🚨 Urgent Appeal 🚨
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Help Us Rebuilding after loss: Mohanad and Farah from Gaza
Hello, we are Mohanad (28) and Farah (23)from Gaza. We live in the midst of war, surviving death by mere luck every single day. Recently, our apartment, which we hadn't move into it, was destroyed, and we lost our income. All we have left is hope.
We aim to raise *$35,000*, a sum that will allow us to leave this dark reality and build a brighter future.
We know there are many in need, but we sincerely hope you can contribute to saving our lives.
Any support, no matter how small, will bring us closer to safety and a new beginning.Thank you for being part of our journey.
My nephew Adam and Zeina: Childhood Resilience Amid the Rubble
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Vetted by association in this post
To donate:
If you need more information about our situation please feel free to contact us via our Social Media accounts below 👇
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Mohanad & Farah
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last €780 for hazem’s evacuation fund let’s go let’s go let’s go
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Journalist Ismail Al-Ghoul was targeted while doing his job. He was wearing a shield with the word “Press” written on it and a helmet. There is no international body that protects this profession. The profession of journalists has become a profession of death. For your information, my husband Mohammed is also a journalist and I am afraid for him. Please help us reach the target and save my family.
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@malcriada @thedigitalbard @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @sibmakesart @sar-soor @sayruq
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I don't know how many posts I must write so you can spare a second of your time for Mohammed Al-Habil (@alhabil) and his family. What more can I say that I haven't said before? He is a year older than me. He is a kind husband to an incredible woman named, Aya, and he is a loving and protective father to his three young children, Ahmed (8), Mira (4), Osama (6).
His kids have been in contact with scabies. It is the harsh skin rash that has spread across camps due to the polluted water. They also have their tent brunt down and sustained minor injuries a month ago. Mohammed has elderly parents and supports them at the same time. Their health declines day-by-day. I've mentioned this so many times, but no one is listening. Otherwise, he would have completed his goal by now, but donations would come in hours after hours.
Let's pick up the pace and help them achieve the short-term goal of 30K in 3 days once more! As of writing this, €27,946 has been raised. There is €2,054 left to go! If we do the math, we need 410 people to give a minimum of €5 to achieve the short-term amount!
You can partake in a raffle hosted by the @/thedailydescent for a chance to win 4 free day passes and an annual membership to aquarium!
Donate. Verification (#166). Raffle.
Thank you to the @/thedailydescent for your support!❤️
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Save me and my family. Don't leave us alone. Donate to me and my family and share the link
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Keep Gaza connected
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Link to the twitter thread: https://x.com/oridepato/status/1772062549220929986?s=46&t=k_zC2KOGchduOvGrPSZTog
Simly tutorial: https://x.com/mambangstory/status/1739555477846212832?s=46&t=k_zC2KOGchduOvGrPSZTog
Video tutorial: https://x.com/brownisthecolor/status/1748468717787533553?s=46&t=k_zC2KOGchduOvGrPSZTog
Holafly tutorial: https://x.com/gayjeris/status/1751225312623423818?s=46&t=k_zC2KOGchduOvGrPSZTog
The Google docs from: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfpEdXPgJt2DeBe7fKo-XFpOi2JGjG5Q6i7IimFwrfSRxDGsw/formResponse
Please donate if you are able, esims are extremely important!!!
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London-based student Lewis Hornby is a grandson on a mission. When he noticed that his dementia-afflicted grandmother was having trouble staying hydrated, he came up with Jelly Drops—bite-sized pods of edible water that look just like tasty treats.
Each of these colorful “candies” is made up of mostly water, with gelling agents and electrolytes making up just 10% of their composition. Available in a rainbow of colors and presented in packaging reminiscent of a box of chocolates, Jelly Drops are an easy and engaging way to avoid dehydration—a common problem for those suffering from degenerative neurological diseases.
“It is very easy for people with dementia to become dehydrated,” he explains. “Many no longer feel thirst, don’t know how to quench thirst, or don’t have the dexterity to drink.” With this in mind, Hornby set out to find a solution. In addition to seeking advice from psychologists and doctors, he opted to “experience” life with dementia himself through the use of virtual reality tools and a week in a care home.
Once he was familiar with what dementia patients need, he brainstormed what they want. “From my observations, people with dementia find eating much easier than drinking. Even still, it can be difficult to engage and encourage them to eat. I found the best way to overcome this is to offer them a treat! This format excites people with dementia, they instantly recognize it and know how to interact with it.”
Case in point? Hornby’s own grandmother’s reaction: “When first offered, grandma ate seven Jelly Drops in 10 minutes, the equivalent to a cup full of water—something that would usually take hours and require much more assistance.”
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Hawaii is not a trend. Support needs to be continuous.
There are more ways to help than just donations. Listen to locals, share their stories and support them directly.
Please support them directly.
Hawaii's history is full of the government, military, and U.S. investors betraying Hawaii's trust and desecrating our culture. TMT and Red Hill (Navy poisons drinking water) are just recent examples.
Another reason you should support locals directly is because some organizations like Red Cross have been treating locals like shit. Generally being uncaring or just standing around acting like security guards.
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‘Āina Momona is a great place to look for direct donations to local organizations or families effected by the fires.
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CGI animators should unionize next. normally, their jobs would be too precarious to strike, since studios would replace them without a second thought, but if it's part of this larger general film strike, they might finally have meaningful power to better their working conditions
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I honestly do not think “AI will never be as good as human creativity” is a good argument at this point. Like yes, it is true right now, but they’re just going to keep trying to prove it wrong. To me the line is, “Modern AI is built off of PLAGIARISM, UNPAID and UNDERPAID labor.” AI is a labor rights issue, not just for the people who’s labor it would replace, but for the people whose labor was STOLEN for the AI to “create” anything.
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Look. I have literally no horse in this race when it comes to the WGA/SAG Hollywood strike. I do not watch enough TV or movies to be affected and I’m not a part of the industry. I really haven’t cared.
As a lawyer and orchardist, however, I am now utterly entranced by the fact that some Universal Studios exec thought it was a good idea to cut down city-owned trees in the middle of summer.
There is no way to get around the absolute clusterfuck they have brought down upon themselves.
First, the ownership question. These trees are not owned by Universal. They’re the City of Los Angeles’ trees. That means the responsibility, and the right, to maintain them belongs to the city government. If you want to touch city property like that, you better have their permission. If not, you’re looking at anything from fines, to replacement/maintenance costs, to jail time.
Now, I don’t know LA, and I’m not licensed in California, but a lot of cities also require permits for any massive trimming like that that can affect public property (like the roads and sidewalks).
Second, they have zero excuses that can even remotely minimize the trouble they’re in. Anything that justifies that kind of pruning at this time of year would have likely required the full removal and destruction of the trees.
Because that level of pruning? You don’t do that in summer. You absolutely do not do that in summer unless the trees are dying or infested with something. Why? Because summer is healthy growth time. Summer is when your trees need all the energy they can get so they can grow and strengthen their branches and roots.
It’s also when they’re susceptible to diseases. Various bacteria, fungi, and insects strike during the summer and can cause severe damage. By trimming those trees so severely, not only are there a ton of gapping wounds for diseases to enter the tree, they’re now stressed by trying to replace that lost growth, which makes it even harder for them to survive any further damage.
Basically, Universal Studios might end up accidentally killing the trees. Which will make everything so much worse.
So, yeah. Now I’m invested.
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This will probably fall on deaf ears I’m guessing because the people who should be listening aren’t going to pay attention the reality of what this means
But yeah most people striking don’t even come close to making a proper living wage let alone in the LA area
Are there rich people in the guild? Of course
But that’s not the majority who need the better contracts
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