thekingswoman · 7 years
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thekingswoman · 7 years
The bar was doused in the warm evening glow of chandeliers, and in the corner, a grande piano played softly. Normally he would enjoy it, but Remy’s head was pounding, an irritated pang making his left eyelid twitch in the wake of his afternoon. He had to shake it off, though, he still had to meet with the client and the fact that he allowed himself to be this distracted was enough to inspire some incredibly creative thoughts on what he would do if it were to happen again. It was the distinctive pock-pock of high heeled shoes that first drew him out of the brooding storm cloud swirling around his head to see the elegant line of green silk and diamonds sliding onto the stool beside him. 
The pale flash of skin through the slit in her skirt tempted his eye southward, but Remy forced his gaze to her face first, extending his open palm in request for her own. She was beautiful, even without all the finery, she would have been striking, and he couldn’t remember the last time he had been employed by anyone that wasn’t a rich nut job looking to take over the world, or take down some particular person who got in their way. 
Slowly, he smiled, and found it brought him some relief to the pounding pain between his temples as he leaned forward to kiss her gloved fingers. 
“Enchanté,” he said, finding that he meant it. “Your assistant did not mention you would be so beautiful.” He leaned back, straightening in his seat and sweeping a hand down his silk tie. “Gambit understands you have a problem that needs his particular set of skills, non? What can he do for you, Belle?”
Good looking and charming. Rogue didn’t let her gaze follow the path his long fingers took down his tie, but that she wanted to... maybe this would be more fun than she’d thought. She gave him a slow smile, honestly amused despite her misgivings, and thanked the bartender when he set her whiskey down in front of her on a napkin. Meeting her reflection in his sunglasses, she let her smile widen.  She clicked open her clutch and pulled out a folded piece of paper. “Oh, nothin’ too arduous for you, I imagine, but it’d mean a great deal to me.” She slid the paper over. On it was an amount. Just writing it out had made her feel a bit sick; rich people were crazy. “Somethin’ was stolen from one of my more interestin' charities. I’d like you to get it back.” A thumb drive followed he piece of paper. The “charity” in question, of course, was Xavier’s, and what had been stolen was a control collar, one that neutralized mutant powers, but at a steep cost. Wearing it too long could kill you. The man who’d stolen it? The one she was currently hiring. It was kind of poetic. Especially since the people he’d stolen it for weren’t nearly as easy to steal from as the X-Men.  She looked up at him through lashes. “And if you could do it quietly, I’d be mighty appreciative.” 
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thekingswoman · 7 years
@thequeensman; not quite an heiress
Rogue wondered why these missions were always her job. Just because she ran on the wrong side of the tracks, once upon a time, didn’t make her the best choice for getting in touch with lowlifes and scumbags now. It’d been years since then. They really should have sent Logan instead. Some days, he was a lowlife, and damn proud of it.  Still, here she was, dressed to the nines in a slinky bit of green that played peekaboo as she moved. Or at least it looked that way. A pale, nude colored body suit made the illusion a good one. While she might trust her friends enough to run around in whatever she liked, Rogue really didn’t want any of these folks in her head if she could help it. Diamonds, courtesy of the Professor, glittered at her wrists, throat, and ears.  She looked good. More than that, she looked expensive. Which was part of the lure when dealing with thieves. Rogue was suddenly thankful for her troubled childhood. Mystique had been a hell of an acting coach. Rogue pulled up the whisper of her psyche now, putting it in the crisp click of her heels, the inviting sway of her hips, and the sultry curve of her lips.  Rogue could flirt, she was good at it, but she was rarely subtle in her danger.  The bar was high-end, the stools probably more expensive than anything she owned. She slid onto one, the slit in the side of her dress revealing a long stripe of toned leg. “Whiskey neat,” she told the bartender, because hell if she was drinking something weaker, and flicked the man sitting beside her a slow, appraising look. He was good looking and dressed in a way that said he was very well aware of it; good, vanity she could work with.  “Mr. LeBeau? I’m Marianne Page. My assistant spoke to ya on the phone.”
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thekingswoman · 7 years
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“Don’t ya think it’s a little much?”
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thekingswoman · 7 years
As soon as I get off my butt (and get better), I’m going to redo Rogue’s theme and get her back to being active. Pneumonia’s been kicking my ass, though, and I’ve been over de-hiatusing Logan. But yeah, once I’m better and less lazy. :D
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thekingswoman · 7 years
she fell she crashed she broke she cried she crawled she hurt she surrendered and then…. she rose again.
Nausicaa Twila 
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thekingswoman · 7 years
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Rogue @ Gambit
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thekingswoman · 7 years
"X-Men: Evolution: Cajun Spice (#4.6)" (2003)
Rogue: What is it with you and cards?
Gambit: Well it's like having 52 explosives tucked away in a little pocket. I always save her for last
Rogue: Queen of Hearts
Gambit: [Gambit kisses the card] My lucky lady. She's gotten me out of a whole load of jams
Rogue: Then I need a deck of those.
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thekingswoman · 7 years
Hiding over here until things calm down on my Logan account.
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thekingswoman · 7 years
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thekingswoman · 8 years
This​ is my Wolvie. Hit me up. I’ll be over there, cleaning house.
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thekingswoman · 8 years
"Woman! Don't you argue with me. Married. Now."
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Rogue crossed her arms and lifted a very unimpressed eyebrow. “Not without a ring, a dress, and a trip to the Professor  to make sure you’re not possessed.”
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thekingswoman · 8 years
-kicks in her door and walks in like a hero- Roguie! We gettin' married. In de last few weeks dis cajun has met at least three of de babies we gon' make in another world, verse, timeline, whatever de hell its called, and dere ain't no escape.
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“Did Hank give you the good drugs again?”
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thekingswoman · 8 years
adamantiumborn replied to your post “Thinking very seriously of bringing back my ‘90s Wolverine. ”
*whispers* 90s logan meets current logan threads
THERE WOULD BE SUCH CONFLICTED FEELINGS. He would just squint at him and be like, "What the flamin' hell happened?"  And judging. So much judging.
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thekingswoman · 8 years
Thinking very seriously of bringing back my ‘90s Wolverine. 
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thekingswoman · 8 years
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thekingswoman · 8 years
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