thelilacdruid · 4 years
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thelilacdruid · 4 years
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If you are still looking for face masks, I have hand-crafted Adult, Child and Bandana Style 3-layer pleated face covering masks available in my Etsy shop Mtn Mama Crafts at www.Etsy.com/shop/MtnMamaCrafts.
Half of the face coverings I make are donated to local charities, the other half are listed for sale in my Etsy shop. Available in a variety of colors.  My face masks are made of 100% cotton shell with a center layer of non-woven polypropylene. They are machine washable, dryable and re-usable. All items in my Etsy Mtn Mama Crafts shop are ready to ship. I receive supplies consistently and sew new face masks daily. Favorite my shop and you will be notified when I list new hand-crafted items.
All of my items are handmade by me in the Colorado Rocky Mountains USA. While shopping on Etsy you can ensure you are buying from American small businesses by scrolling down the left side of the screen to the Shop Location and clicking United States.
Please share. Thank you.
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thelilacdruid · 5 years
“Every action I make is spiritual.”
An affirmation for witches.
🌑 Make choices that further me spiritually: that bring me to a place I want to be spiritually, that cause good effects on the spirit.
🌘 Act in wisdom, to know how my choices will effect myself and others.
🌗 Communicate my intentions (of peace, positivity, forgiveness, etc) clearly through my actions.
🌓 To be able to say and do what I actually intent, to not be swept away in an emotion and do something I regret.
🌔 To be a source of healing for myself, and, if I have the energy, for others.
🌕 To be able to love and forgive myself, and learn as much as I can so that I can grow towards happiness and fulfillment.
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thelilacdruid · 5 years
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thelilacdruid · 5 years
Change, in and of itself, is not good or evil. But the knowledge gained from change, all knowledge, is invaluable.
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thelilacdruid · 5 years
From Discover on Google https://globalnews.ca/news/6538557/wetsuweten-protest-vancouver-intersection/
Taking a stand against the injustice toward the indigenous people of canada. #ShutDownCanada
No pipelines, no police state, Fuck the Canadian Government! Enough is enough, we need justice for the land protectors.
Please reblog, let the world know how fake Canada is.
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thelilacdruid · 5 years
The Center
At the heart of my personal Druidic practice, is a following of the natural order. A study of the processes that make up that order, and how I as well as the other things in the world around me fit into that natural order.
My meditations focus on that point more than any other. Looking at the natural processes, examine their purpose, and how they fit into that natural order. From the falling of the rain, the gusting or the wind, the melting of the snow, the falling of the leaves, and so on.
The center of my druidry is thus.
For now, at this time of year, is to focus on the changing of the season. The reawakening of the slumbering world and rebirth of nature in general. How this awakening affects me, and my body and my mind and how I in turn affect the world around me.
The Basil Druid
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thelilacdruid · 5 years
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Jeff Brenner | @jeff.n.brenner
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thelilacdruid · 5 years
No one could ever own the Earth, Moon, Sun, or the rest of the Cosmos. We are here to serve them, never to own them.
We are no greater than anything in this reality. we are equal but with different purposes, we are all connected to ensure life flourishes on Earth.
Arawn @thepeoplesdruid
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thelilacdruid · 5 years
The true priests and priestess are those with the songs of Nature on theirs lips. The true magic users are those that choose to live the way Nature intended it. The true Druid is the energy that brings balance, knowledge, and understanding, from one reality to another.
Arawn @thepeoplesdruid
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thelilacdruid · 5 years
Just a thought of the day....
Rome was and still is the most destructive civilization on the Earth. Think of the cultures, religions, traditions, and people we have lost throughout history at the hands of Rome.
North America
Along with many others. Today my thoughts and meditations are focused on those truths that have been silenced by the scourge of the negative entity called Rome.
Arawn @thepeoplesdruid
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thelilacdruid · 5 years
I cannot believe that people can't see past their noses. In my past post about Rome many people could not wrap their heads around the concept of a chain reaction through time. It is through the colonization of conquered locations by Rome that have had such a negative impact on civilizations, religions, traditions, and the people around the world.
For those that have no idea how this could happen I will make it easy and understandable: Rome sacked England, then England took on Roman laws, regulations, judicial system, and so on. England then move on in time to conquer various locations around the world with these influences and structures in place.
Therefore the many various people have experienced the negative impact that Rome was. Every past action has implications that flow through time, be them positive or negative actions and no one is impervious of the consequences, including those that blindly say I am wrong on that past post due to their short sight of time and reactions of time, thank you all that have spoken on that post you all helped me prove my point about consequences of one's actions.
Arawn @thepeoplesdruid
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thelilacdruid · 5 years
The Unseen
In oral traditions of the Druids of Gaul there is a prophecy that states "In time the truth will be revealed when unseen become seen."
Many people catch brief flickers of shadows or figures in a distance, only to find when the conscious mind investigates there is nothing and no trace of them being there. We have trained our minds not to acknowledge these figures as they don't fit in our form of Science and could open ourselves up for ridicule.
Think of the prophecy stated above, it tells us not to shut these out of our reality as we are able to learn from such interactions, the truth stated maybe quite surprising to you if you allow your mind to focus on what you cannot see with the conscious mind.
A common practice within the Druid culture is to now document such interactions, such as date, time, place, what you were doing at the time, what you saw, length of interaction, and what happened afterwards and so on. If you acknowledge the sightings this helps the mind open to what is truly there. We should all be free to talk about what we experience without fear of being deemed mentally ill. Just so you know, if you want to talk about such interactions or you are in need of help with interpretation of such interactions I am here and open to talk without judgement. As always if you have any questions I welcome them.
May peace and light be upon you always my friends.
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thelilacdruid · 5 years
We all wait in our biological mother's womb to begin the physical life. At the end of this life we return to a womb, the womb of our true Mother, our Creator. There we wait for our Spiritual life to begin.
Arawn @thepeoplesdruid
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thelilacdruid · 5 years
Decolonization, embrace the ways of your ancestors. You being here today is testimony of how strong and resilient your ancestors really were, reclaim that strength by invoking your ancestors and begin to live as you were meant to be.
Arawn @thepeoplesdruid
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thelilacdruid · 5 years
It is not human nature to be good all the time, being good is a matter of opinion. What some consider good actions, to others those same actions may be considered bad.
Never feel bad or disappointed in your actions if you know that you did what is right in your eyes. We all know what's right and what's wrong, it is etched in our Spirit.
Don't you ever allow someone else to manipulate you into doing something you know is wrong, because when this happens the individual ignores their own Spirit to follow someone else's vision.
Arawn @thepeoplesdruid
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thelilacdruid · 5 years
We must all work on creating a healthy balance between our spiritual needs and our modern reality. When one over takes the other it can feel as if you are walking against a rivers flow. Balance allows us to flow with the river allowing us to fully experience life that is beneficial to our physical and spiritual selves.
Arawn @thepeoplesdruid
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