“The sea is everything. It covers seven tenths of the globe . . . The sea is only a receptacle for all the prodigious, supernatural things that exist inside it. It is only movement and love; it is the living infinite.”
-Anthony Doerr, All The Light We Cannot See
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“She felt like the fox that had managed to outrun the snarling hounds and had gone to earth, crouched in the cold, cramped darkness, sensing it was safe as long as it didn’t move a muscle.”
- Iona Grey, The Glittering Hour
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“Fear and frailty hidden behind a dazzling smile”
-Iona Grey, The Glittering Hour
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“The sharp-edged fragments of herself, her armor against the world, had been dismantled, piece by piece.”
-Iona Grey, The Glittering Hour
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“She wanted to forget that their paradise was a fool’s one, and all this bliss only borrowed”
-Iona Grey, The Glittering Hour
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“Note that the word “Sapiens” itself is the present participle— indicating unfolding in the present moment— of the Latin verb sapere, to know, to taste, to perceive, to be wise. We are the knowing knowing species. We are the species that has the capacity to know and to know that we know, in other words, to be wise, to have a meta perspective, to be aware of being aware—or so we name ourselves, tellingly.”
-Jon Kabot-Zinn, Coming to our senses
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“And he would feel pity for the naïve fool he was then, on that night when the stars swam in puddles of molten silver and they danced in the empty streets and anything seemed possible.”
-Iona Grey, The Glittering Hour
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“His voice had darkness in it that hovered close to the ground, like a mist hanging over a lake deep in a forest at dusk.” -M.J. Rose, The Witch of Painted Sorrows
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“Passion, for better or worse. It can keep a soul alive even if all that survives is a shimmering. I’ve seen it. I’ve bathed in it I’ve been changed by it.” - M.J. Rose, The Witch Of Painted Sorrows
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“The sun and its cruelty.
How it’s kept its distance and kept us alive.
Not needing to know anything about what we do
with the rest of desire”
-Alex Dimitrov, August
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“The next morning was gray and much more typical of early autumn. All I wanted to do was cocoon myself in layers of sweaters and stay in my rooms.”
-Deborah Harkness
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“Mushrooms were the roses in the garden of that unseen world, because the real mushroom plant was underground. The parts you could see - what most people called a mushroom - was just a brief apparition. A cloud flower.”
-Margaret Atwood
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“One must learn to find the solitude within wherever or with whomever he may be”
-Meister Eckhart, From Whom God Hid Nothing
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“I say, put off your creature; it is easy to shed the creature, for this is a labor of love and the greater the pain the greater the joy.”
-Meister Eckhart, From Whom God Hid Nothing
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“But he ought with his twin powers, intellect and will, to be forever hoisting himself up and seizing, at the summit, his very best therein and guarding himself against evils of all kinds, subjective and objective; thus he never misses anything but is always making first-rate progress.”
-Meister Eckhart, From Whom God Hid Nothing
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“I was bewildered in heart and mind; I was deficient in the certainty the others seemed to have.”
-Andrew Davidson, The Gargoyle
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“Because, that is what God is— a circle whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere.”
-Andrew Davidson, The Gargoyle
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