thelighttrain-blog · 7 years
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thelighttrain-blog · 7 years
"Grace sanctifies. It is too wild to let us stay in love with unrighteousness. Too free to leave us in slavery to sin. Too untamed to let our lusts go unconquered. Grace’s power is too uninhibited to not unleash us for the happiness of true holiness." "Grace abounds not through our continuing in sin, but through our Spirit-empowered, ongoing liberation (Rom. 6:1). Grace is too strong to leave us passive, too potent to let us wallow in the mire of our sins and weaknesses. “My grace is sufficient for you,”Jesus says, “for my power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Cor. 12:9)."
Excerpts from Page 23, (Habits of Grace - Enjoying Jesus through the Spiritual Disciplines) by David Mathis
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thelighttrain-blog · 7 years
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"God almighty, by his grace and by his Spirit, does not leave us to ourselves when it comes to enjoying Jesus. He helps us. He does not say, “Delight yourself in the Lord” (Ps. 37:4), and then merely stand back and watch to see if we can. He makes a covenant with us and says, “I will put my Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes” (Ezek. 36:27). He causes what he commands. Enjoying Jesus is not optional. It is a duty. But it is also a gift—spiritual and gracious. The Bible does not say, “God is at work in you to bring about his good purposes, therefore stay in bed.” It says, “Work out your salvation, because God is at work in you” (see Phil. 2:1213). God’s work does not make our work unnecessary; it makes it possible. “I worked harder than any of them, though it was not I, but the grace of God that is with me” (1 Cor. 15:10). Grace does not just pardon our failures; it empowers our successes—like successfully enjoying Jesus more than life." - John Piper (Foreward, Habits of Grace by David Mathis)
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thelighttrain-blog · 7 years
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Yesterday for the very first time, I heard the name “Chester Bennington” when my dear friend Seun Akappo rang me up. I got to learn that Chester died by committing suicide. Very tragic. Although I did not know his name, I was once addicted to the music Linkin Park produced. All it takes is a trip down memory lane to remember how I had songs like ‘Somewhere I belong’, ‘It’s Easier To Run’, ‘Breaking The Habit’, ‘In The End’, ‘Crawling’, ‘From The Inside’ and ‘What I’ve Done’ on repeat. Reflecting on the death of Chester, I can’t help but hear the words he once sang: “I tried so hard And got so far But in the end It doesn't even matter I had to fall To lose it all But in the end It doesn't even matter”. Heart wrenching. Regardless of what he meant when he sang those words, I can’t help but see them within the context of his death now. I think the saddest thing about Chester’s death is the question: where will he spend eternity? Chester was a beautifully gifted musical creature. He enjoyed a great deal of success and popularity and got to live ‘his dream’. But the important question now is where he will live his reality. The sad death of Chester gives us all, Christians and non-Christians alike, another sad but necessary pause to reflect on what really matters ‘in the end’. I can only imagine how many times Chester braved the storm and overcame the urge to end his life. All the things which had previously helped him overcome, failed in this particular instance. In Jesus there is an assurance of a certain kind of peace; the peace of God which transcends all understanding. It can only be found in Jesus Christ and its purpose is to guard our hearts and minds (Philippians 4:7). I would go as far as saying that what Chester needed above anything else to avoid this tragedy, was the peace of God at that very moment. God’s peace would have transcended his despair and decision to end his life. Stop at nothing to be used by God, to reach the Christians and non-Christians you know. It could be through your prayers, persistent preaching of the gospel or living an exemplary life. They need to know what a friend we have in Jesus. How I wish that all humanity would yearn for Jesus. That we would all embrace the words of this song: “And when I am alone Oh, and when I am alone And when I am alone, Give me Jesus. And when I come to die, Oh, and when I come to die And when I come to die Give me Jesus. You can have all this world But give me Jesus”. ------------- Post written by: Sonsare Zabadi Image source: rollingstone.com Original writer of 'Give Me Jesus' unknown, but was African-American who was most likely a slave. Here’s a nice article about the song: https://hymnsinmyheart.wordpress.com/2011/03/30/give-me-jesus/
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thelighttrain-blog · 7 years
Trusting in Jesus. He’s got me so securely.
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thelighttrain-blog · 7 years
Don’t finish structuring your life and then sprinkle Jesus on top. He’s the cornerstone. Strip everything away and start with Him.
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thelighttrain-blog · 7 years
The things I used to do, I do no more.
I was weak, but in Christ, I have been made strong.
My mind was restless, looking outwardly to the ever-changing world we live in, Now I find peace within, in Jesus who was the same, still is the same and will never change. My feet rests firmly on the solid rock, I am grateful for his love and grace.
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thelighttrain-blog · 7 years
The most overlooked ministry opportunity is to be dependable, honest, hard working, and the best in the workforce at your normal job. Everyone wants to do great things for the Lord but so few are willing to do small things.
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thelighttrain-blog · 7 years
I wondered if that was why God hated sin, because of the destruction it caused. For a moment I felt awe for a God who loved me enough to hate the things that hurt me without hating me for causing them.
Susan E. Isaacs (via everfleeting)
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thelighttrain-blog · 7 years
Practice what you post.
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thelighttrain-blog · 7 years
Stop feeding the sin that’s choking the Christ out of you.
31Women (via 31women)
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thelighttrain-blog · 7 years
Our problem is not that we chase satisfaction, but that we’re too easily satisfied. We settle for the world when God offers himself.
Tyler Woodke (via breanna-lynn)
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thelighttrain-blog · 7 years
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Jesus-centered Tumblr accounts? Keep them coming!
Picture Xavier’s excitement, at the discovery of a new mutant on the radar and the urgency with which he tries to reach them. I am like Xavier and Jesus-centered Tumblr accounts are like new mutants. I crave the good company they bring and the excitement which comes when I find others like me; anomalies in this dark world whose hearts have accepted the best gift the world was ever offered - Jesus.
I think this is my first blog post; covers face. I have been leeching off the goodness of the wonderful persons I follow here on Tumblr. Its time to break the silence and tell you a little bit about myself and my journey.
I joined Tumblr, not so long ago. I can’t even remember why I joined, but I am so glad I did. Joining Tumblr was shortly preceded by a conviction in me to start taking Jesus alot more seriously than I had ever done. Although I was born into a Christian Family and attended Church all my life, I had only become aware that I had been ‘playing the part’ and not ‘living the part’. This conviction came during the second half of last year (2014).
The revolution in my heart began when I left Nigeria (my home country) for Cardiff Wales, to study for a Masters degree. A Google search of Churches in the area lead me to a wonderful church which God used to open my eyes, to the great plan he had by placing sinners saved by grace, together as a church. My church in Cardiff was overflowing with genuine concern and love. Members went through great lengths to help other members, there was an abundance of sharing and serving and God blessed this church with a pastor who is Bible/Jesus-centered and gives sound teaching as well as humble, readily available pastoral care.
Whereas in the past, I was quick to think of a building or structure when I heard the word ‘church’, I came to understand that the people are the church. ‘Where two or three gather in his name, he is there with them’. Matt. 18:20 NIV
I just want to take time out to really appreciate all of you wonderful people who I follow on Tumblr. I am so grateful to God for using you all for his glory and inspiring you to write stuff which the spirit of God in me bears witness to. It feels like I joined a church on Tumblr! It’s so beautiful how Jesus saves people and opens their eyes to see ever so clearly! In recent months, God has drawn me closer to himself and given me a thirst for righteousness. I am glad that he has used each of you to contribute to satisfying my thirst.
May Jesus continue to be with each of you, restore to you the joy of his salvation each day and renew a right spirit within you. This is my prayer for myself everyday. Keep your fires burning for our wonderful Lord and Saviour!
You are the light of the world - - like a city on a hilltop which cannot be hidden. matt. 5:14 NLV
God bless you all hugs
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thelighttrain-blog · 7 years
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EVERY DAY WITH J E S U S || How well do you know God? Well enough to rest you whole weight on Him? There can be no enjoyment of life as a whole, unless you learn to put your whole weight down. Some may find a type of inner fortitude using various ideological philosophies and programmes. But this world provides nothing on which we can fully rest our weight. Have you learned to ‘settle down in God’ - to trust Him so completely that no matter what happens on the surface of life the depths remain tranquil? An ocean appears turbulent when the waves are tumbling and crashing on the surface, but a few hundred feet below all is calm. Can we be like that? In God we can.
Isaiah 26:3 - You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.
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thelighttrain-blog · 7 years
I'm a Christian blog and I want to follow more blogs like mine!
Please reblog if your tumblr is a Christian blog! I promise to follow every single one of you!
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thelighttrain-blog · 7 years
What is it about Jesus that reaches out to captivate the hearts of multitudes [including Me] in the fast-moving tides of time? It is the truth that He offers what no one else can. Who else can put one hand in the hand of God and the other in the hand of a rebellious, impertinent and stubborn humanity and bring the two together? The Son of God became the Son of Man in order that the sons of men might become the sons of God. The words of Peter have been proclaimed over the centuries and must be heard today: ‘Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved’ (Acts 4:12).
Selwyn Hughes (via sonofzabadi)
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thelighttrain-blog · 7 years
You cannot wait on the Lord unless you are convinced in your heart that God keeps his word.
Ptr. Peter Tan-Chi (via ohheavenholdsme)
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