theimaginarystories · 10 years
I really hate missing people who have already forgotten me. I hate missing people who barely even notice my existence. I feel unfair!
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theimaginarystories · 10 years
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theimaginarystories · 10 years
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What Will Become Of Us (by Once upon a time in Alex land..(Alexandra Cameron))
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theimaginarystories · 10 years
Every time
my heart beats,
it loves you more, and
this is the first time
I crave to live.
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theimaginarystories · 10 years
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theimaginarystories · 10 years
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theimaginarystories · 10 years
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theimaginarystories · 10 years
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theimaginarystories · 10 years
La douleur (by prologuer)
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theimaginarystories · 10 years
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theimaginarystories · 10 years
can I own 1am? i just want this to let out without any noise from the people from the loud sounds of surroundings just want this to be my world. where the only noise exist, is the sound of my weep and scream
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theimaginarystories · 10 years
I have seen here today, 
the lonely girl who haunts me. 
She was in her bed all day, 
room locked and alone. 
She was isolated. 
She buried herself in words 
that could save her, yet, 
she is still drowned again
in the sea of uninvited
indefatigable thoughts. 
I felt her struggle to gasp an air,
I felt her urge to move, 
but she is paralyzed in a frozen sea of loneliness.
She’s crying out for my help, 
but I don’t know how to give her 
what she needs when she’s 
drowning and haunting me. 
I don’t know, I don’t know 
how to help myself.
I’ve seen her again | Nine (via theroomofsecrethoughts)
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theimaginarystories · 10 years
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theimaginarystories · 10 years
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theimaginarystories · 10 years
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theimaginarystories · 10 years
We haven’t spoken in two weeks and I think I’m finally starting to be okay without you. The truth is, you were never really there. For the past thirteen months, I’ve been prioritizing someone who never put forth the same effort. Never once did I wake up to missed calls or sweet texts from you, all my friends would brag about the adorable things their boyfriends did for them and never once was I able to brag. Never once did you make me feel loved when you told me you loved me. Never once did you show me you cared; telling me wasn’t enough, but you didn’t care about that either. You thought you could just have me whenever you wanted, and god, you were right. I was there for you when you had nowhere to go. I was there for you when no one else was. I was there for you to make you feel loved, to make you feel anything, when you couldn’t. I was there for you, always, whenever you needed me, I dropped everything for you. But when were you there for me? Sure, you were there when I hit rock bottom, when I thought that my world was ending. You told me you loved me and you wanted to make me happy, but I never told you that you were the reason I wasn’t. You were the reason I couldn’t eat. You were the reason I went days without sleep. You were the reason I got as bad as I did. You thought you could fix me, but you were the reason I was broken in the first place. I was a fucking object to you, and I accepted it. I built you up in my mind, I made you the center of everything and that blocked my view of the reality of who you are. And who you are is an asshole.
Things I’ve finally been able to say to you now that I don’t care (via depresant)
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theimaginarystories · 10 years
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