thelegend-enigmax · 5 years
Jo could see signs of annoyance and anger in the other woman but she wasn’t totally sure why? She wasn’t talking nearly as fast or as much. She was being better sort of. She shrugged and nodded “I mean fair that’s cool if it is just making sure cause it doesn’t react like it. The brain is– Nope sorry.” She said taking a breath and cutting off a ramble about how the brain worked. “I mean we could if you wanted. It could be fun. You’re interesting and I’ve had a blast even if you’re hating it so really it works and then we won’t get in trouble for you being a villain and me being a…. well nothing really when you get down to it. Plus I’ve never had it before and it always sounded so exciting.” She offered a hand out to shake. “What do you say: Frenemies?”
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The villain stared at Jo in complete confusion, wondering if she was truly being serious but she then began to slowly nod “I suppose it’s not something that I am completely against” she said after a moment, her gaze still looking the other up and down again “Though time will tell on whether it will be beneficial to either of us at all.” the woman then warily taking the others hand.
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thelegend-enigmax · 5 years
“Actually a really interesting one yes. She’s got necromancy.” She explained. “I don’t know how they got her she would be a far better villain. Maybe I can show her a better way once we’re done.” She admitted smiling. She nodded obediently as her mother spoke. “Absolutely.  Every step I promise.” She agreed. “That could work. Get them to trust me and think that I’m coming around to them, it would certainly be a fun way to shock their system.” She said smiling. “If I could stomach being in a place full of self righteous hypocrites that long.” She admitted. She hated Heroes they made her sick to her stomach. She beamed at her mother’s assurance that the heroes would fall soon. “I look forward to that!” She said excitedly. “Of course I would!  Why wouldn’t I, I have the coolest mom ever?” She pointed out smiling.
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“Well, it could prove useless if we drop alot of corpses in one go” The woman mused, her nose a little wrinkled at the idea but it at least amused her. “Perhaps so, they all have their breaking points, you just have to be smart with how you find it in her” she explained, nodding slowly as the other agreed with her. “I know full well that I couldn’t, I’d end up wanting to punch one of them in the throat, if not all of them” she mused. “Of course you do, I’ve always been the coolest...” she chuckled, ruffling her daughters wild hair.
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thelegend-enigmax · 5 years
Amber nodded and leaned in. “I’m thinking I’m going to aim for Thana, she’s a trainee who doesn’t really seem to fit into their rules.” Amber explained. “She might be my weak link.” She added smiling. “Ohh Thanks mom!” She preened under her mother’s pride. “I wanna make you proud.” She added. It was her biggest desire. To make her mother proud, to live a life together and happy reaching all her mother’s goals and her own. She smiled and laughed at her mother’s playful attitude she was all too aware only she saw. She was the best mom, really and honestly she was amazing. That was what people didn’t seem to understand Enigma was the perfect person until they had ripped her away from her life. Amber had every intention of growing up to be just as perfect. “Heroes always think they’re amazing though. I bet they think it sounds special.” She scoffed. “Ugh I hate them.” She sneered at the thought of the group of shiny plastic playthings in capes and pins. “Anyway! Do you wanna go grab some dinner? I’ve got packing to do!”
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“Not bad, one of power I hope?” she wondered, clicking her tongue as she considered the idea, she was proud of the fact that her daughter was thinking so logically. “I want you to keep me informed, because I am very much in on this plan....You may even be able to pretend to be a turncoat, find your way in that way.” she offered, the woman then perching herself and running her fingers through her curls, she then nodded at her daughters words “They’ll be their own downfall soon enough and I will excitedly be sat at the sidelines to watch it all come crashing down with a huge smile on my face.” she mused, before she then raised her eyebrows “You’d want to be seen in public with me?”
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thelegend-enigmax · 5 years
Jo noticed the thoughtful look and wondered for a moment what it meant. She knew she shouldn’t be curious, she shouldn’t want to know so much about this woman but she did. Sure she was a hero, or wanted to be one, and sure this woman was one of the most infamous people of all time, but that didn’t stop her from being a human. Humans had stuff. Jo sat and watched and smirked a bit whens he was told she was irritating. “You mentioned that. You sure it’s irritation you’re feeling?” She joked a bit. The flirty banter had probably been a safer spot for them. So far on her list of safe things was flirty banter and death threats and topics that made Scarlet look sad and mad were personal connections and that was a pretty telling thing. “Have you ever heard of frienemies?” She asked
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The blonde glowered at the other, shaking her head, her curls falling about her face, she clenched and unclenched her fists as she watched the other, not able to admit to what the other was calling her out on “Oh I’m definitely feeling that it’s irritation....” she snapped, shaking her head at the other, yet had began slightly at the woman. “I have indeed, it’s most of my relationships in lives. Why is that something you are wanting with me”
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thelegend-enigmax · 5 years
Jo chuckled and laughed “I suppose that’s true.” She agreed. She’d always thought that she did it a bit more than most but she wasn’t about to argue. She put her hands up in surrender at the warning but there was a small playful smirk. This would be so fun to dance around given the option. “Oh good. Lucky too, having someone. You don’t need loads of people but…. one person is nice.” she said thinking her life through. Did she have one person? She had Ari to fight crime with and she had some new friends she was talking to but cutting off her past so entirely had cut off everything. She forced a bright smile and face to ignore the feeling in her gut. “Wait, no… normally I know why I piss people off, I don’t get it this time. What did I do?” She asked with big eyes.
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Scarlet pursed her lips again at the thought of only having her daughter for close companionship, in a way the villain was extremely lonely but she too wanted nothing but Amber because the two of them were a team and Scarlet had been so deprived of actual motherhood for so long. The blondes scour expression fell upon Jo and she almost hissed at her “You're just being irritating” she said quickly, refusing to give into the other and let her know what was really bothering her. Scarlet Spyre didn’t feel things...Not at all?
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thelegend-enigmax · 6 years
“I can get a bit singleminded when I’m working on something.” Jo admitted. She said it like it was a fact, it was one of those things where she was pretty sure she shouldn’t let her brain in on the innuendos she was making otherwise she’d end up losing it. Jo didn’t much consider herself sexy. She liked flirting but never really thought it had much affect past just being funny to her and those around her. Jo knew she should be afraid of the angry and hard look and she shivered a bit, she really did, she just also giggled. “Oh that’s a wicked look! You’re good at that.” Jo complimented beaming at her. “Sorry you’re right mad at me. See I’m doing it again. I’m a mess.” She huffed. “Wouldn’t dream of it.” She assured smiling and hesitated “But that does sound a bit… lonely. Being enemies with everyone, you don’t have someone to just, have a cuppa and a biscuit with? Cause biscuits are great and should be enjoyed with company.” She said feeling a heartwrenching sadness for this woman. “I mean you’ll try but it’ll be a fun time trying right?”
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“Can’t we all” Scarlet said after a moment, she then narrowed her eyes slightly as the blonde only seemed to get caught up in her thoughts, the fact the other woman was contemplating words at least showed that she had two brain cells to rub together at times. “You need to stop” she warned, raising her finger as if she were training a dog, hoping that it would eventually begin to sink in. “I have one person who I can do all of that with, they are the only person I need to do that with” The woman then snapped quickly, her mind casting to the daughter whose life that she had missed out on for so long “It could well be” she then ground her teeth a little as she tried not to keep her mind on that fact it almost seemed like JO was beginning to pity her, there was nothing more that Scarlet hated than pity.
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thelegend-enigmax · 6 years
It felt like Amber’s world locked back into place hearing she would be coming home. Amber’s life had been chaos since her mother had been ripped from her. She had stability and purpose and she knew where she was going so it wasn’t like she was some lost 20 something with no life path or goals. But it was the bubbling of chaos that only settled when she finally had that life back. “I’m trying to make friends with a few of those disgusting heroes. Some are easier than others but I have my sights set on one.” She explained “I’m going to get her to lead me to all those people who took you away from me.” She explained the plan she’d been concocting over the past few months and nodded “I mean seriously they call it a union. What is this the 1970s?” She pointed out mocking the organization. “I’m always right, I get it from my mom.”
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“You’ll have to let me know which one, as I still have people in my darker parts of the world who can tell me little facts about people, dig up on the interests and what makes them tick” she mused “Ooh, you’re making my heart swell with pride for how evil of a little thing you are, you remind me of when I was your age, so it’a lall extremely heartwarming for me” She chuckled, playfully pinching the girls cheek and giving a playful pout of her lips before snickering. “Ugh, don’t even get me started, it sounds like it fell out of a poorly written comic by a ten year old” she mused. “Damn right you do”
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thelegend-enigmax · 6 years
Jo smirked “Ya never really know. I could be worth it. I’ve got a very talented mouth.” Jo popped out without thinking and covered her mouth with her hand. “Damn I was going to be good.” she hissed to herself and looked up curiously at the woman’s description. “Yeah… super hate you. Like doubble extra hate. Super extra massive hate.” Jo was pretty sure she was more trying to convince herself cause she was sure the other woman could easily see through that giant crock of shite. “I think I’m supposed to be repulsed by that… pretty sure that’s not supposed to sound nice right? Like, a normal person wouldn’t want that? I think.” She was supposed to want to fight this woman. She was supposed to hate this woman. Granted she didn’t have the best past, to begin with; so who was she to talk or judge? She swallowed “So Umm…. Enemies then?” She offered a hand. “I’ll be a good one I swear.” She joked a bit.
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“If you can keep it focused on something other than inane chatter, you just might” she scoffed, giving a more playful eye roll since the very notion did amuse her, she had to admit. “I had thought so, quite a phrasing that I am used to” she murmured, her arms then folding tightly as she continued staring at her with her hard gaze that could make paint strip from the walls. “I can stand to be enemies, then again I am enemies with everyone, so don’t get too excited about it like you are getting some form of preferential treatment” she joked herself. “It means that I’ll have to kill you someday”
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thelegend-enigmax · 6 years
Amber smiled so glad her mother’s plans were working out. It was good because Amber knew all too well that what was good for her mother was good for her. She was quite sure that her mom was the only person who would look out for her but she would do the same for her. Amber beamed hearing she had a place. “Good! Ok great. I would love to come home.” She said leaning into her mom’s hold and hugging her back. “Sounds perfect! I’ve been working on finding a hero or two to get me close to where I need to be. I was hoping to be further along but I’m really close to her.” Amber said sure her mother would understand who she was talking about. Amber had dedicated her late teens all the way up until now to finding and destroying the woman who had ripped her family apart and sent her mother away from her. She had every intention of returning the favor ten fold. “No one messes with a Spyre.” She added brightly with a smile.
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“Well, I want you nowhere else but home, so home you shall come” The villain said softly, her tone soft for the girl and only her.  “Which one is that you are close to?” she wondered, giving an almost purr in her tone as her eyes flashed at the very thought that Amber was getting to be so much like her, the woman was incredibly proud and felt her heart warm. Scarlet considered the options that they held “Get closer to her, then we can learn the secrets we need to to bring down that ridiculous Union” she then gave a grin “You’re damn right, kiddo.” she snickered.
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thelegend-enigmax · 6 years
Jo shrugged and smirked a bit enjoying the look on the woman’s face as well. “I know I’m an idiot sometimes but even I know better than to say certain things no matter how attractive the person in.” She said shrugging smirking. “I’m a bit of work.” She agreed with a smirk and tilted her head and laughing at the teasing. It was actually fun. She loved when someone dished out to her, she could take it as long as the person could take it in return and she was very sure that Scarlet could take it or at least that Jo would end up taking the brunt of what she couldn’t take and Jo wasn’t entirely sure she’d mind getting in trouble from Scarlet. “So does that mean you don’t totally hate me because that would be great.” She said smirking.
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The blonde kept her eyebrow arched before she then chuckled it off “Too much for me to ever actively try with, I’d get frustrated and end up snapping your neck” She said simply, looking her up and down curiously “No no, I most certainly hate you, I’d probably have my fun hanging you upside down from the Statue of Liberty than fucking you, although if I could add the option of making you wear a gag-” she trailed off, as if caught in the thought for a moment.
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thelegend-enigmax · 6 years
Amber preened at her mother’s words and smiled a bit thinking of being back in her old room. Them having their old life. “So it’s nice an big then!” She said smiling. “Do you want any company?” She asked hopefully. “I totally understand if not.” She added quickly. She smiled at her mom. “I know, I do too.” She agreed and her smile grew with a touch of malicious intent as her mother made her promise. “I would love to! I’d love nothing more!” She agreed.
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“It is indeed, It’s all come together rather wll” she mused, before she then nodded “Of course I do, I want to be close to my only chicken” she chuckled and then wrapped an arm around the girls shoulders, pulling her against her. “We’ll have fun, like the old times should have been, we’ll commit some murder, some torture and then make pancakes for breakfast on weekends” she smirked, looking down at her “Yes?”
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thelegend-enigmax · 6 years
“I mean you’re probably right.” She agreed. “I’m sure there’s something out there that isn’t though right?” She pointed out thinking over traits that weren’t but nothing came to mind. “Really? Just talking?” She asked smirking. So it was just her luck that she was annoying. “Damn I need to get a better personality.” Jo joked. It wasn’t totally wrong though. The woman was gorgeous and a famous villain and really impressive in person “Although I mean– nope.” Jo said stopping her mouth and her brain at once with the quip she was about to pop out. She pulled her lips in and bit on them forcing them to stop moving physically before she said what her brain was thinking which would either be brilliant or REALLY piss Scarlet off and while she normally just would she figured that particular conversation she shouldn’t follow.
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“Perhaps so” she mused, her eyes then narrowing slightly as she watched the woman, a smirk almost appearing on her lips when the other seemed to get more quiet following what she had just been told “Did someone just learn an appropriate moment to keep their mouth shut? My my, it would appear that you CAN be trained, how extremely interesting as a development for you” she teased, prodding the womans shoulder as she spoke.
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thelegend-enigmax · 6 years
Amber couldn’t help the feeling of pride she got from making her mom smile. With anyone else she was this cold and imposing person demanding the respect she was owed and unafraid to show how dangerous she could be. Every time she went to see her mom she had felt like a little girl desperately wanting her mom to be proud of her. Seeing her here was no different. “I think that would be great!” she said brightly. “I would love that.” She admitted. “I’d like to see them try to get me.” She insisted proudly and smiled. “But I promise to be careful not to get caught.” she assured brightly. She looked hopeful to her mom and hesitated. “Really? An apartment?” She asked smiling. “Is it… big? I mean there’s probably not a lot of room right?” She asked not sure how to ask if she could move in with her mom. If she could go and have a home.
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“I have nothing but complete faith in you, dear. But of course, I made sure to get my old apartment back and the woman who owned it just had to go” she mused. The blonde then took a soft sigh “You know I wish things could have been different for us, Amber...” she said gently, before pursing her lips “I’m going to kill the hero that put me away and had us separated for so long, that’s a promise to you- as your mother and as an angered woman” she reassured. “You could always help me with doing so, some mother and daughter bonding?” she offered, wanting Gia dead.
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thelegend-enigmax · 6 years
“Cause it’s also a liability.” She shrugged. Jo was pretty well acquainted with liabilities. She had her own and she knew it and she really wasn’t one to talk. “Also it clearly doesn’t work all the time.” She pointed out and shrugged “I’m really good at ducking and really lucky?” She suggested. Really it was because usually she’d just blow something up or shock someone and run away. There had only really been one time that hadn’t worked. “Actually I’m pretty nice usually.” She shrugged “I just really like pissing people off when it’s easy.” She admitted. 
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“That could be said for everything” The ex villain pointed out “It’s not easy to piss me off, I just can’t stand when someone is talkative and I-” she then growled, okay so the other had a way of easily getting under her skin and it made her purse her lips into a fine thing “Had you not been all mouth, I’d actually find your attractive” she then admitted after a moment “BUt as soon as you open you mouth, any thought like that leaves as fast as it entered.”
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thelegend-enigmax · 6 years
Jo blinked. Had she really missed it? That was the nice thing about talking too much she supposed. No one actually listened to you they just heard a bunch of words. “Well yeah I mean sometimes.” She shrugged hesitantly. She was going to move slowly this time. She didn’t know what it would catch up or if the woman would realize it. “You’ve got a short temper.” She observed simply “You should work on that.” She added mostly because if she kept Enigma’s focus on herself she wouldn’t think about Jo having admitted to having powers.
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“And just why should I work on that? It keeps those I don’t want near me away from me, just how I like it to be...” The woman said simply as if it were common knowledge “How do you still have teeth? Are you like this with all people you speak to, because you definitely should have been punched more if so” she said simply, she then narrowed her eyes, having not missed the admission of powers. But being mingled in with powered people for 15 years in prison had made her almost immune to any kind of shock from it anymore.
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thelegend-enigmax · 6 years
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thelegend-enigmax · 6 years
“Perfect surprise!” She agreed nodding. Amber had missed her mother more than anything. She had gone to visit her any time she could be there was a difference between living with your real family and seeing them from visitation behind bars. She leaned into her mom’s hand. She loved her curls, straight from her mothers’ side of the family she considered them one of her best features. “You’re so right! Reasonable is boring.” She agreed brightly standing tall and looking proud under her mother’s eyes. “Gotta keep the family traditions alive.” She said refusing to concentrate on growing and how much she’d done without her family. “So what now? I’m living in the Barracks but are you going back there or…?” She asked. She wanted to have a home for them just like they had when she was little.
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Scarlet chuckled, there was something about her baby girl that made her forget all the shitty aspects of her life, just seeing the girl always made her feel war inside. “At least we can start being a proper family again.” she murmured, before chuckling at her words “Well, as long as you’re careful with it, though if anyone dared to try and imprision you I’d destroy the place.” she mused. The curly haired woman shook her head “I can’t go back just yet, I’m not sure I’m able to fall in line with who is running the place....I have a little apartment I....Acquired” she mused.
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