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Sensory knowledge is the information we gather through our senses, that enable us to communicate interact and respond to the world around us. It engages us with our surroundings by activating the senses through actions such as talking and touching. In doing so we are able to form ideas and gain a wider understanding of the nature and workings of the world and our place in it,forming personas and identities and fitting in to the society in which we live. The artwork expresses the engagement of these multiple senses, and how we use them in conjunction with one another to experience events
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Essentialism “is the view that every entity has a set of attributes that are necessary to its identity and function.” It is a theory of enlightenment based on a conception of a person who is fully centre, and balanced, and acknowledging that there is an essence inside you that cannot be changed no matter what. This forms the core of our being and is what keeps us stable, despite external factors. It also vastly influences our identity, giving us individuality and differentiating us from others. Its spiritual origin can be referred to as a soul and represents a constant part of our being.
Wikipedia. 2014. Essentialism. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Essentialism. [Accessed 22 March 2018].
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The unconscious exists in the shadow of consciousness, and is accessible through dreams, parapraxes and jokes. Freud theorises that the unconscious lies repressed within us, and is subject to impulses and desires often discarded. Because of this, he also argues that  “analysis could disentangle some personal significance” (Mansfield 2000, p. 28), as it could potentially lead to the discovery of a more true and wholesome self. Their has always been a search it identify the reasoning behind such compulsions, as shown through the divided figure, symbolising the awake and suppressed
Mansfield 2000, p. 28
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Overdetermination: ’Freudian theory…[argues] that all psychological (and, by corollary, cultural) material is overdetermined. This means that even the most trivial behaviours...are the focus and expression of the most plural and deep psychological complexity’(Mansfield 2000, p.29). This theory of the underlying complexity of seemingly simple repetitive acts leads back to the unconscious, and the repressed desire within, appearing in every day life. ‘In Freud’s terms, repetition compulsion is a primal activity of the mind; he later compares it to the working mind of a child. As an instinctual activity, repetition compulsion may take on a demonic character that we perceive as the uncanny’ (Klein 2005, p. 79). the image demonstrates the repetitious machine like compulsions
Klein 2005, p. 79
Mansfield 2000, p.29
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creative influence: ‘Poetic Influence—when it involves two, strong authentic poets,--always proceeds by a misreading of the prior poet, an act of creative correction that is actually and necessarily misinterpretation’ (Bloom 1997, p. 30.). It draws of inspiration and appropriation of others art and composition, allowing new, fresh ideas to be formed and elaborated upon. This work embodies this factor, as the artist has appropriated techniques from Van Gogh, and introduced them into a new 21st century context to give the form new meaning, building on the original concept to reflect social pop culture.
Bloom 1997, p. 30.
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subjectivity is “the condition of being a person and the processes by which we become a person”(Barker 2007, p. 218). Its how we are constituted as cultural subjects and how experience ourselves, influenced by objects and the way they interact and convey messages and signal. It is often associated with something being observed, taught, tested, practiced or experienced in response to conditions or circumstances. Subjectivity in art can be observed in the image through its ambiguous emotions and strong expressive colours which allows the viewer to gather and form their own message from the work
Barker 2007, p. 218
Robert Nasti. 2014. A voice for women. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.robertanasti.com/event/a-voice-for-women/. [Accessed 22 March 2018].
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Authenticity is using originality and your own creative means to produce unique, often vulnerable  compositions. It can be refreshing and surprising, introducing new ideas and concepts to the public, from a passionate and sincere internal basis. authenticity oftentimes is synonymous with the pure and unadulterated, and can be used to determine if something is legitimately genuine, however it is often questioned to its credibility and true integrity. In Basquiats work, as his rough, scratchy lines and strong emotional integrity within the face reflect his struggle with poverty and city life on a confronting and genuine level, his high levels of authenticity leave his scars and experiences clearly visible in his honest approach to his unique form
artstack. 2011. The Broad.  https://theartstack.com/artist/jean-michel-basquiat/broad. [Accessed 21 March 2018].
Psychology Today. 2017. The Broad. https://theartstack.com/artist/jean-michel-basquiat/broad. [Accessed 21 March 2018].
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Creative identity is the unique developed way in which one composes and expresses themselves and their practice. It can be influenced and adapted by a variety of circumstances, most notably the artists social environment and culture. It is the appearance we project in our work, in order to embody these influences and experiences, and the perception of ourselves that we want others to see. This is evident in the work, as the artist has expressed her creative identity as part of her rich culture, through painting her own body to blend in with the surrounding flower patterns
Konsten.net. 2015. Supermarket på Kulturhuset.  http://konsten.net/supermarket-pa-kulturhuset/. [Accessed 21 March 2018].
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fractured identity is described by Stewart Hall (1992b) as having three parts. These aspects allow for a conceptualisation of identity by isolating its components into cartesian theories of the self as unified or whole, and that of a being made of fragmented, sometimes contradictory selves, influenced by external cultural factors. Through the video a sociological subject is explored, in which constant contradictions “im not happy, I'm feelin’ glad” demonstrates a deviated set of consciousness in the individual, fighting deeper emotional personalities within their being. This battle of consciousness contradicts an idealised unified self in favour of the postmodern shift towards the fractured
Gorillaz. (2001). Clint Eastwood. 21 March 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UclCCFNG9q4. [Accessed: 21 March 2018].
Hall 1996, p.598
Barker, Chris 2012, Cultural studies : theory and practice, 4th ed., Sage, London
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social identity is the process in which people are cultivated through the environment and culture to form their individual persona. “It is associated with normative rights, obligations and sanctions, which within certain collectives form roles”(Giddens 1984: 282-3), fitting these societal norms however can be restrictive and limit ones true personality to the construct of what the individual would wish others to perceive, conforming to these particular roles. The image expresses these values in ‘a chaotic sense of self, and loss of personal integrity’, through obscure culturally derived patterning, representing the often conflicting ideals of society and the individual and how we react and deal with these external pressures.
Giddens 1984: 282-3
Skount, ‘Identity disorders’ 2013, viewed 18/3/2018  https://www.skountworks.com/figurative-paintings/#/identity-disorders/
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