theladydeath · 6 years
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People are always comparing women and bringing them down — that I’m completely against. We have an obligation as women to not pit ourselves against each other because men are going to do it for us.
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theladydeath · 6 years
Almond Chocolate Coconut
Ice Cream Asks || Accepting
Almond Chocolate Coconut: a touch headcanon.
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“Touch me, touch me, I want to feel your body, Your heartbeat next to mine, Touch me, touch me now~”
No matter the type of relationship, Catrina finds herself to be a very physically affectionate person. This is very much a cultural thing that still survives into modern times and reinforces her habits; Mexica and modern Mexican cultures are very intimate and “romantic” in a sense, regardless of actual romantic attraction. “Personal space” is a much smaller bubble, and casual touches to the arms or shoulders are very common even among strangers, as is direct and fixed eye contact. It acknowledges the two people as equals, and to reject it is seen socially as placing yourself above the other person.
Cat runs into problems with this sometimes in the US, where the nuances surrounding touch are very different. While in latin American cultures, one can dance with any friend or acquaintance (or again, a stranger) with their bodies pressed together intimately and it means nothing but a dance, in the US it denotes sexual or romantic feelings. Its gotten her into a lot of trouble in the past.
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theladydeath · 6 years
Masque of the Raspberry Sorbet
Ice Cream Asks || Accepting
Masque of the Raspberry Sorbet: a fear/horror headcanon (alt: a costume(s)/facade(s) headcanon).
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“Darling, haven’t you heard? I’m Queen of the Monsters!
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“And nobody fucks with the Queen.”
A result of being quite young, from a fierce warrior culture, and at the center of a myth that places her and her twin as the avatars to gods has made Catrina rather fearless. It may be unwise, but its nothing that will end any time soon. She was born from fear and conquered it with her own bloody hands and fangs and refuses to submit to it ever again. 
Its important to note that this is not bravado. Catrina does not front her bravery to make a statement- She is genuinely and truly unafraid, believing herself capable of taking down anything in her path, and so far? There’s no indication that she can’t.
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theladydeath · 6 years
Send my muse “👀 + a question” and they’ll have to answer with 100% honesty.
No deleting questions, either!
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theladydeath · 6 years
headcanon meme: ice cream flavors edition.
Almond Chocolate Coconut: a touch headcanon.
Bacon Ice Cream: a "what were you even thinking" headcanon.
Black Raspberry Cheesecake: a sexuality and/or romanticism headcanon (romantic orientation, sexual orientation, etc).
Cactus Fruit Sorbet: a "this shouldn't work but it does" headcanon.
Cherry Garcia: a role model/inspiration headcanon.
Chubby Hubby: a body image/self esteem headcanon.
Chunky Monkey: a names, addresses, nicknames, etc. headcanon.
Cookies and Cream: a family headcanon.
Cotton Candy Explosion: a childhood/child(ren) headcanon.
Death By Chocolate: an indulgence/guilty pleasure headcanon.
Devil's Food Chocolate: a vice headcanon.
Dulce de Leche: a happy/sweet romantic or queerplatonic headcanon.
Elderberry: a hurt/comfort headcanon.
Entangled Mints: a friendship headcanon.
Espresso 'n Cream: a coffee/tea/coffee-shop (AU)/caffeine headcanon.
Fudge Behaving Badly: a misbehaving/getting into trouble headcanon.
Ginger Crème Brûlée: a gender headcanon (gender identity, gender presentation, butch/femme, gender feels, etc).
Half Baked: a bad idea/poor planning headcanon.
Heartbreak Healer: a sad/angsty romantic or queerplatonic headcanon.
Jasmine Peach Tea: a self-care/self-love headcanon.
Kahlua Almond Fudge: a language/words headcanon.
Kiwi Midori: a creative arts headcanon.
Lemon Angel Food: a virtue headcanon.
Lemon-Lime Sorbet: a sexual/NC-17 headcanon (alt: a secret(s) h/c).
Magic Mint Cookie: a magic/supernatural headcanon (alt: a taste h/c).
Masque of the Raspberry Sorbet: a fear/horror headcanon (alt: a costume(s)/facade(s) headcanon).
Neapolitan: an intimacy/vulnerability (or lack thereof) headcanon.
Orange Pineapple Whip: a kinky headcanon (alt: an eccentricity h/c).
Oreo Cheesecake: a physical health/disability headcanon.
Peanut Butter Plum Cherry: a soulmate/soulmate AU headcanon (alt: an unconditional love headcanon)
Phish Food: a music headcanon.
Purple Daze: a stoner/drugs headcanon.
Rainbow Cream: a nature headcanon.
Road Trip: a travel or escapism headcanon.
Rocky Road: a difficulty or struggle headcanon.
SNAFU (Strawberries Naturally All Fudged Up): a mistake(s) headcanon.
Strawberry Rhubarb Crunch: a mental health/neurodivergent headcanon.
Tennessee Mud: an alcohol, drunkenness, intoxication headcanon.
Tuxedo Strawberry: a well-dressed headcanon (any headcanon about clothes).
Vanilla Fudge Ripple: a strength headcanon.
White Raspberry Truffle: a weakness headcanon.
Wildberry Chocolate Chunk: a social life headcanon.
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theladydeath · 6 years
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season three: kisa’s looks appreciation
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theladydeath · 6 years
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Red light / lost source.
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theladydeath · 6 years
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“Love is tender, when it’s true. I’ve loved two people in the past. The first one broke my heart quite terribly, and the pain she caused me haunts me to this day, even after I’m dead. But…the second? Mm…”
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“He was sweet. He was my true love—he was the Beauty that could love the Beast I am. But it was my fault that we are not together—I put him in too much danger, and I had to let him go to save him from further doom.”
Tragedy. Catrina knew it well. Perhaps not at the hands of lovers, but it was love all the same that had made her- born her into life as both a human and as whatever she was now.
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"That's why I don't read love stories," she said softly. "They never end well." Near silent on her black heels, she glided towards him, around him in a slow circle. "What was his name? What was his doom?"
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theladydeath · 6 years
@theladydeath from here
At the sound of her voice, Tahirah stirred where she was, still curled up in the window seat. Opening her eyes, she blinked a bit to get used to the light, and then smiled up at Catrina gently.
“Oh…hello…” She giggled a little, bunching up her knees against her chest as she looked to her. “Do you want to share? We could cuddle and keep warm, and therefore neither of us get cold!” She looked around, picking a blanket off the ground nearby. “There it is…”
Catrina took the blanket from her and shook it out thoroughly before it was returned to Tahirah, this time with her own body beneath it and sliding cuddled up into the side of her guest. "Why the window?" She asked lightly, tucking the blankets around them both. "What's out there that intrigues you so much you would risk a cold?"
Of Window Seats and Snuggling...
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theladydeath · 6 years
The god’s smirk persisted as he walked nearer to Catrina. “Oh, I’m sorry,” he hummed. His scales began to glow underneath his skin. The gold glow consumed his entire body and face. His facial scructure shifted, and he appeared to look centuries younger than he did before.
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When he was fully rejuvenated, the gold glow faded away. He bit his cheek in a display of smug satisfaction. “Do you recognise me now, Catrina?”
Her eyes widened in awe of the glittering scales as they always had, but her words remained calm, mocking."An ass is an ass, they all look the same," Catrina teased from her perch, making no move to get closer. If anything, she cemented herself in that stool along with that brilliant, impish grin of her's.
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"Take off your clothes and then we'll see what I remember."
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theladydeath · 6 years
@crew-from-capulet @scars-ink-and-leather @telekineticdivinity
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I think we’re like fire and water I think we’re like the wind and sea You’re burning up, I’m cooling down You’re up, I’m down You’re blind, I see                                                         But    I’m    f   r   e   e
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theladydeath · 6 years
icons for Cat/Cay
Send me your url/ muse for 5 icons of how my muse feels about yours || accepting (any verse)
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theladydeath · 6 years
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The Dragon stepped into the room, a lopsided smirk on his face. “Hello, old friend. It’s been too long.” 
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"Sorry, do I know you?" Cat set aside her coffee cup, giving him a thorough looking over. "You appear to be someone I knew.. but that someone had manners enough to send a fucking letter once in a while."
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theladydeath · 6 years
@scars-ink-and-leather @crew-from-capulet
Me: first of all, thats MY dick.
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theladydeath · 6 years
Court: NPC Files
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fc: Miguel Gomez
twin brother to Catrina
B A S I C S;
Full Name: Nopaltzin
Title: none
Society Name: Andres; known as The Jaguar in Vampire circles
“Human” Name: Andres Guzman
Shortname: Dre
Species: Vampire
+Subspecies: Tēcuani Variant  
+Sire: none
Age: 19/425
Date of Birth: Mid December
Hometown: Teotihuacan (now Mexico)
Ethnicity: Mexica (Aztec)/ Spanish; “Mexican”
Nationality: Passport says “American” this year
Gender: Cisgender male
Pronouns: Him/ Her
Orientation: Asexual/ Greyromantic
Marital Status: Widower
+ President of Immortal Corps, a supernatural run business with the goal in mind to help conceal the presence of supernaturals and allow them to return to normal society. ImCorp owns a string of other businesses, including restaurants, a bank, laboratory facilities, private hospitals, import/ export business, and an immensely popular chain of strip clubs called Honey Bees. Languages: Natively speaks Nahuatl. Reluctantly speaks Spanish (castilian and latin american) The benefit of the telepathic hivemind shared between her coven gives her the ability to utilize and understand any language learned by anyone in the link.
Accent: Southern Californian with a harder "Mexican" edge
P H Y S I C A L;
Hair: Black brown; often shaved short
Eye Color: Nearly black
Heightt: 5'8"
Weight: 170 lb
Build: Muscular but lean, athletic
Scars: Vampire bites on her hips, arms, and thighs; one long scar from her lower belly to her chest
Body Modifications:
Traditional, acquired in his human life:
+ Tattoos:  eagle across his chest, beak open to the west; jaguar on his back + Piercings: both lobes, stretched to 00g/ hardly the size of a dime, stretched lip piercing, almost the size of a quarter + Scars: the constellation he was born under is burned into the skin on his wrist
+Tattoos: ... a lot. its a lot +Piercings: none
Clothing Style:
+Day to day: More on the 'punk' side, shredded jeans, leather or denim jacket, lots of black
+Business: Well tailored suits, mostly in steel grey
Usual Expression: Calm but alert. A little grouchy
H E A L T H;
Physical Ailments: No Record
Neurological Conditions: Minor combat PTSD (firearms and sudden loud noises trigger it)
Allergies: No Record
Sleeping Habits: Its a mystery
Eating Habits: Tends to live off coffee, synthetic blood, and cigarretes
Exercise Habits: Regular running and gym visits, sparring, playing soccer
Emotional Stability, scale of 1-10: 9; Difficult to rattle
Sociability: Extremely sociable; Charming and personable- when he wants to be
Drug Use: Marijuana, recreationally
Alcohol Use: None, recovering alcoholic
Personality Type: Chaotic Good
A B I L I T I E S;
Hivemind: Like a closed circuit network, can access the minds of her fledglings and other coven.
Immortality: Age, sickness, and most physical injuries will not kill her
Regeneration: Limited healing. Cannot regrow limbs or major organs but most other wounds will heal in a few hours to weeks.
Telepathy: Primarily between other vampires; Can tap into a human if she tries
Teleportationn: Can near instantly transport between any spot so long as A: It is in her psychic memory (places she frequents) or B: She has a beacon (can be a voice, mind, or object).
Hypnosis: Entrances victim by sheer force of will. Can “erase” and alter memories.
Physical Override: A psychic ability of reaching out and overriding a person physically, forcing them to act out her will. Generally used to quell fights by forcing all parties to kneel.
A B O U T; [Locked]
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theladydeath · 6 years
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29 de abril, Día Internacional de la danza :)
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theladydeath · 6 years
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