thelionguardfanmark2 · 5 years
Can Janja change? 1/?
Kion unsheathed his claws, glaring at Cheezi, who lay on the ground, shaking with fear with his ears flat on his head, refusing to make eye-contact.
The rest of the guard was keeping Janja's clan at bay, protecting the zebra that continued to run despite Ono practically begging them to stop and follow him.
Kion was just about to launch his attack on the quivering hyena when Janja leapt in front of him, growling threateningly. Kion froze. Was Janja... protecting Cheezi?
"Back off, cub." Janja growled murderously, glaring at him.
All the animals except the zebra, who soon ran off, froze too, staring at the scene.
"Janja..." Kion almost whispered, his voice soft and laced with respect.
Janja looked shocked for a second before returning to his angered expression.
"Go." Kion smiled at him gently.
Janja's eyes widened, "What?"
"Leave now." Kion growled, "Before I change my mind."
Janja stared at him for a few seconds before turning and helping Cheezi up.
"C'mon, boys." He called his clan as he ran towards the Outlands.
The Guard came and stood behind Kion, watching the hyenas disappear behind the large rocks.
"What the heck was that, Kion?!" Fuli yelled angrily.
"W-What?" Kion stuttered, breaking out of his trance and turning to look at her.
"We had them right where we wanted them! Why did you let them go?!" The cheetah snapped.
'I-" Kion started but Fuli cut him off.
"We've been working non-stop ever since you decided that we were in the Lion Guard! We could've finally beaten them and saved the PrideLands for good!" She paced as she spoke, her tone becoming more and more harsh.
"Fuli, I-I'm sorry..."
Full sighed angrily, "It's just... I need some time to cool down, Kion."
"Fuli... wait." Kion pleaded.
"I'll be back, okay?" and, just like that, she was gone
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