thejasonsanchez · 7 months
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Commentator: "Bobby Lashley is kissing Rusev's wife right in front of him. How can Rusev just stand there and watch this?"...
First the defeat in the ring by the black athlete, again and again, and then the defeat in his personal life. In front of his eyes, in front of a packed stadium and broadcast around the world, his wife cuckolds him with the man who defeated him a moment ago. The black winner takes it all and the white loser takes one punch after another until the final public humiliation.
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The show's producers play with the twisted minds and fragile psychology of today's white boys and train them for future situations. Stop fighting, accept it, if you mess with a black man you will lose hands down. Close your eyes like Rusev and imagine your new life as a cuckold. All that's left for you to do is masturbate thinking about what they'll do after they're left alone.
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thejasonsanchez · 1 year
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thejasonsanchez · 5 years
I am a huge fan of your blog and politics, and I was wondering what other reading (Like other blogs or books) you would recommend to your followers? I don't mind if any of your recommendations aren't necessarily "sexy", I'm just very interested in your writings and want to find more like-minded people!
Sure, let’s spread some love around the blog-o-sphere.
If you’re following me for my writings, there are a few kindred spirits I can recommend, but the list is shorter than I would like it to be: I started this blog precisely because interracial promotion with an intellectual twist was hard to come by and I wanted to see more of it. The recent cultural revolution on tumblr has made the selection even smaller. But enough complaining, here’s who you should check out - right after a little visual aid to get you in the mood.
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@goodgirlsgetgentrified runs an eclectic interracial blog with lots of alluring captions and musings of her own. I suspect the Venn diagram of our followers is a circle already, but in case anyone is not aware of her work, now is the time to go forth and binge on her content!
@browneurope is a writings-based blog that explores the inevitable racial transformation of Europe based on real-world developments. He uses a uniquely kinky-academic tone in his articles and I love it very much. Sadly he hasn’t been as active lately, but maybe a bunch of new followers might encourage him to start posting more?
@mixed-fantasy-returns manages to express in captions with few words what it takes me three paragraphs to say, so naturally a shout-out is in order. They also have a keen eye for aesthetics in general and will entertain you with great multicultural imagery. Following them will definitely enrich your timeline.
@lordkilo is a prolific captioneer with a sexy assortment of long-form and short-form captions that will always get you in the mood to celebrate the Blacked future. He has a particular soft spot for promoting interracialism among Slavic and Turkish women, which is a fascinating niche to explore.
@erasewhite has a very infectious way of celebrating white extinction. It’s both direct and playfully devotional at the same time. You’re bound to encounter his oft-reblogged work in the interracial scene, but why not get it directly from the source?
There isn’t a great mainstream universe of interracial publications, sadly. It seeps into general culture in various ways, but “Eurafrika Magazine” has yet to be founded. Nevertheless, since you also asked for content that isn’t kinky in nature, there are some more general pro-Black sources you might enjoy.
The Root is a great e-zine to follow to keep up on Afrocentric culture and politics. If you want to stay hip, make it a daily read!
@medievalpoc showcases the many ways in which people of color were represented in Medieval European art. It’s fascinating since we think of Medieval Europe as a monolithically white place when it really wasn’t. Very educational and beautiful.
I would also suggest you add a few important voices of color to your Twitter feed. There’s many more than the ones I will recommend, but you know how Twitter works: they retweet someone else, you find new people, your universe expands. Nikole Hannah-Jones, April Reign and Ayanna Pressley should be good starting points to get a feel for what’s important to the Black community and how you might be able to help.
I hope that was enough content for now. I’m tempted to also recommend a primer on post-colonial theory, but I don’t want to torture my followers too much.
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thejasonsanchez · 5 years
Example of White Male Submission
Quick reminder: when I say non-white-males I mean men who are not white as well as women of all races.
A lot of interracial-focused material on the internet seems to focus on white males completely refraining from dating and sex, or failing to acquire them, or them being denied to us. The focus is usually on our humiliation, subjugation, and inferiority. That’s perfectly fine of course and can be a great way to promote interracial, non-white-male relationships. But that material is founded chiefly in our own (white boys that is) fetishes and sexual gratification. The point of them is our own pleasure and not necessarily the pleasure of non-white-males.  Which is why it’s not really fitting with the core of White Male Submission: our pleasure and sexual gratification is irrelevant. There is nothing wrong with us dating, having sex, or getting married; so long as those things happen in the course of our Submission.
For example, I’ll give a theoretical situation:
A college-age white male is at a dance club in the downtown area of the city he goes to college in (I’ll skip my recommendations for how, as a white boy, he should act in this situation, just for brevity’s sake). He is having a good time and at some point, he is approached by an African-American woman his age who seems to find him attractive and flirts with him. As a white male who has accepted his submissive nature, he naturally defers to her in all things from that point on. He buys her drinks when she asks, he dances when she wants to, holds her purse when she uses the restroom, acting solely in a way that promotes her enjoyment of the situation. He understands and accepts that his enjoyment simply does not matter compared to hers. That said, he enjoys in his own way the simple act of submitting to her wants and preferences.  And if the young woman decides she wants to be intimate with the boy later, that mentality continues. If it happens that he does enjoy himself, then great, but it’s never his focus.
This situation is more fitting with White Male Submission than if the boy had chosen not to be open to the young woman’s advances out of a sense of inferiority. The young woman had a desire and the boy, as a white male who has accepted his submissiveness, knew that it was his obligation to do whatever he could to fulfill that desire. It’s not about never having pleasure, it’s about putting the pleasure of non-white-males above our own always.
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thejasonsanchez · 5 years
Talking about “white male submission”.
White male submission doesn’t always have to be sexual in nature, in fact most of the time it shouldn’t be. .Think of being a “white ally”. You’re probably familiar but here’s an article explaining: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/how-to-easily-be-a-white-ally-to-marginalized-communities_us_5829f808e4b057e23e314806 but as a quick summary I would describe it as “deference towards those less privileged than you as a white male and taking action to express that deference”. But for the kind of acceptance and submission I’m talking about this same idea must be expanded further: 
 Quick clarification: I use the term “non-white-males” a lot. By this I always mean “all men who are not white and all women in general.” I’m just not aware of a more concise phrase for that.  
1. Be intolerant of intolerance: I’m sure most people have experienced firsthand the toxic effect that other white males, who have not accepted their nature, can have on those around them. Even if they’re not overtly racist or bigoted, they often try to establish dominance or leadership over things they have no business overseeing, inevitably making those around them (and themselves ultimately) miserable. It’s the responsibility of all white males to try and talk some sense into these boys if they possibly can. 
2.Seek out marginalized voices and perspectives: You cannot submit if you don’t know how. Education is critical and the best way to become educated is through exposure. I make a deliberate effort to seek out podcasts, films, books, music, and all other forms of media produced and featuring non-white-males. Thankfully these are quite easy to locate so really there’s no excuse for not doing this. 
3. Confront your racism and don’t be fragile: every white male carries with him some form of bigotry, even if he’s not aware of it, simply as a result of the culture we live in. It takes time, listening, and inner-strength to accept this fact and try to eliminate this from ourselves. I really like what the article’s author says here. Never stop listening, especially if what you hear makes you uncomfortable. Submitting is accepting that your comfort and fragility do not matter in this context. 
4. Use your privilege to support marginalized movements: There’s no reason for a white male who’s accepted himself to not do whatever he can to support these groups. I would add community service groups that focus on non-white-male communities to things like Black Lives Matter or The Women’s March. I’m not saying neglect other aspects of your life, but chances are if you can be somewhere or do something to support, then you should. The key here is to never make it about us. We are not leaders or the focus of anything. We should be polite, always show humility and deference, and do what’s asked/expected of us. The non-white-males around us shouldn’t even notice we’re there until we can be of some use to them. My general rule is “don’t speak unless spoken to”.
5. Give your time and money: Pretty much falls in with #4. Simply no excuse to not be helping in any and every way you can. We’re currently still at a place where white males hold a great deal of economic, social, and political power and it’s the responsibility of every white male who’s committed to submission to leverage that power to the benefit of underprivileged, non-white-male groups. 
6. Be proactive about inclusion in your daily life: the author mostly focuses on a job recruiter role here and they’re right of course. One thing I want to make clear is that submission does not mean a white male can’t be ambitious in his career and be successful. Frankly that just gives us more resources to assist non-white-male communities. That said, it is all our responsibilities to do what we can to make sure non-white-males have maximum access to the workplace and then to make them as comfortable as possible once they’re there.  A white male should never allow their career-choices to negatively impact non-white-males in any way. 
7. Avoid Segregation: This happens as a natural outcome to acceptance and really shouldn’t be hard at all. We’re already patronizing non-white-male stores/restaurants, supporting causes with our time and money, and consuming media where white males are not involved. The author brings up one aspect I haven’t touched on: religion. We should naturally be attracted to non-white churches anyway (and giving our time and money to the causes they support) but I also encourage regular attendance at Masques, Synagogues, and any other religion. We can keep being largely Christian if we wish, but we also must acknowledge that our nature calls us to submit to non-white-males of all religions.
8. Do the work to be inclusive:  The (unfortunate) fact is that currently white males still hold a lot of influence in our society. This is not only un-earned but also detrimental to our overall happiness since it’s contrary to our submissive nature. Thankfully this influence will continue to wane as it has for many decades but until it has fully vanished, we must be conscious of what we say and do in the public eye because those things do carry power still. This all amounts to the necessity of education and it’s something I know from experience. When I first started accepting and expressing my submissiveness, I didn’t pay much attention to learning how to talk about that submissiveness. My answers usually amounted to “it feels right”, “I enjoy it”, or “it’s a worthy cause” when asked why I was volunteering with non-white-male centered organizations like Black Lives Matter or the local refugee assistance group. We must be able to talk about why that work matters and why, as white males, we are called to take on that work. Better still, talk about it in a way that encourages other white males to do the same. 
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thejasonsanchez · 5 years
First post here we go.
None of this will be very well organized or planned( at first), since I really don't know what this blog will even end up looking like. But I wanted to at least have an introduction in case anyone found it. 
I'll try to get into more of my personal story in the future. This is just an introductory post so you know what I'll be focusing on here. Suffice to say that over time I have developed a certain philosophy which I'll outline here: 
White males, as a rule, are naturally submissive to all other races as well as to white women. 
 The hate, anger, and pain we generate, both now and In the past, is a result of our inability to accept this nature. 
 In order to fully be at peace with ourselves we must embrace our submissiveness towards other peoples in all areas of life.
Obviously these are very broad statements. A lot of what I want to be doing is elaborating on these points and providing reasoning, examples, and guidelines that other white boys may find inciteful. These will focus on how I've taken these ideas to heart and the real actions I've taken while following this philosophy. 
For example, I can clarify that while how we act in a sexual-context is vital in following these ideas, we must apply it to our careers, our friendships, our interests, what media we consume, and every other aspect of life. One may be a cuckold, for example, but if he isn't carrying that mentality with him everywhere else than he cannot be truly happy as he hasn't fully accepted his subservient nature. Letting a black man fuck your girlfriend is not the same as supporting black arts, black business, and black political priorities. Advocacy is required and it doesn't stop once you leave the bedroom. My posts will reflect this balance between the sexual and non-sexual. 
 Our society will continue to change dramatically for the foreseeable future and so will our role in it. As other races continue to remove the barriers holding them back, our position in society will naturally continue to fall in terms of power, economic standing, and social attitudes. Fighting this transition is utterly pointless and can only lead to further hate, anger, and division. It is far preferable to accept our changing reality and consequently become at peace with ourselves and others. Just because you are losing the social standing you may have once enjoyed doesn't mean you have to be a miserable racist complaining about immigrants or rap music out of bitterness. With acceptance we can see this transition as the beautiful socio-cultural phenomena that it is. 
One quick point I'll make about what this blog  isn't. Many other blogs deal with the topics of Interracial Cuckolding, fem-dom, and general white boy humiliation. While I personally enjoy this material as much as anyone, there's so much out there already that I don't see what I could possibly contribute. So while my posts may touch on them from time to time (it'll be inevitable with some topics) it simply won't be a main focus. Better writers and artists than me produce that material already so I encourage you to find their pages instead, especially if they’re not run by white males. In fact I encourage following blogs run by POC and white women in general, regardless of subject matter. 
I am a student still so I cannot promise a consistent posting schedule or anything here, but I'll post when I can and in the meantime perhaps re-blog some relevant content. Until then. 
Thanks- J. 
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