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I just go Snapchat 10 mins ago, go add me if u want
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Want one? DM me or comment
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Does anyone want one, DM me if u do
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I made this yo Corduroy dreams -Rex Orange County
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Is this is who's poorer contest because if it is, 4 months ago I got outta living in a woman's center with my mom for 2 years where we had literally no spending money, my teacher realized i was wearing the same clothes everyday so we talked and she ended up giving me some of her daughter's hand me downs, keep in mind I don't personally know these people she was just a teacher I had for a couple weeks. After we moved outta the woman's shelter we still had no money so we had to live in a house with no electricity which I got taken away from CPS for and to a children's home, they moved my little 2 year old brother away and I just got back in contact with him. I ended up moving in with my dad where we are still extremely poor, living in a house with 2 rooms and 8 people. Sorry if this is tmi but I saw an opportunity to kinda get it off my chest. I'm not gonna include how much we make because I think it's kinda overstepping a little
I remember a white kid in my class talking about how his parents made 320k combined and they still “struggle” and thinking to myself: “It’s probably because they don’t know how to manage their fucking money and live above their means, but sure, just pretend it’s not their fault”
A few minutes later, he mentions that they vacation 3 times a year, own 3 cars, and spend $1000 a week (A WEEK) on food.
Long story short, I refuse to feel sorry for any of you upper-middle class folk that pretend you’re struggling financially too when you just have no sort of financial management skills.
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Wtf actual flick was he thinking
Straight men who always joke about hating their girlfriend are so fucking weird like imagine having a girlfriend and not treasuring and loving her every day smh grow up
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Haven't you people ever heard of CLOSING THE GOD DAMN DOOR NO??👏
every time you see this post (you don’t have to but it’s fun) reblog it with a new song quote
can’t say the same song quote
can be from any genre
(i saw this and thought it would be fun!)
“i’m not scared to be seen! i make no apologies! THIS IS ME!”
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I have a hair mask and there was a little bit extra and I'm not bout to waste it so now it's on my eyebrows💁
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Much new, such vintage, very mcr, 
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42 days until interactive introverts and I'm SCREAMING
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Reblog, click the picture, and prepare for battle.
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Some guy walked up to the car while my mom was in the bathroom and gave me a cookie than just left 
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Reblog if you're not homophobic
Every url that reblog’s will be written in a book and shown to my homophobic dad. 
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEdJZH2ldc8 dan and phils most recent liveshow just for you my bois 
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Ayy you know this bois got his free taco
does anyone have dans liveshow, or at least a description i saw it was deleted and now im super curious 
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All of Jericho as they march: You better watch out, you better watch out, YOU BETTER WATCH OUT
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My last 3 brain cells as I’m trying to study for finals
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