Here I am, still alive.
DAZA and miss A have been controlling and fucking up quite a bit, but at least have shown me their capabilities, which include changing not just words but whole sentences that I say by masking my original word or phrase with theirs and it somehow always ends up sounding like what they said instead. Silently speaking in what must sound like me making it seem like I'm saying shit I'm not. Locally following me everywhere I go to instigate and start shit with whoever is there. Slandering and spreading unrealistic and urgent sense of fear. Blocking ones ability to feel emotions. Sending a barrage of not only intrsuive thoughts and images but a constant slew of dialogue aswell. Controlling physical senses like pain or invisible touch and classic causing instant urination. Mimicking ones family friends and other recognized voices that they always get better at over time meaning sometimes one can only discern the real from the fake due to small mess ups in timing, speech pattern, tone and word choice.
Some facts and figures I overheard while another being was in the driver's seat as I literally went for a ride in my own body.... Heard a lot of the weird repetitious clicking throaty beep boop language they speak.
"I'm in charge of this unit!"
"in the flesh"
"it always ends at gateway"
"original capybara"
"nailed it"
There's 125k humans left supposedly. Dunno if USA or Global
I am the last human in the Portland or Portland metro area supposedly
The Portland Oregon entrance to the underground reptilian alien city dwelling is near PDX, case sde station in the swampy wooded area past homeless camps. "Mole people"
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Still alive ... Or am i?
The arm of ignorance stretches out f
Besides being called "brain dead" by everyone, everywhere I go ( or I used to at least) the new thing bugging me (that also fits within the same category) to the point of it being on my mind 24/7 so I'm constantly over thinking & mentally dissecting and trying to understand every aspect of it.... Death that is. more specifically my death.
This generalized level of overthinking, as per usual (regardless of the subject matter) leaves me not knowing what to feel.... Otherwise I wouldn't be questioning which to feel.. or torn between whether I should feel relieved... or terrified...
Relieved: because of it (my passing and subsequent reanimation) being literally impossible... I can almost walk away p confidently feeling relieved due to just that, impossible... Right? e being saved, brought back from the dead, or for lack of a better term: resurrected) or at least some specific aspects of pretty much the whole thing I'm tripping on, or a freak out because they're possible possibly things in existence that are beyond the human comprehension or ability to understand best this could fall on that category usuallymy lack of knowledge or my own sor attempting to you all day long is the fact of how I could possibly be dead but alive at the same time if we're something like time travel seems like it's impossible but honestly reptilians in the fourth dimension are able to control time like a physical constructive does it could go back if my body was bookmark your savior me
Even any of this or just a small fraction of it is real it'll I feel like you really won't take that much time how much effort for somebody to find or someone across everything that I post on here and then through leaking it or telling somebody else it blows up or something happens to me but if it's all just delusion that will never happen right? Being the last few minutes if I'm delusional or not or why can't people just tell me what's going on I really follow it all the way down to the end like that if you're not exactly the last person but probably pretty damn close to it at least here in Oregon so what would it hurt if somebody went and told me the truth and I'm pretty sure I already got it right anyway I didn't but it makes me feel the further things that
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When trying to see the "glass half full" side of things.. or when I'm attempting to make myself understand that there is an up side to every negative situation and or thing in life... The only reason I really have trouble is due to my constant fight or immense struggle to scrape up some kind of.. dare I say it?.. "positive" thing in regards to my pure O... but I guess Its not impossible.. because come to think of it, at least I can say that my intrusive thoughts,(stemming from my OCD) that plague my day to day life (as well as stemming from me thinking all humans can hear and see my thoughts and stream of consciousness) with enough apprehension to completely shut me down socially, or basically render my social health as non-existent.. which positive or not has directly led to me choosing to become (more like forcing myself) an A-sexual.
This new chapter or metamorphosis has undoubtedly occurred over a period time instead of something worse and more drastic decision wise (or in lieu of me offing myself) directly due to the cognitive toxicity levels in my brain reaching a lethal new high and level of total fuckedupedness... This shit gets my mind horribly overemotional and a whole long list of other negatively impactful neurological suicide bombs...
By now you must be jumping at the bit to understand why or what exactly I am describing, what could be so bad sure the intrusive thoughts sound annoying and whatnot but people can't really hear them in public right? Wrong, they can and not only that the intrusive thoughts (which always take the worst possible turn and contains the most shocking disgusting vile pervasive and self depreciating shit) but what takes the cake for the most impactful negatively speaking is what pops up into my mind during anything even remotely related to sex, sexuality, sensuality, physical love or sexual arousal.. especially during stimulation or God forbid while being intimate (to any extent and in any way or capacity) with another person...
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Common reptilian human hybrid "copy paste" hollow, robot like verbage:
He's lying through his teeth
There it is
Brain dead
Nailed it
It's over
Call em
Call medical!
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