"teach men not to rape"
My rapist was a woman
"men advance professionally over their woman colleagues simply for their gender"
All of my bosses have been female
"men are free of consequences when they harass women"
my male friends have been violated by women and was never taken seriously because guys are expected to be sex crazy monsters so they're up for it anytime right? If they don't feel comfortable? How pathetic right?
"men harass and mistreat women"
my bullies in school were girls, and my worst colleagues were women
My friend was beaten by his father until he was 16 years old. You know what his teacher told him when he finally had the courage to reveal it?
"why don't you just hit him back?"
The way feminist rhetoric displays the majority men as these heartless swines while women are these poor victims piss me off so god damn much i'm about to blow.
Women can be heartless, they can be perverted pedophiles. A woman can be a murderer, a bully. Not because she is the victim, a poor fractured soul led to darkness by the patriarchy. no no.
Men however, can be fucking heartless as well. They can be just as bad. Is it not funny though, that then its just "boys being boys"?
or "men being dipped in their own created toxic hyper masculine patriarchy soup"?
Why is it always
that women are the victims?
Fucking stop it.
Why is it that men
are always
somehow inherently evil?
We're fucking people.
We are human-fucking-beings.
I'm not more angry with Simon in 8th grade who stuck a pen into my ear than I am with Angie who stuck a pen up my skirt in 9th grade just because he was a dude and she was a girl. I hate them both equally.
We women are not fucking oppressed. We're not inherently "sisters" and i don't owe you jack shit just cause we both have a pussy or identify as female. If you want to earn my respect and friendship then fine but fucking stop with this whole "us girls versus the big bad men and the patriarchy" bullshit.
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Being an Anti-Feminist does not mean I hate feminists. It does not mean I am against equal rights. Being Anti-Feminist means I am against the monstrosity of the modern day feminist movement. I would never want to associate myself with the movement itself, but if someone else chooses to identify as a feminist, and they are a good person with logical thoughts and want to fight real issues, I have nothing against them.
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We don’t need or want the feminist movement.
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“Perhaps in the pursuit of happiness, men and women take somewhat different paths. And, isn’t it more than a little patronizing to suggest that most….women are not free? They’re not self-determining human beings?” ― Christina Hoff Sommers
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Feminists ought to get a good whipping. Were woman to “unsex” themselves by claiming equality with men, they would become the most hateful, heathen and digusting of begins and would surely perish without male protection.I love peace and quiet, I hate politics and turmoil. We women are not made for governing, and if we are good women, we must dilike these masculine occupations.” ― Victoria Magazine
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It seems to be the fashion nowadays for a girl to behave as much like a man as possible. Well, I won’t! I’ll make the best of being a girl and be as nice a specimen as I can: sweet and modest, a dear, dainty thing with clothes smelling all sweet and violety, a soft voice, and pretty, womanly ways. Since I’m a girl, I prefer to be a real one!
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