Although you only meet once a week this class is no joke guys. If you plan on getting an A in this class be prepared to read, do research , and manage your time wisely. 
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I recommend you go to the writing center as many times as needed it really helps especially for the lit review i used it and it really helped me bring my grade up a bit. Its gonna get  tough but towards the end it gets really fun especially if you're in a group for the AVA project and if your in group i recommend picking the topic with the most information. its gonna make things a lot easier.
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I cant stress it enough guys learn how to use your time wisely. the semester is gonna go by QUICK and you really need to be on point most of the assignments are on tumblr but they have to turn in at certain time. So try doing all of them every point counts guys. GOOD LUCK!!!!
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The content created and/or utilized in this website by Kevin Ordoque is for non-commercial, educational purposes only. Any opinions expressed therein are those of Kevin Ordoque alone.
All text, data, art, graphics, code or hyperlinks in this website are either original, directly linked to original sources, used in good faith under academic “fair use,” or, to the best of my knowledge, are non-copyright. In case of questions about copyright or intellectual property rights, please contact Kevin Ordoque, and if need be, they will be removed.
Any commercial or advertising graphics and text reproduced or displayed in any way are for educational purposes only and do not imply endorsement by the University of Texas at El Paso, the UTEP English Department, the UTEP RWS-UP Program, or the website’s creator. No payment or compensation of any kind has been received or solicited for the display of any link, graphic, text, or other specific content in this website.
All original content is the intellectual property of Kevin Ordoque and permission and acknowledgment are required for any reproduction or modification.
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Coming into this semester i had no expectations on what kind of reading was going to be required because for rws 1301 the readings weren't mandatory. When i found out what material we had to read I wasn’t really worried about I thought it was going to be very useful until I started reading and ended up hating it because I tend to get bored very easily and I fall asleep every time I started reading something that’s not very appalling to me. Some of the material we covered were on how to do research, what research questions to ask, and the different types of genres there are. One thing is for sure reading about how to do research is something that I’m going to be using for years to come because my major requires a lot of research. All the reading material really helped they went hand in hand with our assignments and answer some questions while reading them on how to do the assignments. The one reading assignment that I really didn’t like was the one about the genres, I had a very hard time focusing and didn’t really catch my attention took me quite a while to read the whole chapter. The only revision I recommend would be more on the lit review since it was the most difficult assignment.  
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For the Genre Analysis I had absolutely no prior knowledge on completing the assignment. I did poorly on this assignment I didn’t meet the criteria, and didn’t get the purpose of the assignment. I felt very limited In the resources I could use for the assignment making it difficult to add much needed details affecting the progress for the assignment. What I learned about this assignment though is that writing and rhetoric isn’t so boring because of the different genres you can use to get the same message across. I think learning this will help me out a lot in my communications class next semester. The revision process for this assignment was not very good as i really didn't feel like i had the right amount of material needed to provide details. also none of the readings really helped out for this assignment for me because i had a hard time focusing on them since i found them to be a bit boring.   
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I also had no prior knowledge on completing the assignment for the lit review. Although it was the most difficult I really felt like I met the criteria and accomplished the purpose. I learned a lot about my topic which was Alzheimer’s disease and got to meet the associate director of the Alzheimer’s association here in El Paso, TX.  I also learned on how to ask the right research questions which will prove to be useful soon because of my major. One skill that i will keep implementing is going to the writing center more often if it wasn’t for that my lit review would have been a total mess. Devoting the adequate amount of time and research plus going to the writing center are what facilitated my progress. The revision process was very effective in my opinion only change i would of made would be getting the assignment revised one more time by the teacher. Reading about what research questions to ask is what helped out the most for this assignment. 
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Same goes for this assignment I had no prior knowledge on completing the assignment. It was a very fun assignment without a doubt I got to work with a great team and presenting was a lot of fun. I felt like I met the criteria and accomplished the purpose of the assignment. For this assignment, I learned a lot about something that I didn’t even know existed which was mitochondrial transplant therapy. I also learned how to create a website, which could come in handy next semester. What really facilitated the progress for this assignment was the team work and using our time wisely. the revision process was very effective in my opinion because the whole team revised it and made sure it was well done only thing i would of done different is having gone to the writing center for their opinion. reading on how to do research is what really helped us out the most. 
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Edgar man great response i really enjoyed reading your post. I also really enjoyed working with you in class. I also agree with you in the tumbler part man when you said you didnt k now how to us it i get how you felt man. but anyways keep up the good work!
Tumblr Reflection
As the end of the year is approaching we can now look back at how far we have come since the beginning of the year. Back in August when we started this course, I felt that I was a good writer but not necessarily good at using rhetoric. I believed this class was gonna educated me on how to be a better writer and improve those skills so they could be effective in my other college courses. My expectations were met with me learning various strategies and techniques. One technique in particular that stood out from the rest was the use of mixed media. In tumblr as well as other scenarios, I learn to incorporate mixed media to help support and provide a visual representation of the information. This technique only further my knowledge on rhetoric and made me become more efficient at using it. 
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Throughout the year I wrote many responses and I have selected three I think are my best.
In this post I talked about the importance of constructing arguments and what to take into consideration when doing so. I liked this post because I feel it can relate to real world scenarios and because the information the post was responding to help me a ton during the big assignments such as the lit review and the AVA.
In this post I responded to misleading survey questions and I felt this response brought to my mind various real life scenarios that I have experienced. I have done so many surveys in my life so reflecting on the subject caught my attention. In the real world many people do surveys but often times they don’t ask their questions correctly and as such many wrong answers are given. I liked my response because I feel that when a topic connects with you we tend to write better.
The last response I have attached to this post deals with analyzing data. No other topic struck closer to home in all of this year like this one. As an industrial engineer we analyze data constantly and use it for all our projects. As such when I was writing this post I knew that analyzing data is extremely important not only in english bu also in industrial engineering. 
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When we started the course I was honestly completely against using tumblr for academic reasons. I hated using it because I did not understand how to use it properly (which cost me some assignments). However by this point I can honestly say that using tumblr is a much better experience than using blackboard for similar assignments. You could even say i enjoyed using it. As I became accustomed to using it, doing assignments on tumblr became a breeze.
What I liked more about tumblr was the clean look and feel of the website and how easy it is to just start writing. Interacting with your classmates through responses helps a lot because sometimes you may miss something from the reading but your classmate may catch it and then you can read it off there response. What I did not like from using tumblr was the user profile page as I felt that after so many posts you have to scroll down endlessly to find a previous post or response. I honestly would not change the use of tumblr for what it is being used currently as I feel it is a good engaging experience to learn and interact with classmates.
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Great post you really put out a lot of detail for this post. it really shows you enjoyed the class.i really like your gifs that you used their funny. anyways keep up the great work man.
Tumblr Reflection
At the start of the semester I was told that this class would practically be the same as RWS 1301 but with the use of Tumblr by classmates and I immediately hated it. I couldn’t believe that i would waste an entire semester on pretty much the same class and therefore I huffed and buffed to class each week for the first month. My thinking of this class began to change when I saw that although much of RWS 1301 was implemented, this class went farther into what it takes to be an effective written. The Genre analysis and Literature Review really tested me in a way I felt no other assignments had before. My writing therefore improved and my skills regarding effective analysis skyrocketed. Now that this class is coming to an end I am left wondering, how much more is there for me to learn? I was so naive in thinking I knew it all at the start of the semester that I know feel like I am still a novice. Implementing data is an area that improved the most for myself, I never really took into account how much work effective data analysis took and I now have a deeper resect for journalist and writers. My GIF below shows a pretty good image of myself trying to write a Literature review and genre analysis, to say it kicked my butt would be an understatement as it did a lot more than just that.
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The use of Tumblr allowed me to get comfortable with the use of multimodality and mixed media. At the start of the semester I had no idea what Tumblr even was or why people use it. Th use of videos, GIFS, pictures, and more really allowed me to express myself in a way that words couldn’t. I feel like the use of multi media allows me to really grasp that emotional feel that words sometimes cant. This became very useful when explaining certain things week in and week out. During the semester I learned that that an effective student is not only required to master the traditional writing but also the technological advances this new age has, I believe this to be true now more than ever. With so much technological media and advances its important to be fluent in all these areas as more and more people now a days get their news and entertainment online rather than a traditional print. With the use of multi media I am also able to attract more audiences, especially the younger generation that rely on new advances and online communication. I couldn’t be more satisfied with the use of Tumblr this semester, it allowed me to grasp an understanding of another social media tool as well as communication between my classmates this semester. The bottom GIF shows my reaction to Tumblr from the start of the semester to the end and how my emotions towards it changed. 
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The following posts are my personal favorites from the semester:
Week 12 Framing Arguments
Week 12 centered on framing arguments and this caught my attention more than any other chapter in the book. This chapter allowed me to understand the importance of arguments which included that its not always about wining the argument, something that I didn’t know.This chapter helped me understand the literature review and helped me write my paper. I can honestly say this chapter was the most influential for me this entire semester. At the time of this post the presidential debates were also going on and I loved having the opportunity to call out Donald Trump on his hypocrisy. Being able to use SNL skits regarding the presidential debates was an added bonus. Sadly after the election I felt stuck in depression for the next week but thats a story for some other time. 
Week 7 Summaries and Research
Week 7 reading response was one that I felt I did an exceptionally good job as it  incorporated 3 different readings. That week was one leading up to the Lit review and the chapter going over effective summaries really helped me out a ton. With so many sources to use on the Lit review it was important to implement them effectively and this became a lot harder than I expected. Thankfully this week 7 gave me a good understanding of how to properly do it and it also gave me the resources I needed that were available to me here at UTEP. This post also had plenty of classmates responding to it so it made me feel they really gravitated to what I was saying and made me really proud of my work that week.
Lit Review Topic Proposal
The post regarding the lit review proposal is now one of my favorites because it makes me realize how naive I was going into this project. I was told this was the biggest assignment of the semester and I brushed it off feeling pretty confident in my abilities as a writer, I quickly realized how hard it would be. Not only did I change my 3 questions over and over and over again but analysis data and putting it all together became a task that not only took a lot of time but also a lot of hard work. Looking back at this post makes me chuckle now as I cant believe how I viewed it before even starting it. Regardless of this fact I loved my proposal, its one I’ve been talking about since last semester in RWS 1301 and its one that is very personal to me. Being able to speak about this to my peers and other outside of class is something I have enjoyed doing and I hope to continue this in order to raise awareness.
Using Tumblr was a unique experience and I learned over the semester to really enjoy it.While I do believe that it is added work instead of just simply submitting it on blackboard, Tumblr allowed me to express myself in ways that texts wouldn’t, it also allowed me to use my personality and humor instead of making it dull and boring. This is probably my favorite thing about tumblr, college can be tedious and boring at times and having something like tumblr allows us students to enjoy what we are doing. Lets face it, who really enjoys writing about writing? not many of us. I believe tumblr allowed us to communicate with our classmates and in a way forced us to get to know one another. This was something really unique as I have classes where I only the names of the few students sitting next to me. Tumblr was a great way of deriving what we had read that week and read others responses to see their perspective on it as well, personally I loved the Tumblr experience and would not change anything about it.
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week 15 reading response
weeks 15 reading response is from the article “Developing Multimodal Academic Literacies among College Freshmen” by Gloria Jacobs. The article talks about research that as done, requiring students to use multimodal texts and traditional texts to support academic literacy skills. Just like we have been doing this semester. Using multimodal texts and traditional texts are a great way to enhance literacy in students today and the author Gloria Jacobs agrees because  technology is advancing and so should our methods of teaching and learning. using multimodal texts are as good as using traditional texts teach and learn that’s why they should both be used just like in our class. At the end the research done provided successful results, students were applying the traditional skills to their multimodal assignments very well. What I liked about this article was that it talked about what we are currently doing as it’s a much more engaging way to learn and if this is also used to help teach high school students then the results should be astonishing. This relates to my major because when you discover something while conducting research and it becomes widely accepted in the scientific community you’ll have to come up with a presentation to show your results and just like in our ava presentation all od these things will come into play.
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Reflection post
As the semester is about to end i can tell you that the experience was a lot better than i had imagined at the beginning. At first i looked at writing and rhetoric as something very boring that only involved writing essays. Now that the semester is coming to an end I’m glad I learned that its not all about writing essay but that writing and rhetoric can be used in various ways that are much more appealing to me that writing essays.
the week 7 reading response is my favorite post because it was the most entertaining one to me because I could really understand what it was talking about and apply the material learned for he lit review.
my second favorite post is the topic proposal for the lit review. At first I had no idea on what my lit review should have been on at the time so when the time came to pick something a topic I just went with Alzheimer’s. I’m so glad I did because I learned so much about this disease and got to meet the chapter director of the Alzheimer’s association here in El Paso, TX.
For my last one I choose the introduction post just because I really liked the gifs that I used for it and even though I turned it in late and got a 0 it’s still the funniest one to me.
Using tumbler instead of blackboard to summit the responses has been one of the coolest decisions utep has ever made. It’s a lot more reliable than blackboard and it makes it feel like you’re not doing any homework. What I liked most about tumbler was using the gifs you could really tell a story only using gifs and that awesome. The only thing I didn’t like is that for people who have never used tumbler before the website does a poor job on showing you how to use all its features to this day I still don’t know how to use all of tumbler.
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I like your outline Karina it looks like yours might be one of the best AVA presentations. Your topic is great too because I still remember when I had to take all those stupid test and then in high school when they started with that star test shit. Half my class failed the writing test twice actually back to back I failed as well. Im also very impressed youre even going to be interviewing people for this very nice. I wish I could give you more feedback but im not very good at reviewing things especially for a writing class but so far so good.  
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AVA outline
The AVA project is done by me, myself and I. For this project I am sticking to the teaching and students topic, as some of y’all know. It’s going to touch base on the struggles the elementary students have with preparation for the EOC, STAR. I will touch base on how the teachers have to stick to the Common Core to prepare for these state testing. Within this poster I will state a couple different programs and different teaching strategies the tutors and teachers can do to better the learning for the kids. My audience will be for the teachers, tutors and parents.  My poster will be breaking down into different parts. For example; the problem, solutions, references, visuals. My visuals will be a chart, which will show the statics of the students and how the state testing has gotten harder and how these programs can help the kids better their scores. For my references I will have a couple of the same one of my lit review but I will add in some more for the programs. And I will also interview 3rd, 4th, 5th grade teachers from an elementary school here in El Paso. This all combined will give my poster more creditability. 
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( For some reason my mac does not want to focus on the outline but this is a basic outline of my poster) the interviews are missing because they will happen this week on Thursday and Friday and i am missing some parts to it. i decided to post this pic so y'all can see what is basically is going to be. 
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This gif represents the amount of papers i have between all the research and interviews i have from this assignment. 
hope y'all like it and kinda understand it :) 
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The reading for this week was on Chapter 8  and 9. Chapter 8 was about arguments and how they can be defined. It talks about how arguments can be mistaken to be all about just wining the conversation like in a debate or politics. When its all about just persuading the audience to see your point of view and using rhetoric skills to do so.
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 Chapter 9, was all about making a good argument. By looking at the purpose, audience, evidence, assumptions, and qualifications, by organizing an argument in this way you can increase your chances of persuading the audience. It also, talked about how using inductive and deductive reasoning is very important to have a good argument. It also mentioned how finding the general and particular assumptions and assertions is important to make your argument more credible and help win the argument.
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 These chapters can be very well used in my major because often times in the scientific field researchers will find things that not everyone will agree on so by building a good argument like mentioned in chapter 9 you could prove your finds to be right.
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group: kevin ordoque, edgar solis, and vanessa 
the outline of our website will start with
1. home page with images relating to mitochondrial transplant therapy and an intro as to why its needed.
2. have a tab that talks all about what mitochondrial transplant therapy is.
3.Tab with info on why its needed and who it benefits.
4. Tab with info where people can get a transplant, links to other websites for more info and he research thats gong on today for mitochondrial transplant therapy.
5. a tab with success stories, patient reviews and doctor reviews. 
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Karina great response on the article. I think you hit all the main points about it right on. I also liked the gifs that you decided to use relating to writing directly, and how you plan on using all this information we have been learning from reading towards your future career as a teacher. You might as well be an English teacher honestly. But like a mentioned earlier I really liked your responds it was short and sweet straight to the point. Keep up the good work karina.
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In the article “Made Not Only in Words: Composition in a New Key”, by Kathleen Blake Yancey compared and contrasted the 19th century and the 21st century. Back in the 19th century technology played a major role with the new steam printing press and cheaper paper, reading material became more accessible(19th century) now in days people read much less due to technology, people only read through social media. the article told us that around this time it was called the Industrial Age. before paper was used to be simple only putting ideas now the new literacies you have to develop certain steps.it also talks about how writing now and days is shown or expressed by social media, blogs.  the main point of the article was basically literacy is a powerful thing we use in our lives now matter how much it changes we approach writing through out our days. like the author said what we might call a series of newly imagined communities, communities that cross borders of all kinds—nation state, class, gender, ethnicity we all participate in writing.
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( I picked this gif because we all start of with tools to write and create on a paper)
I liked this article a lot I learn a couple things about writing, it helped me a bit in my assignment, if I never need help on my topic I can always refer back to this article, this also relates to my major quite a bit because as a teacher I am going to be writing and reading a lot which helps both me and my students.
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(I picked this gif because we use social media everyday to read and find out either gossip or news but we still read throughout these)
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( I also picked tis gif because I’m going to be a teacher mr.feeny is a teacher and who doesn't  love this show it was a good one.
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My AVA topic will be presented as a website. Topic/focus question: Should mitochondrial replacement therapy be allowed in the U.S? Audience: U.S citizens (adults) Purpose: it's not about being ethically right or wrong its about giving a child a chance to live. Position/Advocacy: thousands of children are born with mitochondrial disorders every year and rarely get to live passed their ealry childhood. This can easily change by convincing the FDA to allow mitochondrial replacement therapy in the U.S Solution: starting a petition, or protesting to allow mitochondrial replacement therapy
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Paulina I agree with you chapter 5 was the least useful material we read this week it gave out some useful information but I think we should all know what type of summaries to right for this lit review by now. I also agree with you about chapter 6 it was the most useful one because this lit review will be difficult just because of the research we have to do. I really liked your response Paulina and agree with everything you had to say about this weeks reading material.
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Week 7 Reading Response!
This week we had to read chapter five and chapter six. Chapter five talked a lot about summaries, the myths that come with it, and overall how to write an effective one. In my honest opinion, I don’t really think it was the most important chapter to me, since like our teacher told us in class, our abstract, as long as we have one, we will get credit for it. Yet, since the abstract is the first thing a reader reads when it comes to our lit review, I do think it was still an important read, and plus, I could always learn how to summarize better since I do use that a lot. Chapter six talks about synthesis, which is basically taking everything you have researched and written and putting it together to make it one paper. I thought this chapter was pretty useful, since that’s where I think I will struggle, taking everything and putting it together, while still making it flow. As for the blackboard reading, that one talked about misleading questions (mainly for our interview or survey that we will use in our lit review). Out of all I think this one helped me the most, I’m probably going to do an interview over a survey and this really helped with what type of questions to ask and refrain from asking. It also helped how to word them to get the information you need, which is incredibly important for this review. This went really well with chapter 3 from the handbook which talked also about questions for our lit review, but also how to do the research and where. I already know most sources we can use for this, but like I said I think the whole part where it talks about our questions is so useful, the questions we will ask can make or break our paper. (this particular gif is me processing everything and trying to prepare for the lit review)
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Great response Karina. I liked how you broke down the main points about each chapter and how detailed you were. You kept me very entertained while reading your response. Specially the gif that you used that shows how you looked when you were reading all the material because I was the same way. And just like you I can’t decide whether I want to use an interview or a survey this lit review is going to be more complicated than I thought. Well Karina overall great response and I look forward into reading you r future post.
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week 7 RR
this week we were assigned chapter 5 and 6 from writing in transit book and also chapter 3 from the handbook and then also the misleading interview and survey questions.
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(this was me when I was reading everything)
chapter 5 was about correcting common myths about summaries, and requisites for writing summary, different occasions and effective summaries across context. during the chapter it talked about three myths during summary objective and easy to write summary’s and summaries aren’t used in college. then it gave us prereuisites for writing summaries. some critical prerequities the chapter told me was careful reading and understanding the occasion for the summaries. but my favorite part of this chapter was where it gave me the criteria for effectives summaries it helped me a lot.
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(how I was like in the chapter, everything was important to me or it had a good important point that I wanted to remember.)
chapter 6 was about synthesis, and what was the purpose and question, criteria, and the modes of synthesis. the chapter talked about the purpose of this and I liked how it explained everything like making connections and apply one or more ides to contexts, and show disagreement and then combining ideas. I really liked the examples the chapter gave me. this chapter was very complex and gave a lot of good information.
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( how I felt with all this information after reading everything. )
chapter 3 from the handbook was about research, technology and the library. the beginning was about primary research and that talked about planning and composing. then it talked about plagiarism . then towards the end it talked about the UTEP library.
I really enjoyed all these chapters it really helped me out a lot with all the info it gave us, I feel like it will help me with my research in my lit review. I cant decide if I want a survey or interview but I’m leaning more towards a survey.
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Week 7 reading response
Week sevens readings consisted of chapter 5 and 6, and the article “Misleading Interview and Research Questions”. Chapter 5 was about the different, more complex style of summaries we can use to help the reader get a better understanding about what’s going on in each summary besides using your regular simple summary. Chapter 6 was about using synthesis can be very helpful to make understanding the summary a lot easier, coming up with new ideas and touching on previously mentioned stuff in the writing. What I liked about these 2 chapters is that they both talked about a historical site chapter 5 talked about the stupa in Nepal and chapter 6 talked about Stonehenge in the UK. The article was straight forward it gave examples of how not to right a survey question and how using different words in your paper can make up to a 20% difference in how good your paper is. Although simple and straight forward for me this was the most useful it helped give me better idea on how to write my lit review. This week’s readings all relate to my major because all of it can help me when I have to write a lab report. I chose this gif because it relates to the readings
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Great response you gave a fair amount of detail about each chapter and the video. It was entertaining which is good since I get bored very fast. You also picked out some pretty funny gifs. Other than that great job being clear, and straight to the point while providing a good amount of details.
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This weeks assignment was to read chapter 3 and 4 and then the video holy craap. Chapter three was about disciplinarily and questions. How to create a good research question and how to make it effective. Also strategies for posing meaningful questions. The chapter also talks about how the writer requires learning how to develop strong and academic questions. I really liked how the chapter talked about maintaining significance. It also talked about using question heuristic. It poses questions, like interpretive questions, disciplinary questions, and quantitative questions.
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( when I am told to write a research questions and I still don’t know what to write about.)
chapter four expands on chapter 3, it talks about how to use the questions to develop your writing and reading questions. it helps to think on what to read for the paper. it also tells you how to pick out what the questions mean. for example what’s the purpose, methodology and what project are you reading. it helps you by giving us primary materials and secondary materials.
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( how I feel when I finally understand what I’m reading)
I really enjoyed these chapters, they were both really good and gave me a great understanding on research questions. this relates to my major because I need to write a lot of papers here from the time till I graduate and I need to know how to understand and write a good meaningful question.
the video holy craap, craap stands for; currency, relevance, authority, accurate and purpose which all of them have to do with writing
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Great response Lucy! You were straight to the point and very clear. I Just wish you would of said what your major was again because I forgot. I also think you just forgot to mention the video that was on blackboard. Besides that you did a great job and really liked the gifs that you used.
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Reading Response
In chapter 3 was about the structure and how we can form a good research question. It also tells us when you know your writing a good research question vs when your not. This chapter will help me a lot because I’m clearly lost when writing the research question.
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 I love this chapter because it will help me in so many ways when dong the literature review. The chapter is giving me a really good example on how to make a good research question a good one and checking it if it is or not. Also if the research question your doing will really help you for the literature review. Just think this will be super helpful even if i still have questions about the assignment i can simple go back and read the chapter again.
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Chapter 3 and 4 are really related to my major because in a certain point of my career i will have to write a research paper. Since i will know by that point how to create a research question and how to find good information to back up my question will be easy. Also i will be able to help people with their research paper even if still having trouble by then i can look up examples to remind my mind.
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I used this GIF’s because thats how i feel. The first gif i used it because no matter how many times i try doing something i still get lost and confused. The second one because i go sometimes and reread a chapter to understand it better. And the last one because i will be doing research papers and projects in my career in the medical field.
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