"me to-", He began, only to start fading away. He was surrounded by an aura of teleportation magic.
He yelped as he was teleported away.
A shimmer appears in the god of the Garden's garden, and a Wally in medieval themed clothes appears from it. He looks around eagerly, his eyes sparkling with joy at all the plants that reside in this garden.
"OOO LOOK AT ALL OF THESE!" He's flapping his hands in a stim, him running over to observe the plants closest to him. "THERE'S SO MANY!!" , he's excitedly talking, and it seems like he won't be leaving anytime soon.
*the large rabbit that, had been asleep in the corner of the garden was very startled by the louder tone in the usually almost silent garden, and she sat up- looking around* ..?
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"O-Oh that sounds fantastic!", He flushed, beaming at the thought."I can show you some herbal tea recipes I've learned too!"
A shimmer appears in the god of the Garden's garden, and a Wally in medieval themed clothes appears from it. He looks around eagerly, his eyes sparkling with joy at all the plants that reside in this garden.
"OOO LOOK AT ALL OF THESE!" He's flapping his hands in a stim, him running over to observe the plants closest to him. "THERE'S SO MANY!!" , he's excitedly talking, and it seems like he won't be leaving anytime soon.
*the large rabbit that, had been asleep in the corner of the garden was very startled by the louder tone in the usually almost silent garden, and she sat up- looking around* ..?
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He giggles," it's sounds really funny to see! Maybe I should try one of those drinks when I get the chance. And learn how to make them too!"
He paused for a second before his face reddened and he rubbed the back of his neck," i-if you'd like.. maybe you can come to my greenhouse later? I can show you the plants I have!" He smiled, inwardly not knowing why he was so nervous asking her about it.
A shimmer appears in the god of the Garden's garden, and a Wally in medieval themed clothes appears from it. He looks around eagerly, his eyes sparkling with joy at all the plants that reside in this garden.
"OOO LOOK AT ALL OF THESE!" He's flapping his hands in a stim, him running over to observe the plants closest to him. "THERE'S SO MANY!!" , he's excitedly talking, and it seems like he won't be leaving anytime soon.
*the large rabbit that, had been asleep in the corner of the garden was very startled by the louder tone in the usually almost silent garden, and she sat up- looking around* ..?
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"that's so cool! The ones I have act as power ups! They can give a person certain abilities relating to the flower!"
A shimmer appears in the god of the Garden's garden, and a Wally in medieval themed clothes appears from it. He looks around eagerly, his eyes sparkling with joy at all the plants that reside in this garden.
"OOO LOOK AT ALL OF THESE!" He's flapping his hands in a stim, him running over to observe the plants closest to him. "THERE'S SO MANY!!" , he's excitedly talking, and it seems like he won't be leaving anytime soon.
*the large rabbit that, had been asleep in the corner of the garden was very startled by the louder tone in the usually almost silent garden, and she sat up- looking around* ..?
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" those sound amazing! I have some magical plants as well! There's the glowing berry vines I have, a flower that makes it's surrounds cold as ice, a fire flower, and others too!", he counted the plants off with his fingers, eager to talk about the plants.
A shimmer appears in the god of the Garden's garden, and a Wally in medieval themed clothes appears from it. He looks around eagerly, his eyes sparkling with joy at all the plants that reside in this garden.
"OOO LOOK AT ALL OF THESE!" He's flapping his hands in a stim, him running over to observe the plants closest to him. "THERE'S SO MANY!!" , he's excitedly talking, and it seems like he won't be leaving anytime soon.
*the large rabbit that, had been asleep in the corner of the garden was very startled by the louder tone in the usually almost silent garden, and she sat up- looking around* ..?
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"magical plants?", He paused in his writing, his intrigue spiked. He looks up at her curiously," what kind of magical plants?" He definitely looks excited, and his feet haven't stopped tapping the ground at all.
A shimmer appears in the god of the Garden's garden, and a Wally in medieval themed clothes appears from it. He looks around eagerly, his eyes sparkling with joy at all the plants that reside in this garden.
"OOO LOOK AT ALL OF THESE!" He's flapping his hands in a stim, him running over to observe the plants closest to him. "THERE'S SO MANY!!" , he's excitedly talking, and it seems like he won't be leaving anytime soon.
*the large rabbit that, had been asleep in the corner of the garden was very startled by the louder tone in the usually almost silent garden, and she sat up- looking around* ..?
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Are you 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂?
"... No?? What.. what does that mean..?"
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A note appears. It reads:
Hello, friend. Would you happen to have any plants that can be made into dyes or paints?
- Chromatica
He hums," I think I do... But I don't have them with me. They're at home with Greenhouse! I can send a message for him to send you some if you'd like!" He grins.
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You really like plants.
well I could get some for you then.
"Oh I would love that! What kind of plants?", His eyes go big, and he has his hands clasped together.
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He listened eagerly, writing down what she told him. His writing was quite fast, and he kept moving on his feet a little, unable to stay still from excitement.
A shimmer appears in the god of the Garden's garden, and a Wally in medieval themed clothes appears from it. He looks around eagerly, his eyes sparkling with joy at all the plants that reside in this garden.
"OOO LOOK AT ALL OF THESE!" He's flapping his hands in a stim, him running over to observe the plants closest to him. "THERE'S SO MANY!!" , he's excitedly talking, and it seems like he won't be leaving anytime soon.
*the large rabbit that, had been asleep in the corner of the garden was very startled by the louder tone in the usually almost silent garden, and she sat up- looking around* ..?
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His eyes immediately land on the plants when he's set down and he becomes giddy as he excitedly runs over to them. He's stimming again, him quickly bringing out his journal to write down the different plants in the room. He's starting to write down them, him starting to ramble to himself about the differences and similarities between the plants.
A shimmer appears in the god of the Garden's garden, and a Wally in medieval themed clothes appears from it. He looks around eagerly, his eyes sparkling with joy at all the plants that reside in this garden.
"OOO LOOK AT ALL OF THESE!" He's flapping his hands in a stim, him running over to observe the plants closest to him. "THERE'S SO MANY!!" , he's excitedly talking, and it seems like he won't be leaving anytime soon.
*the large rabbit that, had been asleep in the corner of the garden was very startled by the louder tone in the usually almost silent garden, and she sat up- looking around* ..?
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He quickly heads over to the plants, squealing happily," OH MY GOODNESS! THANK YOU FOR THE PLANTS!" He's giggling," worth it!"
Herbalist, can I some of your hair. I’ll give you plants if you do.
" my hair???", He looks incredibly confused. Then his eyes widened and he gets excited at the mention of plants," OOOO if I'm getting plants then sure! I'd love some!" He reaches into his bag and digs around, finding a small pocket knife. He uses it to cut his hair and gives them the piece he cut off," Here you go! Oh I'm so excited, I bet the plants are going to be awesome!"
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Herbalist, can I some of your hair. I’ll give you plants if you do.
" my hair???", He looks incredibly confused. Then his eyes widened and he gets excited at the mention of plants," OOOO if I'm getting plants then sure! I'd love some!" He reaches into his bag and digs around, finding a small pocket knife. He uses it to cut his hair and gives them the piece he cut off," Here you go! Oh I'm so excited, I bet the plants are going to be awesome!"
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yo home it's greenie's birthday
(it's greenie's birthday?? Oh dear oh dear, I need to get her a gift! Let's see, what would she like-)
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His face immediately reddened , it looking almost like a tomato from how red it was. He's looking at her with wide eyes, his pupils expanded. His body went limp from being picked up.
A shimmer appears in the god of the Garden's garden, and a Wally in medieval themed clothes appears from it. He looks around eagerly, his eyes sparkling with joy at all the plants that reside in this garden.
"OOO LOOK AT ALL OF THESE!" He's flapping his hands in a stim, him running over to observe the plants closest to him. "THERE'S SO MANY!!" , he's excitedly talking, and it seems like he won't be leaving anytime soon.
*the large rabbit that, had been asleep in the corner of the garden was very startled by the louder tone in the usually almost silent garden, and she sat up- looking around* ..?
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He claps happily," Yay! " He's smiling widely as he eagerly asks," where's your other room? I'd love to take a look in there!"
A shimmer appears in the god of the Garden's garden, and a Wally in medieval themed clothes appears from it. He looks around eagerly, his eyes sparkling with joy at all the plants that reside in this garden.
"OOO LOOK AT ALL OF THESE!" He's flapping his hands in a stim, him running over to observe the plants closest to him. "THERE'S SO MANY!!" , he's excitedly talking, and it seems like he won't be leaving anytime soon.
*the large rabbit that, had been asleep in the corner of the garden was very startled by the louder tone in the usually almost silent garden, and she sat up- looking around* ..?
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He throws his hands into the air," Awesome! Can I please please PLEASE see them?! Please??" He quickly clasped his hands together, giving her big puppy dog eyes. Both of his feet are stampingin a stim now.
A shimmer appears in the god of the Garden's garden, and a Wally in medieval themed clothes appears from it. He looks around eagerly, his eyes sparkling with joy at all the plants that reside in this garden.
"OOO LOOK AT ALL OF THESE!" He's flapping his hands in a stim, him running over to observe the plants closest to him. "THERE'S SO MANY!!" , he's excitedly talking, and it seems like he won't be leaving anytime soon.
*the large rabbit that, had been asleep in the corner of the garden was very startled by the louder tone in the usually almost silent garden, and she sat up- looking around* ..?
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