is so sweet and shows how much he cares about him.
The entrance.
While we didn't technically see the beginning of the interaction in Gabriel's office, it seems as if Harry just walked right in, unannounced. Harry's conversation with Marrinette was around 5pm, and based on the fact that his show began while there was still daylight outside, I can't imagine that it was too much later than that. This means that he just went straight over to the Agreste manor after talking to Marinette and it's hard to imagine him having called in advance. This means one of two things. Either A: he knocked on the front door and Gabriel stopped whatever he was doing to let him in and hang out or B: Harry just walked in without being let in and Gabriel just allowed it.
The dynamic.
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I don't think I've ever seen Gabriel this patient or soft at any point in this show other than with Nathalie when she got the peacock miraculous. He's letting Harry simply rant excitedly over his movie ideas and dreams of touching people's hearts. He has such a strangely soft expression on his face as he watches and listens to this man and though it barely shows, the slight change in his expression and demeanor is noticeable as it breaks his usual cold, expressionless front.
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He also seems used to it, as if this is something Harry does often. He dodges the paper effortlessly, which is hard to do so calmly unless you're completely in tune with someone. And again, his expression is so soft, it feels weird to see.
On top of that, Harry seems rather comfortable too! While most people are intimidated and anxious around Gabriel no matter how long they've known him, Harry simply walked into his office and started talking and ranting as if it were normal for him with a smile on his face.
The writers.
Finally, I find it very hard to believe that the writers didn't know what they were doing with this. It would have been so easy for them to simply have a purely professional relationship where Gabriel just designed his costumes or whatever without changing the plot or anything. Also, we know for a fact that the writers do pay a lot of attention to the fandom. They read our shitposts, they see our memes, they even read our fanfiction. They like to see our love for the show and what we think of it and they adapt to fit their audience. That also means that they know our ships, even outside of the love square. They know that a good portion of us are just queer rats looking for those background ships like Roseka and Marcthaniel. They know how easily we ship and yet still chose to write Harry and Gabriel this way. Yes, it's possible that they just thought it would be funny and didn't think too hard about it, but I don't know if I believe it.
I just, I can't see any realm of possibility that they are and always have been / wanted to be just friends.
While the chances of us getting any explicitly canon queer relationships in the show that can't just be excused as close friends are slim - none due to censorship, I really hope to see more of these two on-screen together in the future and maybe even some more of their flirting and romantic tension.
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I want more of them 🙁🙁🙁🙁
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Yes, but he’s MY trash 🥰
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The masterpiece I made at 3 am
I have no regrets…
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Your friendly reminder that just because they’re the villain it doesn’t make their panic attack ‘funny’
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I can help with the 2 year part 🥰🫶🏼
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Virgin Dilf Rich Fashion Designer Gabriel Agreste who losing the 14 year old furries every single day and didn’t get laid almost 2 years
Chad Punk French Fries Gabi Grassette who pulled a fucking hot blonde British Princess and has a cool purple mohawk
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