thekleidoscope · 8 years
Thkleidoscope to thekleidoscopex
Hi Guys! Got some problem signing in to my e-mail linked to this personal blog. That’s why I made a new one as stated above. Good thing this account is still signed in on my mobile! Hope you could check it out! Happy Halloween! 👻
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thekleidoscope · 8 years
September 04, 2016
It has been a constant thing in my head — I am one hard person to please. Ever since College, I’ve been very careful in choosing who I will trust. When it comes to love, well I love the idea. I love books that time and perfect man from books is what I imagine myself to meet someday and create one clichè love story.
But life can be a little playful at times, I fell in love with a friend. He tried to fit into my world and I kinda let him in. We had a sort of a love story. It started with changing of tweets, sharing my knowledge in blogging, him liking my type of music and going out on tea dates. Life can really be a little playful indeed because I loved the idea of him on my side. I loved the idea of someone making the effort to fit into my world. And I loved the idea of ‘us’.
So I took a risk, one beautiul risk. Now, there is an ‘us’.
Love is really sweet at first. That is so true. You can’t get him out of your head. You couldn’t wait until you two meet again. It is one exciting phase of your relationship. You became too comfortable. You found your other soul. Who wouldn’t love that?
But then as time passes by, you had small fights, turned into big ones. Demands are taking over and lowering pride wasn’t there to save it. You feel empty inside. You feel that something has changed and you couldn’t take it any longer. There are moments where you think this is not what you deserve in life.
You start to question, “am I just in love with the idea of someone on my side?”
As the old song lyrics goes, ‘don’t you know that love just like a thread, it keeps unraveling but then it ties us back together in the end’. Our ‘us’ has always been something we are afraid to give up. It will be the last thing we will give up. We’ve had fights — huge ones but ending our relationship was never the solution. We are keeping the old-fashioned style — in every argument, we choose the ‘looking for a solution’ instead of ‘looking for someone else’. Your patience has always been our saviour. Thank you for staying, through ups and downs. You are always the hero ever since you and I have been partners in life. No more promises, I guess. Let us live this life together as long as we can. Let us enjoy more things life can offer us. Let us share smiles, laughters and tears. I won’t promise that I won’t be one pain in the ass but I can do my best in not asking you to stay away from me. Who would have thought that the person I found randomly walking in campus lobby on my first day in college would be the person I will be dedicating this. Happy third anniversary, baby. ❤️
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thekleidoscope · 8 years
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3 years of sharing first times, trying out new things, fighting over stuffs - biggie or small it may be and getting back together in the end. Every day, you prove to me that this love ain't perfect but still worth to last. We started from a childish love, I guess. When every little thing we do for each other matters, every places we go on a separate ways has issues, every demand not being favored is a big deal, but I think our journey only proves that love isn't always sweet. But it doesn't matter as long as it's real. ❤️ Happy 3rd anniversary, @juanpaoloarabit (at TWG Tea Salon & Boutique at Shangri-La Mall)
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thekleidoscope · 8 years
Sorry but my love is selfish
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thekleidoscope · 9 years
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Out of myriad ideas we have thought before 13th of Feb, something not really intially planned was pushed through. We have thought of a trip to Boracay, witness Hot Air Balloon Festival at Clark, Pampanga, enroll into a one day hands on culinary class and the list goes on. 
We had a fun day at Enchanted Kingdom. Super fun especially for kid at heart. Actually, that was so far the farthest place we’ve ever travelled together (which made him happy, yeah). Assuming that the journey would be too long, we went a bit earlier than we should. Surprisingly, we reached the place in less than a hour. We wasted those excess time eating unhealthy foods. Lol. We couldn’t decide what ride should we try first so we took whatever we sees first. Everything was good until we rode the Anchor’s Away (which initially my plan on riding). Like seriously, I wanted to go home after trying that. I wanna puke then die. I might be we over-reacting but believe me, my dizziness was to the extreme level. Due to that, we wasted hours calming myself. The rest of the time were spent on Skill games, Pol’s Laser Tag game and waiting and for my favorite Rialto, Rio Grande and more.  We left the place around late afternoon. We were supposed to have our dinner at TWG but change of plans again due to cravings. 
I was extremely happy to receive a box of my favorite Macarons instead of flowers. I’m not really fond of flowers unless it’s blue. But you know, whatever it is that Jopol will give me is much appreciated. This was our 3rd Valentine’s day. I feel glad that we are still exerting the same effort (or even much more) we did in our first Valentine’s. We are really fond of brainstorming and thinking about unique ways of celebrating significant days of our lives together. I think that’s what makes our relationship unbreakable — we keep the excitement just hanging there. We are doing things one step at a time, not one time big time. And I must say that we have the creativity when it comes to celebrations. 
This year, we will be celebrating our 3rd year together. 💙
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thekleidoscope · 9 years
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Four squares What I am missing on a Monday drama night:
• A bonding with girl friends With just full of laughter and bullying (truly the home of the bullies) and eating and wondering why our bill was expensive. • A whole body massage I’ve been wanting this! I actually wanted to have a full body massage every Friday as a prize for a week of job well done. I thought this will be my boyfriend and I’s kind of date this coming Valentine’s day but we got another plan. • Bookworm self I miss reading! After spending quite a time on reading short stories over the internet, I suddenly missed my old habit. /cries • Driving (on a straight direction) Well, I’m Klei, the one who only have the courage to drive when the road is free from traffic and the direction is just straight ahead. My Father stopped teaching me ‘cos I told him that I’ll have a formal lesson after I saving enough money for the fee. So we already stopped quite a long time ago now. But very eager to learn you know, learning how to drive is in my bucketlist!
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thekleidoscope · 9 years
Tale of a twenty-something vl. 1
What my first job has taught me A couple of weeks from now, I will be leaving the office I stayed for almost nine months, the people I had shared both difficult and crazy times, the papers which constantly gave me headaches, the pressure of rush reports, the cray feeling of multi-tasking and the comfortable feeling of working with my A/R family. Yes, my contract on my current employer will soon end… and will be continued on another chain. Thought this is too dramatic? No, my current employer will still be my employer on my next working environment. I am a project-based employee right now and I am hoping that the career growth I am aiming for will be given to me when I transferred to the place I will be recommended.
For almost nine months, excluding the four-month stay as an Intern, my days were full of ups and downs. The feeling when I first entered San Miguel as an employee was very different from the feeling I have now. Needless to say, no matter where you go, there will always be something to learn and something to keep. Now, I’ll state a few lessons I have learned throughout my stay at Ugong:
I. Learn to reach out The very first thing that will help you to cope up with the new environment is to reach out. Do it slowly, one people at a time, whichever you prefer or you find convenient. Let people know that you are interested in this or that, if it will bring you closer to them. Reaching out is a chain, I believe. When I got close to one, I got to be friends with her friends, too and the circle goes wider. It was quite easy for me to reach out ‘cos some already knew about me since I had my training there. I just thought that if I won’t be the one to approach, who will? Not everyone knows or cares about me. Trying to crack some corny jokes and to ride on their craziness are some which can lead to some sort of comfort with one another. And it’s good. Relationship with people, or should I say, good relationship with people is a big deal. II. Honesty is the key I never wanted to keep the hopes of my Supervisor in a very high level. We all wanted to impress our boss, but we should do it without exaggerating things. Whenever I don’t fully understand an instruction, I tell my boss immediately about it. I try to repeat the whole procedure and ask her if I have comprehended it well. Instead of faking statement that you know already what to do, isn’t it more appropriate to confess immediately that you need further explanation so you won’t create a bigger problem as a result of your fake ‘yes I know what to do’? Much bearable, right? III. Have courage. Try to have a voice. For a shy-type person like me, having the courage to speak out is not my thing. I’d rather stay in a corner and rant my opinions all by myself. But this is what I have learned in my first job. To speak out if you have something to say — to have the confidence to speak (with all due respect, of course). As a Finance Analyst, it has been in my job description to review accounts monthly. I have gained the trust of my Supervisor in reviews so she’s letting me attend it alone especially when she had to rush some reports. I still do what has to be done even without her presence and orders. I state points which must be emphasized, I report accouts for blocking and such things. It is my choice to have something to say. I don’t know but I kinda wanted to exist. The courage that I have will lead me to bigger changes, I thought. IV. Try not to stop learning Learning is indeed a process. Many may think that it already stopped after graduating but it’s just not. I didn’t had a formal training upon entering as project-hire. I was trained little by little, by portions and it became my thing unconsciously to put everything together and visualize the process as a whole. I feel like I am completing a puzzle and it excites me (sometimes). The thing is, we should all try to feed our brains with something new. Aside from my own task, owing to my curiosity at times, I am asking some people during free time about the thing they do that puzzles me. I don’t know, it has been my thing. And then the conversation will reach to some kind of nutrition on my brain. I’m glad that they’re willing to share it anyway. Even when I don’t like working there from the beginning, I think it’s God’s plan. God’s plans are the best and safest. I’ll keep on praying that my next working destination is still aligned in his plans.
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thekleidoscope · 9 years
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Photo dump Hashtag baking diaries on my Instagram feed!
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thekleidoscope · 9 years
Life lately
It has really been a long while since the last time you heard something from me. The truth is, I couldn’t find the drive to blog anymore. I seldom take pictures, moments and even make time to edit it or make a typo or endless list, etc. I feel like writing would take too much time (and I don’t have much time). This has been my reason, every time.
Well right now, I work as a Finance Analyst on the company I had my training. I was absorbed. It was a blessing (a bit) for me ‘cos no time was actually wasted since I got a job immediately after graduation. I work 5 days a week so weekends are always much awaited. Earning my own money made my world a better place. Seriously.
Meanwhile, a change has also occured in me (which I believe a little too obvious). I don’t read that much anymore. You know that feeling of wanting to do something different from your previous years? I’ve spent my childhood up to early adulthood lying on my bed, getting drowned by fake words from a fictional character. I think I’m just too old for words that are too good to be true. Although, sometimes I miss the feeling of putting myself on the protagonist’s shoes… and smile crazily.
I think by this time, my introvert self is gradually leaving. I am twenty-one and living this life full of plans now. Honestly, I wanted to know what I really want in life as early as possible. I know it’s a sin to be envious, but I envy those people who has the courage to jump off a cliff just because they believe that their life was there… despite the odds. I never wanted to feel like I’m running out of time, but I think I am. Life instances are never in my favor.. and I hate it. Nonetheless,(yes this post isn’t over yet) motivations take the role of making things better. When I was younger, I always imagine getting things on my hands or learning things or being this type of person—imagine how nice that would be (but a shame how I daydream a lot). But everything’s vague. How everything got there was seemingly… blurred. The faded scenario made it impossible to reach. But I got there. If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. But it will require too much attention, courage and sacrifices… which I seldom practice. It’s like, I’ll get there, but I’ll start here.
Aaah made me feel better. I guess blogging is really for me, after all.
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thekleidoscope · 9 years
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My dearest baby,
You don’t have the slightest idea on how thankful I am to you that you came into my life exactly on the crucial years I needed someone like you the most. Getting this far with someone special may be considered as a ‘relationship goal’(which I must say, now mainstream) but being able to excel together is more than that. Baby, I am so proud of our achievement. It makes me dream more whenever I think of you, of us still together after so many fights. It inspires me to do more good, to fight for you and to succeed in life. You don’t have to give me a gift for my job well done because you already are for me. Staying with me is a gift. Being with me and fighting for me — those are more than a gift. So baby, I want to thank you for supporting me throughout my journey to rocky college years. For helping me academically, for supporting me physically, mentally and emotionally. Thank you for being my greatest listener whenever I got professor, lessons and schedule rants. Thank you for still allowing me to grow while being dependent on you. I was so lucky to have a person like you during those years. And now that we’re done with school, I want us to start again, together with this new chapter. I’d be happy to welcome more chapters with you, including the epilogue. Please don’t get tired of me, baby. Let us proudly face this reality hand in hand. We have so many dreams together and we’re going to get those done.
I love you baby. Congratulations to us!
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thekleidoscope · 9 years
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Sorreda, Klei Ann C. BS Business Administration Major in Financial Management Gold Medalist
Nothing ever beats the joy of acquiring something you know you’ve worked hard for. Finally, last 24th of April this year, I graduated and attained a degree. I know that I will come across too much challenges ahead, but one thing is for sure, I will never stop just because it’s hard. I will never stop because I have plans — for my parents, brothers and myself with the person I love. I am aware of how much they sacrificed for me and although I am not required to return the favor, it’s my moral obligation to give back. God knows how strong I am now and I know that he’ll never let me down for too long.
So cheers to another start of new chapter in my life! 🎓🎉
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thekleidoscope · 9 years
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Grad wishlist
Hashtag my materialistic side.
High-cut plain boots. I am not really after some kind of fashion, rather I’m after the effortless, decent and with a bit of style. I’ve always wanted this pair and experiment some outfits with it!
Pair of Vans sneakers. I am not a sneaker girl but ever since I discovered my love for the color maroon, I immediately fell in love with this pair! No more worries because my brother promised that he’ll get me this! Yay!
Joni Jeans. I’ve actually been looking for this jeans, but aside from Topshop, it seems like no other stores have it. Well, some online stores offer this but I’m just too scared to try my luck there. Sweaters, sweaters and lots of sweaters. This is very ideal for summer! Kidding! Ha ha ha! Sweaters are lazy clothes for me. It can go with anything like seriously. When it comes to dressing up, I hate it when I tend to stress myself out. So I was like, ‘I can just have this’ and leave house with confidence. This is the safest for me like you can pair with just a jeans, shorts, skirts or anything you have there. So I wanted to have bunch of these.
Ankle Strap Heel Sandals from Primadonna. Talking about elegance, I find this really, really classy!
Casio gold watch. I think it adds a perfect look to any office wear. I consider this as a need right now. Ha ha
A ‘Guide to making perfect Macarons’ book. A want from my baking-obsessed side, hihi. Who doesn’t want to make a perfect, from the texture to the taste, Macarons? I have tried making macarons once but unfortunately, it tasted like air. Like you cannot taste anything, literally. Huhu. I’m still aiming to master baking macarons. Dream big!
Last but definitely not the least, but among all, the most impossible, a trip to Coron, Palawan. I wanted an experience as gift. I think I can settle with any place as long as I can have a wonderful experience. I am still hungry for more travels.
Yay I have no idea that bloging about this will make me feel good! This is actually fun, but made me desperate. Ha ha ha. Anyway, sending my warm congratulations to graduates out there! And soon to be graduates, like me!
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thekleidoscope · 10 years
This day is soon going to be a yesterday. Mornings are new beginnings. Though I'm quite uncertain if I still got someone to begin it with.
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thekleidoscope · 10 years
60 percent of our problems don’t actually get fixed. We just tend to forget it and move forward.
Now I’m thinking if it’s the right thing to do.
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thekleidoscope · 10 years
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Iced ‘teas’
Lately, I’ve been in search for something new to drink whenever I go out (esp with Mum where I can just grab and grab). I don’t know, I just wanted to try like all types of drink in the world lol. From the most mainstream to the most unsual. It’s very unfortunate that supermarkets here don’t offer such so I often get one on the most strange grocery stores. So to start off this ‘adventure to look for the best (and worst) possible drinks I could have the chance to taste, above are the shots of the ‘too mainstream’ 👆✌️👌
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thekleidoscope · 10 years
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After a century (or more?), here I am again! It’s frustrating that this was supposed to be published last night, but one hella incident of disappearing happened. So finally! Catching up time! But this isn’t another “It still doesn’t sink in to me” introductory post because I’ve moved on to that okay. Haha. Everything sinked in! That I am graduating in two months time and will start working soon (hopefully to the company I will be endorsed)!
• I actually got an Ash blonde highlights and it was one of the things I regret most in life. I didn’t think about it twice so not surprising in my position. Haha! My family said it fits me but it just made me uncomfortable every time I go out. I immediately bought a dark brown hair color which could at least hide the brightness of the blonde. And wow, I liked the result.
• My Valentine’s day with my love consists ups and downs. Among all our plans, a lazy boy cinema at Eastwood city came into reality! It was our first time trying that 60-seater cinema with reclining chair and unlimited popcorn. We watched Fifty Shades of Grey, one intense and disappointing movie (if you have read the book). My love game me a bouquet of beautiful flowers when he came to pick me up at our house. I received a gift while we’re having our lunch, then a letter when we got to our house in the evening. A letter which brought me into tears because it’s the most sincere…and real, like him. I love the imperfections of our Valentine’s and I just wouldn’t trade it to other perfect Valentine’s out there. ❤️
• My San Miguel Foods A/R family! Glad to finally finished 500 hours as an intern. It was full of learnings on the receivables and words of wisdom from Ma’am Jollie. I would treasure the experience forever and hopefully, could use it to my future job. My goal is to get a job even before grad, and my supervisor at San Miguel will be willing to help me. Right now, I am fixing requirements by going here, there and everywere. Hoping to finished everything by next week!
Still got loads of updates! Till next! Have a great day, friend.
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thekleidoscope · 10 years
Well if you happen to read this, I am wishing you a Merry mery Christmas! I wish you are spending this wonderful evening with your loved ones. Spread the essence of this season, be thankful and contented, try to make people happy and continue to be blessing to others! Merry Christmas, awesome Tumblr bloggers! Keep inspiring!
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