thehumanrat · 2 years
Hey! I hope you’re good. I just wanted to come here to say a quick thank you. I followed you a few years back, and your blog was one that helped me feel less alone. You were always so lovely, and I wanted to thank you for being that positivity. Have a great day!
Hey, I’m okay. I’m doing good, I just drifted away from here but I love everyone who I met here so much.
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thehumanrat · 4 years
Every time I eat frosting I think of you 💕 miss youuuu
I miss you so dearly. 💕💕💕
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thehumanrat · 4 years
wizards will b like “I know a place” and then ask you to trust him, lead you to a crappy inn, buy nine rooms when there’s seven of you, pay extra for a closet, act like ur all going ur separate ways for the night, cryptically ask u for one last word, and then theatrically cast a magical mansion spell and say “welcome home” instead of just telling u that he can do that now in the first place
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thehumanrat · 4 years
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thehumanrat · 4 years
Listen, canon ships are great and all but consider:
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thehumanrat · 4 years
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take my camera away from me tbh
rediscovered these scissor earrings the other day and now only wearing them. Also did fancy outfit and makeup stuff at midnight listening to TAZ bc I’m a NERD but also I look good wtf!
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thehumanrat · 4 years
This is exactly it
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thehumanrat · 4 years
Happy birthday, love. May your privacy be kept, may your heart be true and may every moment be filled with happiness.
Happy birthday, love. You’ve been gone longer than you were here, you were a candle snuffed out and a light for all of us.
Happy birthday, love. I hope you can finally breathe.
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thehumanrat · 4 years
link // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHUrAvKNF8s (collab w/ djcprod)
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thehumanrat · 4 years
I find it fascinating that people who choose not to have children are generally assumed to feel really strongly about not having children (or even to feel really strongly against children, anyone’s children, in general). I am probably not going to have children, not because I REALLY REALLY HATE the idea of having children, but because I don’t really really love it. Out of all the major decisions I will make in my life, this one is the only irreversible one. I can sell a house, quit a job, divorce a spouse, whatever. I cannot unhave a child. I cannot opt out of being a parent once I become a parent. I can’t even take a step back for the sake of self-care or whatever, or else my child will suffer.
So for me, having children is fuck yes or not at all. The default will be to remain childfree. Having children should be an opt-in decision, not an opt-out one. Until/unless I develop really strong feelings about wanting to have children, I won’t have them, even if that means I never end up having them at all.
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thehumanrat · 4 years
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Jonathan Mattingly, Myles Cosgrove, Brett Hankinson.
Enough with using Breonna's name as a trend. Enough with a tiktok song that doesn't help.
Stop saying "arrest the killers of Breonna Taylor" and start saying "arrest JONATHAN MATTINGLY, MYLES COSGROVE, AND BRETT HANKINSON."
You need to do better for Black women. You need to do better for Black lives.
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thehumanrat · 4 years
How do I explain to a white person why they shouldn’t be cosplaying characters of color????
poc do not get enough cosplaying opportunities as it is!! there are very few characters of colour in mainstream media and most of them play into harmful stereotypes which most poc can't relate to/don't feel comfortable cosplaying. it's like how Zendaya auditions for a lot of roles made for white people because poc don't get those opportunities because no one writes our stories. not only does cosplaying characters of colour take away from cosplayers of colour, it also whitewashes an already predominantly white community - it is so hard for cosplayers of colour to gain the same kind of traction and attention as our white counterparts and we get racist and colourist comments far too regularly as it is - white cosplayers cosplaying as non-white characters only makes it harder for us. most cosplayers of colour tend to leave cosplay groups/communities or become inactive because of the lack of cosplaying opportunities/support and subtle racism. white cosplayers cosplaying as characters of colour also (intentionally or not) makes room for Blackface, brownface, yellowface, cultural appropriation, etc - it makes it seem like it's okay for white people to use parts of our cultures and identities - we get the abuse, they get the credit.
if they still refuse to listen and learn, send them my way, I just wanna talk :)
other creators of colour, feel free to add on.
also feel free to send this to white creators who you know have been pulling this shit.
(white people reblog but don't fuck around in the notes)
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thehumanrat · 4 years
friendly reminder that u can be like “lin manuel miranda created a work of art that was meant to highlight performers of color and made broadway mainstream again and was full of amazing themes and motifs” and still be like “but hamilton is inherently problematic because it glorifies the founding fathers when they should not be treated as people to look up to” like u can and should do that
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thehumanrat · 4 years
On this day of Hamilton dropping on Disney+, when people start saying ‘omg I wish all plays were recorded & up for us to see online,’ let it be known that Starkid has been doing the same thing for FREE for over a decade :)
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thehumanrat · 4 years
Hamilton: An American Musical portrays the founding fathers in a far more positive light than they deserve and neglects to mention the horrific impact these men had on both African Americans as a collective and the individual Black people they interacted with and portrays America through rose-tinted glasses
Hamilton : An American Musical was instrumental in igniting a new wave of musical appreciation and modern musicals that sparked a generation's interest in history while also giving recognition and roles to incredible Actors and Actresses of color and is a musical masterpiece
Are opinions that can and should coexist. It's okay to be critical of the things you consume. It's encouraged even.
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thehumanrat · 4 years
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Such amaze, much talent
art commissions!
hi!! so - I’ve finally decided to open commissions! I’ve never done this before so please bare with me. I work traditionally and mainly do portraits; payments are through PayPal and currently 25% of profits will be donated to BLM and LGBTQ+ charities. 
unless otherwise discussed/specified, you’ll receive a digital copy and a high quality photograph (like the examples below) of your piece. I only ship to the UK right now but hopefully that will change in time.
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You must provide me with a reference photo(s) and, if applicable, a description of what you’d like the final outcome to be (e.g. colours, background colour, additional details). As I said, I mainly do portraits but if you had something else in mind I’m happy to discuss to see if it’s possible!
I currently have two 25x20cm and two 14x10inch canvases that are available for acrylic paintings. I’m happier to do scenery and backgrounds with acrylic than any other medium, though is also possible for watercolour. Prices for these are dependant on size, complexity, and whether it’s on canvas or not; for these pieces I am happy to go as large as A3.
I’m happy to discuss ideas, but I can refuse a commission if I see fit. If I think it is outside of my skill set I will also let you know and refuse.
If you’re interested in commissioning me then please send me a DM and we can discuss it from there!
Keep reading
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thehumanrat · 4 years
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