thelillyjonsson · 6 years
There were amazing days inthe life of a mother – a toddler’s first smile or steps, the laughter of ahappy infant or the curiosity on its face. Bellamy cherished these moments,noted them down in a special bullet journal and read them when she was awayfrom her son. However, it was not a typical nostalgia kind of day: Mateo wokeup in a grumpy mood, not wanting to do anything. He did not want to go swimming;he did not want to play with his cars and blocks while she finished an article;he did not even want to walk around a park and get an ice pop. But what he didwant was to make his mom impatient and it worked out. Bellamy followed closelyGabriel’s schedule and made sure that whoever was keeping an eye on their son hadactually time and attention to give him, but it was an emergency. She managedto get a delay for her article – it was for September’s issue anyways – but shewould not have the same special treatment with her clients at the boxing club.Gabriel accepted to keep an eye on Mateo for the evening until she would getback in their suite at their hotel, in exchange she would have to make aspecial grilled cheese breakfast. The deal was sealed. 
Her boyfriend, Gabriel, was not the firstbabysitter option that came up. She could have asked Lilly for an extra eveningwith her son – their son, after all. She did not, and still wondered why. Itwould have taken five minutes to walk towards her office and watch her facelighten up at the sight of the little boy. The thing was she asked her already,too many times to the point Amy started to feel guilty. An article could bewritten over night with a mug of coffee and electronic music, but business wasbusiness and it could not wait. That made of Gabriel the practical answer toher conflict. 
The rest of the eveningwent as well as it could. Amy learned successfully a new Jiu Jitsu technique toone of her clients and they were joined with a bunch of other women who endedtheir training in a relaxing session. Drops of sweat pearled at their temples,but the smiles these women carried on their faces shot a wave of energy back inAmy’s limbs as she decided to stay on the spots mats a little longer. Gab was warnedthat training could always be extended so it was not like she was prolonging adeal without his approbation.
Amywent to her laptop she used as a DJ station and turned up the volume of herfavorite playlist: Beyoncé, Cardi B, all kinds of songs she only listenedwithin the four walls of her personal gym when she was alone. She only had tapearound her knuckles when she started punching the bag of sand again and again.It hurt, but it was a pain she enjoyed. Her attention was distracted by theshadow play against the floor – it was not just a car driving by or someonelurking through the large bay window or the open door. The shadow was toodefined to be anything she was used to. 
Formation was making the speakers vibrateas Amy flipped on her feet and caught the intruder in an arm trick, the backbeing strongly pressed against the cold wall of cement. Held up that way, itwould be hard to loosen up the grip unless the person had a combination ofkicks and feet punches that Amy ignored. 
The person did not. Lilly did not. The eyesof the brunette widened when she recognized the angelic eyes and familiar facethat was gasping for air. Bellamy jumped back and tried to mumble an apology. “I’msorry! I didn’t know it was you, at all! I’m so sorry! I thought you were athief!” She tried to justify her reaction, but she soon understood it waspointless. “What are you two doing here?” She said and pointed down at the bluebear. “Did Gabriel forget Mister Blue Paws again? He always does.” She let outa desperate sign. 
Was she happy thatit was not a thief and someone she knew? Indeed. Was she happier because amongall of the people she knew, it was Lilly? That was obvious. They had a strangefriendship – giving birth to a child that was supposed to be Lilly’s is astrange situation on its own – but a part of her was always relieved andgrateful to see her face. reminding
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“It’s quite alright.” Lilly breathed out, straightening her blouse, attempting to diffuse to the slight awkwardness — not to say the rest of their interactions weren’t slightly awkward, mostly because of Gabriel, the events that caused their meeting, and something else. Something that had caused Lilly to pull away as much as she could during the last few weeks, if only to save herself from seeing Amy. And after deciding to come by for “Mister Blue Paws”, she realized she was right in the first place. 
“It was behind my couch, the maid found it- him.” She was trying. Lilly offered the furry thing, trying to avoid touch, avoid everything, that’s what she was best at. Her cold demeanor was slightly shaken, but that wasn’t uncommon around Amy. It was something she simply dealt with. 
Glancing around the studio, her eyes flickered, finding touches of Amy throughout. “It’s nice.” She said, her eyes returning to the other woman. “The studio, I mean.” Lilly took a few steps forward, away from Amy, to look further. “I don’t think I’ve ever come to see it.” 
Her hand reached up, tucking a blonde curl behind her ear. “Are you enjoying it?” She turned back to Amy, her eyebrows raised slightly. “Not to be rude, I just don’t think I’d enjoy people - sweating, and grunting.” . 
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b r e a t h l e s s — 001
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thelillyjonsson · 6 years
b r e a t h l e s s — 001
Lilly felt her neck crane as she looked up from her computer, a rough sigh pressing through her parted lips at the pain that radiated through her spine. Her eyes wandered to a small, blue bear, left by Amy's son weeks ago, laid across her office desk, completely out of place among her papers. And it was. As was everything that had to do with Amy. Her brightness, and sweetness — well it was like a clown on Wallstreet. In a good way. In a very good way. Like a breath of fresh air. One that made Lilly more nervous than she cared to admit. 
It was out of character for her to leave for the night before she was done. But Amy had pulled her every which way from the moment she’d come into Lilly’s life. She’d almost stopped questioning it. 
The blonde found herself outside Amy’s studio before she could really catch up, her fingers wrapped gently around the soft blue bear. It felt unnatural not to knock, but Amy always seemed to hold an open door policy, and Lilly tried not to find herself even farther away from Amy’s normal. With Amy and her family, even with Gabriel, she felt like such an outsider. It was like coming to America all over again. 
As she walked in, fingers hesitantly pressing into the wood of the door, she glanced around, furrowing her eyebrows as she found an empty studio. Glanced, for a moment that is, until all the breath in her lungs was shoved out. The air was knocked out of her first, by the wall, then by the sight of Amy. Bright brown eyes. Soft skin. And every single thing that Lilly had been trying explicitly not to think about for the past month.
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“Well,” She coughed, finding herself too surprised to compose her usually icy expression. “That’s a new way to greet me.” The awkwardness in her voice was weighty, and it almost made her cringe. Her fingers tightened, reminding her of the reason she'd come here, and for the first time since she was a child, she remembered how comforting the fur of a stuffed animal could be.
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thelillyjonsson · 6 years
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thelillyjonsson · 6 years
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four years of red: favorite lyrics 
State of Grace
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thelillyjonsson · 6 years
come back, my tongue slipped, i meant  to say that i miss you even though you were never really mine
r.i.d. (inkskinned)
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thelillyjonsson · 6 years
I refuse to be loved halfway, and don’t you dare love me softly. I want love with thorns that leave scratches down my back, and kisses so searing they leave my lips burning for days.
Isabelle F.   (via clairewords)
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thelillyjonsson · 6 years
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thelillyjonsson · 6 years
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thelillyjonsson · 6 years
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