thelastfatbender · 28 days
Feeling doughy 🖤
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thelastfatbender · 5 months
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thelastfatbender · 5 months
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spillage on aisle 69
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thelastfatbender · 7 months
Holding your partner by their belly hang and kissing them is a love language
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thelastfatbender · 7 months
Want me to play with you like this? To slap that growing belly of yours? To jiggle your fat while reminding you how much you gained?✨
While you just lie there, stuffed to the brim, from all the food I forced you to eat.✨
You want this so much piggy, don’t you?🦋
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thelastfatbender · 7 months
Pre shower belly. Been getting much softer lately 🐷
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thelastfatbender · 7 months
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Why aren’t you playing with my belly? 🥺
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thelastfatbender · 8 months
boring normies unaware of the erogenous zone that is the underbelly are MISSING OUT!!!
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thelastfatbender · 9 months
Soft, squishy plaything 🥰
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thelastfatbender · 11 months
full video on curvage
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thelastfatbender · 11 months
Intox feedism is so hot 🥵
Agreed, bb, agreeeeeeeed
Food can almost be intox itself as far as I’m concerned
I’ve said too much 🙃
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thelastfatbender · 11 months
Fantasy WG Story That Deals With Magic Dice
You weren't one to really shy away from any bounties or quests people would put you up to as long as they paid well. This time around it was a simple one "bring me some pelts back from this specific creature". The kicker though is the creature they had in mind is one of urban legend but you needed the gold so you reluctantly took on this mission.
It's been a wild goose chase so far and all it's done is bring you into new villages you didn't even know existed they weren't on any maps you ever purchased or found. A horrible storm had begun as you were crossing through one of these lesser-known villages and not wanting to get stuck anywhere less remote you decided staying a night at the local tavern wouldn't do much harm.
You entered the door to the tavern which was eerily quiet compared to most taverns you've encountered usually no matter how small or desolate looking a village was the taverns were still bustling with either the sounds of music or patrons enjoying food and drinks but here you could hear a pin drop. It was odd to not see a single person being served but what was even odder was you didn't see anyone who may be the innkeeper or even a single barmaid. The storm had already begun in full force it was too late now for you to second guess yourself so you made your way up to the bar.
You sat down on a stool in the middle of the counter it didn't seem like anyone would be joining you so it didn't hurt to let yourself have as much room as you like. Looking around nothing seemed out of the ordinary about this tavern, many tables with a plethora of accompanying chairs, barrels stacked up in the corner, and a couple animal trophies mounted to the wall some you couldn't even identify. As you scanned you noticed the fireplace had logs recently placed on it and the fire was burning bright which means someone had to be here. Right?
As you turned back around your eyes met with a pair of warm looking eyes, startled you jumped up and reached for your weapon, but the person behind the bar put their hands up.
"Hey now! No need to get that way with me! Sorry, I had to step out and check some stock down in the cellar we don't get many folks around here so I usually leave the counter unattended."
Apologizing you drop your weapon, and you mention how you just need a place to stay for the night to ride out this storm with a chuckle the innkeeper responds.
"Unfortunately, I don't know if we have any rooms to spare as you can see we're jam-packed tonight!" As they motion to the room filled with empty chairs.
"And I heard the king should be in town. Now, what would happen if I gave my last room away to you and then the king shows up and I have nowhere to keep him! I would have my head cut off in the middle of the town for all to see I'd be a disgrace!"
You give them a little chuckle at that response at least they can have a sense of humor about not being busy.
"Now I guess I can spare a key to one room, BUT you have to play a little game of mine first before I let you go to your room."
Happy to at least have a place to wait out the storm you think what harm could a little game do the innkeeper is probably very bored around here so why not humor them a little. They leave the counter once again and you're not quite sure what you're getting yourself into but at least you'll get a hot meal and a place to stay out of it.
Minutes pass and you're not sure where the innkeeper went, right as you were about to get up they return with a massive plate pilled high with different meats, cheeses, and breads. You never realized how hungry you were until your stomach growled at the sight of all the food.
"Sorry it took me so long I wanted to whip you up something nice since you are my first customer in a while, can't have you going to bed hungry at all that just won't do."
They drop the platter in front of you and pour you a giant mug filled with ale, you reach for a turkey leg that is sitting ontop of the mountain of food but before you can grab it the innkeeper smacks your hand away.
"No eating yet! Remember how I said you have to play a game with me? Well, the food is a part of the game, don't worry you'll get to have it all in due time."
The keeper flashed you a devilish grin with that last line.
"Now the rules of my game are simple. I have this die here I know it doesn't look like a normal die because it isn't normal dice usually have 6 faces one to each side, but this die has 100 faces. So before you take a bite of anything you roll that die and say the number out loud. Got it?"
You never heard of such a game before or seen a die that big before but you were starving and couldn't think of anything that could go wrong. You took your first roll it landed on a 3.
"Come on now, remember you have to say the number out loud for this game."
You said the number 3 and noticed the keeper tapped their finger on the counter after you said it but you shrugged it off as them just keeping track in their head of what number you got. You reached for a loaf of bread and ripped off a hunk and slathered it in butter before wolfing it down. It was some of the best-tasting bread you've ever had it was still warm and fresh too. Eager now to taste more of what was in front of you, you took the die and rolled a couple more times each time it landed on a small number nothing in the double digits yet which you thought was odd from a die with so many sides your odds of getting a double digit should have been higher. You didn't care at this point you'd keep rolling and shoveling a handful of food into your mouth. The only other odd thing was each time you said the number no matter what number it was the keeper just kept tapping once on the counter.
By now you had to have rolled the die about 15 times each time it was always a number less than 10. You were so focused on the food in front of you that the rolling of the die became second nature. You'd wolf down a handful of food, roll the die say the number, and start shoveling food into your mouth again it was just becoming a cycle. You realized your pants were digging into you more than they were before and your shirt was starting to ride up but you just dismissed that as the ale and food filling your stomach you had already eaten much more than you have the past several weeks during your travel you weren't complaining as the food was good and so was the company so why not keep indulging in this silly little game if it meant you got to eat as much as you wanted.
Then it finally happened, you rolled higher than a 10 in fact much higher than a 10 it landed on 73. Seeing that number made you anxious for some odd reason you had been rolling so low for so long why the sudden higher number.
"Come on now spit it out, what number is it?" The Innkeeper cooed something was up their sleeve but you couldn't tell what. You took a swig of your ale before muttering the number 73, the grin grew bigger across the innkeeper's face and once again they tapped the counter only once. Like clockwork, you began eating your next bite slower than the last few. You had to be close to full by now but your stomach let out another growl making you realize just how hungry you still were, that growl renewed you with a sense of vigor and you began to double-fist more meats and cheeses into your mouth suddenly you where insatiable and it didn't seem like any amount of food would cease this hunger. That's when it happened.
You felt a rip at the seams of your pants flesh started pooling out of the rip causing the tiny hole to expand into a gaping crater, the button holding the front of your pants together gave way as your stomach pushed forward growing rounder and heavier as it dropped onto your lap spreading your legs apart to make room for it as it expanded. You felt your ass expand spilling over the sides of the stool, your shirt rode up even more digging into you as it did you moved your arms to try and get the shirt off and instead your expanding backside ripped it off of you instead. You grabbed at your newly formed belly in shock at what just happened this was a sensation you'd never felt before, now your hands once rugged and muscular now plump and juicy like the sausages you were devouring only seconds ago.
"I was waiting for the perfect moment to remove the fixed number spell I had on that die and it seems like I choose the best time possible, I've never had someone roll that high right away." There was a sultry tone to her voice almost like she was enjoying this a little more than you initially thought.
That's when it hit you each time the keeper was taping on the counter it was to trigger a spell the die had on it anytime the user said the number the die landed on they'd gain that many pounds in an instant they just needed a catalyst which the innkeeper happily provided with the mountain of food and drinks.
"Now don't worry darling I can always change you back if you'd like, I will keep up my end of the deal and let you lodge here for the night since you did play my little game, and it was quite fun I've never had someone as eager as you to play it before. It seemed like you were enjoying it just as much as I was, it does get lonely here sometimes not having someone to cook for and take care of so it'll be sad to see you go. I understand if you leave it's something I'm used to by now everyone makes me revert them back and they storm out first thing in the morning."
The innkeeper let out a soft sigh and picked up the die and tucked it into their pocket before pulling a room key out of the other and setting it on the counter in front of you. You grabbed their wrist before they could pull away and reached across the counter into their pocket pulling the die back out before rolling it once again and announcing it had landed on 23 giving the keeper a smirk similar to one they had given you before downing the last bit of your ale and shoveling more food into your mouth. Shocked and stunned the innkeeper almost forget to tap on the counter till through a mouthful of food you reminded them to. Who needed gold if you had someone willing to house and feed you and all you had to do was eat and get fatter for them especially when the food was as good as they made it, you weren't opposed either to this weight you put on, in fact, you were curious and almost excited to get fatter so it disappointed you a little bit that this roll you just did was so much lower then the last but luckily you have all the time in the world to eat, drink and be merry, especially with someone so eager to take care of you, and you could get used to it since you'll most likely be too fat to even go on bounties anymore after tonight.
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thelastfatbender · 1 year
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Just a lil update🐷
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thelastfatbender · 1 year
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whipped cream feeding 😈 🤤
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thelastfatbender · 1 year
Safe to say I gained more than a few pounds on vacation. I’m heavier than ever and looking obese 😳🐷
What do you think? 💚💚
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thelastfatbender · 1 year
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thelastfatbender · 1 year
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