thehealthtalks · 2 years
💖 8 Best Exercises For Abs Which You You Can Do At Home And Gym
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8 Best Exercises For Abs Which You You Can Do At Home And Gym
It's summer time and you want to rock a six-pack. You know that the key to is to combine a healthy diet with a good exercise routine, but you're not sure where to start. Fear not – we've got you covered! These eight exercises are perfect for strengthening your abs, and you can do them at home or in the gym. So get ready to unveil those abs!
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Who doesn’t want those sexy, sculpted abs! Be it men or women, its everyone’s desire to possess flat washboard abs, which they can flaunt. However, there are a lot of confusing content on the internet about exercises for abs; plus, a lot of these exercises can be dangerous for your back if you are already suffering from back pain or have weaker back. Here we are sharing some of the easy exercises for abs, which can help you build belly of your dream. Also, these exercises are relatively safer for your back. Exercises for abs at home: 1. Boat Pose:
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This is one of the most effective exercises for building strong abs, especially, it is one of the best exercises for lower abs. The biggest benefit of this exercise is that you can customize it as per your current strength like moving your legs up and down and holding your legs at a height where you feel comfortable. To perform this exercise: - Sit on the floor with your knees bent - Bend backward, contract your abs, and extend your legs - Extend your hands forward with palms facing inwards - The objective of this exercise is to keep your legs as close the ground as possible (though don’t allow your legs to touch the ground), and hold for as long as possible 2. Tree Pose:
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The objective of this exercise is to build core strengths which will help you to balance yourself on one leg. Stand straight and allow your palms to touch each other in front of your chest, like a prayer position. Now life one leg off the ground so that sole of that leg rests against the knee of other leg. Try to hold yourself in this position as long as you can, and repeat the process with other leg once you are done with your first leg. 3. Plank Pose:
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It is an arm balancing exercise which helps to strengthen and tone abs along with arms and spine. To perform this exercise, you needs to get into push-up position. Distance between your arms should be equal to the distance between your shoulders, feet should be hip-width apart. Your heels, ankles, butt, spine, shoulders, neck, and head should be in one long straight line. Now, bend your elbows to lower your body, keeping your elbows hugged into your ribs. Try holding this position for 1 minute. You should feel the strain in your abs and whole body. The focus should be on your abs and keeping your body in a straight line. 4. Upward Dog Stretch:
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- Lie facedown, the tops of your feet on the mat. Bend your elbows and place your palms on the floor beside your lower ribs. - Push up, straightening your arms without locking your elbows, and lift your upper legs and torso into the air. - Arch your chest upward, lifting the sternum. Keep elbows in, close to your sides. The main purpose of the pose is to give your abs a nice stretch, so breathe deep and enjoy your hard work. Hint: Roll your shoulders back. Exercises for abs at gym: 1. Exercises for abs with ball: a. Ball Jackknife:
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- Lie on the floor facing downwards and extend your legs. Now, put your ankles on the ball. Extend your arms to lift yourself from the floor. - Place your body weight on your arms, while those are in extension. Try to roll the ball by bending your knees and come back in original position after few seconds. - Breathe out while rolling the ball in and breathe in while coming back to original position. b. Ball Ab Rollout:
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- Place yourself on your knees and your hands on top of the exercise ball, keep your arms extended and back straight. - While your back and arms are extended, try to roll on the ball until your upper arms are pressed against it and come back to original position after few seconds. 2. Exercises for abs with weight or dumbbell: a. Russian twist:
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Place yourself in crunch position while keeping your feet in air and weight in your hands. Twist your upper body towards left side and them towards right side and count the process as 1 rep. Do 10 reps. b. Woodchop:
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Place yourself in squat position while holding weight from both hands. Lift the weight from both of your hand towards right of your head, keeping your arms stretched them bring it back down. Do 10 reps on each side. This will help you to improve abs strength. Things to Remember: Though these exercises are very effective in building abdominal muscles, you should never overdo it. The more you do does not mean the more results you’ll get. Infect, overdoing can significantly increase the risk of injury to the lower back. Also, the biggest mistake people make when attempting to reduce abdominal fat and building belly muscles is avoiding cardiovascular exercise. Even if you give your best, you can’t spot-reduce fat. You need to burn calories that are stored in your body in the form of fat. If a big layer of fat is covering your abs, there is no exercise that will give you a flat belly without including cardio workouts like running or cycling in your exercise routine. Do include at least a 30 mins cardio exercise in your routine and control your diet if you want to see results for your exercises for abs. The best and safest cardio exercise to support your cause are jogging or an indoor-cycling class. Diet for abs: - Eat Small, Low Fat, Low Sugar Meals, 5-6 times a day. - Include High Protein Foods in Your Diet. - Green Vegetables Are Excellent Source Of Low Fat, Low Sugar Healthy Diet. - Never Keep Yourself Hungry for too long. - Never Skip Breakfast. Remember it’s the most important meal of the day. - Avoid High Carb or Sugary Food In the evening and night. - Keep Yourself Hydrated with lots of water. Conclusion: Whether you're at home or in the gym, these eight exercises are a great way to start toning your abs. Be sure to mix them up and challenge yourself with different variations – that's the best way to see results! Are you ready to get started? Read more: Hypoglycemia (Low Blood Glucose): Symptoms, Causes and Treatment Read the full article
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thehealthtalks · 2 years
💖 Pneumonia: Types, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment
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Pneumonia: Types, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment
Pneumonia is an infection of lung. Person from any age group can be affected by it but condition may be fatal for infant, senior adults and person with low immunity or ill conditions due to other health disease. Pneumonia is a serious lung infection that can be deadly. It can affect people of all ages, but is most common in young children and the elderly. There are several different types of pneumonia, each with its own causes and symptoms. The diagnosis and treatment of pneumonia can vary depending on the type involved. With early recognition and proper treatment, most cases of pneumonia can be cured. However, it is important to seek medical attention if you experience any of the symptoms associated with this infection.
What is pneumonia?
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Pneumonia is medical condition of lungs where air space of lungs is replaced by pus, blood cell and mucous which causes difficulty in breathing. It is an infection of lung or a part of lung. It can affect one lung or both or only one lobe. Symptoms are cough, sputum production, fever, chills, chest pain while coughing and wheezing during pneumonia attack due to airflow obstruction by thickened secretions and inflammation and fluid accumulation in the alveoli (air sacs) also known as consolidation. Pneumonia may be caused by virus called influenza viruses, bacteria such as Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia pneumoniae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus pneumoniae, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas pneumoniae or Haemophilus influenzae. It seriously affects older adults, children and people with other existing medical conditions such as diabetes, respiratory problems and heart disease. People who smoke also have high risk of pneumonia attack than non-smokers and smokers can develop pneumonia in particular areas like in the mouth and it is called aspiration pneumonia which causes pneumonia in infants. Symptoms of pneumonia:
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Initial symptoms of the disease always resemble with common cold or flu. As the infection progress to deeper tissues of lung, pneumonia symptoms become very specific like: - Cough: Pneumonia cough is green white blood mix sputum (phlegm). - Fever: Pneumonia fever fluctuates from high to moderate but it never goes below from 101F. As the condition worsens, fever can be high as 104F with chills and rigors. - Difficulty in breathing: Fast breathing or difficulty in breathing is always present in this disease. Whistling sound in breath is classical symptoms of chest congestion. It is caused by resonance from air due to less space in lungs. - Chest pain: Chest pain is always there in this condition. Pain would be worse with deep inhalation. This is known as pleuritic pain. - Dusky or purple or blue discoloration: Blue discoloration of lips, hands and legs are important sign in children and infant. Discoloration is generally not found in adult and if found it indicates very serious condition of patient. - Nausea and vomiting - Headache - Diarrhoea - Muscle pain - Joint pain - Confusion What cause pneumonia: It can be caused by various factors, like bacteria, virus, fungus, parasites, and others. Most of the time infection is usually viral or bacterial. It usually starts with the infection of throat and nose. From there, pathogen goes down to lower respiratory tract. As the infection progress down to alveoli of lung, pathogens start multiplication and proliferation. In response to infection, body’s immune system increases blood flow towards the infection suite. This causes the lung to fill up with mucous, white blood cells and fluid. Congestion in lungs interferes with normal air space which causes difficulty in breathing. Types of Pneumonia:
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Pneumonia is a very common infection that can affect anyone, but it's important to know the type of pneumonia you have in order for your doctor give accurate care. "There are many types of pneumonia, and they can require very different treatments," says Thomas Monaco. "One group might not respond better than another because it's caused by a bacteria while others need antibiotics." "For us, it's really helpful to know the type because that influences our therapies for that specific patient," says Dr. Shweta Sood at Penn Medicine and Health agreed- once your doctor can figure out what kind of pneumonia you have they will be able get right treatment which helps make people feel like themselves again sooner. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) say that pneumonia is an infection of the tiny air sacs in your lungs, called alveoli. It can cause mild to severe illness among people regardless if they're children or adults. There are many different types of pneumonia, and each form has its own unique cause. Here is a breakdown on the most common ones: 1. Bacterial pneumonia: There are two types of pneumonia, bacterial and viral. Bacterial pnemonia can be caused by bacteria such as Streptococcus palniae which normally live in your upper respiratory tract but may make their way down into the lungs to cause infection there . This form has an estimated 908 thousand cases per year across America with about half being severe enough for hospitalization according The American Lung Association (ALA). You can develop this form of pneumonia on its own or after you've had a virus, like the cold and flu. Not only does Streptococcus pneumoniae cause bacterial pneumonia, but there are other types of bacteria that may lead to this condition as well. Dr. Casciari lists off Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydophila pneumoniae và Legionella pneumophila as other possible causes. In this type, all 5 lobes of lungs are inflamed due to bacterial or viral infection. It is the infection of lungs due to bacteria. Usually all healthy persons have some or other types of bacteria in nose and throat. Due to strong immunity they remain there silently and do not produce any kind of symptoms. As the immunity goes down these bacteria can enter in lower respiratory tract and cause inflammatory reactions, which lead to production of pathogen mix mucus. Thus, it reduces air space. There are lots of bacteria which can cause bacterial pneumonia, but most common is Streptococcus. Symptoms of this type are little but serious compared to viral pneumonia and usually there is sudden onset of symptoms with high grade fever, severe cough and chest congestions. 2. Viral pneumonia: It is more common and less severe condition of this disease. Symptoms of this gradually start with mild fever and running nose. It worsens as days pass. Symptoms of this type can be similar to common cold and flu, or it can be said common cold or flu can turn into viral pneumonia in person with weak immunity. This type is the most common in child from age 1 to 5 year. There are many different types of pneumonia that can make you sick, including viral ones. Some examples include: - Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). - Influenza virus. - Parainfluenza virus. - Adenovirus. - Measles virus. - Coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Unfortunately, antibiotics don't treat viral pneumonia. However there are some medications that may help if the infection is caught early including antiviral drugs and corticosteroids to try reduce inflammation - though in more severe cases you may need supplemental oxygen as a treatment option for your doctor recommendation on how best handle it at home with rest or fluids depending upon their severity. Luckily, there are vaccines for the flu and COVID-19 available to protect against severe illness. 3. Chemical pneumonia There are many causes of chemical pneumonia, but it's most commonly caused by an inhalation toxin. "Classic cases were seen during World War I when chlorine gas was used as a weapon," says Dr Panettieri- director at the Institute for Translational Medicine & Science at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School." However there may also be instances where people get this condition from things such cleaners or even air fresheners if they're sprayed directly into your throat. You may think that chemical pneumonia is only a threat to those in health, but it's also possible if you breathe in large amounts of fumes from cleaning supplies or pool equipment. This type can cause physical irritation which leads to inflammation - resultinginubaDoctor Casciari says "these things will irritate your lungs." To get better, you'll need to leave the source of your injury behind and seek out professional medical attention. "If there's smoke in my lungs or burning sensation when I breathe," says Dr., Casciari this could mean that they're injured too--and until then just give yourself some relief with supportive care like supplemental oxygen (or even mechanical ventilation). 4. Aspiration pneumonia Aspiration pneumonia is a serious infection that can happen when you accidentally inhale substances into your lungs, like food or stomach acid. The inflammation causes damage to lung tissue and sometimes leads to bacterial complications." Without proper care, pneumonia can be fatal. It's more likely in people who have a brain injury or neurological disorder because of their difficulty with swallowing or have used drugs or alcohol; if you're struggling from this condition try Dr Casciari’s advice about how to keep yourself safe. 5. Fungal pneumonia: Fungal pneumonia is not common in most parts of the US, and people usually get infected when they breathe out fungal spores. However there's a condition called valley fever which can cause this type from fungus called Cocciidoides - it lives southwest U S soils (In Arizona specifically). Fungal pneumonia is a serious lung infection that can occur to people with weakened immune systems, such as those who have diabetes or cancer. 6. Walking pneumonia: Walking pneumonia is not a true medical diagnosis but it's often what people mean when they say "walking sick." Doctors will tell you that whatever the cause of your illness, there are some activities which allow them to stay active despite feeling too weak to do much else. Walking pneumonia is most commonly caused by an infection with the Mycoplasma pneumoniae bacteria, which produces milder symptoms in your respiratory system. The CDC says this type of infection can come from any one (or all) main causes—bacterial; viral or fungal -and that it's also likely there are other pathogens waiting to be discovered. How do you get pneumonia? Pneumonia is a contagious disease. It spreads through touch or indirect contact like using same towel or sitting near to infected person. Nose discharge or sputum of person has thousands of spores of bacteria, fungus, and virus. These pathogens spread through sneeze. How to diagnose pneumonia? - First diagnosis of pneumonia is done through clinical examination. Your physician would do auscultation through stethoscope. Whistling sound during every breath is suggestive for lung congestion. - Blood examination: There would be an increase in white blood cells and E.S.R level. - Sputum examination. - Chest X Ray. How to treat pneumonia?
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Treatment for pneumonia in adult and children is very different as this condition is not very serious for adults, but can be fatal to a child. The treatment depends upon severity of symptoms. General symptoms with good immune person can be treated at home only; where as severe pneumonia with weak child requires hospitalization. 1. Antibiotics: All cases of pneumonia need a complete course of antibiotics. Your physician may advise for sputum examination for diagnose of causative factor for the disease. Symptoms usually subside with two doses of antibiotics but it is always advisable to complete the course of antibiotic. 2. Anti-inflammatory and Antipyretic: Paracetamol or ibuprofen is the drug of choice for patient suffering from this. Syrup drops and tablets all form is available for these drugs. Doses of these drugs depend upon weight of patient so please consult the doctor before taking any medication. 3. Supportive care: - Hydrate yourself with sufficient water. - Take nasal decongestant. - Inhale hot vapour. - Take good nutritious diet. All these play important role in treatment of pneumonia. Severe case may need hospitalization. Patient with severe nausea and vomiting cannot take oral medicine and children with severe chest congestion and blue discoloration need urgent medical care with I.V fluids and oxygen supply.
Although pneumonia can be a life-threatening illness, it is also highly treatable. With early diagnosis and proper treatment, most people make a full recovery. If you or someone you know displays any of the symptoms of pneumonia, please seek medical attention right away. With prompt diagnosis and treatment, most people with pneumonia make a full recovery. Thanks for reading! Read more: Blackheads: 5 Best Home Remedies to Remove Blackheads
Above article is only for knowledge purpose. Please contact your healthcare provider before using any of above medicine or method. For any query or personal consultation according to your health condition please contact your doctor. Read the full article
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thehealthtalks · 2 years
💖 Insomnia (Sleeplessness): Causes, Symptoms, and Home Remedies
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Insomnia (Sleeplessness): Causes, Symptoms, and Home Remedies
Insomnia, or sleeplessness, is a sleep disorder that can cause difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or both. Symptoms of insomnia include fatigue, trouble focusing, irritability, and memory problems. While the underlying causes of insomnia vary from person to person, there are many home remedies that can help improve sleep quality. Try implementing some of these tips into your nightly routine to get the best night's sleep possible! Are you not able to take a sound sleep in the night? Do you wake up 2-3 times in the night? Do you feel a headache after waking up in the morning? Then you can have insomnia.
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What is insomnia? Due to busy and stressful lifestyle, the problem of the sleeping disorder is increasing. Among such disorders one of the key problems is Insomnia. Insomnia is a condition in which person is unable to sleep. Insomniac people find difficult to sleep or they wake up very early or wake too many times during the night. Disturbed sleep is also referred to as insomnia. Sleeplessness after sudden circumstance or health issue is not classified as insomnia. So the meaning of Insomnia is unable to sleep for at least 3 nights per week for 3 months in continuation. Insomnia Symptoms: 1. Sleeplessness: Sleeplessness or inability to sleep is most often misunderstood. In your sleepy hours, if you are working on your laptop or watching television, then that is not sleeplessness, because in this scenario you are programming your mind not to sleep. inability to sleep is a condition when there is an environment of sleep but still you are awake. 2. Disturbed sleep: Lots of negative or positive dreams in the night or hearing some kind of noise that disturbs sleep are also symptoms of the disease. We all see dreams during sleep but most of the time we don’t remember them but if you are a person who sees lots of dreams and most often remember them after waking up, then it is a condition of disturbed sleep. 3. Waking up many times in sleep: An average human should sleep for continuous for 5-6 hours but if a person wakes up 2-3 times in the night on a regular basis then he is suffering from the disease. 4. Waking up too early: Waking up too early depends on when you slept. You should have at least 6-hour of sleep. 5. Depression in the morning: It is the last but most important symptom. Without any specific reason, if a person suffers from headache, anxiety, and mood disturbance in the morning, it may be because of insomnia. Types of insomnia: On the basis of duration, it has two types. 1. Acute insomnia: Sleeplessness for 2-3 continuous nights is called acute insomnia. It is mostly because of sudden environmental change or mental stress. It does not require treatment and resolves within days. 2. Chronic insomnia: Inability to sleep for 2-3 nights per week for 3 months is defined as chronic insomnia. This type causes serious health issue like hypertension, migraine, heart problems, menstruation problems, PCOD and others. Insomnia causes: What causes insomnia differs from person to person. Sleep is a complicated phenomenon of nature. There are lots of diseases which cause insomnia and insomnia itself causes lots of diseases. It is like an infinite circle. Causes of the disease can be divided into three types, which are:
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1. Medical conditions: There are lots of medical conditions which can lead towards sleeplessness or sleep disturbance. On the other hand, there are some symptoms of diseases that make it difficult for a person to sleep. Such as: - Nasal congestion/ sinusitis - Chest condition like pneumonia, cough etc. - Arthritis, backache etc. - Fever - Pain/headache - Abdominal worms - Hairworms - Hyperacidity/ gastrointestinal reflux - Dysentery - Allergic skin condition - Neurological conditions such as restless leg syndrome - Others 2. Psychiatric condition: Insomnia is more related to psychiatric conditions such as tension, anxiety, depression, and others. There is an infinite circle with psychiatric condition and insomnia. For example, insomnia triggers and worsens the psychiatric condition and psychiatric conditions itself causes insomnia. - Insomnia and depression: Insomnia and depression go hand in hand but both are the distinct disorder with the overlapping feature. Inability to sleep is a classic sign of depression, but not all insomnia is because of depression. - Insomnia and anxiety: Anxiety causes the release of adrenaline hormones which stimulate the brain. The stimulated brain can’t sleep and this makes the whole body tired and this tiredness increases anxiety further. Again as said above, anxiety causes insomnia, and insomnia causes anxiety. - Insomnia in pregnancy: Insomnia in pregnancy is a mixed type of the disease. It is both psychological and physical. 3. Unhealthy sleep habits: Unhealthy sleep habits vary from person to person. For example, some people sleep very well after reading a book and others stay awake for a long time. It is better to evaluate your lifestyle thoroughly and find what habits make you awake. For example: - Working on the computer: Light of Computer makes brain more alert so working late on the computer can cause insomnia. - Drinking coffee and tea: Coffee and tea stimulate the brain, thus drinking these with dinner or after dinner may cause the disease. - Using mobile phones: In the digital world, mobile is a necessity. But using mobile for video, audio or reading purpose is mostly related to insomnia. These things divert your mind from sleep. - Smoking and alcohol: Small quantity of these sedate brain but in the large amount they cause hallucination. How to cure insomnia/Treatment of insomnia: Treatment of it depends upon the severity of condition and causes. In brief, the study of insomnia treatment is divided into five main types. In most of the cases, the combination of all five is needed.
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1. Treating the medical condition which causes sleeplessness: As mentioned above lots of medical condition interferes with sleep. Treating that condition may improve sleep. 2. Non-medical treatment: Relaxation technique, cognitive therapy, stimulus control training are some examples of non-medical treatment of the disease. For beginners, it can be started at home but if this doesn’t work, it is a good choice to have a consultation with the therapist. 3. Medication for insomnia: There are lots of drugs available which make you fall asleep but do remember these drugs can be fatal if taken with alcohol or along with other medicines or in high dose. Sleep induce medicines also cause addiction if taken for long. So it is better to take such pills with the consultation of the doctor. Some common medicines for it, are alprazolam, doxepin, ramelteon, trazodone, zaleplon etc. 4. Home remedies for insomnia: Here are some natural sleep remedies which induce sleep. - Buffalo milk: Buffalo milk is anciently used for its treatment in Ayurveda. Milk contains tryptophan which stimulates serotonin hormones which are natural sleep hormones. - Massage: Soft massage with oil induces relaxation and sleep. One can use normal sesame oil or Ayurveda preparation oil like mahanarayan tailam, bala tailam - Cow’s ghee: Internal application of two drops of cow’s ghee in each nostril induces sleep. - Valerian tea: Extract of valerian is a natural sedative. A small cup of herbal tea with valerian root will make you fall asleep even faster. - Sarpgandha tea (Rauwolfia serpentine): It is an Indian medicine. Drinking herbal tea with a pinch of serpentine powder can induce sleep. - Fruit: Kiwi and banana are two fruits which induce sleep. Add one banana and kiwi in dinner for some days in continuation. - Castor oil: Apply 1-2 drops of castor oil in eyes. The exact mechanism is not known, but this is used from the generation in India for better sleep. - Coconut oil: Massage the umbilical area with coconut oil. It is also thousand years old home remedy. - Burn 1-2 small piece of Camphor (Kapoor): Burning 1-2 small cubes of camphor (Kapoor) in bedroom attracts positive energy. Aromatherapy of Camphor (Kapoor) relaxes the brain and induces sleep. - Lukewarm water: Luke warm water is used to treat hyperacidity. Drinking 100 ml of Luke warm water in night softens the stomach, relaxes muscles, decreases the chance of food regurgitation, and thus gives smooth sleep. 5. Natural sleep remedies: Try to change your bedtime habits. What you do in last 2 hours before bedtime causes sleep or sleeplessness. - Don’t lie down on the bed before actually want to sleep: Most of the people spend time on mobile or watches television being on the bed. These activities confuse your brain. - Make a regular to-do list before going to bed: Your mind can read your signals and prepare the whole body for sleep. Make a list of regular habits of cleaning bed, nighttime brush, face wash, and comb your hair with hair massager just before sleep time. By doing this you are giving signals to your mind for sleep. - Make a routine: Try to sleep daily at the same time and wake up at the same time. This will set your body clock. - Change direction: If currently, your head is towards north than shift to just opposite, means south side. This may sound weird but it is very effective as changing direction interferes with magnetic field around you. - Darkroom: Melatonin hormones also called night hormones, causes sleep. Secretion of melatonin stimulated by dark light. Try doing short duration meditation in dark room before sleep but never do meditation being on the bed as it can cause sleeplessness. Conclusion: Insomnia, or sleeplessness, is a sleep disorder that can cause difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or both. Symptoms of insomnia include fatigue, trouble focusing, irritability and memory problems. While the underlying causes of insomnia vary from person to person there are many home remedies that can help improve sleep quality. Try implementing some of these tips into your nightly routine to get the best night's sleep possible! Read more: Ovulation Day Increases Your Chances of Conception!
Above article is only for knowledge purpose. Please contact your healthcare provider before using any of above medicine or method. For any query or personal consultation according to your health condition please contact your doctor. Read the full article
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thehealthtalks · 2 years
💖 Benefits Of Rose Water for Skin, Hair, and Depression
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Benefits Of Rose Water for Skin, Hair, and Depression
Rose water is made from the distillation of rose petals and has been used for centuries for its therapeutic benefits. It's a natural astringent, which makes it beneficial for skin care, and it also has anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. Rose water can be used to relieve stress and depression, and it's even said to improve memory. In this blog post, we'll discuss the benefits of rose water for skin, hair, and depression, as well as how to use it.
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What is rose water? Rose water is a mystic product with the perfect combination of its sweet aromatic hypnotizing smell and medicinal values. There are various health benefits of rose water as it provides hydration and medicinal properties of rose. It is being used for cosmetic purposes from thousands of years in different societies. The literature describes that beautiful ladies and queens used to bathe in rose water to maintain their beautiful skin. Rose water originated from Egypt and nowadays it is broadly used in Aroma therapy, Natural therapy, Yunani medicine, Ayurveda medicine and oriental medicine. Benefits of Rose Water: What is rose water good for? If you're like most people, you have probably never heard of rose water before. But, believe it or not, this little-known ingredient has a variety of health and beauty benefits. From reducing inflammation to hydrating your skin, read on to learn all about the many uses of rose water. You may be surprised at just how versatile this ingredient can be! - Rose water possesses anti-inflammatory properties. It is applied on burns, scars, sunburn, etc. Also, It reduces pain sensation and edema. - It also has some amount of antibacterial and antifungal properties. - Rose water contains rich amount of natural antioxidant, which on oral consumption relives stress, incites internal healing and improves immunity. - Aroma of rose is a powerful antidepressant. Some clinical studies support aroma of rose inhibits amyloid synthesis in the brain which is related to stress, dementia, and Alzheimer. - Rose water shows inhibition properties of Elastage and Collagenase enzyme. These enzymes are responsible for skin aging and wrinkles. - Rose water can also treat a sore throat and nasal block up to some extent. - It is the best way to hydrate and moisturize your skin. - Rose water has astringent like properties. It helps to clean skin and makes it tighter. Also applying it after steam bath reduces redness of the skin. Rose water for skin is natural astringent and toner. - Oral consumption of rose water relieves stomach ache, gas, and hyperacidity. - Rose water is cold in nature, so taking it orally with other juices, hydrates and relieves excessive heat from the body. - Due to Its aroma, Rose Water effectively reduces stress, anxiety; depression thus decreases the risk of cardiac stroke, migraine, hypertension, and others. How to use Rose Water: There are mainly two methods to use rose water, either oral intake or local application. Oral intake of rose water for the medicinal purpose is still in clinical trial. Rose water is not poisonous or toxic to human and it is broadly used in food items to improve fragrance and taste. Application of rose water is beneficial for beauty regime and for treating lots of medical conditions. For the best result, rose water should be applied in the night after face wash. Here are some others interesting ways to use rose water. 1. Benefits of Rose water spray: The fragrance of rose water and beautiful sensation of its drops will relieve you from all day stress and make you fresh as a rose. Rose water spray can also be used after makeup to make it stable. 2. Benefits of Rose water for hair: Applying rose water with oil and massaging your scalp will control dandruff. It will also provide moisture to scalp and hair. Rose water spray on hair will make it smell good. It can also be applied with conditioner. 3. Benefits of Rose water for face: Rose water for face can be applied in various ways. It can be mixed with all types of facial masks and face packs. Rose water toner is best natural toner. Put few drops of rose water on a clean cotton ball and rub gently on face. It will tighten skin muscles and clean pores, thus gently tone the facial skin. 4. Benefits of Rose water for acne: Anti-bacterial properties of rose water make it beneficial for acne. Mix rose water with lemon or tomato juice; apply this paste on face and rinse off after 10-15 mins. It is the best home remedy for acne. Applying rose water with turmeric (Haldi) or Multani Mitti will not only treat acne but also other dark pigments and black spots on the face. 5. Benefits of Rose water for skin: Rose water is a miracle for patients suffering from skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, urticaria and others. Applying rose water and glycerin on the affected area or on the whole body as a daily routine will relieve edema, itching, and dryness of skin. 6. Benefits of Rose water for foot care: Rose water can remove the foul sweaty smell from nails. To do this, mix two tablespoons of rose water and hydrogen peroxide in half bucket of hot water. Soak your feet in this solution and then do the scrubbing. It will remove dirt and dead skin from the foot. After washing your feet, you can also apply rose water with glycerin. 7. Benefits of Rose water bath: Adding 3-4 spoon rose water in water in the bathtub will remove body’s odor and pathogens. It will also provide necessary moisturization to your skin. 8. Rose water recipes: Rose water can be taken with any cold juice. Mix 2 drop of rose water in the water used for making ice cubes. It will give a nice and refreshing aroma to your drink. In India, rose water is traditionally served with cold drink and sweets. How to make rose water:
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Rose water is made with rose leaves and petals through the distillation process. The basic process is distillation but it varies with different pharmaceuticals company. At first, the petals of roses are boiled with the water in a closed container, after boiling for 15-20 min, allow the container to cool its own. Extract of rose is mixed with water. This is less pure quality of rose water. Another method is pure distillation process, in which rose is boiled with water and vapor is collected in other container. Rose water made through this process is of the best quality. Side effects of rose water: There is no scientific evidence of rose water side effects. But it is better to be on safer side. Do not consume the excessive amount of rose water orally and don’t mix rose water with hot dishes. People having allergy from roses should avoid using rose water. Conclusion: We're excited to share the benefits of rose water for skin, hair, and depression. In this blog post we've discussed how it can be used as a natural astringent that's beneficial for skin care, an anti-inflammatory with antiviral properties that can help relieve stress and improve memory. You may never look at your kitchen sink the same again! Have you tried using rose water before? What was your experience like? Let us know in the comments below or on our social media channels! Read more: 17 Amazing Health Benefits And Uses Of Baking Soda
Above article is only for knowledge purpose. Please contact your healthcare provider before using any of above medicine or method. For any query or personal consultation according to your health condition please contact your doctor. Read the full article
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thehealthtalks · 2 years
💖 Hysteria: Facts, Causes, symptoms, and Home Remedies
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Hysteria: Facts, Causes, symptoms, and Home Remedies
Hysteria is a mental disorder that was once believed to be caused by the uterus moving around in women's bodies. This belief has long since been debunked, but the name hysteria has stuck. Today, we know that hysteria is actually a type of conversion disorder, which means that the symptoms are physical, not psychological. While the causes of conversion disorders are still not completely understood, there are certain factors that seem to play a role. In this post, we'll take a closer look at what hysteria is, what causes it, and some of the most common symptoms. We'll also discuss some home remedies that may help to relieve the symptoms.
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1. What is Hysteria? Hysteria is a mental illness which occasionally misdiagnosed as a physical problem. This happens because it shows some physical symptoms such as paralysis of limbs, numbness or tickling sensation, headache and more severe symptoms like heart pain and unconsciousness. Ancient Greek physicians have described hysteria as “animal inside an animal” which means a hysterical person often complains that something is moving inside his body. 2. Important facts about hysteria disorder: - The first thumb rule is that it is not a physical problem. There is nothing wrong either in the body or brain. - Hysteria is normally known as female hysteria because it is more common in female than male. - The overflow of emotions can lead to hysteria. - It is mostly female related disorder but can happen to male also. - Females with the age group of 18-25 years and menopausal age, which is 45-55 years, are more prone to it. - It is most common with middle-class families and very much uncommon in hard-working poor families like farmer and laborer families - It is much uncommon in developed countries. - A Roman physician named Galen had produced the theory which states that hysteria is more common with virgin/saint or widow women. - In today’s textbook, most of the hysterical symptoms are described as anxiety attack, schizophrenia, neurosis, depression, etc. 3. Causes of hysteria:
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- It has been found that hysteria is more common in women rather than men. The reason behind it may be the male-dominated society. Due to the male domination, emotions or desires of females are not listened. So the outburst of these suppressed and ignored emotions cause hysteria. A sick person always able to find attention that’s why a suppressed and depressed women’s subconscious mind pretend to be sick for seeking attention. - Hysteria is common with middle-class families because in a middle-class family women have to behave in certain ways. Women are not allowed to freely express their desires. Whereas women of extreme lower class and upper class have these freedoms. These boundaries of do’s and don’ts build negative pressure inside the body, which results in hysterical Symptoms. - Again hysteria is common in saint or widow women because, in human society, sex is prohibited for them. Sexual desire is a natural desire of living being. That’s forceful sacrifice of sex due to social boundaries cause hysterical symptoms. - Heredity: Although hysteria is not a hereditary disease but, nervous family background and faulty emotional training of young individual can lead towards future hysterical behavior. - All the above causes if happen with the man, he can also suffer from hysteria too. Depressed, suppressed and virgin man due to rules and regulation forced by the society can suffer from hysteria. 4. Hysteria symptoms: Following symptoms, most of the time happens in between the crowd, family function and social gatherings. - Unusual fatigue - Faintness or unconsciousness, which usually happens in the crowd. - Sudden, wild and painful cry - Unusual laugh - Headache/ backache - Numbness of extremities - Breathlessness - Feeling that something is inside the body - Dual personality, different personality usually arises during family functions. Like possession with good or bad sprits. (devi aana, purvaj aana or bhut pret lagna) - Mood swings and emotional instability - Increased or decreased sexual desire - Loss of appetite - Insomnia - Irritability - A tendency to cause trouble 5. Mass hysteria: Other known term for mass hysteria is collective obsession behavior. It is a phenomenon where a large number of people of a society behave in a hysterical manner due to threat or rumor. In medical science, it refers to the same physical symptoms with psychological reasons more than one person at the same time. Phenomena of Mass hysteria are common from the ancient world to today’s world. It is often related to supernatural activities. Some famous mass hysteria cases are: - Cat nun (15th century): Some nuns suddenly started to meow like a cat, eventually, other nuns also started meowing. This phenomenon ran from months and caused panic in church. Even some people related it with possession with the bad spirit. - Nun bite (15th century): One nun start biting her companions, eventually, other nuns also start biting of other nuns. This phenomenon ran from days to months and spread all over Germany, Holland to Italy. - Dancing plaque (15th century): Over 400 people starting dancing without taking rest. Some of them even died due to cardiac stroke, dehydration, and exhaustion. 6. Recent day’s cases of mass hysteria: - Mumbai sweet water incidence (2006): Residents of Mumbai claimed that water of Mahim creek suddenly turned sweet. Most of the people claimed it the miracle of God. - Hindu milk miracle (1995 -2001-2006): Hindu devotees believed that the statue of Ganesha is drinking milk. This rumor started from Mumbai based Sidhi Vinayak temple then spread all over India. - Monkey man of Delhi (May 2001): Reports came from New Delhi that big monkey-like creature is attacking humans. Some people claimed that they have seen that monkey like creature. But the picture of big monkey never came on camera or print media. - Cut of hair (chhoti kaatna) (June-July 2017): Lots of women complained some creature had cut their hair while sleeping. Rumor spread all over India. There are more than 200 cases of the haircut. 7. Hysteria treatment: Today’s hysteria is not a medical term. All the symptoms which collectively known as hysteria is treated with a different approach. In a broader spectrum, symptoms are divided into two types, one is dissociative disorder and other is somatoform disorder. Dissociative disorders are that type of psychological disorders which interrupt consciousness, identity, and memory. In common words, the dissociative disorder is where the person is confused with who is he, where he belongs and other things. Somatoform disorders are the type of psychological disorders which manifest physical problems without physical origins, such as chest pain, numbness in extremities etc. - Medical treatment: Medical treatment of it depends upon the type of dissociative and somatoform disorder. Medication for depression, anxiety and hallucination also used. - Psychotherapy: An Austrian psychotherapist Dr. Freud provided a theory that ‘simply talking to the patient and listening to them reduces the significant number of hysterical attack. He named it talking cure. This therapy is one of best psychotherapy method and still in practice with the name of “talk therapy”, in respect to Dr. Freud. - Ayurveda treatment: Hysteria has been described as smarounmad in samhita. When vaat raj and tam causes a disturbance in manovahini strotas it leads towards unmad. Here raj is decoded as the root cause of anxiety and tam is behind the depression. Manovah strotas is the emotional and mental disturbance. So according to Ayurveda, hysteria is the expression of mental- emotional disturbance which causes due to depression and anxiety. Treatment according to Ayurveda is the mood enhancer, confidence buildup and emotional stability. 8. Home remedies for hysteria: - Honey: Honey is a good mood enhancer as well as provides maximum nutrition to the body. So make a habit of taking 2 spoons Honey with normal water in the morning. - Lettuce (asparagus lettuce): Take 50 ml juice of lettuce for 30 days on empty stomach. It does not directly treat hysteria but detoxifies the body and provides nourishment. - Basil: All types of basil provide mental relaxation. Smell of basil and tea of basil both causes mental relaxation. - Indian ginseng: Ayurveda uses this drug for nourishment and weight building. Proper nourishment of body decreases anxiety. - Indian snakeroot: It is anciently used to treat all types of mental condition. It decreases the mechanism of depression and causes sleep and relaxation. Conclusion: Hysteria is a mental disorder that can be quite debilitating for those who suffer from it. While the causes are still not completely understood, we do know that certain factors seem to play a role. If you or someone you know is suffering from hysteria, please seek help from a professional. There are many treatments available that can help lessen the symptoms and improve quality of life. Disclaimer: Above article is only for information purpose. Please consult your physician or contact us before using any herbal and ayurvedic medicine. Not all metal problems result with hysteria so do not get towards the conclusion by reading the above article. Please feel free to contact us for any quires. Your message, mobile number and email id will remain confidential. Read the full article
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thehealthtalks · 2 years
💖 Semen and Sperms: Composition, Analysis and Deformities
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Semen and Sperms: Composition, Analysis and Deformities
Semen and sperm are the components of reproductive fluid. They play a vital role in fertilization and reproduction. In this article, we will discuss the composition of semen and sperm, their analysis, and various deformities that can affect them.
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Whenever a man ejaculates after the sexual orgasm the male reproductive fluid is discharged from the end of the penis. This fluid is called Semen. It is yellowish whitish fluid, viscid in nature and smells aromatic. During orgasm, men ejaculate 1 or 2 times. In each ejaculation, the average quantity of semen is 2-4 milliliter.
Semen composition:
1. Sperms: Sperms are male reproductive cells. Sperms which are mature and have moveable tail (flagella) referred as spermatozoa. Sperms cannot divide any further. It can live up to 2-3 Days in female reproductive tract. So for conceiving, it is important to have sex on the day or just one day prior or after ovulation.
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Formation of sperms and maturation of sperms is known as spermatogenesis which takes place in testicle and epididymis. Mature spermatozoa stay in vas deference, and during sexual intercourse, these spermatozoa move towards upper tract and release from the body by forceful sexual orgasm. Sperms only make 5% of total semen. Healthy semen contains 50 to 500 million sperms in one ejaculation. Each one ml of it should have at least 25 million of sperm. Less than 20 million of sperm in 1 ml male reproductive fluid has been clinically classified as infertility in men. a. Sperm motility: Motility is referred for movement. Sperm motility is the capability of sperms to swim in female vagina and uterus. Sperms are naturally programmed to swim upward and reach their ultimate destination, “the ovum” for fertilization. On an average one sperm takes 15-20 minute to reach up to Fallopian tube. Collectively there are 50-500 million sperms which delay their movement.  That’s why sperms take about 1-1.5 hr to reach up to the ovum. For fertility of men, it is necessary to have more than 50% of sperms motility. Higher is always better. b. Sperm viability: Viability is term for healthy being. In semen, not all the sperms are matured, some are anatomically defected such as they don’t have tail (flagella). For being fertile it is necessary to have minimum 50% of sperm viability. It is the lowest count or lower limit for being fertile. Healthy semen always has more than 65% of sperms motility and viability. 2. Secretion from seminal vesicle: It is the main component of semen, and it makes more than 60-65% of it. Secretions of seminal vesicle have 5 important substances which are necessary for healthy semen. a. Fructose: Fructose is simple carbohydrate which provides energy to sperm. Less amount of fructose in semen causes death of sperm and results in infertility. b. Amino Acid: Amino acid provides food and nutrition to sperms in female vagina. Fructose and amino acid are important to provide energy to sperms to travel from vagina to Fallopian tube and to conduct fertilization. c. Citric Acid and Enzymes: Human female ovum is secure with multiple covering. Enzymes and citric acid are essential for dissolving these covering. d. Prostaglandins: Prostaglandins secreted from seminal vesicle stop or suppress woman’s immune system to reject semen. If there is the absence of prostaglandins, woman’s immune system will kill sperms, as sperms are the foreign body for female body. e. ZINC: Zinc maintains DNA and prevents it from breaking down. Deficiency of zinc can cause sperms DNA lysis and results in infertility in men. 3. Prostate secretion: Secretion of prostate forms 15-20% of total semen. Secretion of the prostate is much necessary as it provides prostate specific antigen (PSA), which is responsible for the transformation of semen from sticky viscid to watery. In watery semen, sperms can move easily. 4. Bulbourethral gland (Cowper’s gland): Remaining 5-10% is mucus which is secreted by Cowper’s gland. It is slippery fluid; it eases ejaculation and also prevents too much spreading of spermatozoa in the female vagina.
Semen analysis:
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Semen analysis is a medical term for laboratory/microscopic examination of semen. On the basis of research and study, World Health Organization (WHO) has provided some limits of male reproductive fluid composition which is essential for making women pregnant. These are: - Quantity of semen in one ejaculation should be minimum 2 milliliters or more. - There should be minimum 50 millions of healthy spermatozoa or sperms. It means each 1 ml fluid should have at least 25 million sperms. - It should be slightly alkaline in nature. Ideal ph of semen is 7.2-8. - More than 50% of sperms should be live and active. - Liquefaction: During ejaculation semen is thick and sticky. But in vagina, it liquefies. Liquefaction time should be in the range of 15-30 min. Early and late liquefaction both interfere with fertilization. - Sperm concentration: Exact percentage of each component of semen is necessary. - Red blood cell/white blood cell/pus cells should not be in the excess amount as it suggests infection. Above are the description of healthy male reproductive fluid and sperms. But when they get affected by diseases, deficiency, and diet, deformity is found in them. Some common problems are: 1. Oligospermia: Oligo is referred for less or insufficient. Insufficient amount of sperms in fluid is termed as Oligospermia. Sometimes there are less amount of sperms and sometimes sperms are in normal limit but other components are in high amount which, in result, causes low percentage of sperms in semen. Oligospermia is medically treatable problem and the prognosis is good. 2. Azoospermia: “A” prefix is referred for absence. Complete absence of sperms in male reproductive fluid is termed as Azoospermia. It is associated with male infertility. 30-40 % Azoospermia is caused by systemic disease or pressure in testicle seminal vesicle. These forms of azoospermia are medically treatable. 3. Aspermia: Failure of ejaculation is called Aspermia. It is important to understand men with Aspermia do ejaculate and have sexual orgasm, but the ejaculation fluid only has secretion from the accessory sexual gland and no or negligible amount of semen. Causes of Aspermia are retrograde ejaculation, prostate surgery and tumor in pathway of semen. Congenital Azoospermia and Aspermia are associated with germ cells deformity and they are non-treatable.
Semen is the fluid that's discharged from the end of a man's penis during orgasm. It contains sperm and other components that play a vital role in reproduction. In this article, we've discussed the composition of semen and sperm, their analysis, and various deformities that can affect them. If you're interested in learning more about semen and sperm, or need assistance with analyzing or diagnosing any defects in these reproductive fluids, please contact us. Our team of experts would be happy to help. Read more: Varicocele: Types, Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Home Remedies
Above article is only for knowledge purpose. Please contact your healthcare provider before using any of above medicine or method. For any query or personal consultation according to your health condition please contact your doctor. Read the full article
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thehealthtalks · 2 years
💖 Ear Infection (Otitis Media): Symptoms, Causes, Prevention and Treatment
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Ear Infection (Otitis Media): Symptoms, Causes, Prevention and Treatment
Ear infections are a common ailment in children, but can also occur in adults. Otitis media is an infection of the middle ear, and is typically caused by bacteria or viruses. The symptoms of an ear infection can vary depending on the severity of the infection, but may include pain, fever, drainage from the ear, and difficulty hearing. There are a number of ways to prevent ear infections, including practicing good hygiene and immunizing against Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria. If you think you or your child may have an ear infection, it is important to see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.
What is an ear infection?
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A commonly used term “ear infection” is known medically as acute otitis media or a sudden infection in the middle ear (the space behind eardrum). Anyone could get this, although it mainly affects children. Youngsters might visit healthcare providers if they have experienced frequent symptoms like pain when moving their ears around since sometimes these infections won't show up right away and there may also come days where you feel better than usual but then relapse again without knowing why. In many cases, ear infections clear up on their own. Your healthcare provider may recommend a medication to relieve pain and if the infection has worsened or not improved they will prescribe an antibiotic for you which is usually necessary in children younger than two years old because it's more powerful than other types of medications used against bacteria such as penicillin-based ones that work better when taken by mouth rather than injection into muscle tissue (intracytoplasmic). If you or your child is experiencing pain, discomfort, hearing problems and/or fluid buildup in the ear canal it’s important to see a healthcare provider. A serious effect of an ongoing infection can be permanent Hearing impairment occurs when there has been frequent exposure over time as well as with deeper infections that don't get better on their own.
Where is the middle ear?
When we think of the ear, it's hard not to notice its most prominent feature: A large redbox called an "eardrum." The middle layer deep within your head is where you'll find this critical membrane that helps protect all those delicate bones inside from noise and vibrations by moving water around. These ossicles - malleals (hammer), incus (anvil), and stapes (stirrup), play essential roles during hearing processes with their functions varying depending on what type or level.
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There are three main parts of the ear: outer, middle and inner. - The outer ear is the outside external ear flap and the ear canal (external auditory canal). - The middle ear is the air-filled space between the eardrum (tympanic membrane) and the inner ear. The middle ear houses the delicate bones that transmit sound vibrations from the eardrum to the inner ear. This is where most ear infections occur. - The inner ear contains the snail-shaped labyrinth that converts sound vibrations received from the middle ear to electrical signals. The auditory nerve carries these signals to the brain. If you're experiencing an infection or other problem in your outer or middle ear, it's important to seek medical attention right away. Inner ear problems can be more difficult to diagnose and may require specialist care. Other nearby parts: The ear also contains other nearby parts, such as the adenoids and the eustachian tubes. The adenoids are small pads of tissue located above the throat and behind the nose. They help fight infection caused by bacteria that enters through the mouth. The eustachian tubes regulate air pressure within the middle ear, connecting it to the upper part of the throat. This helps keep the ear healthy and free from infection.
What causes an ear infection?
Ear infections are caused by bacteria and viruses. Many times, an ear infection begins after a cold or other respiratory infection. The bacteria or virus travel into the middle ear through the eustachian tube (there’s one in each ear). This tube connects the middle ear to the back of the throat. The bacteria or virus can also cause the eustachian tube to swell. This swelling can cause the tube to become blocked, which keeps normally produced fluids to build up in the middle ear instead of being able to be drained away. When it comes to the eustachian tube, children may be born with a shorter and less sloped version than adults. This physical difference makes them more susceptible toward infection from viruses or bacteria that can cause pain in their ears - especially if they become clogged due too much fluid buildup thereon. - Acute otitis media is a sudden ear infection that typically affects children. It is caused by bacteria or viruses, and symptoms include fever, earache, and drainage from the ear. Acute otitis media is treated with antibiotics and usually resolves within a few days. When the bacteria or virus infect and trap fluid behind your eardrum, it can cause pain. swelling/bulging (sometimes massive) of an ear drum as well has resulting in commonly used term "ear infection." Ear infections happen suddenly or may come back often for long periods - there is no way to know until you get tested. - Otitis media with effusion is a more common type of ear infection that typically affects adults. It is caused by fluid buildup in the middle ear, and symptoms include earache, hearing loss, and ringing in the ear. Otitis media with effusion is treated with antibiotics if it is caused by bacteria, or with ear drops if it is caused by fluid buildup. - Chronic suppurative otitis media is a rarer type of ear infection that can affect both children and adults. It is caused by a long-term infection in the ear, and symptoms include drainage from the ear, hearing loss, and pain. Chronic suppurative otitis media is treated with antibiotics and surgery may be needed to correct damage to the ear.
What are the symptoms of otitis media (middle ear infection)?
- Ear pain: When your child has ear pain, it's usually an indication that they're feeling discomfort. The most common symptom in children and adults alike is crying more than usual or having trouble sleeping due to the severity of their symptoms. Infants too young speak out may display signs like rubbing/tugging on one ear, crying more than usual, trouble sleeping, acting fussy/irritable. - Loss of appetite: Loss of appetite can be a side effect from ear infections, especially in children during bottle feedings. The pressure inside an infant's head changes as they suck on their dolls or stuffed animals while drinking breastmilk- this causes pain which makes them want less food than usual before eventually losing all interest in eating at all. - Irritability: Those who suffer from pain may be irritable due to their continuing discomfort. - Poor sleep: Poor sleep can make pain worse for children, especially if they are laying down. The pressure in their ears may worsen as well and cause more discomfort to the young ones who need restorative measures from time-to-time with Mom or Dad's help. - Fever: When a child has an ear infection, their fever can reach up to 104 degrees Fahrenheit. And in some cases 50% of kids even get sick with what seems like nothing else going on at all. - Drainage from the ear: Yellow, brown or white fluid that is not earwax may seep from the ears. This could mean one of two things: either your eardrum has ruptured (broken) or there's an blocked drainage system in place and it needs to be opened up by a doctor immediately. - Trouble hearing: The bones in your ear help send sound waves to the brain, but if there's too much fluid behind them it can slow down these electrical signals and make you more likely hear things differently.
Who is most likely to get an ear infection (otitis media)?
Ear infections are a common problem, especially in young children. In fact, ear infections are the most common reason for pediatricians to prescribe antibiotics. But who is most likely to get an ear infection? - Age: Infants and young children (between 6 months of age and 2 years) are at greater risk for ear infections. This is because their eustachian tubes, which allow fluid to drain from the ears, are narrower and more easily blocked. - Family history: The tendency to get ear infections can run in the family. If one or both parents have had an ear infection, their child is more likely to get one too. - Colds: Having colds often increases the chances of getting an ear infection. A cold virus can cause the lining of the eustachian tubes to swell, which blocks the flow of fluid. - Allergies: Allergies cause inflammation (swelling) of the nasal passages and upper respiratory tract, which can enlarge the adenoids. Enlarged adenoids can block the eustachian tube, preventing ear fluids from draining. This leads to fluid buildup in the middle ear, causing pressure, pain and possible infection. - Chronic illnesses: People with chronic (long-term) illnesses, such as immune deficiency and chronic respiratory disease, are more likely to develop ear infections. This is especially true for patients with cystic fibrosis and asthma. - Ethnicity: Native Americans and Hispanic children have more ear infections than other ethnic groups. This may be due to differences in anatomy, genetics, or exposure to certain bacteria.
How is an ear infection diagnosed?
Ear exam: Ear infections are typically diagnosed through a physical exam. Your healthcare provider will look at your ear using an instrument called an otoscope. A healthy eardrum will be pinkish gray in color and translucent (clear). If infection is present, the eardrum may be inflamed, swollen or red. If you or your child are experiencing signs or symptoms of an ear infection, it is important to see your healthcare provider as soon as possible for treatment. Left untreated, ear infections can cause further complications. Early diagnosis and treatment is key in preventing these complications. In order to diagnose an ear infection, your healthcare provider will perform a physical examination of your ear using an otoscope. They will look for any swelling, inflammation, or redness on the eardrum, which may be indicative of an infection. Additionally, they will listen to your breathing and throat for any other signs of respiratory infection, and may also take throat and nasal swabs to test for bacteria. If you are experiencing severe pain, dizziness, or vertigo, your provider may order additional tests such as a CT scan or MRI. Other checks: Your healthcare provider will also check your throat and nasal passage for signs of upper respiratory infections and listen to your breathing with a stethoscope. By looking at all of these symptoms together, your healthcare provider can make a diagnosis of an ear infection. In some cases, a throat culture or nasal swab may also be ordered to confirm the diagnosis.
How is an ear infection treated?
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Ear infections are treated depending on the age of the child, the severity of the infection, and if fluid remains in the middle ear for a long period of time. Your healthcare provider will recommend medications to relieve you or your child’s pain and fever. If the ear infection is mild, depending on the age of the child, your healthcare provider may choose to wait a few days to see if the infection goes away on its own before prescribing an antibiotic. However, if the infection is more severe, your healthcare provider may prescribe antibiotics immediately. In some cases, surgery may also be needed to remove fluid from the ear. If your child has an ear infection, it is important to follow your healthcare provider’s instructions carefully to ensure a speedy and full recovery. Ear infections can be painful and uncomfortable, but with the help of your healthcare provider, you or your child can recover quickly. For more information on ear infections and their treatment, please talk to your healthcare provider. Your healthcare provider might prescribe antibiotics if bacteria are thought to cause your child's ear infection. They should wait up until three days after they start taking the medicine before giving them a second prescription, as this will allow time for milder forms of kernels (infections) and other illnesses that don't require immediate treatment; otherwise it could trigger severe cases in those who have already been exposed. In some cases, antibiotics might be started right away if your or the child’s ear infection is severe. The American Academy of Pediatrics has recommendations for how long you should wait before prescribing an antibiotic based on the child’s age, severity of their infection and temperature. These are shown in table below: American Academy of Pediatrics Treatment Guide for Acute Otitis Media (AOM) If you or your child’s healthcare provider prescribing an antibiotic, it is very important to take exactly as directed. You should start feeling better within a few days of starting treatment and even if the pain has gone away don't stop taking medications until they tell me that's what needs done! If this drug was handed out in capsule form then make sure there are enough for both meals and snacks throughout each day because not eating anything can lead right back into infection from lack-of appetite due two being sick already. When a hole has been made in your eardrum, it can be treated with antibiotic ear droppers and sometimes by using suctioning devices to remove fluids. Your healthcare provider will give you specific instructions about what actions are best for treatment of this condition- depending on whether or not there was any underlying cause involved as well. Pain-relieving medications: Tylenol¼ or Advil¼, Motrin¼ can be used to relieve earache and fever. Your healthcare provider will prescribe pain-relieving medications for you or your child depending on the severity of their condition, as well provide any additional instructions needed with these products fully stocked at all times in order to ensure quick relief from symptoms. Never give aspirin to children. Aspirin can cause a life-threatening condition called Reye’s Syndrome, which affects their ability of the body's organs and muscles work properly. For example: earaches tend pain more at bedtime; using warm compresses outside on adults may also help relieve it (not recommended for infants). Ear tubes (tympanostomy tubes): In fact most kids will have experienced at least one episode by age 5 and some may experience frequent infections. When this happens, it can cause problems with hearing because fluid might build up in your child's ears which makes them unable to hear properly or at all during certain times due when they're sick again (otitis media). Telltale signs of an ear infection in children can include pain inside the ear, a sense of fullness in the ear, muffled hearing, fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, crying, irritability and tugging at the ears (especially in very young children). They might have muffled hearing; feverish symptoms such as nausea/vomiting among others and if it's very recent then there'll probably also be diarrhea too. Your child may need to wear ear tubes if they’ve experienced three or more episodes of chronic infection in the last six months, had four infections overall during that time period and are at risk for hearing loss because fluid buildup behind their eardrum caused permanent damage. There are many benefits to using ear tubes, including the fact that they provide immediate relief for small children who are developing their speech and language skills. If you are experiencing problems with your hearing, an ear-nose throat (ENT) doctor may be the best option for treatment. During this outpatient surgical procedure called myringotomy with placement of tube; they willinsert a small metal or plastic instrument through tiny incisions in both ears which allows air into their middle section while also allowing fluid to drain out imperfections that cause disease. This procedure only takes about 10 minutes and the complication rate is low. You'll likely want to stay home from work for this one, as it will be sore afterword. This tube usually stays in place until your eardrum heals completely so keep things dry by not getting wet or immersed underwater. The tube usually stays in place from six to 12 months, but it can also be removed by your doctor if needed; keep the outer ear dry until then.
What are the harms of fluid buildup in your ears or repeated or ongoing ear infections?
When an ear infection occurs, it can cause long-term problems. These complications include: Loss of hearing: Some mild, temporary hearing loss (muffling/distortion) usually occurs during an ear infection. Ongoing infections that repeatedly occur and damage to internal structures in the ear from a buildup of fluid can cause more significanth ting issues. Delayed speech and language development: Delayed speech and language development can be a major problem for children. They need to hear, in order learn their first words! If they don't get enough volume or are constantly muffled by hearing aids when you speak with them it will significantly delay progress with understanding how we communicate on an everyday level. Tear in the eardrum: A small tear can develop from pressure on it as fluid builds up in one's ears. About 5% to 10%, or even less than 1 out of 100 people with an infection will have this happen; however if you're experiencing any kind of pain near your ear canal and/or blood-tinged discharge then seek medical attention immediately since there may be more serious problems waiting for us past just a simple cleaning procedure. Spread of the infection: The infection can spread beyond the ear, damaging nearby mastoid bone. On rare occasions it may also infect to the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord (meninges) and cause meningitis. Ear infections are a common problem, particularly in children. However, there are many things that you can do to prevent them. - Don't smoke: Smoking increases your risk of developing an ear infection. - Control allergies: Allergies can cause inflammation and lead to ear infections. - Prevent colds: A common cause of ear infections is a cold or other respiratory infection. Read the full article
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thehealthtalks · 2 years
💖 Male Reproductive System: A Detailed Introduction
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Male Reproductive System: A Detailed Introduction
Nowadays infertility problems are increasing. In this problem, everyone talks about the problems of female but generally male infertility are discussed less but male infertility is also a major issue. But for better understanding of it, It is necessary that one should have a basic knowledge of male reproductive system. Hence, It has been described it here in detail. So if we talk about Male Reproductive System, it is made up with complex system of external genital organ and internal genital organ. External genital organ includes Penis, Scrotum, Testis, and Spermatic Cord; whereas internal genital organs include Epididymis, Vas Deference and Accessory Sexual Glands. Male Reproductive System remains outside of Peritoneum Cavity because it requires low temperature. The temperature of human testis is about 95 Fahrenheit, whereas the temperature of normal body is 97.5 F. Some organs of male genital remain in pelvic cavity.
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Anatomy of Male Reproductive System:
As mentioned above male reproductive system is made of external and internal genital organs. The external genital organ plays an important part in sexual intercourse. So at first let’s discuss external genital organs in detail. External Genital Organs: 1. Penis: It is one of the reproductive organs of male mammal species which is required for sexual pleasure, transportation of sperm from male to female reproductive organs and for urinating.
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Other than sexual activity, it plays an important role in the urinary system because it has an opening of the urethra. - Penis Anatomy: Anatomically Penis is divided into two parts which are: the root or fixed part and the body or free part. The root part of penis is made of two erectile masses, on either side it has two crura and in middle one bulb. These parts are responsible for Penis Erection. The free part of Penis is covered by skin, and it also has erectile masses. In continuation with crura, it has on its either side Corpora Cavernosa and in middle with the continuation of bulb in has Corpus Spongiosum. During sexual intercourse, due to hormonal response Helicine Arteries (Penis Arteries) increase amount of blood flow to erectile masses of body and root part of Penis. As the space between erectile masses fills with blood, size of Penis increases. Tip of Penis is known as Glans Penis and the Skin which covers it, is known as Prepuce. - Penis size: Size of Penis has always been the fascinating topic for men. It is also a root cause for different social myth in different societies. The average size of erect Penis is in between 12- 14 cm and flaccid Penis is much smaller than erect. It could be around 5-8 cm. An adult erect Penis with size of 7 cm is referring as Micro Penis. Size of Penis does not play much role in capacity to have sex or fertility of a man. 2. Scrotum: Scrotum is kind of a bag, made of skin layers, that contains Testis, part of Spermatic Cord and Epididymis. 3. Testis: Testis is organ of the male reproductive system which lies outside of abdomen and produces sperm and male sex hormone. It is the main organ of Male Reproductive System. Human has a pair of Testicles. Testis is homologous with ovary in female. Human Testis develops in abdomen during Gestation life (life in mother’s womb) and starts descending downward from 3rd month of Gestation life. By the time of birth, Testis descends completely outside the abdomen. In preterm baby (born before 9 months) undescended testis is common and it does not require treatment. If the descend of Testis does not occur by the age of one year then it requires clinical investigation and treatment. Testis Anatomy: Humans have a pair of Testicles, collectively known as Testis. Testis lies within Scrotum and attaches to Pelvic Organ through the Spermatic Cord. Each Testicle has 200-300 divided part or lobules and each lobule has 2-3 cord or thread-like structure called seminiferous tubules. These tubules have main reproductive cells of men and these are responsible for the fertility of men. Testis Function: Testis performs two functions in the body, first is Spermatogenesis and second is Endocrine (hormonal) functions. Spermatogenesis: Spermatogenesis is the process of development of sperm through the primitive germ cell or spermatogonia. This process completes in 4 continuous Process, which are: - Proliferation: The spermatogonia cells divide by normal mitosis process and produce primary spermatocyte. This process takes seven times mitosis and produces the healthiest spermatocyte. The process takes place in seminiferous tubule of testis. Each spermatocyte contains 23 pairs of chromosomes. - Growth: Primary spermatocyte grows in size. - Maturation: Full growth primary spermatocyte goes to meiotic division. This causes two type of spermatid, one with 22+X other with 22+Y chromosome. Thus sex of baby always decided by father because male have two type of spermatid 22+X or 22+Y. X and Y are chromosomes of female and male respectively. - Transformation: Spermatid will not divide any further, it will only transform to spermatozoa. Endocrine or hormonal functions: Testis secrete androgens are male sex hormones, which are secreted by Leydig cell of Testis. There are three types of androgens first Testosterone, second Dihydrotesterone, and last Androstenedione. During fetal life, these androgens are responsible for the development of testis, during puberty they cause masculine changes in body, voice, and growth of secondary sexual characters. Other than sexual system, androgens are responsible for maintaining basal metabolic rate (BMI). It also maintains the sodium-potassium balance in body, and increases the number of red blood cells (RBC) in body. 4. Spermatic cord: Spermatic cord is a cord-like structure which lies in continuation with inguinal ring to testis. Its covering is made of fascia. Spermatic cord is very important because it provides support and safety to male sex organ. Spermatic cord contains artery nerve, venous supply to testis, vas deference, and lymphatic vessels. 5. Vas deference: It is the connecting duct between Epididymis and Ejaculatory duct. Vas deference meaning in Latin is “carry away”. It is a fibromuscular tube-like structure of male reproductive system which transports sperm from epididymis to ejaculatory duct. During sexual orgasm, in response to hormone Vas deference shows forward peristalsis movement, which leads sperm to ejaculatory duct and ultimately, these sperms go to female’s vagina by ejaculation. During male contraceptive procedure vasectomy, this Vas deference is cut in between so that sperm cannot pass to ejaculatory duct. Vas deference function: Vas deference transports mature sperm, which is stored in tail of Epididymis, to the common ejaculatory duct. This process is incited by male sex hormone testosterone. In response to testosterone, Vas deference shows forward peristalsis movement. Through peristalsis movement sperm passes to common ejaculatory duct. 6. Epididymis:
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Epididymis is a coiled structure which has been made of collectively with numerous coils of seminiferous tubules. Lower end (head part) epididymis is continuous with seminiferous tubule and the upper end (the tail part) with vas deference. Epididymis function: Epididymis works as a reservoir of Spermatozoa. Full grown Spermatozoa still does not have tail that mean these spermatozoa cannot swim in female reproductive track thus cannot fertilize. It requires 3-4 months to mature Spermatozoa. 7. Sex glands (Accessory glands): Male sex glands are seminal vesicles, prostate and urethral gland.  During sexual intercourse, these glands produce mix mucus watery to complete various physiological works. At the time of foreplay these gland secret viscous discharge which causes smooth and deep entry of penis in the vaginal canal, it also neutralizes vaginal ph, clean ejaculatory duct and female vagina for dirt or pathogens. During sexual orgasm, these glands cause white thick discharge. This discharge nourishes and activates spermatozoa. This discharge with spermatozoa is collectively known as semen. So this is all about Male Reproductive System. We hope that you have liked the Article. If you have any questions regarding this so please share in comments.
Male infertility is a problem that is often overlooked, but it is important to understand the basics of the male reproductive system in order to better treat and diagnose any potential issues. The information provided in this blog post should give you a good starting point for understanding the male reproductive system and how it works. If you are experiencing any fertility problems, be sure to consult with your doctor to get help.
Above article is only for knowledge purpose. Please contact your healthcare provider before using any of above medicine or method. For any query or personal consultation according to your health condition please contact your doctor. Read the full article
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thehealthtalks · 2 years
💖 Garlic: 7 Proven Health Benefits Of Garlic That Will Amaze You
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7 Proven Health Benefits Of Garlic That Will Amaze You
Garlic is a commonly used herb that has many potential health benefits. Despite this, many people are unaware of the health advantages garlic possesses. In this blog post, we will discuss seven of the most impressive health benefits of garlic. We hope that by doing so, you will be encouraged to add garlic to your diet and reap its many rewards! What is garlic?
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Garlic, botanical name Allium Sativum, is close relative of onion. It is known for its strong pungent smell which brings delicious and specific taste to food. Garlic is a herbaceous plant with flat leaves. It has garlic bulbs underground from which rise garlic scapes or cloves that can be harvested as garlic bulb or garlic flower . Garlic originates in central Asia and it grows well also in north-eastern China where it brought along by Mongol hordes during their invasions. Thus it spread from Asia through Middle East to all over the world. Today garlic is cultivated mostly still in those regions but also worldwide wherever climatic conditions are suitable. In Europe garlic was first mentioned already by 3-4 BC as garlic was very much appreciated by Romans. Hungary is one of the few European countries where garlic is still being cultivated in a big scale outside these central regions, hence it has its own specific market with garlic imported from China and garlic produced within Hungary. What garlic should be used for? Garlic can be used both fresh or dried. While garlic bulb could be eaten raw, garlic flower has better source of sulfur compounds so it becomes a garlic supplement to be taken as garlic extract which enables its use in even higher doses that would not be possible by eating garlic directly. It is advised that garlic supplementation should not be continued for longer than three months as after this period side effects like gas and stomach discomfort may appear. Also such supplementation should not exceed 10 grams per day, but garlic should be taken in smaller doses regularly throughout the day. What garlic tastes like? The smell of garlic is strong and it has a sharp, garlic aftertaste. It brings unique taste to food but it can be overwhelming for some people. Where garlic grows Garlic flowers are the leaves of garlic bulb underground where garlic cloves grow as well. These flowers can also be eaten as garlic supplement. How much garlic should I eat? Fresh garlic bulbs contain about 200-300 mg allicin per gram which corresponds to average daily use of 10 grams (3 teaspoons) of fresh garlic clove, however optimal daily intake could vary depending on individual strength and body composition. Typically one fresh garlic bulb is enough for cooking spaghetti sauce or for making several servings of garlic bread. If garlic is used as garlic extract ( garlic oil or garlic powder ) garlic supplement should be taken according to the instructions on the label of garlic product. Garlic nutrition: - Rich in minerals: It contains good amount of minerals like Iron, Manganese, Calcium, Iodine and Sulphur. - Rich in vitamins: It has both types of vitamins; water soluble and fat soluble. - It contains a compound called Allicine, which is the main reason for the health properties of Garlic. - It is very rich in sulphur compound which is Diallyl disulfide and S-allylcysteine. Sulphur compound of it absorbed by intestine and travel in blood to every cell of body. It is anti-bacterial and anti-viral. Health benefits of garlic: What is garlic good for? Garlic is a culinary favorite for adding flavor to many dishes. But what else is garlic good for? Turns out, garlic is also a nutritional powerhouse that can provide many health benefits. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the top health benefits of garlic and share some recipes that include this flavorful ingredient. So if you're looking for an easy way to improve your health, add more garlic to your diet!
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1. Maintains heart health: High blood pressure and high cholesterol; these two are main culprit of heart stroke. In studies it has been found to reduce blood pressure. Sulphur compound of it, is responsible for lowering blood pressure and cholesterol. Thus it is a good habit to have some clove of it regularly for prevention of heart disease. Other than it, lemon and basil are also good for heart diseases. Take 5-6 garlic clove with 20-25 basil leaves. Boil them for 5 minute; take this decoction at night before sleep. Garlic is also diuretic in nature thus if it causes increase in urination in night than you may reduce amount of it. 2. For cold: Garlic is an amazing drug especially for respiratory infection. Vapours of it are found to have decongestant properties. For best result boil 2-3 garlic clove with 100 ml of water and inhale the vapour. If kids are struck by cold and cough, apply small amount of its paste over nose and masaage lightly. Earlier, tribal people used to wear necklace with beads made of garlic cloves. This was believed to be healing against several infections because it has anti-bactirial properties. 3. For weight loss: It is scientifically proven that regular consumption of garlic can help in reducing fat in the body. It increases BMI rate which is responsible for calories management. In various studies it is also proven that garlic reduces amount of cholesterol in blood. For weight loss, it should be used in morning empty stomach. For this, take 2 cloves with luke warm water. For best result add 1 table spoon of honey in it. Another important method is to crush 2 garlic clove. Then mix this paste in 100 ml of water and add 1 table spoon of lemon. Combination of garlic and honey, or lemon is best for fat reduction. 4. Detoxification of the body: Garlic is rich source of anti-oxidants and is diuretic in nature. Anti-oxidants reduce oxidative stress of body and diuretic property of it excretes all toxins through urine. 5. For Acne: Sulphur and Allicin, both are anti-bacterial. For treatment of acne you can apply paste of garlic on affected area. Taking 1 garlic clove with hot water in empty stomach causes internal purification and provides inner glowing skin. 6. For hair: Paste of garlic is good home remedy for dandruff. Sibling of it, onion is also good for hair fall and dandruff. For best result take 10-12 cloves of it and 1 average size onion, crush them and make a fine paste. Apply this paste on hair follicles; wait till dry then rinse it off with luke warm water. This paste of is good for all types of hair problems like dandruff, lies, fungal infection of hair follicle, etc. This paste also promotes regeneration of hair follicle, so it is also good for treatment of baldness. 7. For Alzheimer's disease: The use of garlic is also beneficial to central nervous system as garlic reduces cognitive decline and lowers the risk of development of Alzheimer's disease. It is also a very good anti-oxidant, protecting cells from free radicals damage . Side effects of garlic: Everything in excess is dangerous. Same rule is applicable for it also. Garlic is very strong medicine. Small amount of it is sufficient for medicinal use. Extra dose of it may causes serious side effects. - Burning sensation on skin - Increase in urination - Yellowness of urine - It may increase chances of bleeding from nose and other parts of body - General abdominal discomfort - Hyperacidity, heart burn and mouth ulcer - Bad breath is most common side effect of it - Raw garlic may cause skin irritation on application. This allergic reaction is not common but possible. - It is safe during pregnancy if taken along with food, however medicinal use of garlic should be restricted in pregnancy. Pregnant women with placental problem or bleeding should completely avoid it. - Medicinal dose of it during breast feeding should be avoided, as contents in it passes through breast milk. Conclusion: Garlic is a powerful herb that has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties. In this blog post, we have discussed seven of the most impressive health benefits of garlic. We hope that you have found this information helpful and will consider adding garlic to your diet. Thanks for reading! Read more: Benefits Of Aloe Vera For Skin, Hair, Burns, Heart, Acne, Inflammation
Above article is only for knowledge purpose. Please contact your healthcare provider before using any of above medicine or method. For any query or personal consultation according to your health condition please contact your doctor. Read the full article
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thehealthtalks · 2 years
💖 10 Amazing Benefits of Ajwain (Carom) Seeds For Weight Loss, Acidity
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10 Amazing Benefits of Ajwain (Carom) Seeds For Weight Loss, Acidity
Whether you're using ajwain (carom) seeds for weight loss, to ease digestion, or to treat other health concerns, there are plenty of benefits to be had. Here are 10 amazing reasons to start incorporating ajwain seeds into your life. What is Ajwain (Carom) seed?
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Ajwain (Carom) seeds are very familiar in every Indian kitchen. Many Indian dishes are incomplete without a pinch of it. Carom seeds in Hindi is known as ajawain or ajwain or ajwon. Ajwain has many medicinal uses and one should not ignore Ajwain's benefits to the body. Ajwain has been used since ancient times for various health problems such as an upset stomach, constipation, gas etc. Have you ever seen Ajwain? It looks like cumin but its color is different, Ajwain's color is close to black and caraway's color is grayish white. Even though both Ajwain and caraway seeds are very similar but Ajwain is stronger than caraway seed. Ajwain (Carom) seed is said to be one of the best home remedies for dandruff, as Ajwain (Carom) has antibacterial properties that fight dandruff causing fungi 'Malassezia globosa'. Benefits of Ajwain: What is ajwain good for? Ajwain, also known as Carom or Bishop's Weed, is a plant native to the Mediterranean region. The leaves and seeds of ajwain are used in cooking, and the plant has many medicinal properties. Ajwain is said to help with digestion, respiratory problems, and more. Read on to learn more about the benefits of ajwain.
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1. Acidity, heart burn and indigestion: Ajwain seeds are very effective to treat any type of indigestion, acid reflux and acidity. Active enzymes of it help in digestion and also increase parasitic movement of intestine, thus normalise acid in stomach. For this, take 1 pinch of ajwain with 2 gm of dry ginger powder and 2 gm of fennel seeds with Luke warm water. This will normalise stomach acid. 2. Common cold or seasonal cold: Carom seeds provide relief in nasal blockage. Oil in it makes mucous non-sticky and helps to release it easily. For treatment of seasonal cold and rhinitis, it can be used in various ways such as: - Dry roast carom seeds and inhale vapour. - Mix 10 gm of carom seeds with 500 gm of jaggery, take 5 gm of this mixture twice a day with warm water or milk. - Roast carom seeds with some ghee (butter), take 2 pinch of it with 1 pinch of black salt twice or thrice a day. - Keep ajwain powder in thin cloth and inhale it frequently. 3. Ear pain or toothache: All ayurvedic and herbal ear drops contain ajawan oil in its essential content. Two drops of ajwain oil provide relief in ear pain. For toothache and bad breath, gurgle with ajwain water twice a day. Ajwain water is good for maintaining oral health thus provide relief from all types of mouth problems like gingivitis, tooth ache and dental carries. 4. Wound healing: Thymol, one of the active and main content of Ajwain, shows properties of germicide and fungicide. Applying the paste of Ajwain seeds on wound or dressing with carom seeds oil provide effective shield from infection. 5. Carom seeds for whitening of hair: Carom seeds help in treatment of premature whitening of hair. Boil 1 gm or 1/4th tablespoon Ajwain seeds and 10 curry leaves in 100 ml of water. Drink this mixture lukewarm for a month continuously or until you start seeing the change. 6. Carom seeds for weight loss: Carom seeds effectively increase metabolism rate or BMR (BMI) and burn fat. Ajwain water for weight loss is very effective thus ajwain is important content of every herbal tea or weight loss tea. Boil 1 gm of carom seeds in 100 ml of water and mix 1 tablespoon of honey in it and drink it on empty stomach early in the morning. Chewing roasted seeds after meal also fasten digestion process. 7. Benefits of ajwain water or OMA WATER: Carom seed water is very useful for pregnant women and babies, where harsh medicine cannot be given, 25-30 ml of carom seed water provide relief from flatulence and constipation due to pregnancy. For babies 5 ml of this water is sufficient. For making it, boil 5gm or 1 teaspoon of roasted carom seed in butter with 100 ml of water; boil this mixture for 1-2 boil. Important point is always cover the utensil while doing it as Ajwain content volatile oil which will vaporise if not covered. 8. Carom seeds for joint pain: Carom seeds can provide relief from arthritis pain due to its anti-inflammatory and anaesthetic properties. Apply paste of hot seeds or hot massage with carom seed oil provides instant relief from joint pain. These seeds are also rich in calcium and other minerals, boil 2 pinches of seeds in 100 ml of milk, while drinking this milk, add 5 ml of castor oil. 9. Carom seeds for acne and acne marks: Drink carom seeds water on empty stomach this will cleanse the skin and make it glowing. For removal of acne mark, apply paste of Ajwain seeds on affected area and wash it after drying. This is very effective for clearing skin pore and dead skin. 10. Carom seeds for hormonal problems: These seeds are god’s gift for women suffering from hormonal problems like PCOD, OVARIAN CYST etc. Several amino acids, minerals and activated contents like thymol make it good for hormonal insufficiency. Drink 50 ml of OMA WATER or carom seeds water twice in a day for 3 months continuously. Side Effect of Ajwain: Ajwain benefits are several but there are also some ajwain side effects also. So you should be cautious while using carom seeds for medicinal purpose. - Carom seeds increase peristaltic movement. Hence high dose of it may cause watery diarrhoea. - Ajwain seeds have very specific smell and taste, while inhaling vapour it may causes allergic rhinitis or severe sneezing. - According to Ayurveda, ajwain seeds are hot in nature thus high dose may cause chest burn and vomit. - Some people may be allergic to some content of seeds or leaves of it. Conclusion: As you can see, there are many reasons to incorporate ajwain seeds into your life. Whether it's for weight loss or another health concern, the benefits of this spice seem endless! If you want more information on these amazing benefits and how to use them in your own lifestyle please reach out below. Our team is always happy to help answer any questions about increasing overall wellness through diet and exercise with the power of ajwain (carom) seeds. Read more: Benefits Of Aloe Vera For Skin, Hair, Burns, Heart, Acne, Inflammation
Above article is only for knowledge purpose. Please contact your healthcare provider before using any of above medicine or method. For any query or personal consultation according to your health condition please contact your doctor. Read the full article
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thehealthtalks · 2 years
💖 17 Amazing Health Benefits And Uses Of Baking Soda
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17 Amazing Health Benefits And Uses Of Baking Soda
Baking soda is a common ingredient found in every kitchen. Another name of baking soda is bread soda, cooking soda, and bicarbonate of soda. A pinch of baking soda can make cakes softer and cookies more delicious; but more than just a cooking ingredient, it has many medicinal properties as well. In this article, we are going to share various medicinal uses of baking soda so you know when a pinch of this white power can help you. What is Baking Soda?
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Baking soda is a basic compound that consists of the chemical sodium bicarbonate. Baking soda is also known as Sodium Bicarbonate or Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate. Baking Soda has many different uses, such as cooking, deodorizing refrigerators and more. Baking soda can be used to make baked goods like breads and cookies rise better. Baking soda also helps with bad breath by preventing bacteria from forming on your teeth. Baking soda is an ingredient in toothpaste because it makes teeth whiter and brighter while killing bacteria that causes plaque buildup. Nutrition in Baking Soda: Baking soda is a white crystalline powder with no calories, fat, carbs. Baking soda contains 1,260 milligrams of sodium and 1.7 grams of ash with one teaspoon containing 2,300 milligrams of sodium or more than the suggested daily limit. Baking soda acts as an acid when reacting to liquid but has neutralizing qualities in its ability to absorb moisture in baked goods. - Calories: 0 g - Sodium: 1,260 mg per level tsp (2,300 mg per tsp) - Carbohydrates: 0 g - Dietary Fiber: 0g - Sugars: 0 g - Protein: 0g - Vitamin B6: 0% of the RDA per level tsp (2% of the RDA per tsp) - Iron: 0% of the RDA per level tsp (2% of the RDA per tsp) - Magnesium: 0% of the RDA per level tsp (1.8% of the RDA per tsp) - Calcium: 0% of the RDA per level tsp (0.4% of the RDA per tsp) - Phosphorus: 0 % of the RDA per level teaspoon - Potassium: 1.5 % of the recommended daily intake, RDIs, or DRIs, based on a 2,000 calorie for adults - Zinc: 0% of the RDA per level tsp (0.1% of the RDA per tsp) - Copper: 0 % of the RDA per level tsp (0.6% of the RDA per tsp) - Vitamins B1 and B2: 0% of the BDI for adults based on a 2,000 calorie diet - Minerals such as sulfur, chlorine, iodine, and zinc are also naturally occurring in baking soda. Uses of Baking Soda: What is baking soda good for? Baking soda is one of those amazing home remedies that has a million and one uses. You can use it for everything from baking to cleaning your kitchen to getting rid of bad smells. In this blog post, we're going to take a look at some of the most popular baking soda uses and tips on how to make the most out of this versatile ingredient. So, whether you're looking for a new way to use baking soda or just want to learn more about this multi-purpose remedy, read on!
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Baking Soda is considered as a natural cleaner. So it is used in multiple ways as to clean house and utensil, oral consumption for health benefits, cosmetic use as beauty regime. It is also used for supernatural activities and to remove negative energies. 1. Uses of baking soda for hair: Mixing Âœ tablespoon of baking soda in regular shampoo will remove all the dirt and excess oil which is left over by market products. 2. Uses of baking soda for dandruff: Make a fine paste of 1 teaspoon of baking soda and water. Rub this paste on the scalp. This will remove dandruff and excess sticky substance from hair. Don’t forget to wash hair after 4-5 mins rub. 3. Uses of baking soda for bathing: Add 2-3 tablespoon of baking soda in the bathtub or one regular size bucket. This will remove all the dead skin along with the bad odor of sweat. 4. Baking soda for face: Baking soda for face is a magical ingredient and all the big cosmetic companies are using it in facial kit or face wash or face pack. The concept behind it is that baking soda is alkaline in nature and it reacts with acidic substance released from sebaceous gland found in skin. It also kills bacteria and other pathogens due to its basic properties. Baking soda also exfoliates skin and makes it glowing. Common cosmetic uses of baking soda are: - Baking soda for facial: Mix 2-3 pinches of baking soda with facial cream. It will remove dirt and pathogen from skin. - Baking soda for facial scrub: Mix 2-3 pinches of baking soda in either market-based scrub or home-based scrub. It will remove dead skin and blackheads. - Baking soda for face wash: Mix 2-3 pinches of baking soda in any face wash. This combination removes much more dirt than just a plane face wash. 5. Uses of baking soda for acne: Baking soda is the best natural ingredient for acne treatment because of three reasons. First, baking soda is strong enough to kill almost all pathogen found in skin. Second, it reacts with the secretion of the facial gland and neutralizes its contents. Third, it cleans exfoliate skin. So for acne, apply either thick paste on the affected area or thin paste all over the face. 6. Baking soda for teeth: Baking soda is an excellent plaque removal. It is a common ingredient in market toothpaste. It helps to make teeth brighter and removes pathogens found in gums. Baking Soda also cleans pus pocket in gums and removes bad odor. For this, massage teeth with baking soda for 4-5 days continuously or twice a week. Baking soda can also remove enamel too, so please avoid its excessive use. 7. Baking soda for urinary tract infection: Baking soda neutralizes urine ph and kills pathogen found in the urinary bladder. It is diuretic in nature. It enhances formation of urine, thus removes the infection from the body. 8. Baking soda for burning sensation during urination: An acidic change in urine causes burning sensation. One tablespoon of baking soda and water will neutralize ph of urine and eases the symptoms. 9. Uses of baking soda for gas: Excess of HCL in stomach leads to Gas production in the stomach. Baking Soda (Chemical Formula NaHCO3) reacts with HCL and makes NaCl+H2O+CO2. So during gas problems; take of a half tablespoon of baking soda. It will release CO2 while burping and relieve gas problems. This is why baking soda is also useful in stomach ulcers. 10. Uses of baking soda for soft foot: Mix 1 tablespoon baking soda in the Âœ bucket of lukewarm water. Soak your feet in it for 10-15 mins. It will remove all the dead skin and foul odor from nails. 11. Baking soda drink: There are lots of market-based preparations available as a soft drink. But it is recommended using homemade baking soda drinks only, as those are cheap and don’t have any preservatives and added sugar. 12. Uses of Baking soda for insect bite: For minor bites from bugs and mosquitoes, apply baking soda on the affected part and massage it for some time. The poison of insect is acidic in nature and application of baking soda neutralizes it and eases the pain. 13. Uses of baking soda for Gout: Gout is a medical inflammatory condition of the bone, due to excessive accumulation of uric acid in the affected area. Baking soda causes the chemical reaction with uric acid and eases the inflammation. 14. Boost your exercise stamina: During exercise, there is the accumulation of lactic acid which causes heaviness in muscles and fatigue. Baking soda has the power to absorb lactic acid, thus it improves stamina. 15. Baking soda for cancer: There are some studies which show that baking soda reacts with acidic substance excrete from cancerous cells. It also inhibits cell maturation process of cancerous cells without interfering the growth of the normal healthy cell. Health benefits of baking soda for cancer are still hypothetical and need to be substantiated by further research. 16. Uses of baking soda for cleaning: Baking soda is an excellent choice for cleaning silver jewelry, utensils, and refrigerator. Spread some amount of baking soda and wash it with water. It will remove odor from kitchen and refrigerator. 17. Uses of baking soda for supernatural activities: Supernatural activities are always a matter of belief. Baking soda is known for cleaning negative energy. From the scientific perspective, negative energy can be compared with pathogen, dirt, foul smell, infection etc. Spread 1-2 tablespoon baking soda in your sleeping area and wipe it off with water; it is an effective remedy for insomnia or headache. Many people say that placing 2-3 teaspoons baking soda near the pillow attracts the positive energy. It is also believed that mixing baking soda in the bath water can remove evil eyes. Side Effects of Baking Soda: Baking soda is mildly alkaline, thus the excess of oral intake can change blood ph and produce the symptoms of Alkalosis. Oral intake of baking soda neutralizes stomach acid and produces NaCl (chemical formulas of salt), so it can worsen the condition of hypertension. On external use, alkaline properties of baking soda cause exfoliation of skin. Excess use of baking soda can remove healthy skin too. Please use it cautiously on the face and other sensitive parts. Use baking soda carefully on teeth as it can remove the layer of enamel too. Difference Between Baking Soda and Baking Powder: Chemically baking soda and baking powder are same. Baking soda is pure sodium bicarbonate. In reaction with acid, it produces H2O and CO2 which accumulates in the bubble form in cakes, cookies and makes it spongier. So it is necessary to add acidic medium with baking soda while making dishes, whereas baking powder is dry combination of baking soda and acidic medium. There is no need to add acidic medium while cooking. Conclusion: The medicinal properties of baking soda make it a great addition to your medicine cabinet. To learn more about the 17 amazing health benefits and uses of baking soda, read the full article below or visit our blog for all kinds of helpful tips on wellness! Read more: Amazing 12 Health Benefits Of Bitter Melon (Bitter Gourd)
Above article is only for knowledge purpose. Please contact your healthcare provider before using any of above medicine or method. For any query or personal consultation according to your health condition please contact your doctor. Read the full article
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thehealthtalks · 2 years
💖 How To Get Pregnant: 10 Steps Plan For A Healthy Baby
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How To Get Pregnant: 10 Steps Plan For A Healthy Baby
Pregnancy is an important aspect of life not only for a woman but also for the whole family. If you want to know how to get pregnant then here we have made a list of the important things which you should consider, if you are planning to get pregnant. Since a couple is responsible for a baby, so for a healthy baby there should a healthy couple. So if you are planning to get pregnant, please consider these important points.
How to get pregnant:
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Here are the steps which are important for a healthy baby. A couple should do all these things for a healthy baby. 1. Boost your ovum quality: A healthy ovum is the first step for a healthy baby because sperm contacts ovum, then it gets fertilized. Ovum takes 3-4 months to mature in the ovary. So for a healthy ovum, a woman should take Folic Acid supplements during this period. Herbal medicine such as Shatavari is a rich source of folic acid. Other foods, which are rich in anti-oxidant and contain the good amount of minerals and vitamins are the good choice for a healthy ovum. 2. Prepare your uterus: After conception fetus is going to stay in uterus till delivery so your uterus should be strong enough to maintain pregnancy. Herbal medicines such as Indian gooseberry, Shatavari, Ashwagandha, Saraca asoca, Lodh Tree etc are medically proven for improvement of uterine muscles. 3. Visit your gynecologist: It is always a good choice to visit a gynecologist to rule out any anatomical or physiological abnormality of a woman which can either interfere with fertility or continuation of pregnancy. Tubal blocks, Polycystic Ovarian disease, Hormonal Problem like hyperthyroidism, are some major issues which interfere with ovum production. Your doctor may advise you to do an ultrasound to rule out of the uterine, tubal, or ovarian disease. Diabetes and hypertension are other two main problems which occur during pregnancy. Diabetes usually associates with ovarian disease and causes failure of ovulation. Hypertension does not directly interfere with fertility, but it may cause spontaneous abortion in first 3 months. 4. Male checkup: It is not a female who gets pregnant; it is a couple which gets pregnant. Nowadays, Male Infertility is also very common due to excessive stress, improper diet, and lifestyle. Since sperm contacts with the ovum, so a healthy sperm is required for a healthy baby. The semen analysis will give you a clear look of your sperm quality. Sperm viability, motility, and structure of sperm are key points for the assessment. 5. Boost sperm quality: If everything goes well with semen analysis checkup, it is always a good choice to improve the quality of sperms. Foods which are beneficial for the reproductive system should always be the first choice. Onion and garlic are two Indian spices which are known to enhance sexual desire and quality of sperms. Banana, Papaya, Mango are fruits which are full of antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. Adding these fruits in your diet will improve the quality of sperms. As sperms take 3 months to mature in man epididymis, it is ideal to take food supplement for at least 3 months. 6. Mental Tuning: The mental health is also very important along with the physical health. The peaceful environment is ideal for future conception. So, it is always a good choice to practice yoga and meditation for your inner peace. 7.
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: In every menstruation cycle female’s ovary oozes out healthy unfertilized egg or oocyte in correct terms. The lifespan of the female unfertilized egg is only 24 hours and lifespan of sperm in the female genital tract is only 48 hours. So the chance of being pregnant without any protection, during a month, is only for 3 days. If the sexual intercourse happens in these 3 days, then fertilization will happen. - If you had sex one day prior to ovulation than sperm will wait for next day ovulation. - Chances of being pregnant is maximum. - If you had sex next day to ovulation than ovum will be present for fertilization. Other than these three days, pregnancy cannot occur because ovulation happens only once between two menstruation cycles. a) Ovulation cycle: Menstruation cycle has 4 phase. - Menstruation period: where uterus shades its lining, which comes in a mucus mix blood from the vagina. - Proliferative phase: In this phase, uterus starts to proliferate and makes a healthy spongy bed for future pregnancy. - Ovulation: In mid menstruation time, ovary oozes out ovum for future pregnancy. - Luteal phase: If fertilization occurs then ovum will be implanted in the uterus, if doesn’t happen then ovum will shrink and uterus lining will also start to shrink. b) How to know ovulation time: 1. Observation of your menstruation cycle: Ovulation happens in mid-way of menstruation cycle. So, if we assume a female have 28 days of menstruation cycle and 1st day of the month is the first day of menstruation cycle then most probably she will ovulate on 14th-15th day of the month. But the menstruation cycle of the most of the females does not remain for 28 days in every cycle. It can change to 25 to 35 days but the timing of luteal phase always remains 14 days. Let’s take an example. If every time your period comes 2-3 days earlier then you have menstruation cycle of 25 days, so if you have the 1st day of the month as your 1st day of the period. The luteal phase is always 14 days, 25-14=11 than the 11th day of the month is your ovulation day. Second, if you notice your period comes 4-5 days after your previous month’s menstruation date than you have 35 days of the cycle. Then in this case, if 1st day of the month is the first day of the period, then most probably 35-14=21, the 20th-21th day of the month is most likely your ovulation time.  2. Observation of vaginal discharge: Ovulation happens in response to the increased amount of female hormones. These hormones cause thick white discharge. Some female can experience mild spotting or brown dischargeat the time of ovulation. 3. Rise in temperature: Normal temperature of human body is 97.5 F but ovulation causes 0.5 F rise in body temperature. 4. Pain in the abdomen: Ovulation can cause mild but prickly pain in one side of the abdomen. This pain is sudden and may last only about 30-40 min time. This pain is always on one side and changes its side in every cycle. 5. Cervix position: on the day of ovulation, the cervix is dilated to make smooth entry of sperm. It is soft and moist. When we touch it with the finger it feels like the lower lip. 8. Sex position for pregnancy: No specific sex position is required for getting pregnant. But the deep penetration of penis can help forceful and direct entry of sperm into deep in vagina or uterus. Vaginal ph and pathogen in vagina kill about 30-35% of sperm in vagina itself. Deep penetration can save these sperms and can increases chances of pregnancy about 30%. Normal missionary position is an ideal position for sex and pregnancy. But in this position vagina is longest and tight. Placing a soft pillow behind your pelvic region will shorten your vaginal length and make a positive gravitational force for entry of sperm. If female put her legs on the shoulder or pelvic area of man, this will make vagina tilted backward. It will also cause some more positive effect on chances of pregnancy. 9. What you should do or don’t do after sex: - Lying down for about Âœ-1 hr: It is always more beneficial than standing or sitting after sex. The concept behind it is gravitational force. Sperms will more likely to travel into the uterus in lying down position. - Don’t take hot shower or lye down in the bathtub: Sperms cannot survive in the hot vagina. Hot water will kill 60-70% of sperms. - Don’t apply any lubricant before sex: Because most of the vaginallubricants have spermicidal properties.
How much time it takes to get pregnant:
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There is no time rule for being pregnant. Nobody can predict future conception. Some females get pregnant within 1-2 months. If you are not one of them that does not mean you have infertility. According to medical science “regular and without contraception sex for the duration of 1 year will lead towards pregnancy”. If it is more than 1 year without conception, then it requires some medical attention.
Congratulations on your decision to have a child! There are many important things to consider when trying to get pregnant, and we hope that our list has helped you. By following these 10 steps, you will give yourself the best chance possible of having a healthy baby. If you have any questions or concerns, please consult with your doctor. Wishing you the best of luck in your journey to parenthood!
Above article is only for knowledge purpose. Please contact your healthcare provider before using any of above medicine or method. For any query or personal consultation according to your health condition please contact your doctor. Read the full article
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thehealthtalks · 2 years
💖 Oligospermia (Low Sperm Count): Types, Causes, Treatment and Home Remedies
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Oligospermia (Low Sperm Count): Types, Causes, Treatment and Home Remedies
Oligospermia is a condition where a man has low sperm count. This can be caused by many factors, such as genetics, lifestyle choices, and health conditions. There are many different types of oligospermia, and each case will require different treatment. In some cases, home remedies may help to improve the condition. However, it is important to consult with a doctor before beginning any treatment plan.
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Male infertility is mostly associated with low sperm count. This condition is called oligospermia which means there is insufficient number of sperms in semen. It is also called oligozoospermia. WHO has given the definition of low sperm count that is “concentration of sperm less than 20 million in 1 ml of semen in reproductive age of male refers as oligospermia”. Oligospermic is a person suffering from low sperm count. But as a matter of fact that oligospermia may or may not link with the capacity to have sex and erection of penis. An oligospermic person may live and look healthy with all aspect of sexual life but it is harder to conceive but not impossible from him.
What is low sperm count (Oligospermia)?
A low sperm count, also called oligozoospermia, is where a man has fewer than 15 million sperm per millilitre of semen. Having a low sperm count can make it more difficult to conceive naturally, although successful pregnancies can still occur.
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Problems with sperm, including a low sperm count and problems with sperm quality, are quite common. They're a factor in around 1 in 3 couples who are struggling to get pregnant. There's no clear cause for low sperm counts - they may happen because there aren't enough healthy sperm being produced by the body or because the ones which are made don't work properly (or both). Oligospermia tends to get diagnosed more often in older men and it's more common in smokers. It's important to remember that the effect of low sperm counts is usually reversible with treatment - although you should stop smoking if you're a smoker, for example.
Types of oligospermia:
We divide it upon the severity of condition. - Mild oligospermia: Concentration of sperms is in between 10-20 million in 1 ml semen. - Moderate oligospermia: Concentration of sperms in between 5-10 million in 1 ml semen. - Severe oligospermia: Concentration of sperms in between 0.5 to 5 million in 1 ml semen. - Aspermia: Absence of sperm in semen.
Diagnosis of oligospermia:
Diagnosis of it is confirmed by microscopic examination of semen. For this procedure patient should not have sex/ masturbation /nightfall for at least 15 days before, otherwise, there would be natural oligospermia which can lead towards misdiagnosis. Microscopic Semen analysis provides detail of sperm percentage, mortality, and vitality, anatomical and morphological defects.
Cause of oligospermia:
Causes of low sperm count can be divided into three types. 1. Pre-testicular cause: These are systemic health condition which makes testis unable to manufacture and maturation of sperms. Such as: - Diabetes - Hypertension - Thyroid, other hormone problems - Obesity - Drugs, alcohol, smoking - Excess physical work. - Hormonal imbalances. - Psychological stress. - Chemical and metal agent: Pesticide, paint color material and metal cause metabolic defect which lead toward low sperm count. 2. Testicular causes: In this condition, the testis is unable to produce sperms. Such as: - Hydrocele - Varicocele: 20% overall cause of male infertility is due to varicocele. - Orchitis (inflammation of testis) - Congenital malfunction and malformation of testis due to chromosomal defect. - Activities that cause overheating of testicle: Prolong working in the hot environment or placing the laptop on your thighs causes an increase in temperature in testis. - X-ray 3. Post-testicular cause: - Obstruction in vas deference or ejaculatory duct. - Prostate gland inflammation or BPH (benign prostate hyperplasia) - Benign and cancerous growth
Oligospermia and infertility:
Oligospermia does not always lead towards infertility but the chances of conceiving are lesser than the normal couple. Some oligospermic people conceive normally. The worst aspect of oligospermia is that it usually occurs with other sperms deformity. Oligospermic person mostly has less number of active sperm cells.
Oligospermia and pregnancy:
Oligospermic can have a child but it needs more knowledgeable sex timing for the match with ovulation, better sex position, and precautions after sex.
Treatments of oligospermia:
Treatment of oligospermia depends upon the causative disease. There is 4 line of treatment.
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1. Medicine: Treating systemic infection, diabetes, hypertension and other underlying diseases can help increase sperm count. Your doctor may also prescribe hormone replacement therapy for otherwise deficient person for some period of life. 2. Surgery: Disease like hydrocele, varicocele, tumor or other obstruction needs surgical correction. 3. Supportive treatment: Sperm production is a complex phenomena. Deficiency of mineral and vitamin causes oligospermia. Vitamin E is very necessary for germ cells to causes spermatogenesis. Minerals like zinc are responsible for fertilization and DNA stabilization. Supplements of vitamin, mineral and antioxidants are essential for oligospermia treatment. 4. Lifestyle changes: - Quit smoking and alcohol. - Do not wear tight cloth. - Don’t place laptop over genital. - Take appropriate nutrition and diet. - Maintain a healthy weight. - Massage with herbal oil.
Oligospermia natural treatment:
- Maca root (Lepidium meyenii): Powder of maca root is extremely beneficial for reproductive health. Take 1 Tablespoon maca root powder with water or milk twice a day for 2 months or more. - Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera): Ashwagandha is used for centuries in Ayurveda to treat male infertility. Take Extract of ashwagandha root in powder or tablet form with milk twice a day. - Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus): Shatavari is good for the general health of male and female. It increases the chances of pregnancy for both partners. Shatavari can be used in powder form or in extract juice form. - Garlic (Allium sativum): Garlic is a natural aphrodisiac. It increases blood circulation in genital. - Onion (Allium cepa): Oozed juice of onion is very helpful for spermatogenesis. Take one spoon of juice with water. Onion should not be used with milk products. - Honey: Use of honey is good for both partners. Honey is good for sexual pleasure. Its mineral and fructose make a good natural remedy for low sperm count. - Gokchur ( Tribulus terrestris): Gokchur is Indian medicine which has the potency to increase sperm count. Take 1 spoon of gokchur powder with milk on empty stomach. - Milk of bargad (banyan tree or Ficus benghalensis): Take 1 Tablespoon of milk of this tree with cow milk. - Draksha or raisins (dry grapes): Consume 10-20 black raisins soaked in water with milk before 2 hours from going into bed. It is a natural aphrodisiac. - Bhindi or Lady finger or okra (Abelmoschus esculentus): Ladyfinger is widely used for oligospermia. It is a cheap but highly effective remedy for oligospermia. Root extract powder of lady finger is used for oligospermia. - Kesar or Saffron (Crocus sativus): Saffron comes very costly and but its effects worth its cost. Take one pinch of saffron with hot milk at night for 1-2 months. - Buffalo milk: In Ayurveda, ancient doctors believed that buffalo milk is more beneficial for sexually active person. It increases sperm count and sexual pleasure. Oligospermia treatment in oriental medicine: Oligospermia, or low sperm count, is a common condition that can lead to infertility. Oligospermia treatment in oriental medicine has been very successful and is still widely practiced today. Oriental medicine has been used for thousands of years to treat a variety of conditions related to health and fertility. Oligospermia treatment in oriental medicine is a natural alternative that some couples have found useful as they struggle with infertility. This article will discuss how this type of therapy works as well as some products available from traditional Chinese pharmacies designed specifically for treating male infertility. Oligospermia treatment in oriental medicine has been very successful because it is designed to improve overall health rather than just treating symptoms. Oligospermia treatment in oriental medicine works on the kidneys and liver which are known to play an important role in male fertility. By supporting these two organs and tonifying qi, or life energy, overall reproductive ability is increased and sperm count should rise naturally without any major lifestyle changes. Oligospermia treatment in oriental medicine uses a variety of products made from plants grown specifically for their medicinal properties such as d quai root (Angelica sinensis). Oligospermia treatment in oriental medicine utilizes both herbal and acupuncture treatments. Oligospermia treatment in oriental medicine begins with a complete analysis of Chinese and Western medical conditions as well as the patient's lifestyle choices such as diet, exercise, and sleep habits. Oligospermia treatment in oriental medicine is meant to be used as an effective complementary therapy along with standard western infertility treatments such as artificial insemination or surgery.
Oligospermia is a condition where a man has low sperm count. This can be caused by many factors, such as genetics, lifestyle choices, and health conditions. There are many different types of oligospermia, and each case will require different treatment. In some cases, home remedies may help to improve the condition. However, it is important to consult with a doctor before beginning any treatment plan. If you or someone you know is suffering from oligospermia, please seek medical attention right away. Thanks for reading! Read more: How To Get Pregnant: 10 Steps Plan For A Healthy Baby
Above article is only for knowledge purpose. Please contact your healthcare provider before using any of above medicine or method. For any query or personal consultation according to your health condition please contact your doctor. Read the full article
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thehealthtalks · 2 years
💖 Varicocele: Types, Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Home Remedies
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Varicocele: Types, Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Home Remedies
Did you ever feel that you have a bunch of worms in your bag of skin that holds your testicles (scrotal sac)? If Yes, Then You might have the varicocele. It is one of the most common causes of low sperm count and poor sperm quality, which may lead to infertility. Do you know what varicocele is? Most people have never heard of this condition, but it affects a large percentage of the population. Varicocele is a disorder that affects the veins in the scrotum, and it can cause a wide range of symptoms. In this post, we will discuss the different types of varicocele, the causes, symptoms and treatment options. We will also introduce some safe and effective home remedies for varicocele. Keep reading to learn more!
What is Varicocele?
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Varicocele is a medical condition of the male scrotum in which there is abnormal venous dilation of scrotum vein or pampiniform venous plexus, which leads toward the accumulation of fluid in scrotum sac and excessive blood in the spermatic vein. It is a very common disease. Around 15-20% of men suffer from it but is not a medical emergency and it never happens suddenly. There is always gradual dilation of vein. Varicocele means varicose vein of the scrotum. When vein in spermatic cord gets enlarged and dilates, it causes backflow of blood towards the scrotum and stasis of blood in vein.
Types of Varicocele:
On the basis of pathophysiology, it is of two types. 1. Primary Varicocele: This is an idiopathic form of the disease, i.e. it is peculiar to individual and the cause remains unknown. This type of Varicocele is not the result of any other disease or issues in any other organ. 2. Secondary Varicocele: This is systemic disease and in this case, it is a symptom of an underlying disease such as liver enlargement, kidney failure, tumor, portal hypertension, and prostate enlargement etc. The causative disease produces pressure on spermatic vein which leads towards dilation of veins.
Position of varicocele:
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1. Unilateral varicocele: Unilateral varicocele is 80-85% in the left side, and only 15-20% of it is in the right side. The cause behind it, is the position of the spermatic vein in the spermatic cord. 2. Bilateral varicocele: Bilateral varicocele is very rare. Only 10-15 % people affected with the disease, have this.
Varicocele causes:
There is only one cause of Varicocele and it is the malfunction of vein of spermatic cord which transports deoxygenated blood of testis. There is dilation, elongation, and tortuosity of veins which lead accumulation of blood. But what causes these veins to dilate is still unclear. There are some hypotheses behind it, those are: - Valve in the vein of spermatic cord, which is supposed to prevent backflow of blood, does not work properly. - Failure of the geometry of capillary to venules to the small vein to the large vein which leads stasis of blood. - Pressure within vein is high which prevents blood to go upward. - Physical pressure on the vein from the tumor, cyst or systemic diseases like hypertension and others.
Varicocele symptoms:
- Pain or Varicocele pain: Varicocele pain may vary from dull discomfort to severe prickly pain. The intensity of pain increases with standing and sitting for a long time. Pain usually subsides by lying down. Pain is very easily diagnosed by bike riding. As during driving two-wheeler (motorcycle) testis is touched by seat, thus jerk while driving causes sudden pain. - Swelling: There could be minor to the major form of swelling just above testicles. Normally there is swelling on the left side but right side swelling and swelling on both sides, do also occur. - Testis growth: On self-examination, one may feel growth in testis or testicular mass. - Others: Some other symptoms may also present like pain during sex, penis erection discomfort, pain during urination, lower abdomen pain, pain in lumber etc.
Varicocele Grading:
Clinically, it is graded from 1 to 3, where 1 indicates minor and 3 indicates major stage of the disease. - Varicocele grade 1 (small): When bulging or swelling only comes by bearing weight or pushing downward. - Varicocele grade 2 (medium): When there is small swelling which can only be felt by palpitation. - Varicocele grade 3 (large): Visible and well-defined swelling.
Varicocele diagnosis:
Diagnosis of it is confirmed with pelvic ultrasound, which shows dilation of pampiniform plexus.
Differential diagnosis:
Sometimes symptoms of the disease may resemble with other medical condition such as: - Lump in the testicle or testicular lump: Testicular lump is a small painless lump which may feel behind in testicle. These lumps are very common and can happen at any age of life. Most of the time, it self-resolves within some days. Rarely these lumps can be cancerous too. - Testicular mass and scrotum mass: Testicular mass and scrotum mass may be due to the accumulation of fluid, blood, abnormal tissue or normal tissue of scrotum and testicle which are swollen. - Cyst in testicle: Cyst is the swollen condition of tissue with the accumulation of fluid. Cysts in testicle are common and resolve within some days.
Varicocele complications:
- Infertility: Varicocele leads towards infertility. Sperm production and maturation require less amount of temperature than the normal temperature of the body. Accumulation of blood causes rise in temperature which disturbs spermatogenesis. Although it does not always result in infertility, about 30-40% male with varicocele have normal fertility. - Atrophy of testicle: It is still unclear what causes shrinkage of the testicle.
Treatment of Varicocele:
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About 30-40% of the disease is asymptomatic and does not require treatment, but if it causes pain and discomfort than it is a good option to visit a doctor. It is a surgically treatable disease. Purpose of surgery is to repair affected vein or valve and redirect blood flow where it should normally go. But surgery improves prognosis and repairs fertility of men is still questionable? There are clinical data that suggests the disease usually returns within 2-3 years after surgery.
Varicocele and Oriental medicine:
Varicocele is a disorder where the veins in the scrotum are enlarged, similar to varicose veins in women. Varicoceles are often found in the left side of the scrotum. Varicocele disease can be treated by different medical methods, for example surgery or sclerotherapy (a process where sclero means "hard" and therapy means "treatment"), but for oriental medicine also have their own treatment method. Varicocele treatment method of oriental medicine consist of many parts, include moxibustion, cupping therapy, acupuncture , massage and herbal medicine. Moxibustion refers to using small cone-shaped bags with mugwort herb which is ignited. Mugwort herb has been used for thousand years in China and Korea, the famous oriental doctors such as Shi-zhen stated that mugwort has Qi (meaning "vital energy") repairing properties and it stimulate blood circulation, which is why moxibustion effective to treat Varicocele disease. Varicoceles can also be treated by cupping therapy , acupuncture and massage . Cupping therapy is a process where special cup with vacuum effect is applied on Varicocele point on scrotum , the negative pressure from cupping stimulates blood flow around Varicocele which help Varicocele swell decrease. Acupuncture points around Varicocele area are stimulated, this will also improve Varicocele disorder. Varicocele is also referred to as "waterfall" disease, so Varicocele massage is done. Varicoceles massage will stimulate blood flow around Varicocele area which help Varicocele decrease its size. Varicose veins are located near the surface of the skin, acupoints on meridians are also near the surface of the skin or just under it, this mean that moxibustion, cupping therapy , acupuncture and Varicocele massage can make varicose veins disappear . Oriental medicine treat Varicocele through different approach compare to other medical methods mentioned above because oriental medicine use holistic treatment where body mind and soul are all involved in one treatment session. Body part affected by Varicocele will be target of a Varicocele treatment, Varicocele itself is not targeted. Varicose veins on scrotum are mainly caused by long term lack of exercise which reduce blood circulation and improper diet which increase Varicocele symptoms such as fatigue, lassitude and pain. Home remedies for varicocele: - Some herbs are known for improving blood vessel function such as Alstonia, psyllium, butcher’s broom, aloe vera etc. Decoction or juice of above can improve the disease. - Fast food, junk food, alcohol, smoking, caffeine should be avoided. - Olive oil,flaxseed oil, fresh fruits, and vegetable should be regularly accommodated in the diet. - Practice Yoga on the daily basis. - Vitamin supplements especially vitamin E and C should be in the proper amount. - Water sitting: sitting in slightly lower temperature water will normalize testis temperature and improve spermatogenesis. - Wear athletic supporter. - Pain relief tablet such as Brufen and Acetaminophen may relieve some symptoms.
Varicocele is a disorder that affects the veins in the scrotum, and it can cause a wide range of symptoms. In this post, we will discuss the different types of varicocele, the causes, the symptoms, and how to treat this condition. We will also explore some home remedies that you may be able to use to get relief from your varicocele symptoms. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms associated with varicocele, please see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Thanks for reading! Read more: Oligospermia (Low Sperm Count): Types, Causes, Treatment and Home Remedies
Above article is only for knowledge purpose. Please contact your healthcare provider before using any of above medicine or method. For any query or personal consultation according to your health condition please contact your doctor. Read the full article
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thehealthtalks · 2 years
💖 Third Trimester Of Pregnancy: Baby Development, Diet, Exercise, Warnings
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Third Trimester Of Pregnancy: Baby Development, Diet, Exercise, Warnings
Third trimester, the last trimester of your journey of pregnancy, begins with the 7th month of pregnancy and last till the time of delivery. When we talk about third trimester weeks, it starts from the 29th week and ends on 40th week or delivery.
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Third trimester pregnancy is the most difficult and confusing time. You may actually think that your belly is fully grown and it cannot stretch more, but it is going to stretch more and your baby is going to be almost double in its size in just last three months of pregnancy.
Third trimester symptoms:
- 3rd trimester fetal movement: With baby’s growth, space in your belly is reducing. You may notice frequent kicks and movement of baby. - 3rd trimester abdomen pain: During third trimester of pregnancy pain named as Braxton-hicks contraction of uterus becomes more prominent and may cause discomfort and pain. Pain is usually initiated by baby’s movement. - 3rd trimester bleeding: Bleeding in third trimester is not a good sign. It may be first sign of placenta previa or placenta abruption. Both require special medical management. - Third Trimester nausea: In last three month of pregnancy, uterus pushes stomach and shifts it upward. Female hormone progesterone, which is in excess in your body, relaxes the oesophageal sphincter. Upward pushing of stomach and relaxation of sphincter cause regurgitation of stomach food and acid. This is the cause of nausea in the last trimester. - Third trimester fatigue: In last month of pregnancy, fetus absorbs maximum amount of nutrition from mother’s blood, which causes fatigue. To ease this problem, take light juice and meal in every 3 hour. Try to relax mentally and physically both. Baby Development in last trimester: - Fetal weight: Your ultrasound report may say that in 26-27 weeks your baby is only 1 kg, but your baby is going to double its weight in last three months. At normal Indian standard, here is the baby weight according to the week of pregnancy: At 26th week About 1 Kg At 28-30 weeks About 1.5 kg At 32-34 weeks About 2 Kg At 40th weeks About 2.5- 3 kg - Fetal bone: After 28-29th weeks, your baby’s cartilage transforms in bone. Now your baby needs more calcium and other minerals to easily perform this transformation. So be sure to take more calcium rich diet. - Fetal hair ( lanungo): Fetal hair on its scalp and all over skin start growing. These first hair are known as lanungo. - Digestive system: In the 9th month of pregnancy, baby’s digestive system starts working. Baby’s intestine starts spasmodic action and actually starts producing waste product or stool. Baby’s first stool is known as meconium. Most of the babies pass stool within first 6 hr of birth, but it is also normal if baby passes stool during the time of labour. - Five senses: Now your baby can feel all the senses. Being in the dark close environment of belly, baby has developed the perception of light.  Your baby can now listen to you and other sounds. Sudden loud sounds also afraid him. So in the last trimester, you should be more precocious about what to watch, hear and talk, and what kind of environment you choose to be in. - Brain: Maximum growth of baby happens in last trimester and the interesting thing is that, 85% of growth of brain happens during fetus life. No more neurone is going to be developed after birth. So your baby’s future IQ and sharp mind develop when he is still in your tummy. So insure maximum nutritional life while you are pregnant and especially during 3rd trimester. What to do in third trimester:
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1. Third trimester diet: During last month of pregnancy baby’s mind is growing, doubling its weight and transformation of cartilage to bone and lots of things are happening. For all this to happen, baby requires much more calories compared to first trimester and 2nd trimester. Mother’s weight should be increased 2-2.5 kg in last month of pregnancy only. For all this, mother should take 3 main course meals and 3 snack time meal at least. 3rd trimester diet should be rich in calcium and iron. In developing countries, WHO suggests mandatory 1000 mg calcium supplement and 800 mg iron and folic acid supplement for every mother in last trimester of pregnancy. 2. Third trimester exercise: - All form of exercise which causes severe sweating increase heart rates so it should be avoided. - Do hydrate yourself before and during exercise. - During pregnancy, main aim of exercise is to stretch and strength your pelvic muscles. - Avoid skipping, jumping, running, and balancing exercises. Only some of exercises are safe during pregnancy which are as follows: - Squat: Squatting provides strength to your pelvic muscle. Mild squat with support of chair is safe in pregnancy. - Walking: Gentle walking not only refreshes mood but also increases blood circulation towards the uterus. It also provides strength to back and thigh muscles. - Swimming: This is the best one exercise to do throughout the pregnancy. Swimming is not only safe but advised by gynecologists also. - Pelvic muscle exercise: Tight your pelvic muscles and hold for 20 sec then release. Again take a deep breath and repeat the process. Do this for 5-10 times in a day. 3. Hospital tour: 3rd trimester is a good time to visit the hospital prior to labor. It is always a good thought to get educated yourself about symptoms of labor and planning about C-section or normal vaginal delivery. Also prepare your emergency hospital bag for yourself and baby, which you would like to take to the hospital. 4. Control your weight gain Third trimester is an ideal time for making sure that you don’t gain too much weight during pregnancy. Pregnancy weight gain includes weight gained in third trimester besides the weight gained in the first and second trimester. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or CDC recommends that you gain between 25-35 pounds throughout your entire pregnancy. Your medical provider will most likely use a special scale to determine how much weight you have gained during third trimester. If you’re gaining more than the recommended amount of weight, your doctor might help you avoid third trimester obesity by making some changes in your diet or lifestyle plan. 5. Measure your pulse and blood pressure It’s important to know about third trimester symptoms such as occasional feelings of faintness especially when getting up from a sitting or lying position which is called orthostatic hypotension. Orthostatic hypotension is often connected with high blood pressure or hypertension. You might notice third trimester symptoms of high blood pressure when you experience temporary vision loss, called blurring, due to redness on your eyes which is known as conjunctival congestion. These third trimester symptoms are quite common, don’t worry and just call the doctor if they occur more often than usual. 6. Visit your doctor regularly Regular visits to your provider are critical in third trimester because some third trimester complications can arise suddenly. Your baby will also need third trimester monitoring by a health care professional because he/she may develop pregnancy problems such as third trimester hemorrhage or placenta problems like third trimester pre-eclampsia that requires immediate treatment. It’s important to recognize third trimester symptoms such as third trimester bleeding which is a sign of third trimester pre-eclampsia. Your doctor will conduct third trimester blood tests that can detect the condition during pregnancy. 7. Practice relaxation techniques Practicing third trimester relaxation techniques like third trimester meditation, third trimester massage as well as third trimester yoga might help you feel more at ease and can be helpful as third trimester coping skills to deal with third trimester stress. It may take a little while for third trimester symptoms such as heartburn or hemorrhoids to fade away during third trimester but there are things that may help you feel better. 8. Use a birthing ball Using a birthing ball can strengthen your leg muscles which will come in handy when you’re going through labor contractions or pushing to deliver your baby. It’s third trimester after all, you need third trimester energy to go through third trimester delivery. Use a birthing ball as third trimester pregnancy exercise. Your baby will be even more active third trimester which can be great fun but can also make third trimester fatigue worse so rest is important too! 9. Avoid third trimester sex Some third trimester complications like third trimester bleeding are worsened by having sex during pregnancy. Third trimester sex can pose third trimester pregnancy risks. For pregnant women, third trimester sex is third trimester pregnancy safe if you’re in good health and your pregnancy is going well. There’s no evidence that having third trimester sex will cause third trimester miscarriage or third trimester labor but be aware of the third trimester complications. 10. Sign up for a prenatal class You may choose third trimester entertainment like attending a parenting class, taking an infant CPR course and visiting a museum (if you live nearby one). This is also the time when you can make plans for third trimesters after the third trimester. Sign up for a third trimester prenatal class near you or third trimester maternity leave to keep yourself engaged and gain third trimester knowledge even if third trimester pregnancy symptoms make it difficult to get out of bed! 3rd trimester warning sign:
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3rd trimester - 3rd trimester pain: As discussed above, some discomfort and pain is normal in 3rdtrimester, but severe pain and vaginal secretion are medical emergency. - Vaginal discharge: Green or brown colour vaginal discharge is a sign of severe vaginal infection. Severe watery discharge could be leakage of uterus. - Fever: Fever more than 101 F should be treated as medical emergency in last months of pregnancy. - Oedema: Oedema, especially in lower legs may be first sign of eclampsia. So it should be checked as early as possible. - Absense of fetal movement or severe fetal movement.
The third trimester is an important time for both the mother and baby. It's a time for continued growth and development for the baby, as well as preparation for labor and delivery. There are some things you should be aware of during this time, such as diet, exercise, and warnings. We hope this article has been helpful and informative. For more information on pregnancy and childbirth, please visit our website or contact us today.
Above article is only for knowledge purpose. Please contact your healthcare provider before using any of above medicine or method. For any query or personal consultation according to your health condition please contact your doctor. Read the full article
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thehealthtalks · 2 years
💖 Benefits Of Aloe Vera For Skin, Hair, Burns, Heart, Acne, Inflammation
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Benefits Of Aloe Vera For Skin, Hair, Burns, Heart, Acne, Inflammation
Aloe Vera is a medicinal plant as it works as a solution for many health issues for ages. It is also very popular as a decorative plant as it does not require much attention and can easily grow in a small pot. Aloe Vera is used in various forms and the whole Aloe Vera plant offers various health benefits. What is aloe vera?
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Aloe vera (also known as aloe barbadensis) is a plant with long, sword-shaped leaves. It has been used for centuries because of the gel found inside the leaves. This gel has many uses. Aloe vera can be used to treat burns , psoriasis , diabetes , acne , and other skin conditions . It also helps with many digestive issues including irritable bowel syndrome . Some people use aloe vera topically on external wounds because it kills bacteria and speeds healing. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved aloe vera as an over-the-counter drug that can be used to soothe minor burns or sunburns. Aloe vera is available in many forms, including aloe juice , aloe pulp , aloe gel , aloe essential oil , aloe leaves for children's teething pain , and aloedermal cream . It is also used as an ingredient in personal hygiene products such as lotions, shampoos, soaps, and lip balms. Health Benefits of Aloe Vera: What is aloe vera good for? If you're like most people, you know aloe vera is good for sunburns. But what else is this plant good for? Aloe vera has been used for centuries to treat a variety of health problems. In this blog post, we'll discuss the benefits of aloe vera and how you can use it to improve your health. Stay tuned!
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Aloe Vera is a rich source of antioxidant, Vitamin A, C, E and Folic Acid. It also has various minerals like Calcium, Copper, Magnesium, Iodine, Zinc, and Selenium. Aloe Vera has been used in Indian medicine system from thousands of years. It is very effective to treat varying number of diseases like fever, skin, gastritis, menstruation and blood disorder. Modern medicine uses it for cosmetic purpose. 1. Benefits of Aloe Vera in GIT (Gastro Intestinal Tract): Aloe Vera increases peristaltic movement of intestine. It stimulates liver and gall bladder to release stored bile. Thus, it decreases the chance of gall bladder stone. Also, its juice effectively treat intestinal ulcer. 2. Benefits of Aloe Vera on worm infection: Aloe Vera is very effective to kill intestinal worms specially thread worms. It kills worms and flushes them out from body through anal canal. 3. Benefits of Aloe Vera on reproductive system: Aloe Vera stimulates menstruation. It also increases blood circulation to genital. Thus, it effectively treats male libido or erectile dysfunction. 4. Benefits of Aloe Vera for Skin: Aloe Vera is a natural blood purifier. It decreases the process of atherosclerosis and secretes bile from liver which metabolize excess fat in blood and intestine. For skin, it is used in every form, from local application to internal consuming. Oral intake of Aloe Vera juice or Aloe Vera gel nourishes skin, removes dark pigmentation, and provides soothing effect. 5. Benefits of Aloe Vera Gel on burns: Application of Aloe Vera Gel on burns provides soothing effect. It also kills bacteria of affected site which decreases the chance of secondary infection on burns. 6. Benefits of Aloe Vera on inflammation: In case of inflammation, Apply Aloe Vera on affected site. Its application reduces inflammation, especially joint inflammation. Studies support oral consumption of Aloe Vera juice helps to relieve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. 7. Benefits of Aloe Vera for heart health: Various studies support that oral consumption of Aloe Vera juice reduces cholesterol, blood sugar level and improves blood circulation and the process of internal healing. 8. Benefits of Aloe Vera for hair: Usage of Aloe Vera Juice makes the scalp healthy and promotes hair growth as Aloe Vera juice increases the blood circulation on scalp. Applying Aloe Vera hair mask or massaging Aloe Vera Gel moisturizes the scalp and makes hair silky and shiny. 9. Aloe Vera for Acne: Root causes of acne are either blood infection or hormonal changes in body. Aloe Vera detoxifies blood and promotes the growth of healthy cells. It also balances hormonal fluctuation. Application of Aloe Vera Gel on skin and consumption of Aloe Vera juice makes skin beautiful and nourished. How to use Aloe Vera? Whether you're looking to soothe sunburned skin or just want an all-natural beauty treatment, aloe vera is a great ingredient to have on hand. This plant has many benefits, and can be used in a variety of ways. Keep reading for instructions on how to use aloe vera gel, juice, and leaves. 1. What is aloe vera juice good for?
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The best way to enjoy the benefits of aloe, according to experts is through its juice. Oral intake 10-15 ml will provide you with all that your body needs for instant relief and healing process but there's no specific guidelines about when should one do this so it can be mixed with other juices also if desired specifically amla (Indian gooseberry). 2. What is aloe vera gel good for?
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Aloe Vera Gel is a powerful treatment for skin conditions like acne and burn marks. It can be applied to any part of the body without worrying about washing it off because aloevera leaves no residue on your healthy, living tissue. 3. What is aloe vera plant good for?
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Indian medicine has a long history of using the plant Aloe Vera in various forms and applications. The stem, leaves as well as extracts from this unique species can be found used for medicinal purposes across India to relieve pain or other ailments suchchellouses like stomach problems among others which includes gout! Side Effects of Aloe Vera: Excessive consumption of Aloe Vera without understanding the need of your body can lead towards serious harm effects. - Aloe Vera for diarrhea: No, as mentioned above Aloe Vera increases peristaltic movement of intestine. Thus, in a person with soft stomach, it can cause mild to major diarrhea. - Aloe Vera for bleeding: No, Aloe Vera increases blood circulation. Hence, in a patient of internal or external bleeding, it can cause more severe bleeding. - For heavy menstruation: No, Indian medicine system (Ayurveda) uses Aloe Vera for induction for menstruation in patient with Amenorrhea or Hypomenorrhoea. If a patient of uterine bleeding or uterine tumor or uterine fibroid mistakenly take Aloe Vera, then it can cause severe bleeding. - Aloe Vera for pregnancy: No, Aloe Vera juice can cause early miscarriage. - Aloe Vera for Allergy: Some people may have idiopathic allergy with Aloe Vera. Any product which has Aloe Vera like Aloe Vera Gel, Aloe Vera Moisturizer, and Aloe Vera juice can lead towards miner allergies. In the rarest case, some people can experience very serious form of allergy. So this is all about benefits of Aloe Vera. If you have any questions regarding this, then please share that in the comment. Conclusion: Aloe Vera is a medicinal plant as it works as a solution for many health issues for ages. It is also very popular as a decorative plant as it does not require much attention and can easily grow in a small pot. Aloe Vera is used in various forms and the whole Aloe Vera plant offers various health benefits. Some of these benefits are skin care, hair care, treatment of burns, heart problems, acne, and inflammation. If you are looking for an all-natural solution to your health concerns, then Aloe Vera may be the right choice for you. Have you tried using Aloe Vera to treat any of these conditions? Let us know in the comments below! Read more: Basil: Types, Nutrition, Health Benefits, Medicinal Uses and Side Effects
Above article is only for knowledge purpose. Please contact your healthcare provider before using any of above medicine or method. For any query or personal consultation according to your health condition please contact your doctor. Read the full article
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thehealthtalks · 2 years
💖 Basil: Types, Nutrition, Health Benefits, Medicinal Uses and Side Effects
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Basil: Types, Nutrition, Health Benefits, Medicinal Uses and Side Effects
Basil is an aromatic herb that is used extensively in Vietnam, Thai and Indian cuisine. It has a distinctly sweet, peppery flavor and is high in vitamin K. Basil also has several medicinal properties and can be used to treat a range of conditions. However, it is important to note that basil can also have some side effects if consumed in large doses. So, before you start adding basil to everything you cook, read on to find out more about this versatile herb.
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What is basil? Basil or holy basil is a shrub which is being used in oriental medicine for many years. Its botanical name is Ocimum Sanctum or Ocimum Basilicum. Hundreds of variety of it confuse which one is real and original. Oriental medicine system believes Occimum sanctum is real basil which has been described in oriental medicine literature, but as basil has spread all over the world, its hybrid form, Ocimum Tenuiflorum, is more common in Europe and outside Asia. All basils belong to Labiatae family. Basil is hot in nature and usually used in winter season as medicinal purpose. Opposite to that basil seeds are cold in nature and used to detoxify the body in summer. Basil seeds soaked in water are gelatinous in nature. Basil is a popular herb that is used in many dishes. There are different types of basil, and all have different nutritional values, health benefits, medicinal uses and side effects. Knowing more about basil can help you decide if it is right for you and your family. Types of basil: There are several verities of basil. Some common forms are: - Genovese Basil - Dark opal Basil - Lemon Basil - Holy Basil - Spicy globe Basil - Cinnamon Basil - Lettuce Leaf Basil - Licorice Basil - French Basil - American Basil - Egyptian Basil - Bush Basil - Thai Basil - Red Basil - Magical Michael Basil - Nufar Basil - Purple Ruffles Basil - Red Rubin Basil - Siam Queen Basil - Sweet Dani Basil - Amethyst Improved Basil - Mrs. Burns’ Lemon Basil - Pistou Basil - Lime Basil - Superbo Basil - Queenette Basil - Napoletano Basil - Serata Basil - Blue Spice Basil - Osmin Purple Basil - Fino Verde Basil - Marseille Basil - Minette Basil - Queen Of Sheba Basil - Greek Basil What does basil look like?
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Basil, which is a spice and herb commonly used in medicinal and culinary purposes, can vary in color and appearance. However, basil typically has dark green leaves. The basil plant blooms with purple flowers that sometimes have white tips. These flowers grow on one side of the basil stem and close to the bottom of the leaves. Basil pairs well with other spices such as garlic, oregano or thyme depending on what it will be used for such as making pesto sauce for pasta or to add flavor to an Italian dish. Besides, basil is also used as an ingredient in Vietnamese, Thai and Indian cuisines. What does basil smell like?
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Basil is a plant that usually grows in warm climates. It has green leaves and purple flowers. Basil also emits a strong scent, which is what makes it stand out among other plants. Some people claim to be able to taste the basil in their food when there isn't any actual basil added. This all comes down to the scent of the plant and its effect on your senses! The basil plant can grow up to three feet tall and has small white blooms. The basil itself has a strong scent that tastes slightly sweet and peppery. While it's not necessarily considered edible for humans, cooking with basil can add some flavor into certain dishes! Nutritional value: - 100 gm of basil contains only 33 calories. - It is a rich source of vitamins. 100 gm of it provides 2000 IU of vitamin A and 20 mg of vitamin C which is 30% and 20% of daily requirement of vitamins respectively. It also provides other vitamins such as vitamin B complex, vitamin E and vitamin K. Availability of vitamin K makes it very beneficial in heart and blood disorder. - 100 gm of it provides the vast and complete profile of minerals too. It provides rich amount of calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc etc. - The aromatic smell of basil is due to its essential oils. These essential are in different propitiation in different basils. Holy basil contains the maximum amount of essential oils. - It is rich in anti-oxidants. Basil health benefits: What is basil good for? Basil is a delicious herb that has many health benefits. It can help improve your immune system, digestion, and circulatory system. Basil is also known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. In this blog post, we will explore some of the ways you can use basil to improve your health. Thanks for reading!
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1. Basil and arthritis: It is used to treating anti-inflammatory reaction in the body. Key factors for the anti-inflammatory property are essential oil and the phenolic compound. Anti-inflammatory reaction of it shows the similar pattern as morphine. So due to these properties, it is used in rheumatic arthritis, osteoarthritis. 2. For diabetes: Clinical studies suggest basil leaves and basil seeds reduce blood sugar level. Exact physiology of this is not clear but some researchers believe fiber and cinnamic acid contents of it are responsible to lower blood sugar level. 3. Basil and heart attack: Cinnamic acid presents in basil leaves helps to increase blood circulation and decrease the process of plaque formations, thus decrease the chances of heart attack. 4. In cholesterol: Clinical trial on rodent supports that, basil diet reduces LDL without affecting HDL in the body. 5. In blood pressure: The study conducted on rodent, supports that basil extract lowers blood pressure. The key factor behind this is still unknown but some scientists believe that Eugenol presents in basil prevents capillary tightening thus prevents hypertension. More clinical study is required on the study of rodent. 6. In cancer: Phytochemical such as eugenol, luteolin, and beta-sitosterol can prevent cancer. Anti-oxidants also plays important role in preventing cancer and the side-effects of radiation and chemotherapy. Basil tea twice a day is always a good choice during chemotherapy. 7. Works as antibiotics: Basil is a natural antibiotic. Volatile oil of it improves immunity and inhibits bacterial growth in the body. Studies suggest that extract of basil is effective in antibiotic resistance infection. 8. In stress & anxiety: It affects the body in the same way as diazepam and anti-depression medicines do. Studies support that people who consume a good amount of fresh basil less suffer from stress and anxiety. 9. For malaria fever: Oriental medicine literature describes basil as drug of choice for malaria fever and relapsing fever. Modern scientists also support this. 10. In kidney infection: It is diuretic in nature. It kills pathogen and detoxifies the body at the same time. Basil juice is rich in citric acid which is good for the breakdown of kidney stone. It also reduces uric acid and urea in blood thus prevents future kidney stone and infection. 11. In worm infection: Oriental medicine uses basil for the treatment of intestinal worms. What exact content of it kills worms is still unknown. 12. In skin infection: Anti-bacterial properties of basil make it a good choice for beauty regime and skin infection treatment. Face pack and face mask of it is good for acne. Clinical experiences also support that supplement of basil put positive effects in skin infection, wound healing and recovery from the operation. Moreover, researches done on the fish, support that basil extract is capable to reduce the growth of fungus. There is still a lack of evidence on the human. 13. For cough: It is natural expectorant. It is one of must add a component of cough syrup. 14. In insect bite: Phenolic component of it neutralizes chemical of insect bite. What to do with fresh basil? - Decoction - Tea - Dry powder - Fresh crush juice - Market available packed juice - Extract capsule or tablet Holy basil side effects: All parts of the plant are used for medicinal purpose and all parts are edible. There is no specific side effect recorded from it. But as basil contains medicinal properties it can cause some serious health problems such as Internal uses of it for a diabetic or hypertensive person along with anti-diabetic or anti-hypertensive medicine can cause sudden fall in blood glucose level or blood pressure. Read more: Betel Leaves: 20 Medicinal Health Benefits, Uses And Side Effects
Above article is only for knowledge purpose. Please contact your healthcare provider before using any of above medicine or method. For any query or personal consultation according to your health condition please contact your doctor. Read the full article
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