theinspirtingtm · 8 years
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“Me too!” She gasped, excited to have found a fellow adventurer. With this newfound friend,  Emily was hoping that life would suddenly take a turn for the better. Not to mention the fact that this was the perfect opportunity to have some  fun with someone else.
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“Where all do you like to go exploring?” She asked, with excitement in her voice. The young princess had never gone on an adventure with anyone close to her age before - only with some of her family members. She couldn’t even  imagine how much fun an adventure could be with someone close to her age by her side.
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theinspirtingtm · 8 years
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“I do. Do you?” Her eyes widened as well. The little blonde had to make sure her ears had heard correctly - could she possibly be meeting someone around her age who also loved to go on adventures? There was no way luck had gone her way for once - she would cry if it did.
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Cori nodded. “I love going on adventures!” She felt surreal - the young princess had always been cautious around other children; many of them would befriend her for her princess status. And there was nothing that hurt the little girl more  than that.
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theinspirtingtm · 8 years
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“I’m on an adventure. I’m an explorer.” Emily  proudly announced, as she matter-of-factly  pointed towards her own chest. The one thing the little blonde could be proud of was her  sense of adventure, and how more often than not it would lead towards her having a warm  place to sleep for the night.
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Cori’s eyes widened slightly. “You like to go on adventures too?” At this precise moment, Cori decided that this girl was going to become her new friend. A friend that she could go on adventures with, and get into a lot of fun with - maybe even a little bit of trouble. And she was going to enjoy each and every moment of it. 
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theinspirtingtm · 8 years
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“What are you up to, Cori?” Emi giggled. She shifted her bag on her shoulder, and looked around. The castle was big - and she was amazed that she had  managed to get into it without much question. But the little blonde had no where else to go, and was  longing for a friend - longing for a place to sleep that was warm and cozy - a place where someone could look after her for once.
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“Getting my after-school snack.” Cori giggled along. “What are you up to? I’ve never seen you around.” The blonde cocked her head slightly as she looked closer at the tiny girl before her - in fact, Corinna thinks she has seen her before, but never spoken. Why, she even looked like she could have been  related to her.
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theinspirtingtm · 8 years
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Emi was on an adventure through the castle. The seven year old had taken off as soon as school let out, not sure where she would call home later. Without parents, Emily could have as many adventures as she pleased. She was exploring down by the kitchens when she heard a giggle behind her. She turned saw a  blonde haired girl. “Hi!” She called, getting the girl’s attention. “I’m Emily, but you can call me Emi.”
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Cori was making her way down to the kitchen for her after-school snack. Once she got nearer to the kitchen, she noticed a short, blonde girl. She giggled slightly, although she wasn’t entirely sure why she did. Maybe it was because she wasn’t use to seeing other kids in the castle besides family. “Hi!” She called back, when the girl noticed her. “I’m Corinna. You can call me Cori!” She said happily, as she made her way towards the girl.
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theinspirtingtm · 10 years
Miley laughed lightly. “Sure, sweetie! I’m sure we could all get a very large group game going on. And you know what?” Miley asked, as she looked down at Corinna. “I think all the kids will love it!” She winked down at Cori, before leaning in to Edmund. “I think there’s a reason Aslan gave her the title The Inspiring Princess.” She said quietly, as a smile was etched upon her face. 
Cori giggled. "Yay!" She couldn't help it. She loved having people to play with, though by far, Emily was her favorite. After all, Emily was like a sister to her. "Do you think they'll like the cookies I made?" In her hands was the tray containing the cookies she had made with Edmund earlier, and frosted all by herself-proudly. 
That Christmas Pt. 1
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theinspirtingtm · 10 years
"I think she could try! We could get a group game going!"
Cori grinned and started bouncing up and down. "Oh, daddy, can we? Please!" She asked, tugging on his pants leg as best as she could, while carrying the cookies. "Mum will let us! Even if she can't do much right now! Won't you, mummy?!" 
That Christmas Pt. 1
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theinspirtingtm · 10 years
Melody followed behind them with another batch as well, watching Cori skip with a tender smile. This. This was nice. She had never really experienced family time like this. Not with her father, and not with the Caspian’s. 
Cori grinned, happily nodding her head. "Do you think I'll be able to play with all of them?" She asked, with that passionate fire in her eyes. It's been years since Miley and Edmund adopted her, but she will never forget her years in the orphanage, being overlook by many people. 
That Christmas Pt. 1
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theinspirtingtm · 10 years
"I think someone else might be a little excited, too." He laughed, glancing down at Corinna, who seemed to be happily skipping around, with a very large smile on her face.
Cori skipped along happily beside Mel, giggling away. She loved getting the chance to go to the orphanage, wanting to give everyone the love and care she desperately wanted when she was in an orphanage. "Oh I love going to the orphanage!" Cori said, before a frown appeared on her face. "But, I get sad when it's time to go home…. I never wanna quit playing with them.." It only took her a moment before she regained that glowing happiness that she had not a minute ago. "Mummy! Daddy! Can we come down more often? OH! What would be even better is this! We get everyone a present on their birthday. Every year!"
That Christmas Pt. 1
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theinspirtingtm · 10 years
The Ballet
"AUNT LUNA!" Corinna screamed through the halls of the great castle, racing to the entrance. "AUNT LUNA AUNT LUNAAAA!!!!" She knew she had arrived, all morning Cori was practically glued to her window seat just waiting for her arrival. As she skidded around the corner and nearly ran one of the guards to the floor, she finally made it to the last set of stairs. 
"Aunt Luna! Oh I am so excited!" Jumping down the steps, she was skipping over two at a time. "Thank you thank you thank you! A girls day out! Just you and me! Going to the BALLET!" Corinna was now jumping up and down in front of her aunt, nearly throwing herself in her aunts arms and wrapping her arms around her neck. 
"I've always wanted to go! Always!" The excitement was flowing throughout her body, as she grabbed hold of Luna's hand and started pulling her towards the exit. "Thank you SO much for getting us tickets for my birthday!" 
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theinspirtingtm · 10 years
She shot a grin at Cori, then took off up the rickety stairs.
"E-Emi, p-please be ca-careful!" Cori hollered up after her, as she slowly made her way up the stairs, feeling around for the wall.
The Tower
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theinspirtingtm · 10 years
"Come on!" She began walking further into the abandoned place, where everything was covered iin dust, and junk piled high.
Cori took small, careful steps further, as she looked around. When the beam from the flashlight quickly swept over where she was looking, she quickly elbowed Emi. "Look." She pointed to a set of stairs, over at the side of the tower.
The Tower
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theinspirtingtm · 10 years
"Let’s find out." She dug out her flashlight and clicked it on, then leaped back into Cori when her beam fell across a giant stuffed bear that looked like he was roaring.
Cori jumped, and her heart was racing. Even though it was just a stuffed bear, she was still very scared. "Ar-are you sure this is a-a go-good idea?" She was gripping onto Emi's arm, her eyes were darting all around.
The Tower
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theinspirtingtm · 10 years
Emily couldn’t help the grin that spread across her face as the door creaked open. She looked both ways to see if anyone was coming, then seized Cori’s hand and pulled her inside.
"a-are you sure we'll b-be oo-okay in here?" Cori asked, still stuttering and sweating, wondering what could possibly be in here.
The Tower
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theinspirtingtm · 10 years
Emily took it and pulled Cori towards the tower. She stopped as they reached the door, and took a deep breath. Then she pulled the bobby pin out of her hair and began picking at the lock.
Cori kept her eyes closed for a few moments, taking in deep breaths. "A-are you su-sure you kn-know what yo-you're do-" She wasn't able to get her sentence out the whole way, because she heard the door creak open.
The Tower
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theinspirtingtm · 10 years
"Come on." She said, putting on her best puppy dog pouty face that no one could stand up to. "It’ll be a really adventure. It’s not real if everyone knows what you’re doing. And we could discover something new."
Fear was still rushing through Cori. "I-I gu-guess..." She tried to give her best smile to Em, as she held her hand back out. "You le-lead the w-way."
The Tower
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theinspirtingtm · 10 years
"Not if she doesn’t know."
Cori's palms started to sweat. Her parents were very good at finding things out, not to mention there were many people around to keep an eye on Cori. "I-I don't k-know..."
The Tower
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