thehenryperez · 8 years
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Henry actually quite enjoyed events such as this one. The rich taste that was always put into them was definitely something he could appreciate, though sometimes he couldn’t shake the feeling that they were missing something. He was pretty sure it was -- him. No one quite knew how to throw a party like he did, still haven’t found anyone who could match. But he’d at least give it a thumbs up for effort. Turning at the sound of a feminine voice, Henry’s dark orbs fell onto the Queen of Hearts, herself. “Well, I do believe it’s a party, Mrs. Hartwell.” He replied back, smugly.
Attending events like this came as naturally to her as breathing. She knew how they worked, when to smile and who to engage. It was a finely tuned game. One she had perfected as a teenager and could fall back on despite all of the upheaval in her life. It was why, she walked into the room like she owned the place. Her smile firmly in place as she descended the staircase into the full ballroom. “What do we have here?”
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thehenryperez · 8 years
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Henry looked up at the familiar red-head coming his way. Slightly impressed by the woman as he took in the outfit she wore. She surely knew how to clean up. Damn, she looked good. “What?” He began, dark hues finally resting on her features. “No please?” Henry tilted his head slightly, a smirk lingering on his features. He cocked a brow when he realized that she was missing something that seemed to be rather of importance to her request. “What? You plan on carrying a plastic  bag out of her by the end of the night? Kinda ruins the magic here, Red.”
“Alright. I’m here, I’m queer, ya-da ya-da you know the spiel. I want a glass of champagne and a purse full of bacon wrapped shrimp by the end of this.” The ginger sighed gripping the edge of her dress to lift it enough so that she could make it up the steps. She chose to ignore the fact that she didn’t even carry a purse. But she’d figured out that she could strap her phone, a lighter and some cigarettes to her thigh with the beauty of ‘repurposed weapon holders™’.
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thehenryperez · 8 years
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Henry looked over at the brunette who had just then spoken, a smug look on his features. “I know.” He replied back, “But I always appreciate the acknowledgement, Rickards.”
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“Sorry for staring, you just look stunning!”
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thehenryperez · 8 years
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“Ah --” He interrupted, holding up a hand to stop her right there. “Who says kinky wasn’t apart of the plan, Red?” Henry question, with a slight raise of an brow. “Maybe I’m into all that dark, twisted shit? And if you’re not, I’ve heard experimenting is all the rage now.” Having seen The Human Centipede, the last thing Henry would ever describe it as was hot, kinky, or sexy, but that did not stop him from going there. Because, why not? “Super secret bat cave, Red, you don’t think I have all the parts to make my masterpiece? You now giving me my third and final part? I owe you.” Despite the fact that they both knew none of what he was saying was true, Henry still spoke with a straight face. Somehow managing not an ounce of sarcasm in his voice, yet -- the whole conversation lingered with the sense of such.
“I think the whole Human Centipede thing is coming off kinkier than you’d planned Batman. Especially since pop-culture seems to be committed to making rimming the next big thing.” She remarked raising a brow humor playing across her lips. “That and I’m pretty sure you’d need about two more creeps in order to make even a modest centipede.” The guy certainly seemed pretty rich, she didn’t know brands really but there was a sleekness to him that only showed up on people who made a couple of figures and lived in lofts up in the sky. God, he probably had all white furniture that no one can really even sit on and wore moisturizer gloves to bed.
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thehenryperez · 8 years
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“Whatever you want to tell yourself, Princess.” There were many times where Henry generally questioned what the hell he was doing. Usually when he was done with a woman, he was done. He didn’t constantly show up in their lives. Yet -- if he was honest, he was apart of her family’s gang. So how far could he really go? Not far enough, so maybe -- just maybe that was his excuse. Who the hell was he kidding? That was definitely his excuse. Henry rested back in the chair he had just then claimed, it wasn’t the most comfortable chair he had ever been in. But it would do, the piece of bread still in hand, but with no real intention of devouring it. He might’ve been hungry, but it definitely wasn’t food he desired. Henry kept dark hues firmly on the blonde across from him, the girl looked so innocent, but he couldn’t seem to miss the small action she made. Those dark hues began traveling up her bare leg to the hem of her shirt, despite the appeal of a short skirt. For him, she was still wearing too much clothing. “What? Suddenly not hungry, Diamond? And here I was, impressed by that attitude of yours. Aiming to disappoint a man tonight?”
“I’m very special, last time I checked, thank you,” she said. She tried to breathe evenly, but there was no part of her that could deny her attraction to him even after all this time. She didn’t necessarily hate herself for it, but part of her felt regret every time something did happen with him. Wendy rolled her eyes and chose to ignore the comment of the list, but what would have been her response quickly left her mind as Henry’s face grew closer to hers. Her breath grew short and stopped altogether, but she let out a small huff of disappointment and closed her eyes once his shoulder met her chin as he leaned over her. The smell of him lingered for a brief moment and, when he sat down, she contained herself. Clearing her throat, she sat down in the seat she had chosen beforehand. “Help yourself,” she said about the bread he had taken from her.  She crossed one leg over the other, and made sure to give the illusion that her dress was shorter than it really was. Being a tease was her favourite pastime.
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thehenryperez · 8 years
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Inked and bearded puppy (✿◠‿◠)
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thehenryperez · 8 years
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“Challenge accepted.” Henry spoke, without hesitation. Sure -- there was a high chance that Ace would be less than please with that comment. But Henry was never one to run away from things -- well, things as stupid as this. Things that involved emotion and feelings, that was a whole other story. One that was not important to discuss, not now or ever really. “I’ll even make sure to throw in some of the famous Henry Perez charm. See how long I can last through this conversation before he kills me.” Then again, Henry doubted that. Life would suck without him, and they all knew it. Henry cocked a brow at the brunette before him, although he was slightly concerned, he was also not going to question it. In fact, he was completely on board. “Going to have to beat me to the bed, Is. Otherwise, it is mine.” Dark hues fell onto the bartender she had called over, giving the male a tight smile as he nodded his head in familiarity. As Isabella began speaking, he looked over his shoulder to take a detailed scan of the bar -- see just what he had to work with within the confined space. His head whipped back towards the pair before him as Issy came to the end of her order, pointing a finger at the bartender, “There will be no stopping, so keep them coming. The lady wants to be wasted, wasted is what she’s going to did. Do not stop. No matter what she says.” Henry glanced towards the crowd within the bar they resided in, a slight smirk tagged at the edge of his lips. Slowly, he turned back towards the brunette, reaching out, he took a hold of one of the shots that now rested before them and down it within seconds. As if it was second nature to him. “You know, I’m going to have to owe this bar, right? You’re my date tonight, and I will happily get you drunk, but you are going to have to let me owe this bar.”
It was sorta funny how she’d been with Ace for so long now, the woman couldn’t really remember a time that she hadn’t been. The assassin had been her teacher at first then mentor and friend turned lover. Though there was a bit of an age gap, fourteen years in total, she couldn’t see herself with anyone else. “I’ll only agree to that if you promise me you’ll say those same words to Ace’s face.” A sly smirk curled the edges of her lips upwards as leans against the bar, the wood smooth and cool to the touch. “Because I’d love too see that one girl down, might even make my day.” Gesturing towards the bartender, she lifted her arm and motioned for him to come take their orders. “It’s a get so wasted we both need a cab and pass out at your place kinda night, I call the bed.” Plus her husband would go off his rocker if he knew she was out this late getting wasted on a Saturday night. It wasn’t that she didn’t wanna spend her evenings with him, she just couldn’t handle the pressure of his desires. At least not after the day she’d had already. “Shots, please and keep them coming until we say stop.” The bartender nodded his head and quickly produced the small glasses, filling them to the brim with a golden tequila. Perfect.
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thehenryperez · 8 years
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                      MOODBOARD || HENRY X. PEREZ || [ 1/? ]
           I always thought that if I had a {huge} career,                                                             and FAMOUS clients,                                      and t o n s of money that I’d be happy.                                                                                                                           The truth is....
                                                                                                                                    I WAS RIGHT.
                                                                            I (love) it. Especially the M O N E Y.
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thehenryperez · 8 years
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thehenryperez · 8 years
The first possession Henry got after he “made it”, was a bike with an accent of green. Which happened to be his favorite color. Not exactly possessive of much in his life, besides maybe money, and considering how he blows that -- even some could say that wasn’t a proper answer, Henry is incredibly possessive of this bike. Even at times protective of it. Every man has that one toy, and this is his. A very shiny toy, for a now quite rich man, and that’s what he sees when he looks at it. That he made it. That he was able to purchase something of expense that was his. And he never feels quite as alive as he does when he’s on this thing, most likely because of the lack of protection that the equipment does come with.
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thehenryperez · 8 years
After his little joy ride incident, his parents really got on his case to get a job. If he wanted nice things, he had to work his way there. Something he did agree with, but once he landed the job, he couldn’t help but feel stiffed. After all, what could he really get from being a cashier and busboy, other then order after order. He absolutely despised the job he had, but stuck with it simply to get his parents off his back. It didn’t take him too long to realize he could dip his hand in the cookie jar. When money began to come up missing, his boss only assumed it was Henry -- simply because of his past. But he couldn’t seem to prove that little notion, eventually he decided to plant some evidence on one of his co-workers in an attempt to get the heat off him. It was a plan that worked, as said co-worker took all the fall for all of Henry’s actions.
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thehenryperez · 8 years
When Henry was of legal age to drive, that was all he wanted to do. But since his family did not have the funds to buy him a car – especially the one he wanted, he found himself going about it a different way. Because what Henry wanted, Henry got. Stealing a vehicle that matched all too well to his rich-kid taste, he took the car for a joy ride of a lifetime. Being found in Pennsylvania where he ended up wrecking the car, ending in a concussion, few broken ribs, and a broken leg. Henry ended up in juvie for a few months as punishment, before being put on house arrest for another three months.
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thehenryperez · 8 years
At sixteen, Henry participated in an art class, not necessarily something anyone who knew him thought he would do. Nor was he any good at, like at all. But the male seemed rather passionate about it, then again – looks can be deceiving. What he seemed to really have a passion for was getting into the pants of the beautiful and all too taken art teacher. Anyone with half a brain figured that there was no way, but even at such a young age, Henry had what most teenagers did not. Confident, it radiated off the male. He knew how to manipulate the situation to his liking. Before anyone knew it, he was in a hot and all too forbidden love affair. This went on for a month or so before her husband found out. This is what led to one of his first near-death experiences, and one of his most traumatic. When both he and the teacher were confronted by her husband, a scene of all hell broke loose. Yelling, and pure violence came into play. He found himself losing a lot of blood from a knife wound to his gut, and the woman, herself, had been killed. Henry in his luck – as he always was, did pull through. The attack leaving him with a scar across his left side of his stomach. The husband was convicted of murder, and Henry being Henry, just continued on as though nothing happened. 
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thehenryperez · 8 years
Henry met Wendy just shortly after he decided to join the Diamonds. She was young – inexperienced, naive, basically all of his favorite traits. It made for an easy target, and he was honestly interested in nothing but the chase. A horrible idea, really, considering his new boss happened to be her older brother. But the idea was all too tempting to pass up, the danger of that one was really all too pleasing to him. What he haven’t expected was for her to bring out emotions in him that, a.) he did not know he had, and b.) did not particularly care for. They dated for a few months, and this marks as his longest relationship to date. But their relationship came to an end when he was found in bed with not one, but two of her friends. Still to this day, he won’t admit that he did anything wrong.
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thehenryperez · 8 years
Henry followed behind the brunette, silent as she spoke. Which -- was rare because normally there was nothing Henry loved more then interrupting someone who had a point that needed to be made. He tilted his head slightly to the side that expressed an agreement of some sort at his friend’s request. “Count me in.” He spoke, before holding up a hand now feeling the need to add one thing. “But just so we’re on the same page, I know you made those -- vow things.. and all that promising crap,” Henry couldn’t help but cringe a bit as he tried to refer to her marriage. Not because he disapproved of their marriage, if she was happy -- good for her, and he did like Ace. It was just the marriage thing in general. He couldn’t understand who or why anyone would want to do it. Restrict yourself to one person for the rest of your life? Give up your freedom -- nothing is ever yours anymore. It just -- he didn’t approve, nor accept the concept of marriage. Never had, never would. “But I’m your favorite guy all the time.” He corrected her, “Don’t know what your life would be without me.” A smug grin appeared across his features at his own words, sure she probably wouldn’t be all that amused with him right now. "Is this lets get drunk, or slightly buzzed kind of night. Let me know now.”
The annoyance the woman was feeling weighed heavily on her shoulders as she passed by her old friend, their shoulders barely brushing. It’d been a long, hell it’d been a long week and she needed a drink. A drink she knew her husband was whole heartedly against her having. “I need a shot, possibly six before I drop the attitude.” Comes her response, turning to meet his gaze before gesturing her head towards the bar. “Come on, be my favorite guy for a night Rey.”
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thehenryperez · 8 years
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“I have many names for everyone. You are not special, Princess.” There was a small part of Henry that knew that was not true, and it was this part that he chose to blissfully ignore. As far as he was concerned, she wasn’t. She was just another woman in a sea full of them. “Is that right?” He asked, playing dumb, “Why don’t you write those down and send them my way. I’ll be sure to take a long detailed look at the errors in my ways and fix them just for you. I would just hate for their to be any bad blood between us, Ms. Diamond.” Ship long sailed, and they both knew it, but that didn’t stop him from being an oblivious ass about it. Because really -- in his mind, there wasn’t much wrong with what had taken place between them. Which alone told everyone just how screwed up he was. “Wanna bet?” He asked, a wicked grin then dancing across his features as the blonde spoke. She knew as well as he did what usually came from him being so close. He slowly began to lean in, edging in, making it seem as though he was about to kiss her. Only he didn’t, he reached around her unto the table she had sat the bread down and torn a piece off of the end before he took a step away from her. “Wouldn’t even going to share? Where are your damn manners, Diamond?” He murmured as he made his way to the closest chair, plopping down into it, he plopped a leg onto the table across for it, before placing the other over it. He leaned back, and shared up at the blonde across from him. “Relax, Wendy.”
“My my, so many different names you have for me,” she said, looking up at him, and tightening the arms around her chest. “And I think we can both name some things you’ve done to deserve such a thing.” She let out a pitiful laugh to his comment about grace, and said, “Don’t humor me. It’s not going to work.” Wendy had to bite down on the inside of her mouth to force a smirk or a smile from forming across her face. This man was close to dirt to her, but she has lost all trust from him when it comes to denying him. “And what do you think you’re going to do, coming so close to me like that?” Her eyes flicked up to his, her words softer than before.
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thehenryperez · 8 years
Send ♢ for headcanon about my muses past
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